Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:22 am
X r a n d o m w o r d X Muhah. The state I live in is surrounded by lakes. xD Didn't you say you lived in Michigan? Isn't michigan the lake state, or something like that?
@whatsername:That must be a whole lotta pollution.
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:23 am
See all you guys later! Be back in about 5 hrs.
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:23 am
BartDude See all you guys later! Be back in about 5 hrs. bbye.
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:25 am
x3 thisismysn x3 X r a n d o m w o r d X Muhah. The state I live in is surrounded by lakes. xD Didn't you say you lived in Michigan? Isn't michigan the lake state, or something like that?
@whatsername:That must be a whole lotta pollution. Yes, I'm a Michagander. xD Minnesota is the State of 10,000 lakes. Michigan is the Wolverine State. xD Bai BartDude.
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:26 am
x3 thisismysn x3 whee the village is pretty lame. It's just a bunch of really old white houses. We now own a house on the ocean though. It's awesome. I think when most people think of maine, they go "ZOMG! LOBESTERSSS! LHIGHTHOUSSEEESSS!! OSEAAAN!" xd Aslong as you're at least exposed to the ocean, I'm happy. 'S longas it isn't too rocky there. When I think of main, I just think of Cold. And like, slowness. And lobsters. D; What do people think of when they think of Mass? I'd guess someting like "OH EM GEE! AN OLD SHIP! A FAKE ROCK! BOSTON FTW? PAK THA CA IN HAVAAD YAD?"
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:26 am
Mysn: I know. It's gross. That's why no one vacations to Cleveland. Or Ohio for that matter.
Bye Bart.
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:28 am
StrawBerryApple xd Aslong as you're at least exposed to the ocean, I'm happy. 'S longas it isn't too rocky there. When I think of main, I just think of Cold. And like, slowness. And lobsters. D; What do people think of when they think of Mass? I'd guess someting like "OH EM GEE! AN OLD SHIP! A FAKE ROCK! BOSTON FTW? PAK THA CA IN HAVAAD YAD?" slowness??? When I think of Mass I think of all my family that lives there xd & the Mass accent is NOTHING compared to the Maine one.
@whatsername: I went on a vacation to Ohio once... But it was for a wedding so I don't think it counts.
@ word: the wolverine state? wtf.
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:31 am
Timsn: Oh wait, the other nickname is The Great Lakes State. I don't know why Michigan is also called the Wolverine state. D;
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:32 am
x3 thisismysn x3 StrawBerryApple xd Aslong as you're at least exposed to the ocean, I'm happy. 'S longas it isn't too rocky there. When I think of main, I just think of Cold. And like, slowness. And lobsters. D; What do people think of when they think of Mass? I'd guess someting like "OH EM GEE! AN OLD SHIP! A FAKE ROCK! BOSTON FTW? PAK THA CA IN HAVAAD YAD?" slowness??? When I think of Mass I think of all my family that lives there xd & the Mass accent is NOTHING compared to the Maine one.
@whatsername: I went on a vacation to Ohio once... But it was for a wedding so I don't think it counts.
@ word: the wolverine state? wtf.Heh, nah. No one just wakes up one day and is like, "ZOMG lets go 2 Ohio 4 vaca this summmmer!!11!" Ohio is like farms, highways, and old people. xD There's nothing exciting at all.
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:33 am
x3 thisismysn x3 slowness??? When I think of Mass I think of all my family that lives there xd & the Mass accent is NOTHING compared to the Maine one.
@whatsername: I went on a vacation to Ohio once... But it was for a wedding so I don't think it counts.
@ word: the wolverine state? wtf. Yeah. Slow like...because I'e only ever been there in thewinter. Slow like dreary. But from your picture with the duck, not so much anymore. And silly me, I forgot about cape cod.
I don't speak like that , at least, I don't think so. What'stheMaine accent?
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:33 am
whatser_name Heh, nah. No one just wakes up one day and is like, "ZOMG lets go 2 Ohio 4 vaca this summmmer!!11!" Ohio is like farms, highways, and old people. xD There's nothing exciting at all. XD. Sounds kinda like Maine. @ word: I knew it had something to do with lakes!
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:36 am
StrawBerryApple Yeah. Slow like...because I'e only ever been there in thewinter. Slow like dreary. But from your picture with the duck, not so much anymore. And silly me, I forgot about cape cod.
I don't speak like that , at least, I don't think so. What'stheMaine accent? Winter in maine is deadly. It lasts sooooooo long.
The maine accent is like the mass one, only even worse. & there's a lot of "wickahd" thrown in to describe things. & Ayuh's for yeah.
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:37 am
x3 thisismysn x3 whatser_name Heh, nah. No one just wakes up one day and is like, "ZOMG lets go 2 Ohio 4 vaca this summmmer!!11!" Ohio is like farms, highways, and old people. xD There's nothing exciting at all. XD. Sounds kinda like Maine. @ word: I knew it had something to do with lakes!xD I've never been to Maine. But maybe one of these days I'll vacation there. Just to spite you. And show you that it is indeed better than Ohio. xD
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:38 am
whatser_name xD I've never been to Maine. But maybe one of these days I'll vacation there. Just to spite you. And show you that it is indeed better than Ohio. xD I wasn't doubting you. We have the ocean.
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:40 am
x3 thisismysn x3 whatser_name xD I've never been to Maine. But maybe one of these days I'll vacation there. Just to spite you. And show you that it is indeed better than Ohio. xD I wasn't doubting you. We have the ocean.xDD True that.