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Magician Arcana

Eco-friendly Shapeshifter

21,915 Points
  • Hiss of Love 200
  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Waffles! 25
PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 3:48 pm
[10/19/2014 8:31:24 PM] Kitomyx: Iza: *shakes his head, still trying to breathe, before taking a sharp turn into a rec room*  
PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 9:39 pm
Sey: Adam: *follows him, because honestly his mind is on overload. Follows Iza as closely as he can*
Maki: *snarling behind them, barking loudly as tries to snap at their heels. Thankfully low level enough to not have a fire move*

Kitomyx: Iza: *hides behind a couch and peers over the back of it*

Sey: Adam: *growls softly under his breath when h sees Iza hide. Grabs a chair and turns, using it to keep the growlithe from lunging at him* Damn it, Naka! Come on! Give me a hand here I don't even have the pokeball to get it BACK.
Maki: *snarling at the chair, biting a leg aggressively*

Kitomyx: Iza: *looks especially amused and types something on his Dex before holding it out* 'Only if you acknowledge what an idiot you were for taking in this little monster.'

Sey: Adam: *flicks his eyes over and growls* You ******** b*****d! Ugh! Yes, okay. I was an idiot for trying to save a pokemon when I can't eve---- *bites his tongue and seethes, eyes hardening as he looks back at the growlithe*

Kitomyx: Iza: *silently snickering before tossing Maki's ball back at him*

Sey: Adam: *grabs it and summons the growlithe back into the ball. Drops the chair and sits down, sliding the ball in his pocket. Grinds his teeth, eyes staring holes into the ground*

Kitomyx: Iza: *leans on the back of the couch, looking smug and self-satisfied while resting his chin on his folded arms*
Iza: *gets up eventually and goes to pat Adam on the shoulder*

Sey: Adam: *had been trying to calm down, feeling a lot of different things swirling around that head of his. Flicks his eyes up at Iza's hand, expression still nuetral. Grabs his arm and jerks him down as roughly as he can, aiming to get him in his lap*

Kitomyx: Iza: *eyes widen as he's pulled into his lap, glaring up at him with a 'WTH?' look*

Sey: Adam: *wraps his arms around Iza and just holds onto him. Keeps his hold tight as he searches for the repeat balls on his belt*

Kitomyx: Iza: *wiggles and tries to struggle as he realizes he's being searched*

Sey: Adam: *smirks and whispers, voice a little rough from his anger and having yelled* Two can play at this game, Koibito~ *grabs them finally and throws the two balls to release the purrloins*

Kitomyx: Iza: Tch...
Mairu and Kururi: *come out in surprise and look up at the two guys*

Sey: Adam: *grins, still just totally snuggling into Iza* Hi cuties~~ Sorry I'm cuddling your master. Wanna join? He's not too bad when he's not trying to be a complete a*****e.

Kitomyx: Mairu: Purr! Purrloin! *seems delighted by the scene and climbs Iza's pant leg*
Kururi: Loin...? *paws curiously at Adam's shoe*
Iza: *clenching his fists, whole body tight and tense*

Sey: Adam: Chill, dude. They're just being friendly. You need to relax.

Kitomyx: Iza: *glares daggers at Adam, red in the face, and mouths 'YOU!'*
Mairu: *looks at Adam and climbs on his shoulder, looking at Izaya curiously*

Sey: Adam: *smiles smugly, looking satisfied at having really pissed off Iza* Why are you mad at me? I don't think I did anything too wrong. Look! This little one is on my shoulder. It's cute. You just need to calm down. *chuckles mirthlessly* or are you upset that I'm not angry anymore?

Kitomyx: Iza: *wriggles harder in an attempt to demonstrate that he's being MANHANDLED*

Sey: Adam: ? OH. s**t. *laughs a little when he realizes it and relaxes his grip so Iza can get away if he wants. And most likely will want to do* Oop, sorry. Was a little too focused on snuggles and kitties. It happens to the best of us, you know.

Kitomyx: Mairu: *mews happily and loudly, amused at her trainer in this state*
Kururi: *rubs against Adam's leg*
Iza: *LEAPS off Adam and takes out his flick-blade, pointing it threateningly at him*

Sey: Adam: *stares at him seriously, and says in the gravest, most serious voice he can muster* If you really want to stick it in me, you gotta use a rubber.

