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Bashful Bunny

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 5:53 pm
As the presenter opened the floor to questions, Zacharie's hand immediately shot into the air though he was still jotting down notes and scribbling little maps down in his notebook with the other. This was surprisingly more interesting than he thought it would be and a few questions had come to mind.  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 6:07 pm
(Rosie - Dith, Drayce)

Rosie hummed lightly in understanding, still leaning over the case with the tools. "Its so different from how Kodo was a few years back, Pokemon didn't used to mean much of anything in this place, I wonder what happened since then to make it change if they really did think of pokemon so highly."

Northern just frowned, considering Dith's words in her own silence, her confusion warn of her face.
It didn't linger for very long though, as an announcement for the presentation about to start sounded over the intercoms.
Rosie straightened up, watching at the first gathering people made their way into the desginated lecture hall.
Looking up at Dith and offering him another smile "We should go get some seats."
Before she could move however, someone bumped into her, causing the blond to stumble forward a step before she was able to re-gain her footing
"Ah-" startled, she looked around, and then up to another tall, though this time thin red headed person who was apologizing to her in what she could definitely tell was french, before they started speaking in english.

Rosie smiled, holding her hand up to the person in a polite gesture of forgiveness "Its alright its alright, I'm not hurt. I guess I am pretty small when I compare to you and my friend." She agreed with a light giggle. "I hope you're little Purrito doesn't get too far."

"Its looking for something."
Northern offered out of the blue "its curious like a lot of people here, and its frustrated... like its missing something." Northern eyed Drayce, floating a little bit over past the humans and pointed to the auditorium "That way."

"Oh- well maybe Purrito is also waiting for the presentation." Rosie offered in good nature, her expression lighting up before she started over toward to room, to get a seat and see what kinds of things they were going to be talking about.  


Supreme Roisterer


Bashful Bunny

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 6:27 pm
[Drayce - Rosie, Dith, Northern]

"Ahhh, well I'm glad you're okay. I'd feel real bad if I hurtcha on accident." Drayce said with a sigh of relief before giving the girl a wide, toothy smile. "Purrito is real smart, he'll be okay...I'll find 'im." The trainer trailed off as their attention slowly trailed over to the talking, talking!, pokemon. "Ehhhhhh!? You can speak English, wow how cool!" They prattled before what they said actually filtered into their mind and registered. "Lookin' for somethin'? Ah, must be lookin' for me!" They gasped before reaching out to take the pokemon's hand and shake it quickly, but carefully, before sprinting off. "Thanks! Maybe I'll see ya after the...the...the thing!" They called over their shoulder.

Luckily, Purrito hadn't actually wandered too far without them. The Espurr was waiting patiently just inside the doors to the auditorium, his wide eyes peering up at all of the passing people. "Purrito!" Drayce exclaimed in relief when they spotted their pokemon and smiled widely as they watched the pokemon lift his arms to be picked up. The red-head scooped up their pokemon and shuffled off to find a place to sit.  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 6:50 pm
(Mau: Eden, but heading to the auditorium)

Mau listened to what the young woman said. It was a sound idea. But he pondered if that were the case. "Ah, but what if the pokemon, this arceus, didn't leave? The people who lived here obviously revered and respected pokemon, and it would have been fairly safe with these early kodoan. Perhaps it is simply dormant, somewhere hidden, forgotten by time." He tapped his pencil against his paper before he heard the chime for the speakers and the announcement that the lecture would be starting. "It seems it's time for the main attraction." He bowed his head slightly to her. "It was a pleasure. I hope you enjoy the lecture."

With that, Mau excused himself and headed towards the auditorium. Before the lights dimmed, he checked his glasses, making sure they were still recording before slipping them back on watching the screen. He himself was most interested in the berries and vegetation. What sort of rare berries might that site hold? But that interest suddenly shifted when the projector clicked over to a map, and the woman spoke of possible places for more artifacts to be found. He stared at the map displayed intently. This at least was noteworthy. If, in fact, there were other artifacts to relate to Arceus in either of these places, this is what Team Rocket would be interested in. He smiled slightly as the lights came back on, and he processed the information.  


Shirtless Lunatic

Vice Captain


PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 7:11 pm

The curator acknowledged the raised hand with eye contact, a nod, and a gesture, "Yes, sir, go ahead."  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 7:24 pm
Magician Arcana

( Kadota — with Adam, headed for the lecture)

Adam was treated to a brief moment of Kadota's eyebrows crawling up at the half-nickname. But it wasn't followed by that blasted "-chin", so he relaxed again. "Heh, yeah, life's like that." It wasn't like Kadota hadn't spent the past few weeks meeting a ton of new people and one very unusual Pokémon.

