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Vice Captain


PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 7:33 am
Luke accepted the bottle with an offer of thanks in reply, not sure what to think of the whole alcohol debate. He was aware that there were laws in place prohibiting its consumption before a certain age, but he'd never taken any personal interest in them. All the alcohol he'd ever encountered stank like nothing he'd ever want to willingly ingest; besides, for a long time now he'd been prescribed to medicines that warned against taking with alcohol.

Speaking of such medicines, he removed the little bottle from his pocket, happy to see the lid was still safely in place, and removed a pair of the plain white tablets, washing them back with a sip from the bottle of water. His attention fell to the Jirachi as she was addressed and as she responded, and he couldn't help but think she seemed to be acting a little strangely compared to usual.

"You sure you're okay?" he asked, assuming that her earlier lack of response to Nicolette might have been a passive positive. "Are you tired? You can rest if you want to." That was why they were here, after all.  
PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 12:40 pm
"Thanks, uh, Ray." Lin nodded, amending the name, removing the formality, as requested, as he took the water. "Jeeves and I have been together a long time... The others, I've just kind of met, around Sandalwood..." He shrugged, he didn't see the bond as anything particularly unusual- Jeeves, Moriko... Friends he had from the trees... Gregson was newest, an accidental capture, and yet, the little pokémon just seemed to like him.

"Uh, I don't mind. Jeeves?" The Snivy looked up, then gave a slight nod and lifted the egg toward Ray. Apparently he didn't mind either.

"I have talked to her a little but... only a little." Jeeves admitted, almost apologetically. "Honestly, I like her, but... I hadn't met talking pokémon before her..." It had been a tiny bit unnerving, but, having now met something else that could talk too, he felt like he was already getting used to the idea. He looked at the Jirachi for a moment, then nodded thoughtfully.
"What sort of events?"  


Feral Nerd


Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 2:08 pm
Though he'd trooped back along with the others Dith had paused just outside to make a call. On hanging up he entered the building and made for the prescribed apartment. Flashing Sera a smile in the hallway - but not addressing her as she was on the phone - the big man stepped inside. "Hey guys, what did I miss?" he asked, glancing around the apartment in search of a place to sit down. All in all he was in a pretty good mood, the whole thing had gone very smoothly... but there was one problem. Ty. Where was she? He was tired though, exhausted actually and for now there wasn't any more he could do so he resolved to try to just enjoy the company of his friends and get to know the people he was less familiar with.  
PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 4:13 pm
When she was allowed to hold the egg, Ray's posture brightened, and with little hesitation took the egg into her hands, sitting down on the ground, and setting her beer next to her the women held the egg in both hands bringing it up to press her face against it
"Mmmm Its so warm." she said with a content smile "Its always so fun to think that a tiny little pokemon growing in there. I wonder what its going to be."

Pulling her face away, but cradling the egg in one arm, while the over smoothed over the warm surface gently she lifted her head to look up at Lin from where she was sitting.
"To be honest I had no idea that they talked either. I mean, I don't know who would expect it, Seeing a Legendary even on a pokemon journey is a pretty unheard of thing. I nearly s**t a brick when this one stated talking to me. Not to mention telling me what I was feeling too." she whistled. "I don't know if that's a normal Jirachi thing or not, but Its pretty amazing. Then we add another Mewtwo to the list, I'm curious if there are more, though I deeply hope not."

A moment passed as Ray squinted her eyes at Lin, letting out a breath as she considered his question. "Events falling into place, If you ever told you about what she remembered from her first thoughts. plus from where I heard Luke found her, she was told to travel north, so I would automatically assume the mountains. plus just a bunch of little stuff. HECK I had no idea if I was right or not, but it was better then sitting around doing nothing for the winter, right?"

One of Ray's wide smirks crossed over her face as the giant Dith stepped into the room, holding a hand up "Heeey big guy, nothing much, just this ADORABLE little egg."  


Supreme Roisterer


Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 4:21 pm
Again the Jirachi didn't say anything, though there was a furrowing of her brow, and a deep frown through harsher breathing as she seemed to try and struggle to find a proper answer.

Rosie watched through the struggle the jirachi seemed to be having, and with a step over to the Legendary leaned up against the wall by her
"Are you upset by what you saw?" Rosie asked, It was her best guess, seeing as it seemed to have upset her when they first got in there.

