16-bit Jazzy
I feel like creating new pronouns for each individual who isn't okay with "he" and "she" just complicates language unnecessarily, that's all. Some societies don't even have gender, or it works differently. It's all a social construct anyway, but just taking the rules our society has given us and rolling with them seems a lot easier.
Personally, if I ship people it's because they legitimately seem interested in one another but aren't together. Like... usually I feel like the creators would have the couple in mind as a thing that would work. I don't jus pull it outta my butt.
I thought Bubbline was weird at first, personality-wise (not appearance-wise! they always look so nice together in art!). Until that music episode. Then I was like, okay. Also I think the comics about them probably encourage that pairing more, but I've only read like... a little tiny bit so idk.
Also I feel like a f*****t for talking about fictional characters in this way
xd I don't know, it's only a few more words. And it makes people feel less ostracized. As far as I know every society has gender. Some have less strict gender roles, though. And some societies even acknowledge more than two genders formally. And just rolling with it is way too traditionalist for my liking. Societies can and should adapt to the people living in them. There's really no reason why there can't be a gender spectrum and not just a binary.
I wrote a whole ******** essay on this topic, btw. XD I'm trying not to get too into this discussion because I'M REALLY TIRED but I also really like this subject. ;w;
That's totally fair. There are just so many ships on tumblr that I'm really getting sick of the whole thing. ;w; I'm gonna agree with Zeph's point about LGTB ships, though. I am so in favor it's ridiculous. Put that s**t in the canon. Aw yeah.
I still haven't watched Madoka, though. I JUST NEVER FEEL LIKE WATCHING ANIME THAT MUCH ANYMORE... That "they're just friends" thing is so true, though. People are always saying that. D:
All their episodes are so damn cute sdhgakshfgksdf. I don't know if that thing about CN not allowing so that's why they can't OFFICIALLY be together is true, but that certainly makes sense. And there was also the whole
Mathematical! thing.
Me tooooooo.
sweatdrop Ship all the Scouts, Jasmine. God damn I love Sailor Moon. ACTUAL CANON LGTB!! Ash and Misty totally belong together... D: And I don't know if the persona ships do because I haven't played them yet BUT I'LL GET BACK TO YOU.
I hope I didn't come across as anti-shipping. Tumblr is just making me sick of it.
I realize not everyone ships obsessively, but when it happens... I'm just annoyed.
Shipping produces some pretty great art though.