Why does this have to be so frustrating? Why can't simple things go without incident?
I don't ******** know, man. This is where I've been lately with everything. It seems like every ******** thing you try to do there's some stupid bullshit you have to wade through and it just makes it way harder than it should be. Want to pay your personal property tax? You have to have checks. Also it's almost $200 just to have a car, a year on top of licensing and all the other s**t that comes with a car. Just to OWN a car in this state.
Want to mail something at the post office? Get in line, get told you need some forms that we don't point out or just hand to you, fill one out, get back in line, get told where to get the other one--find out it's not there, get back in line and just start over with someone else. We have no idea when your package will arrive at its destination and we all suck c**k. Also we have no pens because everyone keeps stealing them but we'll give you one if you ask, then be shitty about you giving it back. Also we're never open.
If someone went in there and just beat the s**t out of every employee I don't think I'd mind. Not that I ever would, but god DAMN. No wonder the USPS is going out of ******** business. Get bent you old b***h.
There really is no reason 90% of bullshit can't be done online.