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Dedicated Seeker

PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 12:02 am
Micheal smiled openly when she said that she would be there. He knew it. He knew it! Elenore wasn't the kind of woman to turn her back on someone who needed her. He didn't say anything as she hung up, simply hanging up his own phone. He grabbed the jacket off the arm of his couch, slipped it on and left. Outside, Horace was standing in the shelter Leaf had helped Micheal build when he'd first gotten the horse. The creature lifted its head, his large eyes focusing on his master.

"'orace, old boy, you and me are going for a ride." The horse blinked, showing no sign that it understood nor cared to understand its master's words. After taking a few minutes to get Horace saddled up, Micheal was off.

Micheal wasn't entirely sure what he was going to say or do once he and
Elenore actually got into Daniel's house. He knew the younger man would be there. His schedule was as predictable as the course of the sun these days. Even still, Daniel himself had never been the easier person to predict, though Micheal knew he made it seem like a walk in the park. The reactions he'd been getting from Daniel lately had left him floundering for an explanation with none to be forthcoming. Hopefully, with Elenore at his back, they would be able to get some answers.

The ride was spent in silence save for the few times he urged Horace into a faster or slower gait. Finally, the house came into view as well as the car that was parked in front of it, beside the rusting old truck. Micheal spurred Horace on the last yards before willing the creature to a halt beside the front porch. He jumped off and tied one of the reins to the porch railing before walking over to Elenore.

In the growing darkness, he couldn't see the minute changes in her figure as he approached. As it was, he was far too worried about Daniel to notice such things. "Ellie," he said in greeting. "Good to see you again, though I wish it were for better reasons." He glanced over his shoulder at the house and sighed. "Well, let's get this show on the road." He shot her a humorless grin before making his way up the porch stairs. The wood was getting worse, groaning under Micheal's weight. It would have to be replaced.

Without bothering to knock, he threw open the door and called out Daniel's name as he strolled in. The smell of alcohol hung in the air but it was not overpowering. The outside walls were lined with dark yellow insulation that had been leaned against the walls but not restrained or attached in any way. A few seconds later, Daniel appeared in the doorway to the kitchen. His clothing was relatively presentable, except for the mended tear in one sleeve and the dark red stain on the other. His skin was pale, though, except for the dark smudges under his eyes and where he had a yellow-tinged bruise high on one cheek. The smell of liquior rolled off him but he wasn't so much as swaying. His expression revealed that he had accepted a fate of being lectured every time Micheal appeared. However, his face went blank with surprise when Elenore followed Micheal through the door.

Micheal kept his own expression neutral but serious. "Daniel, we need to talk."  
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 2:17 pm
Elenore looked up when she heard the sound of hooves. Micheal was getting off his horse and tying the reins to a railing. Biting her lip, she tilted her head to the side before moving away from the car. He hadn't changed a whole lot from the last time she had seen him. She couldn't help but feel nervous that he would notice the baby bump that she had gained since a few months ago. He mentioned nothing about it though.. She didn't know if the conversation would change if he did.

"It's good to see you too," she said softly, shivering a bit before they both moved up to the door. She gingerly stepped up onto the porch, hearing it creak from when Micheal stood on it. She could only hope that it wouldn't break with both of them standing there. Elenore was waiting for him to knock but instead he simply threw the door open. Her lips parted. She didn't want to be rude but there was nothing that could be done about that now.

Slowly stepping into the house, the smell of liquor consumed her and for a moment she had to stop, not wanting to hurl at that very moment. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she then moved on, following Micheal's lead. The smell probably wasn't that bad but her sense of smell had heightened in the past couple of months. The same thing had been true when she was pregnant with Nick.

Her eyes scanned the room until they fell on Daniel. She looked him over. He looked miserable. The dark red stain bothered her. The only thing that it probably was, was blood. What had he gotten himself into. Her eyes slowly lifted to look up at his face. He was as pale as a ghost. The shadows under his eyes told her that he hadn't gotten much sleep. She looked away, guilt filling her once again.

