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Chibi Austyn

PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 7:36 pm
Suko looked up at Ethan's panicked tone.
At the mention of Mr.Puckles name , suko's eye brows drew together in a frown. "I dont know or have a clue where he is or could be but i can tell you he has won no brownie points with me after inviting Seth here," He said getting up and putting a coat on. "Im gunna stop by the nurses office though to say arigato and get some headache medicine," He said then asked," What does that even mean." He asked confusedidly walking to the door," And if i see Mr.Puckles ill tell him your looking for him."  
PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 3:39 pm
Ethan seemed upset without mr.puckels. Usually he would always take him to class so he'd have someone to talk to. Ethan grabbed his bag and put it over his shoulder and followed SUko out the door.
"Wait up i'll walk with you half way...Arigato means "Thank you" in Japanese... I know the nurse Cindy knows japanese so she'll understand."EThan explained. Ethan followed Suko towards the nurses office. He stopped him before they reached the door. Ethan grabbed Suko by the colar and pulled him down to his height; Ethan lightly kissed him on the cheek as a good bye.
"If you do spot Mr.puckles...don't bother him. You might not like him, but he is still my best friend.." Ethan whispered to Suko. Ethan let go of suko and began to walk down the hall towards his class room waving bye to suko as he left.  


Chibi Austyn

PostPosted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 3:35 pm
Suko grinned as he felt the light touch of ethans lips on his cheek and said wistfully," Dont worry i wasnt planning on touching him, beating up stuffed animals that talk isnt my style," He chuckled and then said seriouslly," Dont worry ill just tell him you where looking for him,, and to go and wait in the dorm room until you get back from your classes,' He said and smiled lightly before giving Ethan before turning to the nurses office and entering. As he did he waved slightly to the nurses and turned to shut the fdoor before saying," Ethan says arigato," He said and turned to look at her, his purples irises glimmering slighty, before he went to sit on the closest bed," Do i have to take any med.s or whatever for my injuries or has ethan and you pretty much fixed me up like new," He said with a small smile," Any thing that i have to do or info on what i should be doing would be great," He said smiling at the nurses who name was Cindy," You are Cindy right." He said to make sure  
PostPosted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 4:11 pm
"ahh hello Suko-kun. Nice to see you walking again." Nurse Cindy greeted Suko as he walked in; though she didn't spot Ethan and Suko kiss lucky.
"oh he did now? ha, what a sweet boy he is. It's nice to hear from him." The nurse smiled, she was still very young and kind. Her and Ethan had been good friends ever since Ethan enrolled into the school. Since his body was rather fragile he always found himself in her office. They have developed a good friendship over the years.
Cindy pulled back her long black,slickly hair into a pony tail and put her uniformed nurse hat on; she wasn't wearing it because she didn't expect someone to come so earlier. She was not very found of the hat.
"If you are still having some pains you can take some of these pain killers, but I'm not sure how much good they'll do you." The nurse suggested as she turned around and opened her drawer with her key and pulled out a bottle of medications.
"But i suggest you start using amulets though." The nurse also suggested handing the bottle to suko. Cindy walked to the sink and filled it half way with water then handing it to him so he can take a pill now.  



PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 10:02 am
Travis chuckled lightly, a rare grin threatening to break through. “Tempting?” He repeated.
It seemed an odd thing for him to be.
Mostly he just frightened people, or more often pissed people off.
He thought about it for a minute. He hadn’t ‘tempted’ anyone in a long while.
He dropped his hand down to her neck. His face inched closer and closer until his forehead pressed to hers.
He closed his eyes enjoying the sheer closeness, her fragrance, and the way her hair touched to his face. So close that if he inched any closer his lips would press to hers. He thought about it and he almost did but he stopped, instead he pressed his lips to her hair near her ear.