It seemed as if the Jirachi wasn't going to reply again, but after another heavy breath through her small lips the Jirachi's voice answered
"I still don't understand."  
PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 4:35 pm
Grinning in reply to Ray's smirk Dith dumped his backpack in a corner and stretched with a cavernous yawn. "Ages since I saw an egg up close," he said once he had control of his jaw again. "Not since Luna and Fathom had babies and that was...." He paused, brow furrowed, and then shrugged. "A long time ago now." And he'd lost the eevee that had been his or it had been stolen at least, the morning after he'd met Kirk. It had been a while since he'd heard from the smooth red-haired man now and he made a mental note to send him a message to check how he was.

"Oh, do I see beer?" Dith came back to reality as he noted the can in Ray's hand. "I could murder a beer, or at least cause grievous bodily harm. I'll buy you more, promise. And trust me you want to take me up on that if I have any, I both eat and drink like a..." he gestured vaguely, "a thing that eats and drinks a lot. You make your own amusing simile."  


Predestined Inquisitor


Feral Nerd

PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 5:27 pm
Something inside the egg shifted, producing a 'wet' little 'knock' from inside the shell, and then was quiet again.

Lin nodded slowly. That was a relief then, kind of. Even Ray had been surprised by the talking... He didn't feel like so much of a pathetic beginner to learn even experienced trainers found things like that to be a surprise.
Following the clues and intuition. Was that the same thing he was doing? He wasn't really sure -why- he'd finally, suddenly, decided he wanted to leave Sandalwood this year... Why he hadn't gone before, though he'd wanted to so long...
Something she said stuck out quite a lot, though.
"Another Mewtwo?" So... There was more than one of that creepy pokémon... and according to Ray, then, more than one of -that- pokémon was unusual.
"What... are they?" It was troubling him; he meant the both of them- the Mewtwo and the Jirachi. Both could talk... He was beginning to assume they might, on some level, be the same, though while the Jirachi unnerved him slightly, the Mewtwo was... scary.

He raised a hand, good naturedly, in greeting to the big Russian, but was back to being thoughtfully silent for a moment.

Jeeves was keeping his eye on the egg, but gave a slight bow to the big Russian as he entered too.  
PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 6:14 pm
"Hu? Mewtwo?" Dith yawned again and scratched his neck. "What's that then? The talking pokemon we met?" It - she? - hadn't seemed happy at all, and the pokemon had vanished into the woods before they made it back which was less than excellent in his opinion. "Really should have dragged it to the pokemon centre to get it looked at," he muttered mainly to himself.  


Predestined Inquisitor

Vice Captain


PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 6:25 pm
Luke watched the Jirachi curiously, wondering what was causing such severe consideration. Her response did little to assist that curiosity, and he inquired further, "What do you mean? Understand what?"  
PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 7:00 pm
"Anything!" The Jirachi burst out, dropping the ribbons from her hands and looking up at Luke "How can that be where I was from? Why? Why!? I don't understand any of it. Why wasn't my friend there? I got the help just like I was told, I got to the League, why didn't ANYTHING make sense!"
She reached up to place her hands on her gem head again "Who am I?" her eyes fall onto the egg that the humans were playing with, and her hands fell to her side.

Rosie's shoulders sank a little at the Jirachi's words, in the mess of everything that happened it was almost easy to forget that this had probably been the place that she had escaped from.
It wasn't a secret that the Jirachi didn't know a whole let, and even less about itself, how could it not be disappointed to still know so little, and at the same time learn something so terrible.  


Supreme Roisterer

Vice Captain


PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 7:28 pm
Luke listened in silence to the Jirachi's explosive disappointment, realizing gradually that what he felt for her was not sympathy but empathy. The pokemon's circumstances were obviously very different from his own, for a number of reasons, but he still perceived familiarity from the feelings she put to words.

"You know," he said quietly, carefully, unsure if he should really be bringing up such a personal topic in mixed company - he didn't really mind others knowing, but there was always the chance that it would create a sort of uncomfortable atmosphere, "when I was ten years old, something happened, and I lost all my memories. I forgot my name and my family and everything I had ever known in the world. Ten years, that's half of my entire life. Every person I met knew more about me than I knew about myself, and a lot of the time they wouldn't even answer if I had a question or if there was something I didn't understand."

They were not very good memories, especially paired with the understanding that he had been fed lies during most of that period of his life and had swallowed them willingly. "It's not fun," he said, his gaze trailing to the bottle of water in his hands, "not knowing anything about yourself. But not knowing what your past is doesn't mean you aren't who you are. You're here now, and you'll be here tomorrow and the day after and the day after - for who knows how long. Even without the past, you still have the future."  
PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 7:54 pm
Her outburst brought forth a whole flood of sympathy, realizations and pity enough for the Jirachi to drown in it, but amongst them was something different, and something much deeper.
She looked over at Luke sharply when she felt this from him, the charms that had been fluttering across her head fell still and she fixed Luke with a wide eyed stare.

