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There a Crow, A cawing bird....
Should it stop cawing.
A hand would shoot from the ground and testial would come from out of the ground. From that he would walk off and leave the kirigakure country. ((Exit))
Then I shall arise from the dead.
And reap my will across the land, All those who seek to oppose..
Finally... Shall meet the same fate, I once did.
Sharingan (Natural user)
Status: Alive-
Alliance: Kusa, Konoha
Jounin Anbu- Speed: 11(+3/-1) / Strength: 10((+1/-1))
4,000 ryo
Chakra points:250
Toad summoner rank: Original summoner
Toad summoning: N/A

• Sharingan Perception
While the Sharingan is active, the wielder is able to see even the slightest movements made by their targets, making them near impossible to trick with a sleight of hands move; this includes being able to see chakra, even underground.

• Jutsu Mimicry
While in battle, the Sharingan can let the wielder mimic a jutsu that was used in the previous post as long as the wielder may use that jutsu for an additional 50% chakra. The user may mimic a jutsu that is not of an element they possess, as long as it is below their rank, for double the chakra cost. Any jutsu mimiced lose 1 rank in power

• Jutsu Copying
While observing a jutsu be performed, the Sharingan may copy the chakra patterns used to perform the jutsu, allowing the wielder to gain instant knowledge of how to perform the jutsu. In order to learn the jutsu, it must be a jutsu the user is normally able to perform, meaning only jutsu of their element, clan, or bloodline.

• Genjutsu Identification
Due to the ability to see one's chakra flow, the wielder of the sharingan may see when one's flow is being disrupted by a genjutsu or tell when they themselves are under one, allowing them to break out of them easier.

• High Chakra (+50 Chakra)

• Class Upgrades (Natural Users Only -- No Implants):
Since the Uchiha are considered genuises at most everything they do, it's inferred that they're slightly better at what they do than those around them. As such, depending on the class of the Uchiha member, they gain a specific bonus for their character:

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