Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 7:41 pm
after many hours of lying their unconciess on the floor angabelle eventually got up and felt someone run really fast past her "whos there" she called some one ran past again and again until angabelle felt someone standing right behind her, so close she could feel their breath on her shoulder she looked from the corner of her eye she could see a figure crouching over her neck, it was all very blury then she cried out in pain when something razor sharp touched her neck she herd a grunting noise then the pain fell away before a new wave of pain hit her even worse then before...
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 2:03 am
I materialize some food cause i was hungry and started eating.
Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 4:09 am
Julie looked around and sighed again... "I see he don't mention what he need from you huh?" Julie said and look down
Kristi was sleeping and in her dream she saw her full family in once , with Nick...
Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 4:24 am
"Hey Ice, tell me more about this place. I mean like the rooms and chambers and stuff. Is there a place where I should avoid?" I asked the floating creature.
"I think we should leave the dungeon," I said as I helped Julie up.
"H-hey, is the storm over yet?" Ian asked Chinton
'No but I don't think we can communicate with them anymore,' Chinton answered.
Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 4:27 am
Julie stand up "You are right...I mean there could be a trap in this dungeon , and! The Sorcerer doesn't yet know that i'am alive..." Julie said
Kristi quickly wake up as she hear what Chinton said
"W-We can't?"
Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 4:35 am
'Yes...the connection just broke. The blizzard is almost over,' Chinto said sadly. Ian hung his head too.
"Ice? Are you too hungry to respond to me?" I asked the blue creature but he was silent still.
Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 4:38 am
Kristi was about to cry but she take herself and remember that Nick promised her to come back
Julie jiggled "I see...Maybe you will try some cookies?" Julie said as she hand over some cookies to Ice
Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 1:05 am
"I hope Kristi would be okay...she sounded like she hadn't slept for so long," i murmured absentmindedly. "Glad that guy's taking care of her," I added softly.
Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 2:54 am
"Maybe...She really want to see us so...When she heard us i hear that she waked up quickly and started talking to us..." Julie said and sighed
"Well...I guess Ice is eating and making mess..." Julie added and smiled
Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 10:29 pm
after a very long time in pain it slowly faded and she felt hungry, but she didnt know wat there was to eat at this place, she walked around lost until she found a young girl crying for her mother, angabelle sniffed the air "ooo that smells yummy" she followed where the smell was coming from until she was standing right behind the girl, "mumma where are bou ** girl turns around and sees angabelle** do bou know where my mumma is?" angabelle sighed and then smirked and said, "no... but i can make you be with her forever... would you like that little girl? well would you?" the little girl scrunched her face uup, "ferstwy im not a wittle gewl, ima big gewl, and secondwy ofcorse i wanna be wiv my mamma foreva, will my daddee be dere to? angabelle nodded and sighed "but if you wanna be wiv dem foreva there will be the tiniest bit of pain, but u get to be with your parents for eva" the little girl nodded and said, " i know wat bou are, but bou make shure bou do it vewy kwikwy" angabelle tilted her head and said "can you please tell me because i have no clue what i am all i kno is i want something from you, and im yearning for your ki.. umm never mind, but tell me what i am ok?" the little girl nodded "bou a vampiyar, me seen bou get bite on bou neck ** angabelle felt her neck and there were 2 lumps** den mr vampyar run way into da fowest, u vewy luky.. me vewy luky to.. becoz bou came.. if it wasnt for bou me get lot pain, be cawful, be kwik.. i wuv u mamma & daddy" angabelle did wat she had to and was crying wen she fiinished and said "i killed a poor little inocent little child, i never will do such a crime, i must be **shivers** a v-v-vegetarian **shivers**"
Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 10:35 pm
Rainchan come near Angabelle and roar at her , but even if he roars at Julie , She knows he wouldn't do anything...
Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 10:57 pm
"did u know her? umm i-i-im sorry if u did"
Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 11:25 pm
"Rainchan? What's going on here?" I said when I saw Raichan with another girl. "Hi. Are you lost too? Where's Julie?" I asked as I turned around to look.
Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:10 am
((She is in the forest...Not in the book , And there is other Rainchan's...))
Julie pat Nick's shoulder and said "I'am here"