Todays Tomorrow
I love playing the viola because it is very unique and has a clef that it shares with only one other instrument. Please tell me other people play the viola! There's so few and far between of us today. It makes me sad.
Don't you hate it when people ask what a viola is? It makes me feel so insignificant next to the violins or cellos. Just saying...
hey there, i've been playing viola close to 14 years. i love playing it as well mostly in orchestra's and chamber ensemble settings. my favorite composer is atonin dvorak. he KNEW how to write themes for viola in orchestra. i mean take "New World Symphony", awesome viola lines in that piece.
yea, when people have seen me carrying my case around in the city i get asked if its a trombone or sax that i have in the case, then i tell 'em its a viola then they get this confused/dissappointed look on their face