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PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 10:42 am
Elenore sighed when he shrugged. He could cook. And dinner smelled good. Biting her lip, she looked at the oven once more, wondering how long it was before it was done. Her stomach might take a liking to eating itself if it was much longer. She wrapped an arm around her waist, waiting eagerly but patiently for dinner to finish.

She noticed his expression when she mentioned Deserai. Well, he certainly didn't seem enthusiastic about it. Perhaps it was a bad idea altogether. Job. Yes, he did need a job. Lowering her head, she then heard him say that they could give it a shot. "Alright." She nodded her head. Hopefully it would all go well and Deserai would behave herself. She knew how crazy the girl could get. Aunt Rose managed to calm her down somehow, but Daniel probably wouldn't know how.

After Daniel had pulled away and Wolf was invited into the house, she couldn't help but notice how quiet he was. His shoulders were squared off and he seemed ever aware of everything. Something that was all too similar to Grace. If those two were ever together, she knew sparks would fly, and not the romantic kind.

She watched as he slowly lifted his hand after a few moments. He didn't shake hands very often. She was a bit surprised by how rough the young boy's hands were. He obviously worked with the land. After they shook hands and the boy said his name, she nodded her head. It was an interesting name to say the least, definitely one she would remember. It fit him.

Elenore let her hand fall and she watched as Nicholas came up. He looked worried. She blinked and looked back at Wolf. Did these two know each other? Or was Nicholas just intimidated? She wasn't sure. Wolf didn't seem that interested in him though so she let the thought go. Deserai grabbed her hand once more and was about to ask something when Wolf spoke up. Asking about Grace.

She didn't have a chance to reply because Daniel answered his question. She raised an eyebrow at him, she could have called Grace out. Inviting the boy into the kid's bedroom wasn't exactly what she wanted to be doing but it couldn't be undone now. Daniel gave her a smile and she shook her head at him. Instead of following after him though, she went to their bedroom and changed into something a bit more comfortable than her work clothes.

Grace was about to go back to her bed when the door suddenly opened. Her eyes narrowed when she saw Wolf. Her shoulders tensed but she couldn't hold back the tiny part of her that was happy to see him. That disappeared at his comment though. "As if you would care if I came to say hi," she told him, raising an eyebrow. "And nice of you to knock," she added before getting up. She had to admit it was rather strange to have him in her bedroom, well technically her and her siblings.

For some reason she didn't want to sit. The room suddenly felt too small and she felt a bit confined with him here and in the way of the door. Of course there was the window but that would take a minute to open. Why was she thinking of bolting anyway? This was her room, he should be the one to leave if anything. Her dark brown eyes didn't leave him as she thought of all the possible ways to get out of here.

She crossed her arms after a moment, not quite sure what to tell him. Her anger was back but she also wanted to ask about Screech. He had been nothing but kind to her and she knew he wasn't in the best of health. Tilting her head a little, she couldn't help but wonder why he had come in here. He could have easily left without confronting her and yet he decided to seek her out. "Did you want something?" she asked him, curious now but she didn't let that seep into her features.

As she put on a simple cotton, gray, v-neck dress, she couldn't help but listen to see if the two teenagers were tearing each other apart. The boy seemed civil enough but she knew around Grace he could change. She wasn't exactly the nicest of people and the boy hadn't bothered to knock when he came in. That if nothing else, would tick the girl off. Shaking her head, she then left then left her and Daniel's bedroom to go to the kitchen. She'd help Daniel if there was anything for her to do.  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 1:47 pm
After making a detour into the living room to drop off the deer skins and their load -he set it on the coffee table- Daniel returned to the kitchen to check on supper and probably start getting everything ready. After checking the pot on the stove, he drained the beans and peas before setting the pot back on the stove, on another, cool burner. He pulled the roasting dish out of the oven and set it on top of the stove. Using a pair of oven mitts, he lifted off the lid. The smell of roast beef and vegetables filled the room, making his stomach clench. Apparently, doing nothing had very little affect on his appetite.

A few moments after he had entered the kitchen, Nicholas had followed him in. Until then, the boy had remained silent, standing by the window but watching Daniel's back.
"You know, they're probably going to kill each other," Daniel heard him say.

Looking over his shoulder at Nicholas, Daniel shrugged. "Probably but they're neighbors now and Wolf does come over occasionally, usually with Leaf. They'll just have to get used to each other." He paused before adding, "If they both survive today."

Nicholas didn't seem too certain about that but he didn't say anything else. This gave Daniel the opportunity to consider the look he'd seen on the boy's face before, when he'd met Wolf. There was something off about it. "So," he said as he placed the leg of beef on a cutting board. "what was that face about earlier? You looked as if you thought Wolf was going to swallow you whole."

Nicholas hesitated, as though unsure what to say. Daniel watched, trying to read his expression. When he still didn't answer after several seconds, Daniel said, "You don't have to worry. Wolf's not that mean, usually. He's all bark and no... Well, okay, he's got a bit of bite but so long as you don't attack him he won't hurt you... physically." Wolf could do a lot of damage just with his words. For someone who didn't understand whites too well, the young man could really hurt them where it counted.

