Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 1:58 pm
Inwe thought deeply. Why had she kissed Kojay? 'I don't love him,' she thought. 'I must tell him.' She walked out of the forest and up to Kojay. "Kojay? Can we talk?"
Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 8:00 pm
Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 3:41 am
Lyria883 Kaden raised an eyebrow at Kojay, and then at Sasami as she rushed away. "I need some sleep..." He said to Raylana shaking his head with a smile on his face. "i dont think you're delusional" she said watching everything "but honestly this is getting weird"
Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 3:50 am
"Well if you all need rest, i'll talk with Inweover here."
he walk to Inwe "Sure, whats up?"
Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 10:46 am
cooks pancarkes and lets the smell of maple syrup fill the air
Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 12:54 pm
He sniffs the air. "Well, if I'm not delutional then I sure am hungry. Would you like some breakfast?" He asked gesturing toward the dinning hall.
Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 1:40 pm
Lyria883 He sniffs the air. "Well, if I'm not delutional then I sure am hungry. Would you like some breakfast?" He asked gesturing toward the dinning hall. she smiled "sure" she saids oftly
Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 1:49 pm
"Remember that kiss?" Inwe wrang her pale hands. She store down at the ground.
Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 3:21 pm
Kaden held out his arm for her, and led her to the dinning hall. "It smells wonderful," He commented when they were close enough to the kitchen door for Sasami to hear.
Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 4:59 pm
Lyria883 Kaden held out his arm for her, and led her to the dinning hall. "It smells wonderful," He commented when they were close enough to the kitchen door for Sasami to hear. she took his arm gently and walked with him "yes it does sasami" she said pleasantly. "thank you"
Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 10:19 pm
"thank you every one excuse me wile I get dressed for some reason dragons dont wear clothing last few times I changed I been naked so I need to dress now I'll joing you soon enjoy my cooking as always"
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 3:34 am
"kiss, who kissed me? i remember no kiss..." he said soflty
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 12:59 pm
"I did. I didn't mean it. I was lost in the moment," Inwe flet her heart beat rapidly against her chest. 'I do, or I don't. Do i?' she pondered. "Acutally. I mean. I did mean it. I really love you." ((twist hehehehehehe))
Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 3:43 am
"Inwe..." he said with a shocked look on his face "You are a very nice girl, but if i had some one special , they would be a target" he put his han on her shoulder "The code of the Ninja is to never have any one be to close to you,untill you retire your duties. I plan the be a Ninja till i die, I'm sorry."
Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 1:42 pm
Inwe shook her head. "I'll see you die and live till the end of time." She stepped back and transformed back into the huge hawk and flew high. So far that she was only a twinkling star high in the sky. MAny voices around could be heard of her people singing a sad lament for Inwe.