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Chatty Informer

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 1:56 pm
"..." There was a minute when the info broker's features softened into something more vulnerable; surprised that of all the things he'd said, Aulus had specifically picked that out. Then his guard went back up and he looked away.

"Don't take this the wrong way. This has nothing to do with if I do or don't care about others. The fact of the matter is that the next victim of your irrational rage and fear could easily be me, and if there's one person I know to look out for, it's myself."

Twisting his mouth into a scowl, he shrugged. "I told you; I have reasons for everything. I mislead and build reputations according to what suits me whether or not they reflect my true motives. Right now, it's in my best interests to keep this team together, so that's what I'm trying to do. If you can't trust me, trust in that."

He stumbled a bit as he was pushed backwards, but caught his balance. Then he sighed, a certain weariness coming over him. "We're all only human, Agent Aulus. I don't know if it matters to you or not, but strength has a myriad of definitions, and I think it's your sensitivity that makes you one of Team Rocket's most valuable assets."

"I also believe that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger - even if it scars you for life in more ways than one - and for maintaining your piece of mind as long as you have, I really admire you." Nakura took out a pokeball and tossed it up once before catching it. "But scars are supposed to be badges of courage, aren't they? Mental or otherwise, you have to bare them if they're going to fully heal."

With those words, the grunt tossed the ball up and released the pokemon inside. Only, it wasn't a pokemon - it was a stern-looking woman in a silver uniform of sorts. Her eyes were mercilessly cold and her hair was pale, ice blue. She held in one hand a long, metal staff which she tapped calmly against her other palm.
PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 2:09 pm
Some logical part of Aulus knew that it wasn't real, that it was a Zoroark behind its illusion, but that part of Aulus was not the part that was in charge. The part that was in charge prompted him to take a sharp step back and drop into a defensive pose, drawing the short black baton that hung from his belt in the same fluid motion and doing something to it that caused it to telescope out into a staff of his own. Teeth bared and complexion gone pale he faced off against the apparition for a handful of quickened heartbeats before the logical part of him managed to take hold and prompt him to lower his weapon and turn back to Izaya.

"What the <********> Nakura?"

What didn't kill you made you stronger, he had said. It was a nice sentiment but Aulus didn't believe in it for a second.


Predestined Inquisitor


Chatty Informer

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 2:13 pm
The grunt maintained a stoic countenance. "What? You know it's just an illusion, don't you? I thought we were going to train." He nodded to Aulus' pokeballs. "You were so eager to bring your pokemon out in the hallway. Where are they now?"  
PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 2:20 pm
Aulus' eyes narrowed. "Alright, wise guy." The twist of a control shrank the staff back down and he placed it back on his belt before reaching for his pokeballs. "Char will be along presently I imagine, but why don't we make a start? Phaethon, go!"

The golden-flamed Rapidash manifested with a whinny, pawing at the ground and looking around for its opponent; everyone present appeared to be human, and you didn't just go around attacking humans.

Aulus indicated the- the pokemon - it was a pokemon, remember - wearing that heartless countenance. "That would be a Zoroark under there. You know what to do."

Phaethon paused only long enough to give a small nod of understanding before charging forward and lashing out with his hooves in a Double Kick; it looked exactly like a human to him but he trusted his trainer completely and pulled no punches.


Predestined Inquisitor


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PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 2:29 pm
The pokemon wearing the disguise of a certain Galactic commander seemed to relish the initial reaction of the human he had worn it for. However, Aoba knew it was time to get down to businesses when a flaming unicorn was directed his way. Dropping the illusion, the blue Zoroark miscalculated Phaethon's speed and was struck down with the Double Kick as he tried to dodge.

Not out of the fight yet, Aoba glared at his trainer, who urged him back toward the battle.

"You're not going to let him get away with that, are you?" Nakura asked, though made no other indication as to what his pokemon should do. He knew the Dark-type wouldn't have listened to him anyway.