((Sorry it's short >< ))  



Dedicated Seeker

PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 2:41 pm
Micheal wasn't overly surprised by Daniel's appearance but, then, he'd been over just the other day. He could only imagine what was going through Elenore's head. From what he understood, she had come from a middle-class family and, even now, she had a decent standard of living. She wouldn't have been exposed to anything like this before. But, he didn't dare look away from Daniel to see how she was taking it. The situation was precarious at best.

Whatever Elenore was doing behind him, he watched as Daniel looked at her for a few moments before looking away. Whatever had happened between them most certainly had something to do with the current circumstances. He was sure of it.

"Daniel, we know something's going on, something not good. It's plain as day on your face that, whatever it is, it's eating you alive. We're 'ere because we're worried about you. What's going on?"

Daniel dragged his gaze up to Micheal as he spoke but, even as he did, Micheal could see the growing tension in the younger man's jaw. This wasn't going to be easy. He sighed inwardly and listened as Daniel claimed that it was nothing, that he was imaging things and that he should learn to keep his nose out of things that didn't concern him. Micheal stood there, waiting for him to finish, aware all the while of Elenore at his back. He hoped she wouldn't get angry at him for what he was about to do.

When Daniel finally fell silent, Micheal waited a couple of seconds before walking right up to him. The younger man seemed surprised at his approach but he refused to move, looking Micheal right in the eye. The older man stopped when there was only a couple feet between them. The difference in height was most obvious then, that Daniel had a good six inches on him. But Micheal wasn't worried. He stared right back at Daniel for a few seconds before ramming his fist into Daniel's stomach. Normally, this only would have knocked him off balance. Micheal didn't put much force behind the punch because he knew, if he was right, it wouldn't require much force.

Daniel stumbled back a few steps, whatever color was left in his face draining as he hunched over, hands over his stomach and gasping for air. Micheal frowned, displeased but not surprised in the slightest. He had been right. Stepping forward, he stood beside Daniel, watching him for a moment before slamming an elbow into the youner man's back. On reflex, Daniel straightened and Micheal used the opportunity to grab hold of Daniel's shift and lift it enough to reveal the dark bruises that colored his torso. He sighed aloud and let the shirt fall back, watching as Daniel stumbled away from him, one hand on his stomach and the other against the wall. Ignoring the weak glare sent his way, he said, "Did you really think I wouldn't figure it out?" He got no response.  
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 3:03 pm
The smell of alcohol reminded her of the days she lived with her father.. after her mother had died. She didn't want Daniel to become that man. It would be a living nightmare if he did. And it would be because of her. She couldn't let that happen. Lifting her eyes when Micheal spoke, she watched Daniel's expression. He denied it. How could he deny something like that? He was in a horrible state. Swallowing, she bit the tip of her tongue. She wouldn't say anything.. not yet.

Elenore watched as Micheal came closer. Her muscles tensed in her shoulder as she waited. Micheal had something up his sleeve and she had a feeling it wouldn't be good. She happened to be right. Her eyes widened when Micheal threw a punch, Daniel's face whitened even more. She couldn't help but take a few steps closer. Micheal didn't stop there though. Daniel's back straightened and that was when she saw that his flesh was colored in different shades of black and blue. Her keys dropped from her hands and her own skin went completely pale.

Her emerald eyes searched his face, tears coming to her eyes. "Daniel.." she breathed in before shaking her head and walking up to him, pushing away the thoughts that told her that he had pushed her away so many times. "Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you say anything?" Standing a mere two feet away from him, it was obvious that he was a whole head taller than her if not more. "What do you think you're doing? Putting your life on the line? Did you think I wanted that? I can make ends meet, I never wanted to put you in danger. Put you back in the place that you fought so hard to leave." The word let her lips quickly and only now she took in another breath.

"I don't need the money." Her voice was low and at that point she didn't care that Micheal was hearing her words.



