Carhop Cavalier

You have five dollars to spend on food for the rest of the week. What do you do?

Save it! I've gone without eating before, and I'd rather than more money for better stuff. If it gets really bad, I'd steal something off Gale since I'm sure he'd understand.

You find out that someone has stolen your favorite accessory. How do you react?
Probably ask myself why Leslie would take my Eeyore slippers. [laughs a little] I dunno. Be sad for a while, I guess. My things hold memories, y'know? But I'd probably just get a replacement and better security for my room so it doesn't happen again.

Someone is playing music you despise via the computer right next to you. How do you deal with it?

Remove myself from the situation if possible. If not possible, tell them to find headphones. If headphones aren't available, provide them. If noncompliant, escort them out.

You've been given a week of leave, paid. What do you do with it?
Go somewhere exotic, find the bar and a decent hotel nearby, set an alarm so that I am aware of the time, and lose myself in whatever way possible. Buy a souvenir, ******** a few locals for the memories--better than any t-shirt.