Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 7:27 pm
Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 7:30 pm
Omgerd I still can't find the secret code TAT I have failed all cats everywhere Forgiveness T^T
Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 7:38 pm
What to call me KJ
Who Accepted my Application Not sure
Why I Joined Role playing and managing my empire.
Gaian Age 906 days
Predicted Favorite Forum Fantasy, battle and action
About me I am a fun guy who is the leader of a very powerful guild called the Almighty, we are a guild of Demi gods and I love to RP.
Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 7:55 pm
Kittennice Omgerd I still can't find the secret code TAT I have failed all cats everywhere Forgiveness T^T ninja secret code? ninja
Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 10:20 pm
What to call me Foxy
Who Accepted my Application Novama
Why I Joined Needed a good place to roleplay
Gaian Age I've had another account but it got hacked, it was three four years old and this one is 1272 days
Predicted Favorite Forum Not sure yet, what ever one fits me
About me I'm 19, I'm transgender, and I'm a tattooist. I love to roleplay anything really, yaoi, yuri, hetro, fantasy anything really, just ask me.
Secret Code (Now where could this be? Perhaps a place of guidelines? A place that you should have visited already, old or new.)
Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 11:56 pm
What to call me Ralzia or SlapJack
Who Accepted my Application Novama I think
Why I Joined I was invited
Gaian Age since 2005
Predicted Favorite Forum hmmm good question, probably fantasy
About me I'm 25 college graduate working on getting a MD in education. I love to draw, mostly women in pinup style, I also love to rp, play games, write and discuss new ideas and work on stories with friends :3 I am an easy going guy, a very relaxed guy who just likes to make people happy
Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 5:45 am
What to call me You know that thing about how an apostrophe can change everything? Count my name as proof. It's supposed to be "Siren's Cry" but that works too. "Siren" works for me (>^.^)>
Who Accepted my Application Umm... no one. I was invited. By Novama, if that works.
Why I Joined 1) I don't turn down a welcoming gesture in good faith. 2) I roleplay. A lot. And need more outlets for it. This place seemed nice.
Gaian Age Errr... older than this account is, that's for sure. Been off and on since what, 2009? Yeah, that sounds right but mind the 3-year gap.
Predicted Favorite Forum Do I get more options than what the layout's got? Erm, oh hey, my keyboard's getting away from me. I'd probably enjoy the 'multiplayer' forum most though, in the grand scheme of things. If I can fit in, that is.
About me Rule Zero: Do not control the siren. Okay, now that I've got that out of the way... I'unno. I mean, I live, eat, drink, breathe and quite often sleep and dream fantasy, so if you're looking for a definitive interest, there it is. I am not a fan of romance for its own sake though. Doesn't mean I won't do it, but I respect the realism of a character's development with other characters. Keep it classy, you know? What, you all hate me now? Okay. Oh yeah, and my obsession with the strike tag keyboard tends to run away from me from time to time. It's one of my many many ways of being silly. Oh, you meant the real me? Okay, that works too. Also, games. I do them... a lot. Like, if I'm not on Gaia, I'm probably gaming. Or possibly writing my own story after which this account was named. Or at work or asleep. Wow, I'm actually a really boring person, aren't I? Erm, what else... oh yes, I'm crazy excessively convoluted erm... there is a word for 'strange' that has a positive connotation, right? Unique! That's a good word. And by that I just mean I have a different way of thinking from most of the people I know. Gets me in trouble more often than it gets me out of it though. Some patience may be reasonably suggested. Oh yes, also I will tease you until Armageddon dooms us all shortly after being asked to stop. It's what I do - if in doubt, if I start poking fun at you it's because I like you enough to pay that close attention anyway. heart
Secret Code y/S
Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 10:03 am
What to call me New New Evergreen Goblin - I also accept Evergreen, Goblin, Evergreen Goblin, or Baconus the Debaucherous, High Lord of Awesome and Gloriosity. cat_mrgreen
Who Accepted my Application Novama invited me.
Why I Joined I was invited, and it seemed interesting. Besides, I like to RP.