Growling, - though at who in the room, it was hard to tell - Aoba got to his feet and braced himself for the next attack with Foul Play, planning to use the Rapidash's own power against itself.
PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 2:48 pm
Phaethon took the painful attack with a snort and skittered back a few paces before charging again, this time with Megahorn.

As the battle got underway Aulus started to relax slightly, not much given Izaya was still there and who the hell knew what s**t he might pull next but watching his oldest friend in action was reassuring. He could count on Phaeth, on his team... could he extend the trust he placed in them to more other Rockets than he currently did? He didn't want to be isolated, he didn't want to push practically everyone away, but he didn't want to let people in either. Trust was difficult, trust made you vulnerable... but if you didn't give trust then how could you expect to be trusted, and what did you do when you did need help? Everyone needed help sometimes, doubly so out on missions.

"You think you caused Aila's death, right?" Aulus asked near tonelessly, keeping his eyes fixed firmly on the pokemon. "Well, she- Tethys-" he would use her name damnit! "-Tethys tortured Hayes because of me, because I wouldn't tell her what she wanted to know. You wanted to know what happened right? Well, that's what happened. I was supposed to protect him, and I couldn't." It wasn't information Izaya could use against him, or at least he couldn't think of a way that the little b*****d could, so.... Saying it still felt wrong and he regretted it already, it wasn't any of Izaya's business but the words were out now and he couldn't take them back.


Predestined Inquisitor


Chatty Informer

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 3:04 pm
Nakura exhaled sharply when his opponent spoke, though hopefully Aulus wouldn't have noticed. He didn't want to talk about Aila. But at least the part about not having been able to protect Hayes meant something. It made sense.

"...That's not your fault," he told the agent. "He was the head of the mission, wasn't he? She would have done anything to get to him regardless. You were just the quickest way and there's nothing you could have done that would have spared him."

"Logically, even if you had spilled your guts, she probably would have tortured Hayes anyway to verify or to get information out of him that you might not have known. Keeping your mouth shut was the best thing you could have done for everyone - Hayes included. I'm sure he was glad he could rely on you not to break even under that kind of pressure. That's one reason he probably feels he can trust you now more than ever."

Nakura's brows furrowed as he watched his pokemon sink to its knees. What in the world...? Aoba was using an illusion again. If he didn't get out of the way, though, he was going to get hit by that Megahorn. That crafty b*****d... "Aoba, cut that out!"

The Zoroark wasn't about to listen, though. It seemed Tethys' form wasn't the only one he'd learned under his trainer's guidance. Whether an illusion or the actual attack, Fake Tears, suddenly an image of Hayes was on the ground with his glasses askew over wet cheeks and his clothing torn, obvious wounds inflicted upon him. Nakura looked embarrassed and disgusted. "Damn it, Aoba, I said stop!"
PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 3:20 pm
"I know," Aulus replied, keeping his eyes carefully on the battle. "I know all about logic, and that she wouldn't have kept her promises, I-"

It was an illusion - just another illusion - but it transfixed him, made his breath catch in his throat and his heart squeeze painfully in his chest. He should have been able to protect him, should have found a way, should have-


Fury contorted the Agent's scarred face again but this time it was not aimed at Izaya. Grabbing the rest of his pokeballs Aulus' released their occupants: Tortie, Discord and Asgard. At that moment the door to the training room opened admitting Char, who Aulus summoned to join the party with a sharp whistle.

Raising a hand that trembled slightly with rage he pointed at the Zoroark. "Finish it!"

Paul remained clinging to Aulus' shoulder but the rest acted. Phaethon was first to move, dealing a blazing Flare Blitz; Char and Discord nodded to one another before launching Fire Pledge and Grass Pledge at the fake-Hayes, creating a sea of fire around it; Asgard used his signature Aeroblast; and, finally, Tortie charged forward drawing energy around her horn to unleash Giga Impact.