Dedicated Seeker

PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 11:30 pm
Daniel knew he was in for it. Not physically, they wouldn't do that to him. At least, not yet. But he could see the lecture building on Micheal's face. He didn't know Elenore's reaction. He refused to look at her, knew he couldn't without breaking. Her presence alone made him all the more aware of his shortcomings. He had caught a glimpse of her face when Micheal had punched him. The way the color drained out of her face, the look in her eyes. Why was she even there? If Micheal was going to use such tactics, he should have known better than to bring her.

However, before Micheal could release the lecture that he'd most likely planned ahead of time, Elenore spoke. He looked at her face, her beautiful, flawless, sad face, before looking away. Her pain was obvious, clearly written on her face. Her questions made his gut clench with guilt but he forced himself to look her in the eye. She deserved that much. "Why would I have? It would have only upset you, like it is now." He paused to shoot a glare at Micheal who glared right back. "Besides, you're wrong. I know you need the money. Dolan told me how much you make. It's more than it was but it won't be enough once the baby comes. You know it and I know it." He didn't argue the fact that he was putting his life in danger. He was many things but he wasn't stupid. He knew he wasn't as fit or as healthy as he used to be and the fighting was taking it out of him, and fast.

"Well, not really," Micheal said, his anger having cooled down. "She's moving in with 'er aunt so she won't be paying some outrageous rent." He shot a sheepish grin at Elenore. "The farm wives around 'ere love gossip." Suddenly, an idea came to him and he grabbed hold of one of Daniel's arm and one of Elenore's. Daniel knew that look and he watched the older man warily. "That's it! Why didn't I think of it before? Elenore, you're already moving out 'ere anyway. Why not move in with Daniel? You know, the father of your child? It makes sense. It's not like you two are at each other's throats or anything. And don't pull that face, Daniel. You're the one who put 'er up the pole. The least you can do is open up your 'ome for 'er and 'er kiddies."

Daniel frowned, sending Micheal a look that said very clearly that he thought his friend was an idiot. While Micheal did have a point that he owed Elenore, well, anything, he immediately saw several flaws in this plan. "My house is a shithole, and tiny, and freezing. Besides, you're just suggesting this because you want kids around."

Micheal, having released their arms and placed one fist on his hip, used his other hand to wave away the words. "Absolutely. As for the house: Not a problem. Leaf and I can 'elp you fix this place up. At least to make it livable until spring and then we can do some serious renovations." To Elenore, he asked, "What do you say?"  
PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 11:58 am
"It wouldn't have been as bad if you had just told me," her voice held pain but she did her best not to raise it. She didn't want to get into a yelling argument with him. Not right now. "I-" she stopped, she didn't have an argument for that but then Micheal stepped in. Running a hand over her face, she then looked over at her, her eyes narrowing slightly. So it seemed everyone around here already knew except for Daniel. She was kind of surprised he didn't mentioned anything about the child that was on the way though.

Her eyes looked back over at Daniel. She hated this. Hated the fact that he kept pushing her away. Why did she keep coming back? Hearing Micheal's idea, she glanced at him. "If he doesn't want to, I'm not going to force myself and my children on him," she told Micheal. She had thought about that idea before. Daniel would have never agreed to it. Well.. Daniel's point were true. "What?" she looked at Micheal when Daniel mentioned he wanted kids around. Was Daniel his only family? That would be a conversation for a later time.

Moving away from the two, she leaned against the opposite wall. Hearing Micheal's question, she looked at Daniel, watching his facial expressions. Lowering her gaze for a moment, she couldn't help but think about her kids. It would be a big change for them. Her eyes returned to Daniel. "It's not just for me to decide. I have to talk to my kids and you still haven't said if you want me here or not." Her voice was soft once again.

Deserai would be thrilled. Nickolas would be happy to be out of the city but she didn't know how he would feel about Daniel. Grace on the other hand.. they hadn't been getting along as it was. She didn't know what she would say.



