21. It opens up the door to all kinds of other temptations.
Oh s**t, you're right. Pretty soon I'll want to do this stuff while in a loving relationship. Somebody please stop me.
22. It gives money to those making it.
Download it, then.
23. It's emotionally and physically destructive to those involved (or often trapped) in the making of porn
Again, another one I semi-agree with. But again, that's not always the case.
24. you can get computer virsus' from it
Idk, better firewall maybe?
25. You can get arrested for looking at some of the bad stuff. Yucky.
And the bad stuff is only illegal because it breaks consent laws.
26. We are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses - Hebrews 12:1
We are surround by a great cloud of fail and bullshit. - Lord of Armageddon 24:9001
27. God has so much better stuffed for us
You're right. Porn is so naughty I quited looking at it.
28. It destroys your credibility.
Let's fire 90% of the workforce then.
29. it leads you to believe that it is your only way of coping with anything.
I have plenty of other coping methods. Video games, music, swimming, SCUBA diving, walking to the beach, vodka...
30. you go to bed late and are tired
That's not porn. That's TV Tropes.