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Luna The Rock Wolf

Luna didn't mind Natsu helping her out. In fact the pressure felt nice on her leg and it would help to stop the bleeding. She then saw what Lucy and Happy Brought back. She knew that these rations wouldn't be enough. She then started to sniff around, eventually smelling something that would fill them up, plus make Happy more relaxed, Fish. She went over to a small stream that she saw on the other side of the bushes, and thought to herself 'These should make all of them very happy.' before she managed to get enough fish for all of them, plus an extra one for happy to make him happier than he already was. She put them on a large leaf, and began to pull the leaf back to the campsite, letting her leg dangle along the way to let it rest. Once she got back, she pawed at Natsu's arm to get his attention. She hoped the fish would make them happy.

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