Gaian Age Longer than this account... can't remember the exact year, but I know it was in the 2000s-now range. sweatdrop
Predicted Favorite Forum 1x1 forum. Frankly, I'm not too good at keeping up with group RPs, especially ones with large numbers of RPers - I go away or can't reply for a couple of days, and then suddenly there's a bunch of pages added and I need to figure out where my char is in relation to everyone else. sweatdrop
About me Well, let's see... I like video games a lot (though when they have a morality mechanic I tend to pick the dark side), and frankly I don't have much of a life outside the computer - depressing, but true. I tend to be rather forgetful and/or absentminded, don't understand people (which is probably a large part of why I have no life outside the computer), and have a bit of an ego - but other than that, I'm absolutely perfect. cat_xd Oh, and if you insist on hating me, I will want to know why. Then I will probably just bask in your hatred and use the steadily growing flames of your rage to roast marshmallows. twisted
Secret Code nE
Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 10:09 am
What to call me Guardian or Angel, it's what all my friends call me. (Kanshisha = Guardian, Language: Japanese. Enzeru = Angel, Language: Japanese.)
Who Accepted my Application Novama
Why I Joined Novama saw a RolePlay I was making and asked if I could run another version of it here. I accepted.
Gaian Age Roughly six years.
Predicted Favorite Forum I've found that I can flex better in Fantasy.
About me I don't know about you, but I like to keep my real life out of the internet life. Anybody or anything could be listening to what I say about myself. I tend to be private in those matters when addressing anybody I don't know in real life. However, I do love some good RPing. For the most part I linger in Fantasy. Romance and any futuristic type stuff is low on my list of RP's to look at because I can't really function to the best of my ability. Other then that, I don't know what to tell you. You can find out more about what I like(stuff that doesn't revolve around my real life) by talking to me. wink
Secret Code (Now where could this be? Perhaps a place of guidelines? A place that you should have visited already, old or new.)
Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 1:20 pm
Hiya! Just wanted to say hi to everyone here. I really enjoy 1x1 and small group rps so if you ever wanna do something go ahead and hit me up. smile
Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 1:35 pm
iXx Cole xXi Hiya! Just wanted to say hi to everyone here. I really enjoy 1x1 and small group rps so if you ever wanna do something go ahead and hit me up. smile There are rp's in the groups forum that could use you if you want to browse through them.
Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 5:00 pm
What to call me FemaleBlaziken or Blaze, I guess
Who Accepted my Application I got invited by Novama
Why I Joined The guild I am currently rping only had one member I really was rping with so I guess I wanted to have the chance of more varied rps.
Gaian Age I was hacked a few months ago so this account is newer than my old one. The last one I had was at least years old but this one is 236 days.
Predicted Favorite Forum I haven't looked but I am hoping to enjoy one on one rps or romance and fantasy.
About me In real life, food is a my world so I like trying to add the 'chef' role in my characters a lot. I like a number of things your job is to be interested enough to find them out. wink Secret Code heart
Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 5:02 pm
Yeah Novama invited me too! XD
Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 5:50 pm
What to call me My username is pup720, but most people just call me Pup. uwu
Who Accepted my Application There was no application to begin with. I was invited to the guild by Novama~
Why I Joined Simply because I love to roleplay. In addition, many of the roleplay guilds I'm in have been incredibly inactive lately, so I needed an active one to join.
Gaian Age 1396 days (3.8 years)
Predicted Favorite Forum The Group Hangout. I do enjoy 1x1 RPs from time to time, but I much prefer roleplaying with a group. As for genres, I'll probably enjoy all of the three: fantasy, romance, and action. <3
About me I'm not really one to discuss my real life on the internet, but I'd like to say that I'm a generally nice person. I mostly RP in the Forums (Barton Town), but I like visiting the guilds when there's a good RP up. I am also female and currently in high school. I play volleyball, I love to read and RP, and I make graphics sometimes. Here's a link to one of my old roleplay searches if you'd like to take a look at what my genres are. If you see anything that interests you, feel free to hit me up. c:
Secret Code 0p
Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 6:26 pm
What to call me Sheba
Who Accepted my Application Admin Lead
Why I Joined Looking for something new and fresh
Gaian Age 8yrs
Predicted Favorite Forum Oh, um, idk, I just joined and haven't looked around yet at all the things to do in this guild.
About me I'm shy until I get to know you. I like to go shooting. I want a bow and arrow; but mom wants me to have a gun. I love kung fu movies and cartoons. I drink tea not coffee. I do zumba 2-4 times a week and I work. I'm studying to get my license as a massage therapist. And I love animals. Secret Code Um....my reading skills must suck b/c I don't see it....that's one secret secret code.