Chapter 36 was a good chapter. Though, the pureblood line being kept pure by intermarriage between siblings is understandable, even if a bit... weird to say the least. Maybe its just my opinion, but I think Yuki and Zero are going to go through the same thing Shizuka Hiou did.
Ok, a longgg time ago, Shizuka was lovers with a vampire that was a former human. And he was put on the Vampire Hunter's List, even though he was not Level E yet. Sound familiar? Probably it's going to happen to Zero too.
And I got mad when I thought of that. If Zero dies, I'm going to be so pissed... scream ZeroXYuki all the way. Psh, or maybe the same thing will replay itself, but maybe Yuki or Kaname (yeah right...) will save him. I wonder. I really want to read Chapter 37 though, just to see what happens between Zero and Yuki.
I like Yuki with long hair. It's kinda refreshing in a beautiful way. But I kind of miss her old hair too.