Nicholas didn't seem too reassured but he turned away and resumed looked out the window. Daniel sighed and turned his attention back to the meat, cutting it into slices and placing it on a plate. When Elenore returned, he glanced up and smiled. She looked much more comfortable. "Feeling better?" he asked as he carried the plate of beef over to the table. There wasn't much room for anything else on the table which was why he'd left the vegetables in their dishes. They'd just have to be served up at the stove. "And what was with that look you sent me? I saw that head shake. What have I done wrong?" Despite his words, his tone was easy. Whatever it was he'd done, it hadn't been too bad which was why he wasn't overly worried.

In the kids' bedroom, Wolf watched as Grace visibly tensed and her expression darkened. He had to admit that she was right. He didn't particularly care that she didn't come to greet him. At least, most of him didn't. There was some small part of him that was slightly hurt, but, for the most part, he ignored it. When she commented on him knocking, he snorted. He had never understood the concept of knocking before entering a room and he was sure he never would. "Your people value privacy too much." When he was with the tribe, privacy was almost non-existant. Half of the tribe still lived in a longhouse where there was absolutely no privacy at all whatsoever. The other half lived in cabins built in a semi circle around the longhouse. Most of them were split into two rooms with the larger being the main room and the other the shared bedroom.

Glancing over his shoulder as she stood, Wolf made sure there was no one there before stepping further into the room and shutting the door. She spoke again, asking if he wanted something. He ignored the question since he wasn't entirely sure what it was he was supposed to be wanting. Instead, he said, "Your wound. I assume you have not been resting it as you should have been. My grandfather will have my father skin me alive if I speak to you without making sure your injury is healing properly." It didn't escape him that she was wearing the same jacket that he had mended, the same jacket she had been wearing on the night he'd shot her. It had to be a coincidence. His grandmother wouldn't think so but he did not know how to read the sign. Unfortunatly, there was no other woman in his family that he could ask and white women were blind when it came to reading signs.


Dedicated Seeker


PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 5:24 pm
Deserai skipped around the room, deciding that it was time to find the cat. He had succeeded in finding the perfect hiding places the past few days so she wasn't sure if she'd be able to find him now. Going to the couch, she looked under it but sadly enough she didn't find anything. Frowning, she then bounced to the dinning table, looking under it and at the chairs. All she found was the wooden furniture. The cat was nowhere to be seen. It was possible that he was outside but she couldn't go out, at least not until dinner was served and they all had their fill.

As she came into the kitchen, she passed Deserai on her way who happened to be crawling on all fours around the table. Hearing Daniel's question, she smiled and nodded her head. Standing by the table, she realized that everything was already in place. Well someone worked quickly. Elenore smirked when Daniel questioned her. "Calling Grace out would have been better than sending the boy to the bedroom. She likes her privacy," she told him before shrugging. She wasn't mad about it but she knew Grace wouldn't be happy if she knew Daniel had let Wolf go.

Grabbing Deserai's plate, she filled it with a few various things before setting it down. She was too short to get anything on her own most of the time. Putting the plate back in its place, she then moved behind the chair she would sit in. "Go wash your hands you two," she told Deserai and Nicholas. A moment later Deserai was racing to the bathroom. Elenore moved to the kitchen sink and washed her own hands there.

Drying her hands on a dish towel, she then moved back to the table. Hopefully they'd all be back soon. She wasn't even sure if Wolf would stay for dinner. "Should we invite him to stay to eat?" she asked Daniel. The boy had seemed reluctant to come inside so she wasn't sure if he'd even want to stay. Still, she was sure they could make room for him at the table if he wanted to. Pulling out a chair, she sat down, her eyes on Daniel once again.

How could they value privacy too much? That didn't make sense to her. She liked to have her own time. Just by herself so that she could do whatever she wanted. Sadly that time had been shortened when Deserai was born. Now that they all shared a room, she treasured the time that she could just be alone. Doing homework with the other two in here was almost impossible. Thankfully her music could at least allow her some escape but she had to charge her MP3 at school. The only outlet that she had found had been in the living room and taken by the lamp.

Seeing him glance over his shoulder, she couldn't help but feel like she had defend the room. The next moment the door was closing. Of course he didn't answer her question. She rolled her eyes before he brought up her wound. He wasn't even concerned. He just didn't want to get in trouble. Her eyes narrowed slightly before she averted her gaze to the blank wall. "It's fine," she told him. Yeah, it had been bleeding a few days earlier because she had pushed herself with that fight but she hoped that it was better now. She hadn't noticed any infections though it still was a pain to move her arm.

Moving hadn't exactly helped her heal either. If only he had been hunting somewhere else, then she wouldn't have to deal with it. Looking back at him, she knew that he'd probably leave before dinner. He was only here for a few minutes. She expected him to leave now because there was no way she was letting him near her to see the wound. Besides, he'd probably take her word and take off. She doubted he wanted to stick around longer than needed.