Predestined Inquisitor


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PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 3:38 pm
Nakura was split between trying to fathom Aulus' words and understanding how and why Aoba decided to be such a downright git. He knew the pokemon hated his guts. He also knew that he and Aoba were a little too alike personality-wise for either of their comfort, but he'd never expected the Zoroark to be cunning or spiteful enough to pull something like this. Especially not in the middle of such a delicate conversation. Was he trying to turn Aulus against Nakura? Whatever had been his intention, it seemed his plan had backfired horribly, because his trainer highly doubted Aoba's goal was to be subjected to overkill.

Once again, neither he nor his pokemon could have anticipated the agent's reaction. At the sight of the fury on Aulus' face, Nakura got his pokeball ready. What followed was a brutal onslaught of six pokemon - a Lugia included - against his one contemptuous Zoroark. If the grunt hadn't acted fast and withdrawn his pokemon before the first strike hit, he was certain Aoba would have been dead.

In the chaos that ensued amid the flames, blasts, and explosive impacts, Nakura himself wasn't sure if he had managed to retrieve the Dark-type in time. It was all he could do to crouch down and put his arms up in defense, hoping to shield himself as best he could until the shock-waves of the various attacks subsided. I hate training, he thought absently as he waited them out. Stupid pokemon...
PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 3:54 pm
"...Heh. These new training rooms are pretty sturdy, look at the floor," Aulus murmured. "Not even a scratch, after all that." Suspended somewhere between emotions he gestured at the still burning patch of floor and nodded at Asgard. "Put that out would you?"

Sensing that this was perhaps not the time to make a smart comment the Lugia did so, using a highly restrained Hydro Pump to achieve the task.

Char, who was holding two polystyrene take-out boxes, gave first Paul and then Izaya a look that said plainer than words; 'what the hell happened?', and the clarity of the look was fortunate because Char would never be uncouth enough to use the word hell so casually.

Aulus, silent now, flexed his fingers distractedly; he was convinced he could feel prickles of electricity running through them, he knew he couldn't but he was still convinced. The real world seemed far away somehow, watching the tableau before him was like looking at a photograph of somebody else's life.


Predestined Inquisitor


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PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 4:06 pm
When he no longer felt the searing heat nor the blasts of wind powerful enough to give him whiplash if he wasn't careful, Nakura allowed himself a peek. Coast clear (or clear enough), the grunt gradually stood up on visibly shaking legs, unable to keep from using the wall for support.

When he caught Char's own look of confusion, he found the words to speak and opened his mouth to direct them at Aulus.

"...Alright. That's it," he said, approaching the scarred man with still-wobbly knees. "You need help. And you're getting it whether you damn well want to or not." He linked an arm through the other man's and weakly attempted to lead him out of the room. "I dare you to deny it. After the stunt you just pulled here, I think anyone would agree you've been keeping far too much in for far too long."
PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 4:18 pm
Aulus looked down at Izaya, clearly unimpressed and not about to be moved. "Maybe you're right," he replied flatly, "but I'm not going to get dragged off in search of it by you. I've honestly got no ******** clue what your motives are, and I don't care either right now. Let go of me and go away Izaya; I don't trust you, I'm not going to start trusting you any time soon after all this crap you've pulled supposedly in my best interests. Let go of me, get out, and be grateful I didn't tell Faleen about you ******** around on that ledge rather than following orders.... Oh and it looks like Char has your sushi, take that with you."  


Predestined Inquisitor


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PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 4:35 pm
Expelling a huge breath of air, the grunt deflated like a balloon. He pouted at the agent before dropping his arm and seating himself at the other man's feet.

"You know what? No way. You're the one who ordered your pokemon to nearly kill mine, resulting in me being cooked about six different ways, and you're the one who doesn't trust me? Look at me! I'm a mess!" He gestured down at his singed and torn uniform. "You want to tell Faleen about that one slight hesitation of mine, you go right ahead. While you're at it, I'd love to see you try to explain this."

Glancing over at the indicated Fire-type, Nakura stared in astonishment. "Oh. Thank you, Char..." Maybe some pokemon were good for something after all. But that didn't excuse their trainers.

