Will you be active in this campaign? |
30% |
[ 286 ] |
3% |
[ 34 ] |
35% |
[ 336 ] |
Wow...excitement much. Okay, I'll participate...but for goodness sakes your adrenaline is annoying! |
29% |
[ 278 ] |
Total Votes : 934 |
Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 1:02 pm
Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 2:51 am
Now all I can think of is those muppets that go "yipyipyipyipyipyip." cat_xd
Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 11:15 am
Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 5:22 pm
This event is ticking me off so freaking bad... I like the kindred game, it's amusing and a great source of gold for me. But this new area is just so terribly unbalanced... When I'm fighting something the same level as my kin, it should feel like a fair fight. Not like I'm a bunny trying to take down an eighteen wheeler. Especially when it's NORMAL kin I'm against and not the ones that are SUPPOSED to be hard like the Nyarumas and Stagonies of past areas. (I don't know the kin equivalent of them in this new area, I consistently get myself slaughtered in the first stage by -nati and ghost color kin.) And for ******** sake, I haven't used my starter kin in ages because just about anything over level five mops the floor with my poor leafkit! (And cubdrops are at least as bad, since I managed to get one a while back, they can't hit worth a damn.)
Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 3:30 pm
All I want to do is save a few favorite videos I like to go back to endlessly into a playlist so I'm not forever having to hunt for them. Apparently I'm not allowed to do that without making a full channel. Seriously? ******** seriously? ALL I WANT IS A PLAYLIST THAT NO ONE ELSE WILL EVER SEE, SCREW YOU, GOOGLE, YOU CAN'T RUN MY LIFE. *grumbles and considers how it might be possible to slap a virtual page*
Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 8:09 pm
Ack, I almost missed it! The interactive fiction competition is live for voting! I've not remember it in time to judge games for a few years now, but I remembered this year! (partly because the rest of the internet I usually frequent is angering me greatly) Looks like an interesting bunch this year, I'm excited. If anyone else wants to have some zork-style fun, pop over to the IF Comp page! Just remember a flashlight, don't want to be eaten by a grue! cat_wink
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 7:41 pm
My cat is insane. When my mom woke me up at 5:45-ish in the morning to say she was leaving, and reminded me to get my brother up, my cat clearly thought it was our normal wake-up time and started to meow obnoxiously and pounced on me and bit me because she saw I wasn't getting out of bed. Then late in the afternoon, she got horribly sick, then begged me instantly for treats.
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 7:59 pm
Queen Spazzy All I want to do is save a few favorite videos I like to go back to endlessly into a playlist so I'm not forever having to hunt for them. Apparently I'm not allowed to do that without making a full channel. Seriously? ******** seriously? ALL I WANT IS A PLAYLIST THAT NO ONE ELSE WILL EVER SEE, SCREW YOU, GOOGLE, YOU CAN'T RUN MY LIFE. *grumbles and considers how it might be possible to slap a virtual page* Well I'm not sure if others can see this, but I just read up on it and there's a cool thing you can do. Take this URL and put it in a new tab: http://www.youtube.com/watch_videos?video_ids=ID1,ID2,ID3,ID4Now say you wanted to put in a few songs or something. Each video has an ID code (bolded part below). Copy that (it always starts after the "v=..." part). 30eh5gWlLs0]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30eh5gWlLs0Now where it says ID1, replace it with that code. For a second video, place a comma after the first code and place the second code directly after (where it says ID2). By the end, it should look like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch_videos?video_ids=30eh5gWlLs0,r_Ycnc4B9HE,NXayibUf0nQ,6o9-LEL9g60When you've got all the videos you want, press enter and it will take you to your new playlist. Just remember to save it so you don't have to go through all the effort again. You can add as many videos as you want, too! biggrin
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 8:55 pm