((Sorry it's shorter ><
Haha, we have six people ><))  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:36 pm
Daniel watched, confused and curious, as Deserai crawled around the kitchen floor on her hands and knees. Was this a common occurance with young children? Elenore didn't seem worried but the action was just so strange. He was quickly distracted when Elenore answered his question.

He considered Elenore's answer before frowning. "She's sharing her bedroom with her two younger siblings. How much privacy could she possibly expect?" Then again, perhaps she would relish the time that she had to herself. And it wasn't as if Wolf would understand such a concept let alone respect it. When Wolf wanted privacy, he disappeared into the forest. Nicholas might do that, once he was more comfortable with the place, but Grace wasn't likely to do that. Mentally shrugging, since there wasn't anything he could do about it now, he turned his focus back to supper.

Daniel watched as Nicholas and Deserai headed off to the bathroom to wash their hands. It was such a common occurrance among normal homes, so average that it stopped him in his tracks. Their home wasn't normal, not yet, but it was on its way to being such. He was part of a family, a real family, for the first time in his life. Grace might not have been happy about it and Nicholas might have been hesitant to accept him but he was part of it regardless. Giving himself a light shake, he picked up his plate and promptly filled it with vegetables before returning it to the table.

Elenore spoke again, pulling Daniel from his thoughts. He glanced through the doorway to the closed bedroom door. He wasn't worried that something inappropriate would happen, not between those two. They were more likely to kill each other than to... practice reproduction. "Probably, but he'll say 'no'. But it's a lot nicer than telling him to get out." Wolf was expected at home, just like he said.

Wolf snorted again in disbelief when she said that her injury was fine. "You're lying," he said flatly. It wasn't that he cared that she was lying to him -it was blatant that she was- but he was concerned because that meant that her wound wasn't fine. And why should he care? Alright, so he shot her. It was still her fault for being out there in the first place. Yet, he couldn't quite rid himself of the feel of her in his arms when he had carried her into his room, and later when he had kept her from falling in the field. Her hair flashing in the sunlight, how peaceful she looked when she was asleep, her skin so pale against the dark furs, her hair like splashes of blood. He swallowed thickly, hiding it by reaching to untie a small pouch from his belt.

"My father suspected you would not rest it," he said, tossing the pouch to her. Inside were two different colored leaves. "If the pain flares, drink a tea made from the green leaves. If the wound starts showing signs of infection, grind the yellow leaves, mix it with a small amount of honey and cover the wound with it." Part of him wanted to force her to let him examine her injury, to see just how much it had healed. The other part of him asked why he was so concerned about her. He told himself that it was just because his father and grandfather would want to know. However, he also knew himself well enough to call himself a liar.

((It's okay. There's only so much you can write. ))  


Dedicated Seeker


PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 12:00 pm
It was true that Grace shared the room, those were her siblings, Wolf on the other hand was a complete stranger to her. At least that's what she thought. Deciding to drop the topic with Daniel, she shrugged her shoulders. Grace savored the few moments she got alone. She knew the girl had done her fair share of helping her raise Deserai and looking around her younger brother. She couldn't help but remember when she had found out that he walked around at night. Hopefully he wouldn't pick up that habit here. There was more than people to be afraid of. There were animals as well. And then shotguns. She didn't know if everyone here would like a stranger walking on their property.

Looking over at Daniel, she noticed that he almost looked frozen for a moment. "You okay?" she asked softly, noticing that he was watching the kids go off to wash their hands. She had just finished cleaning her own and was drying them off on a towel. After returning to the table, she grabbed her own plate and went to fill it with some vegetables. Elenore returned to the table shortly as well just as Deserai skipped back to the room, going to sit beside her mother.

When Daniel said he'd say no, she frowned slightly. As far as she could tell he wasn't too interested in making friends but he was taking his time with Grace. It set her off and she couldn't help but feel protective. Grace never talked about her relationships, and to be honest, she had no idea if she had ever had one. Of course, she doubted that Wolf and her would hit it off due to their stubborn personalities but something about them still wasn't quite right.

"Alright, it was worth a shot." She pulled out her chair and sat down, waiting for the others to get there. Grace couldn't possibly be in that room for much longer and Nicholas was already back from washing his hands. Wrapping her arms around her stomach, she looked over at Daniel. She still didn't know the sex of the child.. and she couldn't help but wonder if he wanted to know. She could schedule an appointment soon enough.

When he said that she was lying, she kept the same gaze. There was no point in telling him that he was right or wrong. He already knew just the same as she did, he just didn't know how bad it was. She watched him though, for a moment she thought she caught something else in his eyes but he looked down. She dismissed it.

"If only I had the chance to rest it," she mumbled under her breath before she caught the pouch. She wanted to open it but instead she just stuffed it into her pocket. He explained what was inside. "Thanks." To be honest, she had no idea if they even had honey here. As far as she knew Daniel didn't like sweets and her mother had never been a fan of honey. The forest would have some.. right? She wasn't a fan of bees but she knew she could sedate them with smoke. It would end badly, she knew it. She'd give a shot before she asked Wolf for any though.