"Maybe, I don't know." He shrugged. "Gonna catch the lecture? I figure why not, since we're here."


(now briefly at the lecture, you're welcome to stick with me if you want, Adam! )

Huh. Well, that had been interesting, though not quite what Kadota had expected. Did he care to stick around for questions? Well, he didn't have any at the moment, though he'd filed some of the theories and interpretations away as pretty far-fetched.

After a moment's thought he realized that actually, no, he did have a question. He'd wait until the other one got answered, or if things dragged on, maybe find the curator later.



Bashful Bunny

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 7:39 pm
Having been prompted, the teen stopped taking notes and cleared his throat. "You're theorizing that Kodoans had developed some sort of mutually beneficial relationship with pokemon because of this encounter with Arceus. That could arguably be the beginning of human relationships with pokemon today. I'm curious as to when you think the balance may have tipped from humans regarding pokemon as equals to them being considered companions or even pets, and why." Jabari chattered quietly behind him and the teen nodded in agreement. "Not to say that everyone regards pokemon as mere pets." He added before flipping to a new page of his notebook so he could take more notes.  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 8:05 pm

"The most prominent theory," the curator answered, "is that the advancement of technology in Kodo occurred in such a way that pokemon became less useful as working companions and were instead relegated to the role of domestic pets. In other regions like Kanto and Johto, the advent of the Pokemon League, even before it was an official organization, contributed a great deal to the popularity of recreational pokemon training and battling, which in turn gave rise to even stronger relationships between people and pokemon. The fact that the League did not reach Kodo for so long may have played a big part in why widespread working relationships did not redevelop after their initial decline."  

Vice Captain


Magician Arcana

Eco-friendly Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 8:18 pm
( Adam - With Kadota at Lecture - Hand Raised )

This lecture was surprisingly interesting, though Adam felt he hadn't learned much more than what was already on the plaques. He rubbed his jaw and sighed, trying to summon his mind to come up with ideas. He wasn't so much history as technology. So interest in a society that barely rubbed two sticks together to form terracotta wasn't so thrilling. Still, Arceus... That was something major.

Someone asked a question and Adam nearly jumped from his skin. That VOICE. No way. Blinking, he careened his neck until Zach came into view. A devious grin spread over the grunt's lips. So, more Rockets were here. The answer to the question was pretty interesting too. Humming softly, Adam decided to raise his hand.

not much interaction XD but the guy standing beside you is doing something so might as well alert you haha.
PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 8:27 pm
The teen listened intently, his gaze never leaving the curator though his hand sped across the page of his notebook as he took notes. "I understand, and that makes sense." He said with a slight nod of head. "...I appreciate the thorough response." He said awkwardly after a moment before ducking his head so he could scribble some more notes and think of another question.  


Bashful Bunny

Vice Captain


PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 8:39 pm
((Easiest way to do this might be if characters raise hands and ask questions in the same post without worrying about who's currently talking, then questions can be answered all in one post and we can just assume that they're being taken one after another in the order they're asked. That way no one has to deal with waiting for someone else before asking their question or being skipped because they didn't raise their hand in time.))


With another nod and a word of thanks for the question, the curator's gaze moved to the next raised hand, and she prompted Adam to go ahead.  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 9:01 pm
(Rosie - Presentation)

Once in the theater, and picking out a good seat to see, the small legendary perching her tiny hands on top of Rosie's head, eyes wide as she watched the women giving the speeches, and the ways the presentation was being guided.
She still didn't really understand what any of this meant, and the concept of people living a long time ago, where were they now? And why was their strange stuff to important?

She could feel the whole room's polite interest, or even deep interest from certain parts, it helped spur her curiosity.
Though it was the legends from the scrolls when Northern felt a peak of excitement from Rosie, Northern herself perking up at the mention of a legendary, one who could talk. though the surprise from Rosie at the Legendary's name drew Northern's attention down to the trainer.

Legendary Arceus? Was that special? She though it was just a word people said when they were reacting strongly to something.

As the presentation ended, Northern glanced around at people starting to raise their hands, and ask questions. Blinking, the Small Legendary also lifted her small hand in the sky, though it barely lifted past her head. "You said theory, but does that mean you think that a Legendary can make people understand pokemon?"
She asked curiously, on many occasion she had been called the "wish" Pokemon, and she always wondered what that meant, she also knew she had ties to Legendary, was her ability to communicate with humans somehow linked? Was that why she could talk to humans? Her own wish... or something?


