Rainbowfied Mouse
To be quite frank, I am liberal, I have nothing against Fox News, and to be honest, conservatives would love to get rid of liberal media just as badly.

we don't want to get rid of liberal media, we just want them admit their bias.

I'm anything but politically correct... and I know more than enough liberals that are not. And, the liberals say the same thing about Conservatives, only they replace 'politically correct' with 'christian'...

what I find amusing about that is there are a lot of conservative republicans who aren't christians, some don't even have a particular belief.

Really, while I'll admit to being a bit bitter towards nut-job liberals, I also understand that most liberal and conservatives all want the samething. We all want peace, freedom, a healthy environment and security- where we differ is method.
And its sad that both sides are constantly blaming and fighting each other. Liberals do have some good ideas and conservatives also have some good ideas. I think we ought to look at liberal ideas and use conservative means to impliment them.
Also, I will also admit to being bitter at conservative nut-jobs, or one way to put it, groups that pull the conservatives down- groups like the KKK and that gay-hating church (I forgot their name).

I 100% agree... both sides are looking for the same thing, just each are taking a different route to get there.