"How's Screech?" she asked after a moment. She honestly hoped that he was doing better. And she wanted to change the subject from her wound. In time she would need to get the stitches out.. she wasn't quite sure when because she had never had an injury this bad without going to the hospital.
PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 11:23 pm
Daniel understood how someone could value their privacy -he did, too- but, in his mind, being alone and being private were two completely different things. He liked his privacy. He had more than his own fair share of secrets and secret stashes that he didn't want anyone finding or going through. However, he had been alone for so long that he was sick of it. Now he was part of a family. He wasn't alone anymore but he still liked his privacy. If Grace wanted privacy, that was fine by him, but it just didn't equate to being alone in his mind.

Daniel stared after the kids as they went off to wash their hands. For several long moments, the same thoughts came going around and around in his head until Elenore spoke. He blinked, shook his head and turned his focus to Elenore. "What? Oh, yeah. Yeah, fine." He focused on plating up his own vegetables, just as Deserai and Nicholas returned. Because Nicholas, while tall enough to see what still not quite tall enough to reach without making a mess, Daniel filled up his plate for him, after asking if he wanted him to, of course.

Elenore asked if they should invite Wolf to stay for supper, just as Daniel set down Nicholas' plate at the table. The boy looked between the two before taking his seat. Daniel quickly shrugged off the suggestion. If he knew the boy half as well as he thought he did, he knew what Wolf would do. Elenore admitted that it was worth a try and Daniel had to hold back a laugh at that. She would learn about Wolf soon enough. He hoped she had a sense of humor. She would need one with him.

Wolf's ears -trained to hear the footfall of a deer at fifty years- easily caught Grace's mumbled comment. He was curious when she meant but not enough to ask. And, anyway, she didn't seem to be in a mood to answer him without taking his head off first.

She caught the pouch with ease. It didn't surprise him. She was a rough and tumble kind of person. She had probably played some kind of sport at one point. She listened as he explained which did surprise him though he knew better than to show it. A lot of people would have just dismissed him. She even thanked him for it, which surprised him even more. "You are welcome." It was very strange, the direction everything had taken. They were actually being polite now. How very strange indeed. Unfortunately, he now had no idea what to say. He really should have been going but, oddly enough, he didn't want to leave. Grace spoke first, relieving him of the responsibility, but he would have preferred the silence when he heard the topic she chose.

He looked away, studying a corner of the room as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. His brow furrowed and a light frown tugged at the corners of his mouth as he gathered his thoughts. He swallowed before lifting his gaze back to her. Some of hardness had left his face, making him seem younger somehow, closer to his real age and much, much more vulnerable. "Not well. He is never well during autumn and winter but he is even worse this year, and so early into the cold." He paused, swallowed again, before adding, "He thinks his time is near, and I fear he is right. He's never been wrong before."


Dedicated Seeker


PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 11:53 pm
Elenore didn't know if they'd talk about Grace again later tonight, but for now the topic was closed. Besides, Grace was already making problems to begin with. She barely talked to Daniel and avoided him at all costs as well. The only time the two were together for a long period of time was during a meal. The teenage girl stayed quiet for most of that. She didn't fight. At least not yet.. and she hoped that would continue for a little while. Maybe she would see that Daniel really wasn't that bad. He really hadn't wronged their family in any way. He had helped Nicholas more than once and Deserai rarely left his side.

Hearing his response after a moment, she tilted her head slightly. Perhaps he was fine but something had gotten to him. She knew it was something to do with the kids but she wasn't sure what. Had she said something? Was it something they did? Shaking her head, she looked at her plate. Having the house empty.. and then filled with a family were two different things. So far he was taking it well but she knew it'd take him time to adjust to this lifestyle.

Watching Daniel fill Nicholas' plate, she smiled a little. At least those two seemed to talk now. Nicholas wasn't as quiet as he had been the first day. He was slowly warming up thankfully. Brushing a strand of her hair away from her face, she blinked when Daniel looked like he was about to laugh. What was so funny? She raised a brow, silently questioning him.

Seeing the surprise of his face, she shook her head at him. Did he expect her to not thank him? Of course he had shot her, but he had also brought he medicine. Then again, his father or Screech had probably told him to do it. Oh well. She'd take what she could get at the moment. She wanted her wound to heal without her having to mention it to her mom or Daniel. Hearing his voice though, she nodded her head in response. It was nothing. She had to admit it was strange... being this civil around him. They usually had knives in each others throats.

After a bit of silence, she then asked about Screech. The way he reacted though.. She couldn't help but worry. Moving over to the wall that was by the door, not too far from Wolf but still far enough, she listened. He looked vulnerable. She wouldn't take a stab at him now. She cared about Screech, even if it wasn't as much as he did. Her dark brown eyes scanned his face, reading it before finally lowering her gaze. Grace couldn't help but let a soft sigh escape her lips. She didn't want to think of death. Especially when it concerned people she cared for.

