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Bashful Bunny

PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 12:46 pm
Andre watched the gears turn, his pupils dilate, his chest expand and contract with each breath...
Like a predator watching its prey.

"He knows better." Was all the aristocrat said on the matter, thumb pressing down just a bit harder to make sure the others attention was fully on him.
Where it belonged.

"Do you want me to call him in, Izaya?" He asked softly as he trailed his lips feather soft along the cut of his jaw. "Do you want him to see you like this?" He grinned, not his usual polite smile nor his small, smug smirk. This was a rather twisted smile, sharp, full of teeth, and all that ill intent he kept locked away. "I could have him stand right at the end of the island and watch me,"


"Play with you." He hummed, smoothing his hand through the others dark hair as if in apology for the rough treatment.

Lips pressed against the side of Izaya's throat, the information broker listened to the other talk and enjoyed the buzz against his lips as he did so. He could bite him here...just to the side of his adam's apple. Could make it bleed...but he could do a lot of things in this situation. He chose to chuckle. Andre was into a lot of things. He was into things that would make some people cry, make them sick, and quite a few things that could probably land him in prison...but he had no interest whatsoever in non-consensual intimacy. "Perhaps I just want to hear you say it?" He posed, scraping his teeth none to gently against the others pulse point.  
PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 12:53 am

It was getting increasingly difficult for Izaya to ignore things like his heart beating painfully as if to break free from his rib cage or the pounding in his ears caused by the blood rushing to his flushing face. His mouth hung open just barely, as if he longed to say something but for some reason felt compelled to hold back.

His mind was muddled by the sensations streaking through his body. Andre's hands and lips were doing the opposite of helping. The harder he tried to grasp the reason for his restraint, the farther it slipped away from him. He was losing his presence of mind and a warning at the back of his head was going off on full alert. Something was wrong.

Right...at first he'd just been doing this for Louis' reaction and then, he had told himself, for Andre's. Now, though, things had gotten way out of hand and it disturbed Izaya just how far he had let himself get lost in the situation. He was an ex-Rocket. Andre was not. He, as a human experiment, was probably being monitored, and likely through that robotic eye they'd put in him. Continuing down the road they were headed would likely only bring trouble to them both. Perhaps even the fatal sort.

So why had he allowed himself to get so caught up in it? Was he so ready to die? No, he responded to his own mental question. He was just tired. Oh so tired and lonely. No Aila, no Jerome, no Adam, not even Faleen...it was so incredibly lonely. Since when had he allowed them to occupy enough space in his heart to leave such gaping holes now that they were gone? It was infuriating. And if that hadn't been bad enough, he'd almost tried to temporarily fill those vacancies with Andre.

He had wanted to forget; to run away like a coward. While the old him might have been perfectly fine with that, his current self reminded him he still had amends to make with his recruiter and his ex-partner. He was still indebted to them and, through that debt, obligated to fulfill the goals he'd made no matter how difficult it became. This had been an unexpectedly nice break, but Izaya still had work to do. He wasn't allowed to forget himself just yet.

"Heh...on second thought, we'd better not," the black-haired man advised, trying to steady his breath after it hitched from the contact of his companion's teeth. "He - or you - might yet end up murdering me in this secluded place. That, or your currently overseas bodyguard might sense someone else at your side and come all the way here just to smash my head in," he entertained with a grin. "Thank you for the...tea, though," Izaya added, glancing toward his mug of the untouched, sweetened beverage. "It really got my heart rate going."

Turning away from Andre, Izaya's smile disappeared without a trace and he hopped off the stool and counter. Now that he was in control of himself, again, he couldn't believe he had let things get that far. He must have been more desperate than he'd thought. That was dangerous; he would have to be more aware of his state of mind from now on. There was work to be done, after all, and he wouldn't be able to do it if he was fooling around on the side.


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Bashful Bunny

PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 1:25 pm
The moment that Izaya made a move to put some space between them Andre released his hold. "If that's what you would prefer." He said politely, schooling his expression into one of vague disinterest as he folded his hands neatly in his lap. "But Izaya," He cocked his head slightly and tsked. "Don't blame your indecisiveness on me and my associates." Slowly, he shook his head as if in disappointment but otherwise seemed disinclined to say anything more on the matter.

He glanced down at the untouched tea and felt a pang of annoyance at the waste...that was his favourite blend.

"Just what exactly did you expect to get out of this little visit?" He asked curiously as he picked up his own cup and sipped at the now cold liquid. "I have the sneaking suspicion that it wasn't to 'catch up'."  
PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 11:17 am

Izaya pulled down a lower eyelid and stuck out his tongue at Andre. "It's not indecisiveness. I just remembered that you're bad for my health. And likely everyone else's as well, including your own. Since you seem to have a fondness for bodyguards, though, you should really try to work your poison on Shizu-chan. He really needs to die, but even despite that horrid smoking habit of his, he seems to be having a hard time doing so."