“That’s…interesting.” He replied in a low murmur indicating his thoughts were drifting away. He didn’t need to say or think anything right now and truthfully he didn’t want to.
PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 6:23 pm
There was a moment, Mayumi was positive, that Travis was going to kiss her..
Instead his lips pressed to her hair by her ear. Her bottom lip quivered, and she bit it; holding herself back.

A smile spread across her face.
Interesting? Mayumi laughed softly.
"Travis," She loved hearing his name. Clearly she already had his attention.
"You know, you are very cute. I don't see how anyone wouldn't be attracted to you. Even if I was bound to you, I'd still think you're hot." Mayumi said, holding back a laugh.

That closeness of his lips.. Mayumi longed for it happen again. And for him to really kiss her.


Chibi Austyn

PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 7:27 pm
Suko looked at her face as she put on her hat and could tell she didnt much like it. "No need for formalities," He said taking the glass and grimacing as he took a pill out of the bottle and putting it in his mouth before swallowing a mouthful of water to wash it down."Ethan is a nice boy, hes a couple years older then me i think , and is very friendly since i got here," He said with a small grin as he stared into the glass of water spinning the glass in his hand and watching the water swirl," So how loong have you known him?" He asked nonchalantly.  
PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 9:13 pm
Travis nuzzled his way through her hair till he found her neck. “Travis,” Mayumi called.
“Mmmayumi?” He said softly back, the name muffled a bit.

She had said things like this to him before but it still surprised him- embarrassed him.
His cheeks burned crimson. He opened his eyes.
“You don’t have to say stuff like that anymore. I don’t care. Imprinted or whatever…. it doesn’t matter.” Travis pulled back, a puzzled expression painted across his face.
Apparently he wasn’t the only one tempting here. She wasn’t even doing anything! Mayumi had kissed him a few minutes ago but that was all. After that it was all him.
“God. Kiss me and I practically jump you. What’s wrong with me?” Travis asked, his voice cracking. Running a jittery hand through his hair, he took a step away from Mayumi.

His cell buzzed in his pocket, the light shining through the fabric of his jeans.
He ignored it.



PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 9:39 pm
Mayumi took a few steps toward him, her body pressed to his. Her right hand reached up, caressing his cheek. The space he'd created was unbareable.
She smiled, her eyes fixed on his.
"I know I don't have to say things like that. But I do because I want to." She said, softly. His lips seemed to tremble.
If I... She began to think. Instead of thinking, she acted.
Mayumi's other hand reached up, both pulling him down slightly, to her level.
"Nothing is wrong with you." She whispered.
Their lips met; Mayumi kissed him like she'd really been wanting to.
After a moment, she began to pull back, her face still close to his. She wanted him to do something then, make the next move. Would he?
PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 3:04 pm
Cindy smiled but but the hat on anyways. she didnt want to get in trouble with the head nurse again.
"i actually met him quite a while ago. when i was still an intermen..Ethan was just becoming popular as a male/child model, but he was always getting sick. So as a part time job i would have to basically follow ethan to his photo shoots and make sure he was at top health. My job was over once Ethan quit modeling. It was just luck that we both ended up at this school." Cindy laughed, remembering the first day of Ethan's freshman year. "He was so scared to be in a school filled with hundreds of kids that he spent most of the day with me hiding in my office.We didn't even know we both ended up here!"

[[here is a pic of cindy if u wanna know how she looks. ignore that little guy in the background. idk why he is there. http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o97/gurl3gaara/nurse.jpg  


