Hah! I've proven us all wrong! Adam and Eve DID preform the first sin!

Trace your way back: The first mated couple born from near-human apes. If we were to lable these two as Adam and Eve, we may go to the next stage.

We shall look at the standard Christian teachings. Oh my, that's a lot of sins, isn't it!? Well, by logic, we must assume that at least ONE of the two had at least ONCE in their lives performed some sort of sin.


I can disprove Adam and Eve mathematically.

Assuming that every human couple on earth had a baby once a year, assuming everyone started having babies when they turned 16, and assuming no one ever died, it's mathematically impossible for 2 people to make 6.5 billion people in only 6500 years.

If you want me to present my equation, just ask.