Phoenix Paladin Queen Spazzy All I want to do is save a few favorite videos I like to go back to endlessly into a playlist so I'm not forever having to hunt for them. Apparently I'm not allowed to do that without making a full channel. Seriously? ******** seriously? ALL I WANT IS A PLAYLIST THAT NO ONE ELSE WILL EVER SEE, SCREW YOU, GOOGLE, YOU CAN'T RUN MY LIFE. *grumbles and considers how it might be possible to slap a virtual page* Well I'm not sure if others can see this, but I just read up on it and there's a cool thing you can do. Take this URL and put it in a new tab: http://www.youtube.com/watch_videos?video_ids=ID1,ID2,ID3,ID4Now say you wanted to put in a few songs or something. Each video has an ID code (bolded part below). Copy that (it always starts after the "v=..." part). 30eh5gWlLs0]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30eh5gWlLs0Now where it says ID1, replace it with that code. For a second video, place a comma after the first code and place the second code directly after (where it says ID2). By the end, it should look like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch_videos?video_ids=30eh5gWlLs0,r_Ycnc4B9HE,NXayibUf0nQ,6o9-LEL9g60When you've got all the videos you want, press enter and it will take you to your new playlist. Just remember to save it so you don't have to go through all the effort again. You can add as many videos as you want, too! biggrin Ohhh, thank you! Seems kinda convoluted, but I'll give it a shot at some point. Wouldn't normally bother me, but I was in the mood for music my usual online go-to (Jango) didn't have and I couldn't get zebralizer (which would have fixed the problem easily and entirely) to work, not even after pausing my add on functionalities, boo. :c
Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 6:47 pm
I'm so nervous for tomorrow. Lately, my leg pains have been at an all-time high, and I finally went to the doctor for it. They're going to find out what the hell is wrong in just a few days. It's been overdue by a few years now (it all began in 5th grade and now I'm in 10th). But I can't even stand without pain, and I have my last two marching band competitions coming up. And they are most likely my legit last two because it's taken up so much time and I haven't hung out with my friends since early August. But the competitions are two days in a row, I play one of the biggest and heaviest bass drums, and they don't let me march when my leg is cramped. Well this one's been in cramping mode for 3 days straight now... crying crying crying
Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 5:02 am
That new book, Illuminae. It's like it's calling for me. It seems amazing, and perfect, and as they put it, it's for lovers of James Dashner and Marie Lou, who are 2 of my absolute favorite authors!!! Now to rack up 11 dollars to get it. And if not, then I'm just getting a birthday full of books because that's basically all I want this year.
Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 8:59 pm
Phoenix Paladin That new book, Illuminae. It's like it's calling for me. It seems amazing, and perfect, and as they put it, it's for lovers of James Dashner and Marie Lou, who are 2 of my absolute favorite authors!!! Now to rack up 11 dollars to get it. And if not, then I'm just getting a birthday full of books because that's basically all I want this year. ... Why not check it out from a library? It's free (assuming you remember to get it back in before it's due, haha~), and then you're not out money if it turns out it wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Nothin' wrong with birthday of books, tho'. I've given out christmas presents of nothing but books before, so it's acceptable to me. ;p And used to be that I'd get giftcards to Borders as half my presents, but then Borders closed, boo.
Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 8:08 pm
Current obsessions, Diablo III and Hyrule Warriors. So obsessed with Diablo, it's absolutely my kind of game (I get rewarded for being OCD and exploring everything? Heck yeah, I'm in!). I can't seem to get the speed run challenges no matter what I try, though, and it's really starting to peeve me something fierce... Hyrule Warriors isn't a new obsession, though, but I was angry at it for really long time, I've only picked it up again recently. The adventure mode makes me rage so much so I switched to farming heart pieces and containers for a while in free mode. Plus, it's easier to unlock weapon abilities I've been meaning to work on for a while that way. Really irritated that I can never seem to buy badge upgrades for my characters anymore, though...
Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 5:46 pm
I've been sitting on too many alchemy formulas because I don't have the items required to make them, and some of them require 10 of the same and it adds up to over 5b a lot of the time...
Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 7:07 am
delasislas I've been sitting on too many alchemy formulas because I don't have the items required to make them, and some of them require 10 of the same and it adds up to over 5b a lot of the time... I've got a bunch of alchemy caches sitting in my inventory. You can have some for your alchemy formulas if you'd like. Any specific ones you'd need? ^_^*