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PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 1:23 am
Fortunately nothing terrible happened to Lore or Jerome during their time in the infirmary. While the bedside manner left something to be desired, Galactic's doctors seemed efficient and good at what they did. They made quick work of a no-frills patch job on both men. The shard of glass jutting out of Lore was removed, the wound was cleaned, stitched and bandaged. It took two doctors bracing Jerome to set his dislocated shoulder. They seemed a little nervous about manhandling the large Rocket, but got the job done. His broken arm was also set and secured to a splint. Once the gash on Jerome's shoulder was stitched and both Rockets had been given some antibiotic cocktails to combat infection, they were escorted off again.

Back at the brig, the Galactics seemed content to ignore the Rockets talking and shuffling about once they were contained in their cell. When Lore and Jerome reappeared, flanked by angry men with guns, the cell door opened again and they were shoved in to join the others.

"You guys didn't throw any parties without us did you?" Lore stumbled alongside Jerome. He still looked an exhausted mess, but at least he wouldn't be bleeding out and dying. Always a plus.

"Sir, they're all here now." A Galactic across the room spoke into a radio.

"Listen up!" The loud bossy female Galactic from earlier addressed the group as the cell door clanged shut behind Lore and Jerome. "Everyone on their feet and line up, backs to the bars." She plucked a key off her belt and held it up, "We're going to remove your cuffs. You don't line up, they don't come off."

As the woman sidled over to the cell and started unlocking cuffs through the bars, the double doors to the brig swung open and Deimos entered, hands clasped behind his back, cape billowing behind him, wearing a grin.

Tethys followed behind, close enough to fend off threats but not enough to interrupt the flow of Deimos' cape. There was a notable lack of emotion in her eyes, but her leader had enough to spare.
PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 9:28 am
"I think they're going to be okay. If they wanted t' hurt us, y'know, more than they have, they'd have done it by now." Tambrey vocalised her previous thoughts, still with her eyes closed. She cracked one eye open to regard a Shawn with slightly blurred edges, half obscured by her hair, as he shifted closer and offered his shoulder.

"Thanks Shadow," She choose the code-name, despite earlier learning of the name 'Shawn', as that was how he'd introduced himself and how she'd known the teen until now "I'm... not going to try to sleep, but that's appreciated. Here," Even if he wasn't tired, or wasn't showing himself to be, the grunt didn't want him staying up and offering support without her trying to offer help in kind. "I'll lean on y' and you can lean back, okay? Keep eachother from toppling over."
It was half a joke, almost, accompanied with a tired smile, but in reality, whether she intended to sleep or not, she was quite aware that despite the Sleep Powder use, or perhaps even because of it, she was feeling like a sleep would happen and she really didn't want to end up laying on the floor.

Of course, the thoughts of sleep went aware along with her realization of her own tiredness once Lore and Jerome were returned; she greeted them with both eyes open and a slightly relieved smile- it was better to have them all in the same place and good to see she'd been right about them having their injuries treated.
"Huge party. Lots of energetic dancing." She found herself responding to Lore tiredly, before her eyes flicked to the door and the loud woman.
She, personally, didn't want to go anywhere near her and standing up now was a hassle, but (as she suspected everyone else did) Tambrey did want her cuffs off and so was prepared to co-operate with the order given.
The grunt was aware of something going on, more people entering the brig, and a little dread crept into her; was the blank expression or the grinning worse?  


Feral Nerd


Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 9:51 am
Aulus had spent most of the time Lore and Jerome were gone brooding over what was going to happen next. Anger was hard to maintain over long periods of time even for him, and as it trickled away fear started to creep in in its place.

When their teammates were returned and the female Galactic ordered them up against the bars however he managed to muster being more pissed off than a Charizard that's just been shoved under a shower. When Diemos and his robotic assistant entered with their equally stupid senses of style his lips twitched briefly into a snarl. He did as he was told though, because he wanted these damn cuffs off him as soon as possible; he wasn't especially fond of being restrained like this. Glancing around he just hoped that everyone else had as much sense as he did, it wasn't exactly a tall order or anything to have as much sense as him.
PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 12:29 pm
Grunt Shadow chuckled bitterly as Tambrey responded, thinking he should have known better than to think she would have been able to sleep. He was grateful for her own offer nevertheless. "Thanks, Tam, but...I think I'm the one in the best condition right now. Won't be any toppling over on this end." He didn't mean it as a brag more than a statement of a fact. Though the others weren't as injured as Jerome or Lore had been, they still seemed pretty jarred up, both mentally and physically. Shadow just guessed he'd been lucky. Or maybe it was his paranoia that kept him so alert, aware, and energetic even after all that had happened.

Not long after, both Jerome and Loreven were brought to their cell, Lore still keeping up as cheerful a demeanor as usual. Shadow felt bad for him. It must have been tough trying to seem so optimistic in such a place, especially with so few reasons and so few to share his merry manner. In spite of this, he tried to smile, appreciative of the executive's efforts and glad that both men were alright. "Hey, guys. Glad you could make it." Tambrey seemed of a similar mind. "We were just wondering if we were going to have to plan your funerals, actually," he murmured in some darker humor. He just couldn't bring himself to be as jolly as the others were attempting.

