Posted: Wed May 29, 2024 7:43 pm
(I'd definitely be listening to the devil on my shoulder where That Manchild [because he obviously is stuck at the mental development of a child] is concerned. I think the angel would probably be cheering for the devil's ideas, too, at this point.)
When I'm away from home, my boys take over my side of the bed. They'll make a nest of my blankets (in every season but summer, I have extra blankets on my side of the bed) and Kiiro will sleep with the plushie I keep in the bed. Even when I'm home, they like to sleep in the pile of jackets and slipper socks I have on top of my dresser. (And Kiiro cuddles the little plush Peep bunny that also stays on top of the dresser. Cat loves cuddles and snuggles.) Though most of the time they're directly on top of me; why settle for secondhand when the person is laying right there, I guess. =w=;
Eh, in any given week, a person probably breaks at least one law somewhere. The legal system is convoluted like that, and there are so many obscure bills on the books that just aren't really enforced most of the time. So it doesn't even really take any special knowledge or smarts, if that helps! cat_razz
Posted: Wed May 29, 2024 11:00 pm
[Worse bit is it's sounding we got them for a long run... my older than me niece is speaking of days like June 16th being in my bedroom to do her job at 4am. Normally my mood is okay but atm lately it's all "WHEN YOU GETTING YOURSELVES A HOME SADLY IN OUR TOWN!?"] I love seeing the cats on my bed more than them off in corners, not because I fear them alone in corners (much... the youngest I fear cause she's cheeky and would make mess in those corners.) but because them in the corners means more they feel unsafe. Speaking of blankets sometime when able to when our washer and dryer are free from the RV crew's things I really need to wash my blanket the cats vomited on. (Sadly the rv crew uses our washer and dryer so much I may need to ask one of the other two about taking just my blanket with them to wash and dry at the laundromat. emotion_skull ) Honestly we all do know some degrees of illegal, but with pals I know some large crime bosses which for our town is enough to be considered as bad as them so their crimes count like we also took part in those crimes. (curse of small town living I'm sure you know well as well.) Worse of all for my mood lately is the fact the RV crew's overlong welcome here is killing the mood of my friends wanting to play games together while we chat on discord. (cause children arguing with one another, Mike yelling, or even ANY of the RV crew bugging us {as Travis also joins us all at times} with their pointless wants and somehow even more annoying needs, really kills the mood of us and them for doing anything.) And it sucks as I want to play games and chat with pals over being trapped dealing with the rv crew family members nearly 24/7.
Posted: Thu May 30, 2024 8:21 pm
Yeah, I have a cheeky cat, too. If things aren't the way he wants them, he'll let me know in very unpleasant ways. Like leaving a dook in the floor. ._. Also, hi, I'm the enabling devil on your shoulder today, toss their s**t out of the machines so you can do a load of your own stuff. It's YOUR home, YOUR washer and dryer, you have a right to use it and they can suck eggs. I mean, the people that actually belong in your household are the ones paying for the water and electricity, anyway. And since they're clearly treating it like you're a free laundromat anyway, then they deserve to have their things treated in the same way as would happen in a laundromat with full machines; clothes piled in a basket so someone else can have a sodding turn.
I do understand that small town crime blame game very well indeed. (Gotta do what's necessary when you're hard up and have bills to pay, regardless of what the Judgy Jasons around town say.) Plus, I have an ex-con cousin, and that didn't help matters AT ALL. And then one of his ex-girlfriends which we were still on good terms with was a diagnosed schizophrenic, and I'm sure you know how small town folk look on that kind of thing.
Well that's not fair to you, it's not as though you can control The Clan, no matter how much I'm sure you wish you could. I'd offer to play something with you, but I don't have many multiplayer games, FFXIV is about the only MMO I've ever been properly invested in. (And if you like the sorts of games that are typically the most popular for multiplayer, I'm not much for shooters or survivalcraft... cat_sweatdrop )
Posted: Fri May 31, 2024 12:50 pm
Always got to love cats. Sure they do some things you wanna punt them for like poo the bed, or rip up your box that holds almost everything. Aye and we're in big dangers as we have still ins and ex-cons; some uncle of mine was in for CPs, a cousin is still in cause he tried to rob a police car when he just was released, two are in for arson of the church four years ago, Regina's ex-husband the bio dad of all of these kids is not in or an ex-con but he's marked on the list for CPs. (So when they wanna do blame game they fire hard on us being bad people.) Controlling the clan would be fantastic, but they all honestly blow.
Posted: Fri May 31, 2024 10:25 pm
Yep, I love my cats dearly, but they sure do some dumb things, haha~ One of mine is real bad about destroying boxes, too. If there is a box he can get into, he WILL turn it into confetti. He's also never met a box he wouldn't bite. Does mean the boys are REALLY easy to give gifts to. Our parents apologize every Christmas they don't give our cats something, and our response is always "what are you talking about, you sent them the perfect gift, they're in the box right now." Does mean if we have any box we want to keep, it has to be hidden, usually in a closet. And not even that is not foolproof, my boys are quite skilled at slipping into a closet behind me... I have managed to find a way to make the boxes last longer, though; cover them with blankets. Shima isn't as inclined to destroy them if he can't get to the bare cardboard.
Ah, fun. [/sarcasm] Being related to a known predator of any sort is a great way to strangle your social life in a small town. So far as I'm aware, I don't have any predator relatives, but I was one of few people in my town willing to be friends with my schoolmates that were unfortunate enough to have one in the family. Which, okay, yeah, statistically, the abused are more likely to become abusers themselves, but does anyone pause to think that maybe being treated like pariahs is part of the problem? And it's certainly not THEIR fault someone that happens to share a relation with them turned out like that, so it hardly makes sense to punish someone (who is likely to have been a victim, themselves) for something out of their control. I dunno, it's another of those things I feel strongly about that seems to run at odds with societal "norms."
Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2024 9:23 am
Aye, love my baby and Nathan's baby too for those cats but both are butts in their own. As for gifts for our cats it's easy for them too, Katt Bartlet loves boxes so any box works and Cappi just wants your attention. Aye it's rough and arsonist of a church relatives makes that a thousand times more a PITA. Honest the fear I got for the girls here whom dealt with their bio dad's ******** up ways is a mighty one as they all have issues and the people my niece Regina tries to take them all to rather chat "why are you not in public schooling." over "what did bio dad do to you all and how can we help you feel safer and better?" or "here is why bio daddy was bad and you DO NOT want to see them again." Yesterday was s**t day here... So yesterday went like this; Vince wakes up at 5 am not wanting to go to the doctor & he had his childish tantrums about it later in morning Mike gets back and yells at him and we got to threat him with cops taking him away as he refused to leave when told he could just leave in fact how he is he should just leave, so now him and Bella are both gone Regina is depressed cause he made the stupid choice of he's going back to his mother and older brother the two people whom ruined his funds to live his own life let alone his life in general. So now it's whenever Mike is asleep from working at night I'm home school teacher/babysitter. Upside of that all is the guys do help down here to which is good as I got no knowledge of kid care much as I was the youngest and I never really lived around young kids like Travis had as he lived with Regina and Austin for a bit and babysat those kids before the whole 6 even, or Nathan dealt with being a father.
Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2024 11:55 pm
Cats are such simple creatures sometimes. Pretty sure whoever came up with the "herding cats" metaphor just didn't have enough boxes. They always seem to sort themselves so long as there are sufficient boxes.
That's unprofessional, to say the least. While it probably would be beneficial to get them involved in something more social, like a sport or club or something, their socialization skills have no real bearing on figuring out how to deal with their trauma. Like, definitely the trauma should be the first priority, not social and interpersonal skills.
Well, at least that's one long-term guest out of your hair? It's unfortunate that the supervision of the children has basically fallen on you as a result, but I'm pretty sure it's better for all involved that you and the others are the ones in charge instead of him. And while it's sucky that he chose to make bad decisions, he's his own person and will make his own mistakes, nothing anyone can really do about it.
Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2024 8:01 pm
IT'S PRIDE MONTH, BAYBEE~!! Happy June from someone who is queer AF~ emotion_yatta
Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2024 3:29 am
Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2024 3:23 am
Will I spend the rest of the month posting queer GIFs? It's a definite possibility.
Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2024 5:01 am
The pink text hurts my delicate little eyes cat_whee
Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2024 5:41 am
Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 10:00 am
Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2024 9:48 am
Yeah the only downside of the six kids being put on me is I learn how much I truly am annoyed with them all. xp (not a little but a lot.) Cats have always been simple creatures to love on too, people just don't bother trying to love them as they could/should though. 100% entering bad mood/being a d**k attitude about it, thanks to the unprofessional people that "helped those kids" as they say. The sad truth be if they never find a true professional to address it the kids are going to end up whoring the streets someplace or becoming CPs themselves as they'll end up thinking it's a not such a big deal for "the professionals treated it like such." ((And the parents keeping them from better opportunities for learning too is making it difficult not to see them in horrible futures as well.)) If it was the golden ages of it, I'd tell or even make all the kids pirates with me as then they'd probably learn some s**t really. (may not be 100% legal sure, but they'd be better off. If not that I'd send them gold I taken and say to hide it from their parents and use it for their education.)
Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2024 8:44 pm
Eh, I won't hold it against you, some of us just aren't cut out for 24/7 child-rearing. (Me, it's me, I'm only good to handle maximum of three children for eight hours, five days a week, tops. And I can only do that much if I have someone for backup.)
YES, EXACTLY! Like, all the things people do trying to get cats to "behave," and, like, the cats ARE behaving, they're telling you they NEED something when they get destructive or noisy! I had a cat I had to give up because he was so destructive and peed on EVERYTHING (and not to mark it, he was neutered), but he just wasn't made for being a house cat and he was, weirdly enough, a "family man," and wanted to be back with his kin. When I gave him back to my beau's 'rents and he was allowed outdoors and was with his mom and siblings, he was an absolute angel for them. =w=; (Well, except where a few rolls of toilet paper were involved. They had to keep their bathroom doors shut for a few years to prevent him from giving the toilet paper a Reckoning.) Half the time a "misbehaving" cat just needs someone to play with and pay attention to them more. They desire attention and stimulation like any human child and will do whatever it takes to get it. Plus people that get all fussed over a cat clawing things. The cat has a need, give them something they're ALLOWED to scratch, use some positive reinforcement, problem solved.
Are they just, like, state-mandated/endorsed therapists/counselors that they've been to? Or has anyone bothered to put in any actual research to find someone that specializes in that particular type of trauma? Because not all mental health professionals are made the same. State-mandated ones literally don't care past what gets them their cushy government paychecks, and anyone that doesn't really handle cases similar or specialize in that type trauma just won't be as helpful as someone who does. Hell, even a general practitioner/family doctor that the kids are comfortable with would be a better start than someone that doesn't deal in childhood traumas like that. Could probably get a recommendation for someone decent from them, even. Though, this is all assuming one of the adults in charge actually cares enough/has the wherewithal to put in the effort to find GOOD help. (I'm a salty cynic, I don't have much hope in that department.)