He followed Andre's gaze to the tea. "Why don't you drink it?" he asked. "Heat it up again if it's too cold. Unless you really drugged it or something, that shouldn't be a problem, should it? If you did, though, then...just give it to your Louis. I'm sure he wouldn't mind having 'playing' with you in my stead."

The question caught Izaya by surprise, mostly because he wasn't really certain of the answer himself. Either that or he didn't want to be certain. Looking away, he sighed. "Boredom, I suppose. Curiosity. A number of things. I was having trouble believing Senpai would really invite me over to his place," he teased. Then, more seriously, "...and...for a distraction."


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Bashful Bunny

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 2:17 pm
Andre gracefully slid down from his perch on the counter to start cleaning up the few dishes. "Boredom, curiosity?" He repeated, tone vaguely mocking. "Are you sure you didn't come here in hopes that I'd kill you?" He smiled over politely as he took Izaya's mug up before taking a pointed sip. "Since you seem very convinced that my motives are much more sinister than they actually are." He cocked his head before frowning. "No, no, I still hate cold tea." He sighed in a disappointed manner before simply dumping the amber liquid in the sink. "I have no interest in hurting you, Izaya. Why should I?" He asked over his shoulder as he rinsed the mugs. "I would gain nothing."

He turned on his heel to regard the dark-haired man with open curiosity. "Mn...a distraction?" He tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Well, you had a distraction." He pointed out before taking a firm hold of Izaya's chin. He stared blankly as he tilted the others face this way and that as if he were reading the others thoughts through his expressions alone. "Did you decide that you no longer want to be distracted?" He asked lightly as he released his company and took a step back.  
PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 1:33 am

Chuckling softly, Izaya shook his head and shrugged. "Well, one can never be too sure, can they? Particularly about the motives of a sociopath with no qualms about murdering his own parents." When his chuckles faded, he added, "Whether or not your motives are sinister, I've no doubt you would do something considered criminal by society's standards if pleased or benefited you somehow. Perhaps killing me may not be a very entertaining idea now, but if I stayed long enough, who's to say it wouldn't become one, hmm?" He sneered again. "And I seem to have a habit of inspiring the desire to kill or at least harm or maim me, so why would it be any different with a sadist like you? Besides, I refuse to believe a sadist has nothing to gain from hurting people, especially a cunning, intelligent one like yourself who enjoys the challenge of tearing people apart piece by tiny piece, either mentally, physically, or both, if only because they can."

"Why should you have an interest in hurting me?" he asked slowly, thoughtfully. "I don't know. Maybe because everyone else seems to," he murmured, almost to himself. "And many have. So why not make a game of it and jump on the bandwagon?" He laughed mirthlessly. "'Who can hurt that manipulative b*****d the worst?' With as much as he's messed up and ruined, he deserves anything and everything that comes his way, so why not try your luck?"

His laughter abruptly ceased when Andre took him by the chin. The black-haired man briefly forgot to breathe again. He prayed to Arceus that the other man didn't notice. "Maybe I just remembered that my dislike of being man-handled is stronger than my current desire to be distracted," Izaya answered, his tone assuming a hint of contempt to conceal the mix of flusterment and embarrassment churning in his gut. His brow furrowed and he took out his phone to type something on it without looking at what he typed, his gaze still on his host. "...Or maybe I recalled that I can't afford to be right now." Having pushed send on his phone, Andre's would soon be alerting him of a text sent by his current house guest.

The younger informant turned his back on the elder as he stuck his hands in his pockets and walked toward the doorway that Louis had disappeared through. "Ne, Louis-saaan," he called, poking his head in. "You wouldn't try to knock me out or leave me in the woods if I asked you to take me back now, would you...?"


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Bashful Bunny

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 10:42 am
"You seem to think you know a lot about me." Andre noted lightly as he leaned casually against the counter, his hands clasped loosely in front of him and his head cocked curiously. "And that's quite the accusation." The corners of his lips twitching down ever so slightly. He didn't try to confirm nor deny the statement. The case was closed and no one would believe the word of a confirmed member of Team Rocket over his. Izaya was just looking for a reaction to confirm his theory and he wouldn't get it from Andre.

"I'm hurt...how could you lump me in with everyone else?" He held a hand over his heart and pouted. "I outgrew my senseless violence phase quite a few years ago." He tried to keep that disappointed expression but it soon morphed into a wry smile. "Poor Izaya..." He crooned, tugging the other closer so he could drape his arms over the others shoulders. "So picked on." He hummed lightly as he nuzzled his cheek against the others, taking note of the others phone. "And as much fun as picking on you is, I think I'll pass this time." He let the slightly shorter male step away without complaint, his arms crossing over his chest.