He waved a finger scoldingly at his superior, not finished with his tirade. "I'm the one who doesn't trust you to go waltzing around until I know you've done something about that problem of yours. You've let it escalate this far without telling anyone, so why should I trust you to do anything about it on your own? You're probably thinking of signing up for the next mission just to prove something to yourself, aren't you? And then what?! We'll all die."

He crossed his arms and legs stubbornly, planting himself were he sat. "Good luck getting rid of me before then. I'm not ready to risk my life for your pride."
PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 4:48 pm
"Yes, I am planning to," Aulus replied impatiently, "and you know what? I'll deal with it. Are you denying that, whatever I might have been feeling, I got the job done last time? Well I'm going to do it again, and not just to 'prove' something to myself." He was going back to that damn ship on his own terms, taking whatever was useful, and leaving again on his own terms. Would that help? He didn't know but he had to try, and Hayes was going to go so that sealed the deal. "And under no obligation to go on the mission yourself if you don't trust that I'm capable," he added with a shrug, "stay home if you'd rather, it's no skin off my nose I assure you.

"And I didn't order them to kill it," Aulus added, scowling suddenly as that part registered. "I ordered them to ******** it up, they know the difference between a training battle and the real thing believe it or not and if I have to tell Faleen anything I'll tell her you were sodding dumb enough to jump into the middle of a pokemon battle. I'm not as crazy as you seem to think I am, nor as incapable.... And will you stop waving that finger before I grab it and shove it so far up your nose it pokes whatever passes for your brain?"

Still.... Would it help? He didn't want to 'get help', he really didn't, it would mean talking about it all and.... "You'll just have to trust that, whatever you think of me, I keep my word when I give it; you can ask anyone you like who knows me about that."


Predestined Inquisitor


Chatty Informer

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 5:10 pm
"You nearly got yourself killed last time is what you did," Nakura pointed out. "Even before the Bacon Bird. If you had been in a better state of mind, I daresay you could have handled everything better. How do you think that reflects on your reputation as an agent?" As if following Aulus' thoughts, he added, "And Hayes is back, now. If he goes, as he undoubtedly will for your sake, what if something should happen to him?"

Rolling his eyes, the grunt threw up his hands. "You idiot, I'd only be able to stay here if I did trust you! You don't fool me with this stupid facade. I'm one of the few people who knows and yet isn't moronic enough to trust your seriously-impaired judgement like all your so-called 'friends'. Of course I have to go if you're going! You think your death is going to be beneficial to this organization in any way?"

"If I recall correctly, the exact words you used were 'finish it'. Want me to go around taking a poll as to how that would be translated?" Nakura grumbled. "How can they know when you called them all out at once? You think just because they're in the training room they'll know it's not an emergency? Even I could see how confused Char was at your behavior, and that was only after he did as he was told. They're just too damn well-trained to question anything you tell them to do!" Ugh, this agent...it was like arguing with a rock. He rubbed his temples in annoyance as he felt a headache coming on.

"Go ahead, then! If that's the best threat you have against me, feel free!" the black-haired man invited the brunet. "Just know that you and Hayes aren't the only ones who have a mutual understanding. Faleen may not agree with everything I do, but she understands that I have my reasons and that I wouldn't outright lie to her. Who do you think she'll believe, hm? The crazed fool who accused her of messing up his beloved partner, or her own partner?"

Leaning an elbow on his knee, he rested his cheek in his palm as he regarded Aulus with a critical stare. After a moment or two, he pulled out another pokeball - a Dusk ball - and released its occupant.

"Celty," he said, "Do me a favor and monitor our human friend, here, will you? He hasn't explicitly promised me yet that he's going to get help, but in the case he does, I have to make sure he keeps it. You know how those loopholes go...he might suddenly decide giving his word to a dumb-a** skid-mark isn't really giving his word at all." He glanced at the Spiritomb, who was looking rather bewildered. "I still plan to follow him, of course...but I figure it'll take more for him to get rid of you than me."

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