With a sigh, the reluctant Rocket got up and did as he was told, back to the bars. It bothered him that he was exposing his back to the enemy at all, and Aulus seemed absolutely furious about it, but he was distracted by two new Galactics entering - higher ranks, by the look of it. Shadow recognized them as the ones who had been shouting down to Lore earlier.

Unfortunately, the teen didn't share the common sense that Tambrey did. The grinning and blank expressions of the newcomers didn't daunt him in the least. At least not on his most conscious level. That was filled with the thought of, Good! Finally! Someone we can talk to about this whole mess! Though he was far from thinking the Galactics would be reasonable, he had a bone or two to pick with the higher-ups at hand.

Suddenly a thought came to him. The grinning man was obviously full of himself; it was clear he had a great deal of pride. And that cape! What kind of ego did you have to have to flaunt one of those? Could that pride and ego have been used against him, perhaps...? Seemed worth a shot. Just as long as he didn't take things too far. Having the sense to do as he was told was one thing; having the sense to keep his mouth shut was another entirely.

"Hey...who's the pirate with the cape and wacky hair?" he whispered to Jerome beside him, just loud enough for the Galactics outside to hear. "And why's he grinning like an idiot? He's acting like he owns the place."

Shawn Darrow

Rocket Agent Jerome

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 1:02 pm
That had been unpleasant, to say the least, but as an end result Jerome wasn't in nearly as much pain as he had been before, and he was grateful for that, not that he voiced it at all. Probably the only thing that came out of his mouth at all in the infirmary was vulgar propensity.
He didn't fight against the doctors in any way, but He didn't like it when they had to set his dislocated shoulder, on the arm that did turn out to be broke like Shadow had mentioned. ********, He needed that arm.

That had been oddly exhausting, so to be lead down to the brig afterwards, it was an odd realization that he felt relived to be rejoined with the others in the group.
He snorted lightly at Shadow's comment as he shuffled in, only to go back to the gates when they were told to.

One of the gangster's eyebrow cocked just slightly when other people had entered to room once the door to the cell had been locked, eying the happy looking man with the cape and the women tailing him.
Half lidded eyes shifted to the side, falling onto the younger of the group when he whispered something to Jerome.
He leaned his shoulders forward in a slight bow to get more level with Shadow.
"Probably does." He answered in the low rumble of his own voice. "Just look at the other." He was making note of how the guards and other obvious lower ranks were standing and behaving when the two entered.
In a gang you could always pick out who was in charge, by the way the ones around him acted.  
PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 4:43 pm
User Image"Really?" Shadow sneered, glancing over his shoulder as best he could to get a glimpse of the purple peacock. "Seems more like a kid playing pretend to me." His volume was just a little louder this time. "It's a wonder they can keep straight faces with this guy in charge."  

Shawn Darrow

Galactic Deimos

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 6:15 pm
The glances Deimos' entrance earned from the confined Rockets seemed to be feeding the Galactic leader's grin. When Shawn spoke his brow furrowed and the grin twisted into small frown. His single eye settled on the young Rocket while the last of the group had their restraints removed.

Tethys fixed black eyes on Shawn and let a pale hand drop to her belt. "If you keep your mind as open as your mouth you might learn why," came her unimpressed monotone. "You're wasting air."
PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 6:57 pm
She was tired, her eyes were starting to complain and her wrists and ankles were sore from wearing the cuffs... and now Shawn was apparently attempting to goad the creepy little grinning purple airship pirate... And irritating the ice woman.
Both of whom she remembered from a rather terrifying, mixed-up environment more like Hell than anything real, in her somewhat skewed memory of 'the machine' incident.
So, devils they'd become to her, without her even realizing it.

Tambrey followed that hand as Tethys reached to her belt... And then looked at the younger grunt with a concerned expression.
She wanted to tell Shawn to shush; to not get himself into trouble. They hadn't been killed or tortured or anything yet and this was the first bit of progress to finding out what was going to happen... She understood why he'd want to mouth off, even if he'd wanted to hit out at one of them, but more she wanted everyone to get through it without a death or... well, anything unnecessarily unpleasant if possible.
Tambrey was pretty sure there'd be enough of that to come.
Without speaking, once her cuffs were off, she tried to put a hand on Shawn's arm to quiet him.
She hoped he'd understand why she'd do such a thing without needing to ask. She didn't really want to say a word in front of these two unless she had to.  


Feral Nerd

Rocket Agent Jerome

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 7:14 pm
A sly smirk had spread over his lips at the last remark from the kid, but he leaned in toward the kid a bit more when his voice started to get a little louder, as if to silently remind him that he needed to watch the volume.

It seemed to be too late though, since the women spoke in reply to Shadow's words.
Jerome rolled his good shoulder to try and ease the stiffness, shifting the weight in his stance so that he could turn around, glancing over at the two new Galactics to enter.
Reaching up to lean his usable forearm on the bars of the cell, leaning most of his weight onto it.

