Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:12 am
Flowers have a bit of liquid, so the airplane officials won't let me pass. Thinking I might create a bomb, so peanuts it is. xD
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:13 am
whatser_name StrawBerryApple Bah.
You can tell who tourists are here, because they want to see the rock. rolleyes
And yes, timsn must be treated like royalty whenever she gets off aplane. There are no tourists in Ohio. xD Ohio sucks. Well there is the Rock Hall. So I guess that's where Tourists would go. And Cedar Point I suppose. But there's really no major landmarks or anything. Ohio is lame. I've been to Cedar Point
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:13 am
x3 thisismysn x3 Do you live in/near Plymouth? ninja
@whatsername: It's more like a seasonal thing. When it's cold, it's really cold When it's hot, it's really hot.
@bart: NO! ONLY FLOWERS! scream ..lulz. Giving out my location is fun. xD Yep, or at least, on the town line, which stinks. But anyways, I could walk there. lulz.And that Mayflower or whatever is there too. XD I know people that work there. o3o There a beach near where you live?
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:14 am
whatser_name There are no tourists in Ohio. xD Ohio sucks. Well there is the Rock Hall. So I guess that's where Tourists would go. And Cedar Point I suppose. But there's really no major landmarks or anything. Ohio is lame. Maine is called Vacationland for a reason. Tons of tourists come here to see the ocean.
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:15 am
x3 thisismysn x3 StrawBerryApple Bah.
You can tell who tourists are here, because they want to see the rock. rolleyes
And yes, timsn must be treated like royalty whenever she gets off aplane. Do you live in/near Plymouth? ninja
@whatsername: It's more like a seasonal thing. When it's cold, it's really cold When it's hot, it's really hot.
@bart: NO! ONLY FLOWERS! scream Ahh, I see. Yeah it can get like that here too. But I don't think it ever gets quit that cold. We only get to the negitives a few times a year. Close, but we hardly get there.
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:16 am
StrawBerryApple ..lulz. Giving out my location is fun. xD Yep, or at least, on the town line, which stinks. But anyways, I could walk there. lulz.And that Mayflower or whatever is there too. XD I know people that work there. o3o There a beach near where you live? Fun. I guess? Yeah there's a beach, but not the ocean. I live in the lakes area of Maine. But I live in/near a historic village, so we get tourists for that.
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:16 am
@whatsername: Michigan is lamer. xP
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:16 am
x3 thisismysn x3 whatser_name There are no tourists in Ohio. xD Ohio sucks. Well there is the Rock Hall. So I guess that's where Tourists would go. And Cedar Point I suppose. But there's really no major landmarks or anything. Ohio is lame. Maine is called Vacationland for a reason. Tons of tourists come here to see the ocean.
Exactly like Miami, more old people though. gonk
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:17 am
Mai: A lot of people have. But for whatever reason, I havn't. And I like rather close to it too. Dx
Mysn: Ohh. That makes sense. Ohio doesn't have an ocean. All we have is a smelly lake that has caught on fire more than three times. D: No one wants to swim in it, or go to the beach.
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:17 am
whatser_name Ahh, I see. Yeah it can get like that here too. But I don't think it ever gets quit that cold. We only get to the negitives a few times a year. Close, but we hardly get there. well Maine is quite a bit farther North than Ohio. edit: ... Lakes catch on fire??? eek @bart: The town I live in is overrun with old people. eek
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:18 am
x3 thisismysn x3 whatser_name Ahh, I see. Yeah it can get like that here too. But I don't think it ever gets quit that cold. We only get to the negitives a few times a year. Close, but we hardly get there. well Maine is quite a bit farther North than Ohio. @bart: The town I live in is overrun with old people. eek Hehehe! xD
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:18 am
x3 thisismysn x3 Fun. I guess? Yeah there's a beach, but not the ocean. I live in the lakes area of Maine. But I live in/near a historic village, so we get tourists for that. Well, lakes are cool too, though I haven't been to many. Sorry, I jsut usually call it the bach. Maybe I should start saying ocean more. A historic village? That sounds cool...yet...I can see why the tourists would dress and layers and such. I would hate to go to a historic village.Unless it was the one near you.
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:21 am
StrawBerryApple x3 thisismysn x3 Fun. I guess? Yeah there's a beach, but not the ocean. I live in the lakes area of Maine. But I live in/near a historic village, so we get tourists for that. Well, lakes are cool too, though I haven't been to many. Sorry, I jsut usually call it the bach. Maybe I should start saying ocean more. A historic village? That sounds cool...yet...I can see why the tourists would dress and layers and such. I would hate to go to a historic village.Unless it was the one near you. Muhah. The state I live in is surrounded by lakes. xD
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:21 am
StrawBerryApple Well, lakes are cool too, though I haven't been to many. Sorry, I jsut usually call it the bach. Maybe I should start saying ocean more. A historic village? That sounds cool...yet...I can see why the tourists would dress and layers and such. I would hate to go to a historic village.Unless it was the one near you. whee the village is pretty lame. It's just a bunch of really old white houses. We now own a house on the ocean though. It's awesome. I think when most people think of maine, they go "ZOMG! LOBESTERSSS! LHIGHTHOUSSEEESSS!! OSEAAAN!"
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:21 am
x3 thisismysn x3 whatser_name Ahh, I see. Yeah it can get like that here too. But I don't think it ever gets quit that cold. We only get to the negitives a few times a year. Close, but we hardly get there. well Maine is quite a bit farther North than Ohio. edit: ... Lakes catch on fire??? eek @bart: The town I live in is overrun with old people. eek They don't. But Lake Erie does because it's so freaking polluted. D: It's horrible.