
Popo - Has anyone accidentally sat on you before?

Otto - A reverse question from what everyone else is asking: if you could kill anyone on the island without consequence, who would it be and why (and you can't say yourself)?

You have the choice of either having to wear sparkling makeup for the rest of your time on Deus or you have to wear a dress. Which do you choose?

If you and Gale were trapped on a desert island together, what would you do?

Popo: "....Yes. :T Rude, grotesque peasants!"

Otto: "I wanna say I'd kill a certain few that threaten the general order of things, given the opportunity, but then that'd be saying I have some right to choose who lives or dies. I tried to shoot Lawr once, cause I'd been sure he'd killed someone while we were all trapped in a room together. I did it cause I was scared, and wanted to be safe from him. But that was in the heat of the moment. Soberly, I don't wanna kill anyone."

"Uh... how sparkly we talking here? I like my own clothes, so..."

"If it were me n' Gale, we'd probably find a way out somehow. He's a pain in the a**, but at least he's got a level head for getting a damn job done."