...As the EMT's back Strikeforce up he just slides out of the ring...his work here was done for the night. He walks over to the people that stuck around and looks at the man in the front row wearing a whit t shirt and asks him if he may borrow it. The man is quick to take off his shirt and toss it to Strikeforce, who proceeded to use it to wipe Arsons blood off of his gold knuckles. He then tossed the knuckles back to the man before saying 'You should probably put that thing on Ebay, just wrap it up wouldn't want anyone to get AIDS or something' He then took one final look around at the carnage that surrounded the ring and decided the fact that he was the only one still standing up that he had earned some kind of small victory here tonight as he made his way to the back with a smile on his face.
>End Promo<