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Life is what it should be. To seek change is to seek calamity.

The Anokai, with a very limited history to speak of, are simply the followers - usually nomadic and reclusive - of the nature spirits Tamei and Hakan, of Moon and Earth. They have connected to the basest state of natural energy and have aligned their abilities to reflect nature itself; wild and diverse, yet also controlled. Benevolent and yet often lethal. Due to their dispersed lifestyles they have no unified history to speak of, and are hardly a clan at all, though they are classified as such due to the non-biological nature of their abilities.

The Anokai, protectors of the forest and the wilderness, have been around in small pockets since the beginning of history. They have bonded with nature spirits and have learned to mold natural energy with chakra to create a unique variety of techniques. They are wielders of nature of all kinds, and they utilize the variety of nature to great effect. Anokai can do many things - they transform into other entities, temporarily. They can heal, cast techniques using the power of nature, and generally dominate a battle by means of diversity.

• Users of this clan must have access to medical jutsu to use healing abilities from this clan.
• All Anokai have a connection to nature and are drawn to it. Generally, they feel compelled to protect nature.

• During the Druidic Form, you can only use Anokai techniques. You can however use your untapped power regardless of form, as well as taijutsu styles.
• Cannot learn the fire or lightning elements due to their adversarial nature to forestry and wildlife.

• Communing with nature grants you some reserve of natural energy. +20 chakra
• Animal forms generally have higher stats and higher perception
• When surrounded by nature, your senses and agility are heightened, with your hearing and sense of smell more attuned.

Druidic Form
• The Anokai can transform into several creatures, guided by spirits of nature into powerful forms. Some of them are free, most of them are not.

Spirit of the Jaguar Passive
With the Spirit of the Jaguar, the user may extend their leaps dramatically as well as see clearly in perfect darkness.

Spirit of the Wolf Passive
When manifesting the spirit of the wolf, the Anokai can hear and smell significantly better than otherwise.

Spirit of the Bear Passive
The user becomes somewhat more durable while manifesting the bear. Additionally, they move slightly faster (not a whole +1) while pursuing enemy abilities, as they are meant to take damaging blows for their allies.

Regrowth D-A
Regrowth, used by the Anokai raising their arms up from their elbows (pointing upward), is cast on a single individual. This ability applies a consistent healing effect to a target, counteracting continuous damage taken or the effects of poison and diseases. Essentially, this allows one to regenerate or off-set continuous damage. Or, heal more grievous wounds over time. This cannot regenerate lost limbs, but can regenerate severely damaged ones. This lasts for three posts, and has a potency increased by its rank. By the time Regrowth ends, poisons on the target are cured entirely.

Seed of Hakan A-S
A more instant healing effect, the Seed of Hakan is applied alongside the bustling of natural growth on a target's body. Soil may rise on their skin or flowers may bloom at their feet. This ability stays for an exceptionally long period of time and triggers when a target is grievously injured. It will essentially undo any non-lethal damage they took, then end. At S rank, this will even undo lethal damage, though nothing such as complete obliteration. If you cast this preemptively - before battle - but then use it in battle, you must link to your post using it when you trigger its effects.

Wild Growth B-S
Wild Growth applies the effects of Regrowth to several targets, and stronger. However, it only lasts for two posts.

Veil of the Wild C-SS
Nature rapidly launches to defend the Anokai, cloaking them in an extremely resilient cloak of natural energy and deflecting techniques of a lower rank as well as neutralizing ones of equal rank, with the technique itself ending shortly after taking an attack of an equal rank. Otherwise, it can last for two posts total.

Circle of the Land B-S
The circle of the land allows the druid to manipulate nature to their benefit. They can, for example, attempt to have roots grapple a foe or can turn trees into dangerous projectile weapons. Not to be confused with Mokuton, the Circle of the Land is more generalized and tends to depend on the environment and biome. This can also be used to create new life alongside its use; ie by rapidly growing trees, roots and other things. This can be cast within 100 meters.

Circle of the Stars Variable
Using natural energy, the Anokai can channel the power of the moon or sun to cast powerful techniques on foes.

Starlight C-S
A somewhat large and exceptional heated sphere of energy will fling at the foe, exploding when the user wills it to. Guided by natural energy, this will seek the foe for three posts. Impact with it leaves a foe burnt severely as if contacting super-heated flames.