Dedicated Seeker

PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 5:15 pm
Daniel had to force himself not to just give in at the sound of her pain. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt Elenore even more than he already had. She had been through so much already because of him. However, he couldn't back down simply because he was right. Telling her wouldn't have made a difference. It only would have upset her and it wasn't like telling her would have changed anything. He was still going to go to the fighting rings because that was how he made his living. She started to argue then stopped. He raised an eyebrow in such a way that showed very well that he knew she had no arguement. Before he could point it out, Micheal spoke.

Daniel immediately rejected Micheal's idea because it was am bad idea. If Elenore was already moving in with her aunt, who had a big, spacious, well-kept house, why would she wanted to move into his dump? As for him getting her pregnant, he was going to have a long talk to Micheal about something called invasion of privacy. He didn't appreciate Micheal spying on him.

When Elenore looked to him, Daniel looked to her. This was ridiculous. Of course she didn't want to move in with him. This was no place to raise children. It was a miracle the place hadn't fallen in on itself. And yet, when she spoke, it almost sounded like she did want to move in. His brow furrowed in confusion and he almost missed Micheal dry response of
"You might not but I would."

When Micheal finally asked Elenore out and out, Daniel looked to her, watching as she looked back at him. He could see her searching his expression, just as he was doing to her. What was she thinking? Did she want to move in? Did she not? He suddenly felt sick with nervousness -or possibly because of his previous internal bleeding. When she spoke, it cleared up absolutely nothing. In fact, a small flicker of anger began to burn in his gut. Why? He wasn't entirely sure. It was probably the whiskey.

"Answer me this," he said. "Why would you want to move your kids into this dump when you could live in that beautiful house of your aunt's? It's big. Every kid would get their own room. It's clean. It's strong. It's warm. What could get possibly gain out of living here instead of there? What would you get out of it?"
PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 5:43 pm
Having Micheal here really didn't do a whole lot. Why had he brought up the idea in the first place? What was that going to change? He didn't want her here and his next words made it obvious. "They would get a father but you know what? It doesn't seem like you want to take on that role anyway." She snapped at him, her jaw clenched now. Her anger was showing now. She was tired of trying to make things work and only have everything thrown back in her face. It always happened and now it wasn't going to be any different.

"And what would I get?" She took a couple of steps closer to her, her muscles tense. "I thought I'd get a loving man to raise my children with. To have a family with. Someone to fall asleep and wake up with." Her voice was low but it had a dangerous edge to it. She shook her head and then went to where she had dropped her keys. Picking them up, she looked over her shoulder, glancing at Daniel.

"Quit your job, Daniel. Stop sending me money." With that she headed for the front door. She had had enough of this. She had come to help and yet it seemed as if she had made things worse. Opening the door, she heard Deserai's question ringing through her mind... asking where her father was. She couldn't take this anymore. It was hard raising her kids on her own. Daniel didn't want to be a part of it.. and even if he did, he would never let himself be. At least now she would have Aunt Rose to help her...



Dedicated Seeker

PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 11:36 pm
Daniel felt his jaw tighten, his teeth grinding against each other. How many times had he told her that he wouldn't make a good father? How many times had he tried to explain to her that he wasn't a good person? And how many times had she told him that he wasn't that person anymore? Just like that, the anger began to drain away. When she stepped up to him, surprise flickered across his face and he had to force himself not to step backward.

Stunned and unable to do anything else, Daniel listened to her words and watched as she went to retrieve her dropped keys. Her last words snapped him out of his daze. Ignoring the pain that surged through his wounded stomach muscles, he rushed after her, grabbing hold of her arm just as she reached the door. "Wait, please," he said gently. He looked down, frowning thoughtfully at the floor as he tried to gather his thoughts and looking back up at her when he had. "I can't guarantee that I'll be the person you want me to be-" He paused again, once more struggling to focus his thoughts through the whiskey-induced haze. "but... but I'll try, if you're willing to help me. I don't... I don't know how to be a father... or a husband, for that matter. As for the job... I don't know how to do anything else, at least nothing that would make enough money to be worth it."