"Can.. can I go see him?" she asked, her voice gentle. She had waited a moment before asking. She didn't want to rush things. "I can make it out of the house tomorrow afternoon." After she got back from school, she doubted anyone would care if she went for a walk. They'd just tell her to stay out of the forest. She wouldn't listen. Not when someone's life could possibly end.
PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 1:21 pm
Wolf was aware of Grace moving closer to him -not close enough to touch but still closer- but he didn't move away. Somehow, for a short time, the fact that she was white didn't even occur to him. She was just another person that his father and grandfather had accepted that he had not, not yet. It had been that way when Daniel had first bought the land from his grandfather. Both of his grandparents and his father had liked Daniel right away. It had probably helped that he had seemed so lost and unsure of himself. His grandmother had been unable to resist him. At first, his grandfather and father had tolerated Daniel to humor her but they had come to genuinely like him quickly enough. But his grandmother was not here to ease Grace's transition into their lives. She was gone, just as his grandfather would soon be. The thought made his throat tighten with a combination of worry, fear and grief.

He managed to choke out the news that his grandfather probably would not live long enough to see spring. He half expected Grace to take a shot at him about the sign of weakness -he half hoped she did, hoped she would give him an excuse to put her away from him. Instead, she took him by surprise. It was getting to be a habit, one he wasn't sure whether or not he liked.

Wolf's first instinct was to snap at her that it wasn't his house to bar her from, as he had said before. He held back, taking a breath before saying, "I'm sure he would like that. Leaf's been here all day ever since Daniel asked him to help the rebuilding here and I'm not very good company." He knew himself well enough to admit that. He knew his grandfather loved him but he also knew that Screech liked people. He seemed to have taken a particular liking to Grace. "He really likes you. Asks about you every night when Leaf comes home."

Before anything more could be said, a knock interrupted them.
"Grace, the food's ready. Wolf, you're welcome to stay for supper. Otherwise it's about time you hit the road." Wolf tilted his head while listening to Daniel before frowning and lowering his chin so that it almost touched his chest. It was true that it was probably time for him to leave but he didn't want to. He and Grace were finally getting along. But, it was not his house and it was not his place to stay.

He lifted his head, focusing his eyes on Grace. Some of the barriers which had previously fallen were erected again, but not all of them. "There's something else at the bottom of the pouch that I think you might find interesting. Even if you don't, I don't want it back. It's useless to me now." With that said, he turned around and slipped out of the room. At the bottom of the pouch was an arrow head, pounded flat with its points and edges rounded. The majority of it was stained a red-brown and a hole had been drilled near the base, just big enough to slip a strip of leather through.

In the kitchen, Wolf said a quick goodbye to the rest of the family, welcomed them to the neighborhood and told Daniel to shut up when he realized the older man was trying not to laugh at him. "Leaf has been lecturing me about the importance of good first impressions," he explained.

"Obviously," Daniel replied, no longer laughing but unable to rid himself of a smile.

Wolf shot a glare at him, said something in his native language that Daniel didn't understand but did understand the tone of, and left without another word.  


Dedicated Seeker


PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 3:24 pm
He didn't move away. They never got close. Well.. not unless she was about to die. Of course most of the time they'd snap at each other and one of them would move away.. There was that one time in the field though. He had kept her from falling and pulled her close. Her eyes lowered. She still remembered the day that he had brought her to the cabin. She had been in agony. His grandfather had been laying down not too far from the fire. Leaf had been cooking. She still didn't know how she had accepted Screech so quickly, given him her respect. She didn't want to see him go...

Wolf said the words with trouble. Screech meant a lot to him. He was family to him after all. Looking at him, she could see the surprise flicker across his face one more when she asked if she could visit. She wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. Did he really think that badly of her?

Seeing him take his time with a response, she bit her lip, wondering if he would push her away once more. She was prepared to raise her guard if he snapped. She wouldn't allow herself to get hurt, especially from him. Hearing his words though, she relaxed. Ah, she hadn't known Leaf had helped. That must have meant her mother had seen him at some point. She hadn't mentioned anything to her though. Then again, why would she?

Wait.. Screech asked about her? Before she could say anything, Daniel knocked. Grace frowned. They finally weren't tearing each other apart.. and yet Wolf had to leave. She had to get back to her family, and Daniel. Her eyes looked at the wooden door before she pushed away from the wall with her shoulder. Realizing that Wolf was looking at her, she looked back. His eyes weren't as golden in this light...

It only took her a minute to realize that he was probably talking about the arrowhead. After all, she hadn't shown much interest in anything else. He had given it up. Her hand wrapped around the pouch that was in her pocket. "I'll see you later," she said quietly right before he slipped out. She went out after him and closed the door, leaving the headphones on Deserai's bed. Instead of going to the table though, she went to the bathroom to wash her hands. It was a habit her mother had engrained in her since she was three.

Elenore looked up when the boy said goodbye. Deserai waved at him and said bye. Elenore couldn't help but sigh at Daniel when he started laughing. "Thank you, Wolf," she told him after a moment. The boy was trying and Daniel was just laughing. Of course the two continued to bicker. She frowned. Couldn't Daniel give the boy a chance?