Though he wasn't looking at then anymore, after a few seconds he moved his gaze back over to Shadow, and now Tambrey who had moved over to put a hand on the younger Rocket's arm.
He wasn't sure what to think, the dude didn't look like someone to worry about at all, but they were hear weren't they.
PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 9:13 pm
He had moved over to lean against one of the walls when they had gone into the cell, not wanting to sit down yet. The blond had listened to Shawn and Tambrey talk a bit but mainly focused on waiting for them to lead back Lore and Jerome after taking care of them. He was thankful he had chosen to stay standing when it turned out that the would have to come over to the bars anyway.

Xander moved over to the bars and faced his back to them as ordered but not before giving Lore and Tambrey a small amused smile at their comments. The smile didn't last long since he noticed when Deimos and Tethys entered the room like the others. He narrowed his eyes at them before looking over at Shawn and had to fight down a smirk at his description of Deimos. He then looked back at the pair of Galactic heads and wondered how much they knew about each of the captives. If they kept tabs on who was who then there wouldn't be any chance of trying to confuse them on ranks because of street clothes.  


Unstoppable OTP


Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 1:26 pm
While nothing was said, Hayes exchanged a look with Aulus as he got up and stood with his back to the bars.

Aulus pursed his lips, returning the look and giving an almost inperceptable shrug; it wasn't like there was much they could do for the dumb kid.... He really hoped the Galactics didn't shoot him. He might not know Shadow but he was a teammate and... and also he really didn't want to see brains splattered everywhere.
PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 11:58 pm
At the sight of the Galactic leader's grin transforming into a frown, the grunt instantly disagreed with the statement that his air had been wasted. However, he hid his satisfaction and minor amusement with a glare directed at the blue-haired woman who had spoken to him.

"Maybe there'd be enough air to go around if he wasn't so puffed up with it," the teenage grunt retorted, jerking his head toward Deimos. "Just who are you guys, anyway? Agents? Elites? When do we get to talk to some real authority around here about what's going on?" If he noticed the woman's hand go to her belt, he didn't give an indication. He just kept running off his mouth like he was invincible.

Yes, he could feel the pressure his teammates were staring him down with. No, that did not still his tongue. If he stopped talking now, he would turn to jello and his shaking legs would give way under him. Best to keep up appearances in the face of the enemy. The truth of it was that he wasn't mouthing off out of anger, and though some of it might have been fear, he actually had a strategy in mind this time. Whether or not it would work was something else entirely, but as long as it was just him talking back, he doubted the others would suffer even if it turned out to be a mistake.

At Tambrey's touch, Shadow faltered for an instant, glancing at her. He knew she was only trying to warn him, but the fact that she was acting afraid of them, even if just for his sake, gave the other two more power over her in his eyes. He flashed her a serious look, trying to express his intentions in that one, meaningful glance. Don't worry. I know what I'm doing. It didn't occur to him that Tambrey might have actually known the pair and was quite aware of what they were capable of. He simply assumed she was being over-cautious.

Shawn Darrow

Galactic Commander Tethys

PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 11:41 am
The one eye Deimos had settled on Shawn narrowed and the line of his mouth committed firmly to its frown. Rather than start into a tantrum or even speak, he twitched his head to look at Tethys over his shoulder. When something upset the Galactic boss he rarely needed to act. His second command was always there to do it for him.

Tethys' hand and mouth twitched. In a pulse of red light, her Starmie was at her side. The pale woman glanced first at it, then the Rockets. Electricity crackled down the Pokemon's many arms and shot from its center gem at Tambrey in a Thunderbolt, meant to cause pain but not severely debilitate.

"You seem to have no regard for your personal safety," the commander commented calmly. "Perhaps you have some for others'."
PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 1:50 pm
The look Tambrey received back from Shawn was actually more worrying than anything like comforting; he might have a plan, might think he knew what he was doing but...
"Aah!" The electric attack coursed through her and she felt the stinging sensation envelope her entire body as the floor seemed to decide to come up to meet her.
It wasn't as powerful as it could be and on some level she knew that as she found herself falling onto all fours; for one, she hadn't lost consciousness and... well, her muscles seemed to have locked up but she wasn't in total agony a few moments after the attack.
It was /painful/ though.
She wasn't sure about getting up any further, even if she wasn't seriously hurt.  


Feral Nerd


Unstoppable OTP

PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 6:06 pm
Xander gave Shawn a look that was plainly saying 'shut up!' when the younger man kept rambling and upsetting Deimos. He knew it wouldn't end well but he hadn't known that the ice queen would attack Tambrey for Shawn trying to keep his self together. The moment Tambrey dropped, Xander did as well though it was just to his knees so he could catch her if she went completely to the ground.

"You ok?" He asked as he put his hands on her shoulders to help her, throwing Tethys a glare over his shoulder. He didn't keep said glare though since he didn't want to have another teammate hurt and instead turned back to Tambrey.  

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