Chibi Austyn

PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 3:23 pm
Suko chuckled slightly trying to picture a scared Ethan walking through the halls of a highschool with Mr.Puckles clamped in his hands whcih made him think to ask,' hey by any chance, seeing as how you know Etahn so well, you must know Mr.Puckles," He said convidently," Well currently Ethan misplaced him and we can't find him so if you see him would you please make sure to bring him to Either me or Ethan," He said smiling with his head cocked slightly to the side," Okay." He said and then stood to stretch, and then felt a pain lance up his legs, and through his back and fell back onto the bed," This...is gunna ake for ever to heal." He muttered to himself  
PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 6:36 pm
"oh of course i know mr.puckels! It's so cute how Ethan still carries a stuffed animal around like a child." Cindy smiled blushing.
"I actually did find Mr.Puckles.. he's here in the drawer. I found him outside the boys dorm room so i thought I'd hold on to him until i found you or Ethan" Cindy explained as she went to she desk drawer and opened it pulling out the toy. Mr.Puckles looks strangely lifeless. She placed him on top of her desk.
"Please lay down face down, Suko-kun. I'd like to examine your back" Cindy helped him to lay down on the bed. But first she took off Suko's shirt before she laid him down. She folded the shirt up and placed it on the chair next to the bed. Cindy slipped on some gloves and looked at his back,
"Hmm.. these are strange cuts...it seems like these will take some time to heal up. i dont suggest going to class today, but tomorrow you should be well enough to be able the sit down and learn."Cindy said smiling kinda joking since all you do in class is really sit down.
"but i can write a note for you if you have a classes that requires physical movement." Cindy walked over to her desk and came back holding a clear bottle on a watery liquid. she opened the bottle and poured a little onto suko's back. she started rubbing the liquid over his back,
"This is a mixture of nector of several herbs. they should help your skin grow faster and help any sore muscles or bones." Cindy rubbed it all over his back, lower back, and shoulders with her gloves on at first. but the rubber was starting to get sticky and uncomfortable so she took them off and started rubbing his back with her soft delegate hands.
"is there anywhere else hurting that you would like me to rub Suko-kun?" Cindy smiled still massaging him gently.  


Chibi Austyn

PostPosted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 3:35 pm
Suko was surprised that she had found Mr.Puckles and looked at the appearingly lifeless doll before she made him lay down . He shivered as he felt the liquid touch his back, because it was actually very cold.He felt her spreading it aorund his back and closed his eyes because it felt good. She asked if he wanted her to rub anywhere else and he shook his head slightly say,'; No this is fine," before drifting off into a light sleep. Somewhere in his head he heard the distant ring of a bell but couldn't react to it. Classes where changing an dhe hoped ethan would stop by so that he could grab Mr.Puckles foor his next class, but right now staying right here and sleeping seemed like the best choice.

(( lol aniki it seems like the nurse is trying to seduce suko lmao XDDDDDDDDD))  
PostPosted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 1:54 pm
[[lol who knows ;DDDD LOJK<3]]
Cindy smiled, "alright then. you can just rest here if you'd like." Cindy walked over to the sink and washed the access liquid off her hands in the sink. When she noticed that Suko had fallen asleep she just went to her desk and worked on some paper work.
Some time later the first bell rang; meaning first block was over. Nurse Cindy noticed kids walk by her office just passing by to get to there next class. She went back to work on her paper work, sighing. Someone lightly knocked on the open door. Cindy looked up to see Ethan at the door.
"Oh, Hello Ethna-kun!" She smiled and stood up from her chair. She walked over to greet Ethan,
"Suko-Kun has fallen asleep. Probably just from the lack of rest. " She announced to him before he could even ask how he was.
"oh..Should i come stop by later then?" Ethan mumbled a little disappointed.
"If you like. I'm sure he'll wake up soon." The nurse tried to reassure Ethan that he was fine.
"Oh i also found Mr.Puckles, dear!" She gasped just remembering Ethans toy.
Ethan had a huge smile on his face,
"Thank you Sensei!" Ethan said she handed mr.puckels to him. Ethan
gave her a friendly hug as a thank you.  


Chibi Austyn

PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 1:29 pm
Suko woke to the sound of voices nearby, aand one of them sounded familiar. He opened one eye slightly and saw ethan standing next to his bed talking to Nurse Cindy and then hugged her because she had found Mr.Puckles. He laughed a soft quiet laugh and reached out to tug on ethan's sleeve," You...should be going," He stopped to take a small breath," To class Mr. or else you'll be later ," He said with a grin and looke dup at ethan  
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