Kitomyx: Iza: .......
Mairu: *purrs loudly and rubs against Adam's neck, brushing her tail under his chin*
Iza: *throws the knife to pin Adam to the chair via his clothes*

Sey: Adam: OHHH s**t!!!! *flinches, and thankfully not stabbed. Panting in shock. Sighs weakly* Dude, you're gonna make me piss my pants. Don't do that! ;;; *gently pets Mairu who is suffocating him with cuteness and purrloin fur*

Kitomyx: Iza: *breathing hard, face still somewhat red, before turning around and heading back out*
Mairu: *nuzzles against Adam before noticing the knife and attempting to knock it off the chair*
Kururi: *watches Iza go curiously before going after him*

Sey: Adam: *gently pets Mairu, murmurs softly to her* I think I really made him angry. *helps to get the flickblade out and looks it over carefully, gently pressing his thumb against the blade to see how sharp it is and looking for any sort of engraving or markings on it*

Kitomyx: Mairu: Purr...? *hops onto his lap and looks at the ordinary, un-marked, very sharp knife and then at Adam*

Sey: Adam: *hisses softly and jerks his hand back, sucking on his thumb. Flicks the blade closed and slides it into his pocket. Gently pets Mairu* Let's go get tea and then find Naka. How does that sound? *stands up*

Kitomyx: Mairu: Loin? *tilts her head in concern, climbing up Adam's shirt with her claws to ride on his shoulder*
Iza: *in their room on his bed, typing on his laptop with his back to the doorway and Kururi sitting on the bed next to him and mewing*

Sey: Adam: E___x ow.. ow ow ow... ow. Okay good. Off we go~ *gets the hot teas and heads back to their room, carefully balancing the tray with the drinks in one hand as he opens the door* Yo~ I got you the tea. *sets it down on the end table and holds out one of the mugs to him*

Kitomyx: Iza: ...*reaches out to take it without turning around*
Kururi: Purrloin! *mews quietly up at Adam and Mairu*
Mairu: Purrrloin! *calls back as she delicately leaps onto the bed to purr against Kururi*
Iza: *continues staring at his laptop and takes a drink of the tea as he shoves the Purrloin off his bed with his other hand*

Sey: Adam: *looks at the screen, curious about what he's working on* ?

Kitomyx: Iza: *typing what seems to be a report to his higher-ups about the damage and potential danger of an unruly growlithe owned by Grunt Adam*

Sey: Adam: *stunned by that* ... Nakura. *voice strained and sounds very much at unease. Fist clenched by his side. Whispers the final part* Don't.

Kitomyx: Iza: *turns and sticks his tounge out at Adam*

Sey: Adam: *balancing his options and knows that there is little chance that Izaya is going to give this up. Even if he gives him something in return, Iza will still do it. So then, there was one option left. Talking about it wasn't going to work. Iza would just use that against him. Telling him the truth would lead to the same. Being angry, well that's what he wanted. There was one option* You leave me no choice, Koibito. Just remember, you're the one that put me in the corner. *leans in swiftly and licks Iza's tongue with his own, before pressing their lips together for a kiss. Reaches over with his other hand to poke at the laptop's power button. Not a perfect solution, but at the moment it was better than nothing*

Kitomyx: Iza: ...?!! *attempts to shove him aside, but in doing so, is too distracted to keep Adam from shutting down his computer*

Sey: Adam: *lets himself get pushed away and closes the computer up. Tips of his ears a little red, sighing roughly* Just... Cool down please and think about this? ;

Kitomyx: Iza: *furiously takes out his 'Dex and types on it* 'What is there to think about?! You're harboring a dangerous creature out of pity!'

Sey: Adam: *sits on his bed, frowning* It's not pity! Okay... Maybe a LITTLE pity. But I can help him. I just need time.

Kitomyx: Iza: *takes a deep breath, face even redder as he wipes his mouth on the back of his hand and drinks more tea*

Sey: Adam: It's just scared. Imagine living your WHOLE ******** life and every human treating you like s**t. Even if you got taken away from there, you'd STILL be angry! It'd be really hard, Naka, to trust any human. He just... needs time. That's all. Time and reassurance that I won't hurt him.

Kitomyx: Iza: ... *types more on his Dex* 'First of all, if it ever threatens me in any way, I won't hesitate to hurt it. Second, I may not trust it, but if unruly pokemon were really a concern of mine, I wouldn't have as many as I do.'