After she heard the door shut, she shook her head at Daniel. "You could have been a bit nicer, he was trying," she told him just before Grace joined them at the table, sitting as far away from Daniel as possible. The girl took her plate to the stove for a moment to fill it with a few vegetables before going to the table again.

They began eating shortly after that. The food was good and she was hungry, she was sure the others felt the same way, though maybe not about the vegetables. Grace had never liked them but she cleared off her plate anyway.

Saying a quick thank you after she was done, she then got up and took her plate and silverware to the sink. Rinsing them, she then dried off her hands and made her way back to the room. She had decided to make something fro Screech. She could draw.. Getting out some blank paper from her backpack, she grabbed her pencils and pens before going back up to her bed. She pushed her homework to the other side of the bed, deciding that it could wait.  
PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 11:45 pm
Grace looked like she was going to speak before they were interrupted by a knock at the door and Daniel's words. Wolf could admit, at least to himself, that he was disappointed. For once, he and Grace were getting along and yet their time was cut short. This he struggled to admit even to himself, but he wanted to spend more time with her. It was a ridiculous thought. She was a white stae twes who preferred the city. He was one of the People and belonged to the forest as much as the deer, rabbit and bear did. He shouldn't even feel friendship towards her, let alone anything else. He cared about her, but he shouldn't. He liked her, liked her far too much. What was he thinking? If nothing else, he owed it to his people to take a red wife. Their blood had been diluted enough. And yet, he couldn't get her out of his head.

He had turned away, ready to slip out of the room, but paused when she spoke. At her words, he inclined his head marginally before leaving. Yes, they would be seeing each other again, and likely quite soon. It was wrong, the way he felt about her, but he couldn't help it. It went against everything his uncle had ever taught him but, then again, so did she. She was nothing like what his uncle had taught him all those years ago. Then again, did he really know her well enough to judge that?

Wolf pulled himself from his thoughts when he stepped into the kitchen. Everyone was already at the table except for Grace. The smell of food made his stomach clench but he reminded himself that he had his own supper waiting for him at home. After bidding them farewell and his short conversation with Daniel, Wolf left. The evening was rapidly falling, the light fading from the sky. A few stars were already showing, white dots into a quickly darkening blue. The air smelled fresh, tinted with falling leaves and a northern breeze, carrying with it the first chill of winter. With his thoughts darting around in his head like disturbed bees, Wolf headed off in the direction of the forest.

When Wolf had left, Daniel turned his attention to Elenore. From the look on her face, he guessed he was going to get some kind of reprimand and he was not disappointed. To be honest, he found it amusing how she felt the need to defend Wolf from him. He and Wolf had known each other for a lot longer than he and Elenore had known each other, even longer than Elenore and Wolf had known each other. He would have explained to her that Wolf was only doing it to try and avoid another lecture from his father about the importance of trying not to piss people off but Grace walked into the kitchen and he decided that he would let the subject drop, for now.

Once Grace was seated at the table, as far away from him as possible, he noticed, they all began eating. Daniel himself didn't care too much for some of the vegetables but he choked them down anyway, trying not to look as though he wanted nothing more than to spit out what he'd just put in his mouth. It was important that he be a good role model for the kids. More than that, it was important that he not show any weakness.

For a few minutes, he thought that it would stay silent. He hoped not. He didn't want to be one of those families that didn't talk to each other. Nicholas spoke up, though, asking where Wolf lived that he would walk over. Daniel explained how he had bought the land from Wolf's grandfather and how they still lived in a cabin on his property for half of the year. Nicholas seemed content with this answer, because he went back to his food. He didn't eat all of the vegetables but, to his credit, he at least tried all of them. Daniel would have asked Grace how she and Wolf had fared and what they had talked about but he wasn't going to push his luck with her.

Before long, Grace was finished first. She said a thank you -which honestly surprised him as no one had ever thanked him for a meal before- before getting up, rinsing off her plate and disappearing into her room. Nicholas finished shortly after Grace but seemed far less certain about whether to get up and leave or to stay until everyone else had finished. The boy didn't get up until Daniel did, following him to the sink and rinsing off his plate after the older man. Daniel started to turn back towards the table but paused when he looked through to the living room and caught sight of the bundle of deer skins on the coffee table. He had completely forgotten about that. Nicholas followed his gaze before looking back up at him, clearly curious and excited both.
"Can we open it?" he asked.

Daniel smiled. "Go wait in the living room. We won't open it until everyone's there." Nicholas nodded and bounded into the living room, plopping down on the couch. It was good to see the boy excited about something. Daniel turned to Elenore. "We'll be waiting when you two are finished." Then, he followed more slowly after Nicholas.  


Dedicated Seeker


PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 11:49 am
She had to admit, she wasn't sure what to think of them getting along. It set her slightly on edge, like he would explode any moment but at the same time, it was kind of nice. Sadly, it all ended when Daniel knocked and she was called out to dinner. Well, their little get together didn't last long. It probably was for the best.They'd go back to fighting soon enough. That would cause even more problems with her family. Of course she wasn't going to let them know that she knew Wolf. They would start asking questions, questions she didn't want to answer.

