You'll follow me back...
With the sun in your eyes and on your own...
Bedshaped and lips of stone...
@Axel: Oh, I see. I want to see some of your art sometime! ^^ ... when your scanner isn't messed up or something.
@Yopu: I think this would be simpler if I knew what stinkin' brush to use for the base! My friend when she uses hers the line she draws smooths itself and I can't figure out how to get that going on my photoshop! I have the smae version as her so I don't know.
@Curious: Yeah... But after a while that it is in my head it turns into my voice just saying Flossy clearly. Not all fancy like...flousy!
...You'll knock on my door
...And up we'll go in white light
...I don't think so
...But what do I know