Haru finished putting away his things and then he turned to his sword. It'll soon be time for some action, with no hesitation; I must react quickly and cause the least amount of casualties as possible. I cannot fail or else... Haru paused his hesitation seemed to have grown lately. He was distracted with other things on his mind. I must review what intel I know... Haru pulled out a map and examined it carefully. He took out a small ink brush and circled a few parts of the map. This is not going to be like all the other missions. This guy’s fortress is heavily guarded. Most likely he has patrols over there which forces me to take the cliff. I must keep the casualties to the minimum due to the fact that he uses his own peasants to be guards. There are only a few guards that are actually serving him but they are talented enough to keep the rest of the soldiers in line. It must be a quick assassination and a timely one. If I’m even off by a minute, the results could be catastrophic.
After a few more minutes analyzing the map, Haru rolled it up and strapped it to his belt. He picked up his sword and then departed his room after blowing out the candle. As he walked out he couldn’t help but think of the instance where Shinobu gazed at him. The thought still scarred his mind. I mustn’t think of anything but the mission. If I even get slightly sidetracked… Haru knew that the people were depending on him to kill this man including his flunkies but the thought that if he screwed up meant the death of many men still kept him on edge. He was immortal and it was hard to remember that mortals were so vulnerable to death; especially due to the fact that he was usually hired to slaughter armies of people within hours. Death seemed so easy that he forgot that even civilians were that susceptible. Haru went through the front doors of the theater. This mission would most likely take a few days so he glanced back at the theater and then began walking towards his destination.
After a few hours, Haru reached the outside of the thick and dense forest. He took out his map and then began searching for the roads he needed to take. It wasn’t until a few minutes later when he felt something prod his back. He stopped and then lowered his map. “Can I help you?” Haru asked not turning around. The man behind him had a knife poking Haru’s back.
“Your money or else I will take your life,” the man said in a very low tone. Haru noticed that he had also grabbed his arm so he couldn’t move far. Haru smiled and said nothing. “I said give me your money!” Haru dropped the map and then fell back into the knife. The man’s eyes widened at the sight and loosened his grip on the knife. Haru took that opportunity to turn around and then he kicked the man back and onto the ground. The tremendous force stunned the man and Haru walked over to him. He took the knife from his back and then crotched down to where the man was.
“I’m afraid I have no money,” Haru said putting the knife towards the man’s neck. “But if you like, I can spare your life for a small fee.” Haru pressed the knife against the man and the man still couldn’t speak. “Now look at that over there, you got my map a bit bloody… I needed that map.” Haru continued on. “Why would you even attack a man with a sword like this? You attacked someone who you knew could destroy you in an instance?” The man regained poise and then glanced at Haru and whistled. Haru put his sword against the forest and in front of him after darting his eyes everywhere. Arrows cam out and hit the sword. Looks like he wasn’t alone… no matter, I can handle these people quickly and return to my mission; however I don’t want my clothes too stained with blood. Archers were hiding in the forest. It was quite easy to get them out. Haru forgot about the guy near him and then a knife came from beneath him. Haru jumped back with his sword and held it towards the man. “Well, I suppose I made an inaccurate assumption but if this is all I have to deal with, I don’t think I’ll have any trouble at all.
Haru rushed towards the man nearest to him and with one slice the man was cut in half. Haru moved quickly with the long heavy blade in his hand. The rush was so quick that the man had no time to react. Haru turned his attention to the forest and then he rushed towards the forest slashing away at the trees. His sword was so sharp and his strength was so intense that the trees were cut with one swing and began to fall. There were screams and then some men began to flee the forest. “Well that was easy…” Haru said turning to the men. The men unsheathed their swords and then held their position. Haru put down his sword and then put up his fists. “Alright, let’s see what you got.”