"Of course not." Louis' answered immediately, not looking up from the book he was idly flipping through. "Are you ready to leave so soon?"  
PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 11:15 am

"Last I checked, that was my job," the black-haired man called back. Whether he was referring to 'knowing a lot about him', 'thinking he knew a lot about him', 'seeming like he thought he knew a lot about him', or something else entirely, Izaya didn't specify. "But I also just said 'one can never be too sure', so doesn't that mean I don't presume to know a lot about you? I'm just being cautious is all. I can only guess, theorize, hypothesize, and suspect; I can never know for certain. I doubt anyone can be sure about anything, even themselves; much less others."

Before he knew it, he was being pulled back toward Andre and the informant bit the inside of his cheek to refrain from instinctively swatting the other man away or attempting to duck out of his grip. He knew it would have been pointless even if he'd tried because Andre's capoeira had strengthened his arms considerably. He frowned before continuing his words, trying not to let the physical contact bother him despite the warnings it set off in his head at the close proximity of the other being outside of his control. He guessed Andre was probably man-handling him on purpose because he knew it made Izaya uncomfortable.

"My talent lies in convincing people - or even just planting a seed of suspicion - that I know themselves better than they do. Then, sometimes with just a little push in the right direction, they usually end up making it a self-fulfilling prophecy without even realizing. When it ends up coming true, usually by their own power, they then think I'm some kind of mind-reader or fortune-teller or seer, which in turn gives me power over them. But you know me - and, I daresay, yourself - better than that, don't you, Andre-senpai? And I know better than to lump you in with everyone else. That sort of trick won't work on you." He beamed at the ground. "Still, I thought it'd be fun to try."

With a heavy sigh (of relief, no doubt) when he was let go, Izaya almost speed-walked toward Louis. "What, you want me to stay longer? I was under the assumption you didn't like having me here."


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Bashful Bunny

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 11:44 am
"I believe the phrase is, 'Assuming makes an a** of you and me'." Louis said bluntly, as he closed his book and set it aside. He straightened his shirt as he stood, gently shooing the Ninetails curled up at his feet before approaching their guest. "If you're ready to leave I have no qualms with taking you back into town."

Andre snickered quietly to himself as he tugged his phone from his pocket to check his new message. "Can I expect to see you again soon, Izaya?" He asked curiously, not looking up from the device in his hand as his free hand went down to absently pet his Ninetail's head.  
PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 11:57 am

"Yes, thank you for putting that so...eloquently," Izaya told Louis with a pointed look. "And that would be great provided it's town you're taking me back to and that town is the same one you picked me up from." He paused. "And I'm conscious. And in one piece." He held up an index finger matter-of-factly to wave in Louis' face. "Best to specify because I wouldn't want to assume anything."

He glanced back at Andre's question. It was a minute or two before he could think of how to respond. "Do you want to?" There was a note of perplexity in his voice.

The text to Andre simply read:

[Be careful around me. I'm being monitored.]


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Bashful Bunny

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 12:11 pm
Louis looked to the ceiling, took a deep breath, and then leveled Izaya with a bland expression before brushing past the dark haired man to get the keys. "As you like, Mr. Orihara." He took the keys from the hook and waited patiently by the garage door for the two men to say their goodbyes.

Andre read the message before deleting it, the slight furrow of his brow the only indication given over the contents of the message. "I've enjoyed our time together." He said, gaze flitting over to his guest. "I wouldn't be adverse to meeting up again." He smiled an amused, fond sort of smile. The type of smile that was usually reserved for Vincent or perhaps Rosie when they did something that pleased him. "I'll take you to dinner so you don't have to be so on guard." He teased.  
PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 12:32 pm

Izaya snickered at Louis's back when the larger man headed for the garage door. He had been about to follow when he heard Andre speak to him again.

"Oh?" The younger informant tried to interpret that any other emotion in that fond smile; perhaps a bit of contempt or cruelty or sarcasm. To his bewilderment, however, it appeared to be genuine. Either he was getting very bad at reading expressions, Andre was an even more exceptional actor than he gave the man credit for, or the purple-haired aristocrat was being truthful. Huh. It put him on edge a bit because that was certainly not the sort of smile he was used to receiving. Well, maybe from one other person."

"...Don't look at me like that. That's more the kind of face your little brother would make," Izaya said, feigning mild disgust. "And I don't know what you're thinking, because taking me to dinner would just make me even more wary. I'm not a Grande Ile courtesan to woo. At the very least, I can help pay."

He walked briskly toward the garage door, keeping his head low and his gaze forward so Louis wouldn't see his somewhat perturbed look. "But thanks for today. I...suppose I enjoyed it, too. To an extent," he said back over his shoulder before shutting himself in the car.


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Bashful Bunny

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 12:40 pm
Andre's smile only grew at the others reaction. As if he would be insulted being compared to Zacharie though that did raise a few questions for him. Why was his little brother looking at Izaya with any sort of amusement? He had been under the impression that they didn't interact much. Perhaps he would need to have a chat with his little brother the next time he was available. "Anytime, Izaya." He bowed his head as Izaya made a beeline for the car followed closely by Louis. "I will return shortly, Sir."

The quiet click of the garage door shutting echoed through the kitchen leaving Andre with his thoughts once more.  

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