Rosie glanced up as Northern stretched out her psychic voice to ask a question. While Rosie herself was still in awe over the fact that they had real evidence to prove that the Legendary God had been on their tiny island at one point, she had to wonder just how Northern was taking the myth, the Legendary always had odd questions about herself that Rosie couldn't always answer... that no one could really answer.  


Supreme Roisterer

Magician Arcana

Eco-friendly Shapeshifter

21,915 Points
  • Hiss of Love 200
  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Waffles! 25
PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 9:01 pm
( Adam to Curator)

Adam nodded in response and lowered his hand, "If I'm understanding what you're saying... Arceus came to the Kadoans, because it needed help. So, they worked and healed it back to health. This is what you're hypothesizing from the writings and the illustrations." Adam paused for a moment to take a breath and solidify his thoughts, "That makes sense why Arceus would appear in one spot, but why do you think Arceus would appear in more than one location? That uh... Map.. The map you showed, you said the two other locations were where you thought he had appeared. Do you have any hypothesis why this might have happened? And what significance this holds?"

Adam grinned toothily, "Oh and... Cause we're all thinking it, but don't wanna be the child to ask - So does that mean Arceus could be around here and could, y'know, appear again sometime?"  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 9:25 pm

The curator responded, "Rather than thinking that the map shows places where Arceus appeared, the popular hypothesis is that it indicates other communities where the story of Arceus's descent and gift was spread. One incarnation of this idea suggests that individuals traveled to other villages to tell their residents that they need not fear and conflict with pokemon but rather could work together with them, and that this map shows the places where the settlements were receptive to the news."

She smiled with amusement at the phrasing of his other question. "It is a possibility," she said with a nod. "If nothing else, Arceus assuredly knows this place and could one day appear once more."


Outwardly undeterred by the fact that a pokemon had the next question (though Northern might feel a sense of surprise that was soon shaken away and replaced with a practiced calmness), the woman gave her answer to the legendary, "That is one way that authorities have interpreted the writing, though the majority agree that it's the least likely. As far as we know, exposure to a legendary pokemon has never granted a person the ability to understand a pokemon's language."  

Vice Captain



Tiny Explorer

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 4:44 am
[Eden - Mau then Presentation, question in last paragraph]

Eden was surprised by the man's answer, even though it had been what she wanted to hear. The fact that an older, intelligent looking man had reason to believe that Arceus could still be in Kodo made Eden much more hopeful. And it made sense. Maybe Arceus liked living with the early Kodoans.

Before she could respond to this answer the intercom announced that the lecture would start. She bowed farewell to the gentleman she had been discussing theories with, but followed behind him into the auditorium. She picked a seat not far away, a few rows behind the man; it was a row not yet inhabited, just the way she liked it, but she always tried to place herself close to smart looking people. She was interested to hear more of what that man had to say about Arceus.

She listened intently to the lecture, enjoying the slides and the pictures. She wished to explore all of the areas mentioned on the map during her time off, but also within Team Rocket. She knew Team Rocket would surely send teams to research these areas and it was her hope to finish her trainee period and be able to join these research groups.

Of course Eden had questions at the end, but she was too shy to raise her hand. She instead listened closely to the other questions and answers, hoping that someone would ask her own.

'What was it that had injured Arceus? Was there a theory about it? Why did Arceus need aid from the Kodoans? What else could be slumbering in Kodo, or near by?' She thought to herself, fidgeting slightly in her seat.

She was enraptured by the question about the ability to understand Pokemon, especially since it came from a Pokemon, a small voice inside her head. She smiled thoughtfully and watched the legendary and the girl sitting next to her.

A nudge inside Eden's backpack, which was open at the top and sitting on her lap, caught her attention; it was Dia, her Togepi. She always had a way of sensing when Eden was nervous, probably from the way she was fidgeting. The pokemon had a strange way of calming her. Dia nestled further into Eden's lap from inside her niche in the backpack where she liked to sleep and let out a small cooing sound. Eden took a breath and decided she would ask her question. She had to be brave.

She raised her hand, and in a calm and collecteced manner, stated her question in a voice she hoped was loud enough, "Are there any theories as to why Arceus was in need of aid? Had another Pokemon, or people, injured it?" She blushed as she lowered her hand and waited eagerly for an answer.

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