He didn't know what else to do. She would either stay or she would leave. If she left... that was it. There was nothing else for him. He would fight until it killed him and then it would be over. If she stayed, if she refused to let him keep fighting... he would just have to find something else. He'd have to, because he wasn't going to lose her if she would have him, not again.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 11:44 am
He hadn't even moved. She guessed that their conversation was done. There was nothing more to say. That was it. When she opened the door, the cold air slowly engulfed her just as she felt a hand wrapped around her arm. She swallowed. Hearing his words, she lowered her head, looking at the hardwood floor. He had never asked her to wait. Never asked her to stay.. had she finally gotten through to him?

Looking over her shoulder at him, she listened. He would try. Her eyes closed for a moment as he continued. He would learn with time and patience. Elenore slowly turned to face him, her fingers brushing against his cheek, avoiding the bruised area. "I don't want to lose you.. to lose you to your job," she told him, her eyes searching his blue ones. "We'll find a way to make it work but I can't let you keep working there," she said softly before lowering her head. She would have to start using the money that came in from her ex.

Her eyes met his again. "Don't go back there. Promise me that. Promise me that you won't go back." Her eyes were almost pleading. She'd help him find another job but she wouldn't let him go back. "I'll talk to my kids then.. and we'll figure everything out with the house.." she told him, wondering what in the world was going through his mind.

She could only hope that her kids would be alright. That the house would be warm enough. Micheal said that everything would be ready in due time. She had a feeling that it would be hard for Nickolas but he would be happier in due time. Grace though...



Dedicated Seeker

PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 3:13 pm
Daniel watched, hoping beyond hope that she would stay. He didn't know what he would do if she left. It seemed to take forever for her to respond. At first, he thought she would just turn back towards the door and walk out but she didn't. Instead, she turned around to face him. Her touch on his cheek stole his breath away. He would have loved nothing more than to close his eyes and lean into the touch but she was speaking and he forced himself to focus.

He wanted to say that it wouldn't happen, that she wouldn't lose him to his job, but it would be a lie and a blatant one at that. He knew better. She knew better. And if she didn't, Micheal would make sure she did. He lowered his head, studying the pattern of the floorboards beneath his feet. He had to keep working -some kind of work, even if it wasn't fighting- but he didn't know what else he could possibly do. There was nothing else he could do. He had stashes of items from his previous life buried on his property but no pawn shop owner would touch them. At least, none that wouldn't turn him in. But, it was undoubtedly a condition of her staying so he gave a tense nod.

Daniel lifted his head again, looking in her the eye. "I promise," he said. "I won't go back there." It was almost a relief to say the words aloud. It was probably the drink playing tricks on him but he thought he felt the pain in his gut ease slightly. While it didn't do anything to ease the anxiety of how in the world he was suddenly going to support a family of five -soon to be six- his body, at least, was grateful.

At the mention of the house, Daniel started to speak but was cut off when Micheal decided to remind them he was there. "Don't you worry about the 'ouse. Give us three days and we'll 'ave it ready for you and the littlies." At the look and raised eyebrow that Daniel sent him, he amended, "More or less."  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 3:26 pm
It seemed to take him forever to say something. Did he really think that keeping the job was more important? She hoped not. She really hoped that he would promise her that he wouldn't go. If he didn't.. well hopefully Micheal would be able to knock some sense into him. He had tried in the past and maybe this time it would actually work.

A smile appeared on her lips when he promised. She almost hugged him but then realized that he was in quite a bit of pain, so instead she gently wrapped her arms around him, doing her best to barely touch him. She had no idea how many bruises he had. Hearing Micheal's voice, she pulled away from Daniel, looking over at the man that had decided to stay quiet for quite some time.

"Three days? I don't want you guys to work yourselves to death." She looked up at Daniel. "And you need rest," she told him, her voice soft as her eyes scanned his face. She felt her stomach twist in knots. There was so much to do. Of course most of the things back home were already packed but she had to explain a lot to her kids. They had to meet Daniel. Deserai barely knew him. The kids barely knew him at all. She wished she could spend the rest of the day, what was left of it, here... with him but they both had a lot to think about. Besides.. Micheal was here was well. "I should get going.." she said gently.