Seeing him incline his head only a little bit to her words, she knew that he agreed. She really did want to see Screech. He had done a lot for her in the small amount of time she had met him. That wasn't something she'd forget so quickly, if ever. He was a good person, right down to the bone. Swallowing, she really didn't want to see him go. And to be honest, she couldn't.

After Wolf came to say goodbye, she still wasn't sure what caused Daniel's laughter. She figured that they'd talk about it some other time, so she focused on her food for the time being. They usually weren't this quiet at the table. Deserai usually talked a ton and Elenore got the chance to ask how everyone's day was. Today was just.. odd. She was thankfully when at least Nicholas spoke up. The conversation was short, but it was still something.

Grace refused to say anything except a small thank you before she got up and left. It wasn't long before Daniel and Nicholas were done. Deserai was done a moment after them but she waited for her to finish, after all, she couldn't reach the kitchen sink. Hearing Nicholas ask something just as she was almost done, she blinked. Oh yes, the deer skins. She did wonder what was inside those and she was sure Deserai was curious as well. She started asking questions about the next second.

"We'll be there in a minute," she told Daniel before getting up. She picked up Deserai's plate. "Go get your sister," she told her, knowing that the girl didn't have any clue about the deer skins. Deserai ran off to the room. Elenore went to the sink and rinsed off the dishes. Drying off her hands, she then went to the living room. She'd get the dishes after they found out what was in the bundle.

Sitting down next to one of the arms of the chair, she then heard the footsteps of the others coming closer. Grace didn't look too happy but her expression changed when she saw the bundle. Well, she wasn't the only one that was curious.
"Can we open it now?" Deserai looked at Daniel eagerly. Elenore couldn't help but smile. The girl stood by the table with her hands placed on the top, her attention now fully on the skins. Grace stood there though, next to her end of the couch, waiting.

She had never really gotten welcoming gifts before, so this was a first for all of them, except maybe Daniel. He could have gotten something when he first moved here.

Wolf hadn't mentioned anything about the skins to her, so to be honest, she was surprised. She guessed that they were presents to the rest of the them, since she had kind of already gotten hers. The arrowhead was already on the piece of leather with the beautiful eagle. It had a comfortable weight around her neck.. and to be honest, she was glad it wasn't sharp anymore though she hadn't expected Wolf to do that to the arrowhead. He had been so intent on keeping it... Why he had finally given the arrowhead to her, she wasn't sure. Maybe Screech knew but she doubted that he'd be able to tell her. She wished she knew at least some of the language. Not to talk to Wolf, but Screech was another story. She was sure he had plenty of things to say.

Tilting her head, she moved to sit on the arm of the couch, guessing that Daniel was going to open it since everyone was looking at him. It irked her slightly but she didn't say anything in protest.
PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 3:37 pm
When Nicholas asked if they could open the deer skins, Deserai immediately started asking questions. Daniel glanced over. From what he had seen and heard, Deserai was rarely quiet. Why she had been so quiet during supper, he wasn't sure but he was glad that she wasn't any longer. Somehow, her asking questions reassured him. He told Nicholas to wait in the living room before addressing Elenore. The next moment, he was following the boy into the living room.

The living room was still quite bare. It only held the couch, coffee table and standing lamp. His mattresses were still there, covered in a sheet in the back corner. None of the children had questioned him on them, yet, and he was glad for that. He hoped that they wouldn't ever but he knew better. He just hoped he had a good excuse when they did.

Daniel sat down on the couch next to Nicholas who could hardly keep from fidgeting.
"What do you think's inside it?" Nicholas asked, watching the skins as if he expected them to move.

"Don't know," Daniel told him. "Nothing light, though."

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Deserai head for the kids' bedroom. A few moments later, Elenore came over, sitting on one of the couch arms. Then Deserai and Grace were there. Grace didn't look overly happy but her expression lightened when she caught sight of the skins. Deserai asked if they could open it. He glanced around. No one else seemed to have a problem with him opening it. Grace, again, didn't look too happy but then he was sure she just didn't like him in general.

Daniel was careful as he began unwrapping the skins. He didn't think it was easily breakable -nothin from Wolf, Leaf or Screech was- but he wanted to be on the safe side. It took nearly a minute of following the skins to fully unwrap it but, when he had, it took his breath away.

It was a piece of wood, carved into a roughly square shape. The top edge was rounded and the bottom and front completly flat so that it would stand upright. On the front was a carved image. A small forest clearing. On one side, lounging on a low branch, was a bobcat, its front paws tucked close and one back leg hanging. On the other side was a bear, standing on all fours but relaxed. Both creatures had their attention turned towards the clearing where a small owl sat perched on a rock, watching a fox standing beside a racoon. The racoon was on its back, its front paws raised as it playfully batted at the fox's muzzle. The wood was polished to a bright golden brown. It was so detailed, Daniel could make out every leaf and whisker. Screech must have worked non-stop from dawn to dusk to get this finished in so short a time.

"Wow," Daniel breathed. And, really, what else was there to say? The thing was magnificent. He lightly ran his fingers over the edge before looking up and around. "I'll have to put up a shelf. Shame we don't have a fireplace. It would look great on a mantel."

