I was never involved in an accident but I know people who were, and I've seen some.

I don't really know when (before or after) but I was in the hospital with my mom because I was just born the day before, so of course I'd be in the hospital rolleyes Anyway, my dad has been known to fall asleep at the wheel, and this one time he was on his way to see me at the hospital I believe (I don't really know the details). So he was falling in and out of sleep and his car swerved and slammed into a telephone pole. And when I say slammed i mean to the point where the front was totally crunched to front seats. But not where my dad was totally pinned.

Some people driving past saw and called for help. They had to airlift my dad to a hospital because he had a major concussion and a few broken bones, he was in really bad shape. They had to do surgery on him because of something to do with his head. Of course I don't remember anything with me only being a few days old, but my parents said that when I was brought for a visit he almost dropped me, but caught me by the foot.

Thinking about it I get a little sad knowing that he was close to dying. And I'm very lucky that he survived unlike a lot of kids who lose their parents in accidents and such. He's okay now though, no brain damage, no major injuries. But his toenails got some kind of infection and that's about it. I always make sure to watch him now so he doesn't fall asleep, and he makes sure to drink coffee and play loud music when driving at night.