Sey: Adam: ... *blinks and then grins brightly. An honest, relieved and happy grin. Hugs him tightly and quickly* Thank you!

Kitomyx: Iza: Hrk! *flinches, making a disgruntled noise* ... *types more* 'You know I was only writing that to get back at you, right?'

Sey: Adam: *looks at the dex, chuckles* Yeah. I figured that out. But I couldn't tell if you were angry enough to go through with it all the way or not. *releases him from the hug*

Kitomyx: Iza: *narrows his gaze* 'Now I have to get you back for that kiss, too.'

Sey: Adam: *grins mischievously* Hmm... I'd say I like long walks on the beach, but that'll have to wait for some time later~
Adam: *pulls out the flick blade from his pocket and offers it to Iza, Hilt towards him, and knife (though hidden) towards himself* Oh yeah, here.

Kitomyx: Iza: ...... *accepts it and types some more* 'I don't think you know how tempted I am to stab you in the leg with this right now. Or at least shave off some of your hair with it.'

Sey: Adam: But I'd bleed on your bed and blood stains are a b***h to get out. You wouldn't want that!

Kitomyx: Iza: *sighs and falls back onto his bed on his back, kicking out at Adam if he's in kicking distance*

Sey: Adam: *kicked, wincing a bit. Amused, getting up to get his tea before sitting back down on Iza's bed. Sips a little* Throat feeling any better?

Kitomyx: Iza: ...little. *frowns up at the ceiling and tries to clear his throat, grabbing his dex to type something* 'I'll make you regret what you did ten times over.'

Sey: Adam: *tries not to smile, but does a tiny bit* Ah man. I did really do a lot of things to you today. Do I get any heads up?

Kitomyx: Iza: 'I did too, but I still can't seem to shake you off'. *continues to frown at his dex as he types, not looking over at Adam even when he shows him the screen* 'If I'm trying to get you to abandon this ridiculous notion of being friendly with me, why would I give you a heads up?'

Sey: Adam: *reads the dex and sighs* Yeah, that's true. You're still dead set on making sure I stop wanting to be your friend. Still don't know why. I mean, you kinda said something like... It happened before and got you in trouble or was bad for you? *takes another drink of the tea and gets comfortable at the end of his bed Adam go to your own bed you little s**t*

Kitomyx: Iza: 'It was worse for the other person, since now they're dead. So get a clue and back off, unless you're suicidal.' *tosses the dex at him to read and rolls onto his side*

Sey: Adam: *catches it and reads the message. Silent as he finishes the tea and sets his mug to the side. Types on the dex now. Eventually stands up and places it on Iza's hip. Grabs the mugs and whistles, heading out of the room*
Dex: 'I'm a lot harder to kill than you think I am, just like I am to shake off. If you spend the rest of your life alone, trusting no one, then what? Who are you protecting? Me? Or yourself? I think we both know the answer, Koibito. What are you afraid I'm going to see? Your bad temper? That you act like a shitlord? Maybe you're an opera singer secretly?

You're too cool and fun to walk away from.'

Kitomyx: Iza: ...*glances over his shoulder and slowly takes the dex from where it rests on his hip to read it* ... Baka... *whispers and sighs to himself* ...So you have a death wish after all...

Sey: Adam: *comes back, having got some lozenges (bad spelling) and some more hot tea. Sets it down on his night stand* The throat things might help and more tea. Also just resting. *pats Iza's shoulder and plops onto his own bed*
Manny: *had been sleeping, floats out and yawns. Notices the kitties*

Kitomyx: Mairu & Kururi: *having taken shelter on Adam's bed after being shoved off of Izaya's, scatter when Adam plops down*
Iza: *shows him his dex* 'You're not my mother'
Mairu: *looks up at the sound of the voice and notices Manny*
Kururi: *hides behind Mairu*

Sey: Adam: *amused* I had to go back to the cafeteria to return the mugs. Plus, it's super creepy not hearing your voice.
Manny: *a little nervous, staring at them*

Kitomyx: Iza: 'I don't like it either. It's one of my favorite tools. But if it creeps you out, maybe I should just get one of the Jirachi to let me talk to you through them.' *smirks at him*
Mairu: *tail swishing side to side in anticipation as she grins up at Manny* She glanced at Adam.
Kururi: <...Nice...Meet...>