Moonlight C-S
A ray of energy descends from above, following the target relentlessly. If they are caught in this 'spotlight', they will begin to be degraded rapidly, the energy in their bodies withering and causing fragility and - shortly afterwards - death.

Starfall S-SS
Holding out their arms, the Anokai creates a massive sphere of heated, golden energy at the target location. This requires a few seconds to expand, and before then it is relatively harmless. This ability will - upon its creation - manipulate the surrounding natural energy to rapidly pull things into it. It can move very slowly, and lasts for a total of three posts. A technique of equal rank will destroy it, but weaker ones will be annihilated if they come into contact with it. This sphere tends to be around 40 feet in diameter.

Moonfall S-SS
Small, comet-like apparitions of energy will descend from the sky onto a specific (but quite massive) location. They will sear and severely damage those who come into contact with them or are hit by their resulting explosion. This technique generally covers an area of a hundred or so meters and will continue to rain down for two posts. Casting an equal rank technique into the focal point of the shower of moon comets will destroy both techniques.

Celestial Wrath SS
This will combine the powers of the previous four abilities. A massive, mobile, fiery sphere will be launched by the hands of the Anokai and search for the target. It will pull in surrounding organics and energies and destroy them, though it will often ignore the surrounding natural environment. Furthermore, a spotlight of celestial energy will rapidly follow after a target and in its wake, very quick balls of white energy will descend and launch at the target and the area surrounding them in a large field. This continued onslaught of both moon and stars will last for two posts. An attack of equal rank can destroy the fiery sphere (and be destroyed in the process), the moonlight onslaught ending very shortly afterwards.

Tranquility SS
This ability heals three allies within 100 meters (including the caster) rapidly, with natural energy covering their body as flowers bloom at their feet. Essentially all damage will be repaired, even lethal damage and the loss of large portions of their body. The only damage that cannot be healed by this is death itself. This can also be used to restore someone's body to its natural state - disfigurements and previous loss of limbs can be cast away and mended.


Spirit of the Stag C
The Spirit of the Stag will transform the Anokai into a deer. At their feet, natural life will grow rapidly. A Stag quickly prancing around can result in bushes, flowers, and even trees being made from the ground they walk. This is usually cast to manipulate the field. This lasts for three posts. The Stag enables the user to use any technique, not just Anokai techniques.

Spirit of the Stone Drake B
The Spirit of the Stone Drake takes over; the user's body is polymorphed into that of a large draconian creature with thick scales. The Stone Drake may breathe a powerful acidic breath that will melt through foes. This can have chakra added to it to give it a rank. Additionally, when the Stone Drake's form is cast aside, it will explode; acidic green projectiles will fling outward in every direction and melt what they touch. This explosion will count as a B rank attack. This form lasts for 4 posts.

Spirit of the Ursan A
Taking the form of a massive bear, the Anokai will charge in a certain direction at unbelievable speed and force. While doing so, spiritual claws will slash in all directions around the user. The user may remain in the Ursan form for 2 posts afterward. The Ursan enables the user to use any technique, not just Anokai techniques.

Spirit of the Great Centaur A-SS
The Great Centaur's appearance is that of the Anokai, but increased in size, and with the massive lower body of a horse, making for quite an imposing figure while the Spirit of the Great Centaur is present. The Spirit allows them to cast a powerful barrier based on the energy spent on this technique. They can maintain this barrier (assuming it isn't destroyed) so long as they hold out their hands and focus. If they relinquish focus for longer than a post, the barrier will recede. The Great Centaur enables the user to use any technique, not just Anokai techniques.

Spirit of the Great Stone Drake S
A large stone dragon takes flight, the Anokai manifesting as the creature. This form is significantly more durable than others (-1 ranks of damage taken). Additionally, this form can be shed once it has taken exceptional damage so that the user may soak dangerous assaults without facing death. This can only be used twice per battle, and will last until shed. It can use the poison breath of the previous Stone Drake.

Spirit of the Great Oak S
The Anokai transforms into a giant, invulnerable tree. They become completely immune to all damage while within the tree, but cannot do anything save for lay dormant. The tree will heal all of their wounds and can be exited whenever. When exiting the tree, the wielder may be transported to another nearby (within 100 meters, but not within 10 meters of an opponent) body of nature to ensure they aren't instantly killed upon exiting. This can only last up to three posts.

Moves that chase foes will no longer do so if the Great Oak is manifested.


• Listed in the rules.

Head: Takahara Senju

[ Created by Shane ]