"GO TRAPINCH!!" Sam tosses his pokeball and his pokemon materializes out of an explosion of light. Trapinch pounces into a fighting stance. Resting on the branch of a rather large tree in the middle of a clearing sits an Abra. User Image The little Abra tilts its head and stares at Sam curiously; it wonders why it didn’t notice him earlier. “Take it out with a sand attack, Trapinch!” Trapinch kicks up a pile of dirt, causing the psychic pokemon to stumble out of the tree. It tries to stand up and teleport away but surprisingly its powers will not work; Trapinch has a special arena trap ability that stops any foe pokemon from escaping a fight with him. “Alright now bite him down,” Trapinch leaps forward clomping down on Abra, weakening it and pinning it to the ground. Sam quickly throws a readied pokeball into the air, followed by the Abra getting sucked into the ball. The ball wobbles and glows red as the pokemon attempts to escape but eventually fails. Sam retrieves the pokeball and places it in his pack. “Great catch Trapinch, a flawless job,” Trapinch shows a grin of appreciation, “now let’s back to Pewter City and send this pokeball to the lab.” After a few weeks of the scientist’s thorough testing and tracking of the psychic type Abra, known for its intense strength of psychic moves and the ability to teleport, it will be released back into its home where it belongs. Sam has been using the same large tree in the clearing as a prime place to catch pokemon, it is the largest tree in the whole forest after all. Psychic pokemon sometimes use radio telepathy to beware themselves of danger, so Sam had wondered if an electronic radio signal jammer he found in his grandpa’s attic would work for getting him close to an Abra undetected, and what a success that turned out to be. Sam has only just begun his adventure to study the wonderful species’ of pokemon, and this is only his third pokemon he has caught in the wild. The lab will certainly be impressed by todays catch.
Sam clicks Trapinch back into his pokeball and turns to begin his hike back to Pewter City