Beside him, Nicholas was speechless. His eyes were wide and his mouth hung open. He slid off the couch so he knelt beside the coffee table, gently touching the owl, as if he expected it to come to live and fly around the room. Daniel, having gotten over his shock, couldn't help but be amused by the boy's reaction. Screech and Wolf both were amazing artists, even if they didn't use paints. Daniel had seen several of Wolf's totems and sculptures, and more than a few of Screech's. They were truly something to behold.


Dedicated Seeker


PostPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 10:47 am
After she had finished eating a rather large meal, she couldn't help but feel slightly tired. She had gotten up early to take the kids to school and go to work. It wasn't like it was that late, but her stomach was full and taking a nap didn't seemed like such a bad idea. She shook those thoughts away when Deserai started asking questions. They still had the gift to unwrap. She was curious about what was inside there as well.

After she had gotten Deserai to go get her sister, she got up to place the dishes in the sink. It didn't take long to rinse them and soon they all were in the living room, huddled around the deer skins. She couldn't help but wonder what was inside. Something heavy was all she knew. She had noticed that when Wolf and given the gift to Daniel.

Once Daniel started to unwrap the gift, she saw Deserai lean in a bit, trying to catch a glance of what was inside before it was finally revealed. When it was though, she couldn't help but stare.

It was a gorgeous scene engraved in a slab of wood. There were at least a dozen animals. A bobcat, bear, fox, owl and more. There was so much detail
in the piece. She couldn't imagine how long it had taken him to make the masterpiece and then even polish it. She could relate to it though, making music required effort as well.

After she finally managed to pull her eyes off the artwork, she glanced at the others, wondering what their reactions were. Deserai was standing near by, admiring it. And then came the questions. They never failed to leave that girl's mouth.

"How did he make it?" she asked, her voice quiet as she ran her fingers over the polished wood. Her small fingers brushed against the fox and then the raccoon. Taking a small step back, she tilted her head, as if getting a better look at the whole piece. A smile formed on her lips the next moment.

Grace didn't move much from her original position, but she was shocked at how much detail was put into the piece. She knew that Screech had steady hands, he had taken the arrowhead out of her arm, but she hadn't know he was amazing at carpentering. Even from where she stood, she could see the leaves on the trees and the fur on the animals. It was crazy. She planned on giving him a drawing but she certainly couldn't measure up to what he had done.

It would take her a good while to make anything that looked like that. She had never really carved anything though. She had tried to make a small cat once while she had been waiting for a fight to break out. She had succeed in making what ended up looking like a chair with a tail. Needless to say, in her eyes Screech was amazing. Hearing Daniel's words, she looked over at him before brushing her curls away from her face. She'd go up to the carving once it was up. Deserai and Nicholas were surrounding it at the moment.

It was a shame that they didn't have a fireplace but she was sure it would look good just about anywhere. Looking back at the carving, she thought about the three. She had seen Wolf and Leaf but Screech still remained a mystery. Perhaps they could invite all of them over sometime? A big dinner would be nice to have in a couple days or so. If it wasn't so cold outside they could have a potluck with all the neighbors. It would be a good way to meet people and the kids could make some friends. Perhaps in the spring.  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:18 pm
Daniel knew what he was looking at the moment he saw it. The others would only see a forest scene with a hodge-podge group of animals. Daniel had lived around Screech, Leaf and Wolf long enough to know what they were really looking at. It's us, he wanted to say. It's how they see us. He knew for a fact that he was the bobcat. Screech had bestowed the totem on him just over a year after he had moved out here. He assumed Elenore was the bear. He could see Nicholas in the owl, Grace in the fox and Deserai in the playful raccoon. He was pulled from his thoughts when Deserai spoke, once against asking questions.

He smiled, turning his attention to the child. "I imagine he carved it by hand," he told her. It wasn't like they had any other way of carving it. They had no machinary or electric tools. Screech would have carved it inch by inch with a knife.

Daniel focused on Nicholas when the boy turned away from the carving to inspect the deer skins. Slightly amused and reminded of his own first encounter with deer skin, he watched as Nicholas lifted it up, feeling the hair along one side before feeling the other smooth, cured side. His brow furrowed as he examined the skin. Daniel figured he himself must have worn a similar expression when he'd first encountered animal skins. He had been much older than Nicholas was now but he had been just as curious, city person that he was.

"What are we going to do with these?" Nicholas asked, holding up part of the skins. "Do we give them back?"
Daniel almost laughed aloud at the look on the boy's face. It was obvious he wanted to keep them.

"Not likely," Daniel told him. "You don't give back the wrapping paper from gifts. You can keep them if you like, unless someone else has an idea what to do with them." He looked around, his eyes moving from Nicholas to Deserai, to Grace and, finally, to Elenore. He hoped she didn't mind him giving the skins to Nicholas. The boy seemed more alive and excited since discovering the gift -and its wrapping. Daniel didn't want to ruin that by taking the skins away from him.


Dedicated Seeker


Dedicated Seeker

PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 11:02 pm
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