The feelings were the same... the feeling of not even having a handle on self identity, it was stifling and scary, almost more terrifying then the back that was her life, like she would give in and live it all over again if it just meat that she could know what she was.

The fact that she wasn't alone in this feeling was surprising to her, but his encouraging words didn't seem to help as much as even she would have liked them to.
it didn't help how lost she felt, even worse, it wasn't going to stop the reactions of people when they saw her, or the looks she was getting used to seeing in their faces, That would continue for the rest of her life and she couldn't understand why they were even so necessary. How could she possibly relate to the others when they had stories about where they grew up, and what their childhood was like, of mothers and fathers and people who raised and care for them.

"How can you feel like that? How can you feel this and think that everything can just be okay." she looked at Luke practically begging him to tell his secrets "I don't even have a name, Lovelace did, but I won't ever have a mom, or a dad, I was born surrounded in dark and foulest of emotions and anyone who understands anything feels too much pity to tell me anything! My only chance was my friend and they're GONE, my only light! ITS NOT FARE!"
The Jirachi's eyes brimmed with tears, digging her fingers into her head as she let out a psychic scream and with a sharp glowing from the testaments on her head and with a shock of psychic energy armed with frustration she lashed out.
The window behind her cracked, and the books on the bookshelf she was hovering by suddenly went sprawling across the room, loosing pages as they bounced off of the walls.
She fell to the ground sobbing.  


Supreme Roisterer


Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 8:11 pm
"Eh, some pokemon just don't want to be around humans, and as for Lovelace I suspect it'll be a while before she's willing to give anymore a chance." Ray explained "Just hope she doesn't get caught again."

"Well I don't have any reason to exactly say that for sure, but I would be honestly surprised if there were not more Jirachi or Mewtwo out there, I know for a fact there are more Mew."
The ex-trainer shrugged "Its all just speculation for now, with an educated assumptions" The women winked.

Any further explanation was put on hold however as a loud crack and suddenly books flying across the room drew Ray's head around with a jerk, her arms moving over the Egg to protect it though they were not even close to being struck by any books.

Ray blinked, staring at the Jirachi.  
PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 8:42 pm
He didn't really have any choice but to let her throw her tantrum - unless they wanted to subdue her by force, and that hardly seemed like the best way to handle the situation. It was uncanny how familiar the Jirachi's behavior felt, reminding him far too well of the fits of violence he'd had as a child whenever his too-short temper reached its breaking point. He simultaneously felt that he was obliged to try to calm her and that he had no right to do so, though he flinched from the scream and the damage it wrought.

As the Jirachi calmed - or, at least, transitioned into a different stage of upset - Luke instinctively looked with helpless guilt to Rosie, feeling every bit the cause of the outburst. The glance didn't last long before green eyes were quickly drawn back to his lap, his fingers tense on the cool plastic bottle. Eventually, with some effort and discomfort, he pushed out of the seat and moved to crouch beside the Jirachi, feeling obligated at least to try to finish what he started.

"I can feel like that now, almost ten years later," he murmured. "I spent a lot of time feeling angry and sad, when I was younger. It was only really recently that I was able to start accepting things about myself." He paused, unsure if he had any words that would actually do any good. Having experienced something so similar, it felt like his duty to offer whatever guidance he could, but he was fairly certain he was failing. "I don't know," he admitted, forlorn. "I'm sorry. All I can do is tell you the answer I found for myself, even though your answer might be something completely different. I'm sorry."

It felt as though he were letting down his own childhood self.  

Vice Captain


Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 8:46 pm
Nicolette had never even heard anything about what Luke spoke of, but then again, she hadn't seen him much at all, and especially not since then, except perhaps at a party once a year. It made sense that she wouldn't have heard of such an event. The girl didn't even think to link that to suddenly finding out that House Fabre had two heirs, and why Lucien called himself Luke.

The Jirachi's sudden outburst startled her, and the scream made her flinch with its volume. She didn't know exactly how to react or respond to it, especially since she had no answers to give the little legendary to help her. Luke seemed to have at least something to say to attempt to console her, though - he was such a good, kind person - so all she could really think to do was wait and watch, in case something occurred to her that she could say that might be helpful.

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