Dedicated Seeker

PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 3:41 pm
The sight of her smile made it all worth it. Daniel smiled back, a weak, weary smile but a smile nonetheless. Things were going to be very rough in the near future but it would be well worth it if they could make it work. Suddenly, her arms were around him, hugging him but barely touching him. Unable to do anything else, he allowed his own arms to encircle her, his cheek resting against the top of her head. Her smell wafted up from her hair, filling his mind with memories of their night together. Damn it all. This was going to be harder than he thought.

When Micheal spoke, he wanted to thank the man was much as he resented him. He forced himself to pull away from Elenore, focusing on Micheal and trying to drive from his mind all the things he wanted to do, and probably would have done had Micheal not been there and he not been covered in painful bruises.

At Elenore's voice, Daniel glanced over at her. "Don't worry," he said. "We won't. There will still be a lot of work to be done but three days will give us enough time to insulate the place and make it sturdy enough to last the winter. As for me, between Micheal and Leaf, I doubt whether I'll actually be allowed to help with the building at all." Leaf may not have been as close to Daniel as Micheal was but they were still friends and Leaf was a healer at heart. One look at Daniel and he'd be prescribing bed rest until he was blue in the face.

At the news that she had to leave, Daniel repressed his disappointment. He was being ridiculous. Of course she had to go home. She couldn't stay there. She had to get her kids and convince them of the change in plans. He could only imagine what would go through their minds. "Alright. I guess I'll see you in a few days. If not sooner."
PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 4:04 pm
She missed being in his arms even if it had only been a few times. She felt safe there.. and now especially since she knew he wanted her around. Her eyes closed for the brief moment that they were in each others arms. Micheal spoke then, forcing them apart. Why did it have to be this way? Well.. things would be different in a couple of days. They would hopefully be living here.. together.

Looking up at him, she smiled a little. "Well, I do hope you get some rest," she told him, her hands lingering on him before she took one more step back, her hands falling by her sides. "Thank you," she said, looking over at Micheal. He had gotten her to come down here after all this time. He had brought them together again. She owed that to him.

Her eyes returned to Daniel as he said his farewell. "Yeah.. in a couple of days. Good night.." she took one more step back, biting her lower lip. She didn't want to leave but she knew she had to. With that, she turned around and headed back to the car, trusting that someone else would close the door. Hopefully Micheal would take care of Daniel for the night and make sure he didn't do anything stupid either. Getting to her car, she looked back at the house once more, she would be back here soon enough...



Dedicated Seeker

PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 4:18 pm
Daniel's skin tingled where her hands touched him, no matter that it was an innocent hug. This was getting out of hand and they had only been back on good ground for a few minutes! Once she had moved in there permenantly, and he had healed, it was going to take all of his self-control to keep it in his pants. Because, the truth was, he didn't want them to just be 'living together'. He had told her that he didn't know anything about being a husband but that was what he wanted to be. He didn't want to be her partner or her boyfriend. He wanted to be her husband... in every sense of the word. But, after what her ex had done, would she be willing to give him the chance?

Despite that, he smiled. "Of course." Micheal and Leaf would tie him to the bed if they felt they had to. He watched as she thanked Micheal he tipped his non-existant hat to her. He shook his head, amused, before turning his attention back to Elenore. "Good night," he murmured, watching as she left before, reluctantly, closing the door behind her.

Only when he was sure Elenore was gone did he turned back to Micheal. He looked at the man, his oldest friend, before looking around the room. There was so much to do before the place was livable, let alone suitable. The insulation would have to be put up and covered. The spare room would have to be made up for the kids. The living room would have to be completed; that wouldn't be done in three days, with everything else that was required, but they could get a headstart on it. He looked back to Micheal who seemed to know exactly what he was thinking.

"Three days."

"Three days."  
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