Sey: Adam: *laughs at that* Hmm... I wonder what that would be like. Then again, your voice wouldn't sound like yours. Then it would be WEIRDER. *shakes his head* Bad idea.
Manny: *thinks about hat*

Kitomyx: Iza: *types frantically* 'That's true. They sound like a bunch of children and act like it, too. Worst of all, they speak telepathically, so you can't block them out. It would be the perfect vengeance.' *grins darkly*
Mairu: The purrloin seemed more interested by this than concerned.
Kururi: <...Rocket...Pokemon...?>

Sey: Adam: Oh god, it'll be like children of the ******** corn, but with your thoughts. *laughing now as he imagines it. Makes a weird voice and speaks* ADAM YOU SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT THIS THROUGH.
Manny: *shakes his head back and forth quickly* *thinks about the question*

Kitomyx: Iza: *smirks in spite of himself and shakes his head, still turned on his side away from Adam's bed*
Mairu: *watches Manny with amusement*
Kururi: *looks at her sister and Manny and nods timidly* <...Fun...>

Sey: Adam: -catches himself watching Iza, an affectionate smile on his face. Looks away as he grins sheepishly- Get some rest, Koibito. -Turns his attention to get his computer, resuming online searches for how to help Pokemon-
Manny: -startled by the suggestion- -but still finds it sweet that they were willing to help him escape- -totally meaning when adam forces Iza to cuddle him-

Kitomyx: Iza: *pauses, then turns back around to hop on Adam's bed with his 'Dex out* 'Wanna get a drink?'
Mairu: *gets a naughty expression*
Kururi: *gives her sister a concerned look and shakes her head*
Mairu: *sighs, the glee vanishing from her face* <- probably not what Adam and Iza do in bed. One of them would probably be too sore to get up in the morning if they were.>
Kururi: <...Intimate...private...>

Sey: Adam: -looks at the message, and reads it twice because he wasn't expecting that- Sure. That sounds good. -grins and closes his computer-
Manny: -tilts his head/body- -considers it, but it doesn't seem right- -in a piggyback ride-

Kitomyx: Iza: *snickers a little at Adam's re-reading of the message before getting up himself*
Mairu: *starry-eyed*
Kururi: *looks at her sister skeptically and with concern*
Mairu: *catches the look and tries to calm herself*

Sey: Adam: Now don't drug me. -said in a teasing tone. Heads out with him, going in the direction of the rec room-
Manny: o uo ?? -innocent little ghost-

Kitomyx: Iza: *smiles strangely before pausing on their way* 'One sec. Bathroom. Lots of tea.'
Mairu: *looks put out*
Kururi: *blushing really hard*

Sey: Adam: Huh? Oh, sure. -nods-
Manny: -confused still. Decides not to talk about it more. Grins instead-

Kitomyx: Iza: 'Won't be a minute.' *hurries to the closest restroom and comes out a few minutes later*
Mairu: <'Do they'? Do they what?>
Kururi: <...Some things...don't want...>
Mairu: *laughs*
Kururi: *sighs heavily*

Sey: Adam: -leaned against the wall. Smiles when he returns- Feel better?
Manny: -finds them both amusing, and very smart-

Kitomyx: Kururi: *smiles softly at Manny's change in conversation and nods*
Mairu: *nods in agreement with her sister* *looks at her twin*
Kururi: *looks at Manny inquisitively*
Izaya: *looks up and beams brightly at Adam, nodding* ... *hesitates, then gives Adam a quick, tight hug before recomposing himself and straightening his shirt*

Sey: Adam: -blinks and then struggles to keep from laughing aloud- come on~ -heads with Iza to the rec room. Frowns- you know... With your throat, drinking probably isn't a good idea. You should drink more tea. -nods-
Manny: -listens attentively to the two-
Kitomyx: Iza: *nods vigorously, but then frowns and points at Adam with a questioning look*

Sey: Adam: It's okay~ My throat is fine. I bet there's a hot pot or a coffee maker in the rec room we can use for tea.

Kitomyx: Mairu:
Iza: *scratches his head thoughtfully before looking around for one*

Sey: Adam: -goes on the hunt for something, finding some orange juice in a minifridge. Probably meant for mixers- here's some OJ. Good for your health!
Manny: -not sure he likes the idea of meeting these Pokemon. But realizes eventually he will need to-

Kitomyx: Iza: *smiles at Adam's find and claps for his triumph*

Sey: Adam: *amused, pouring him a glass of the juice. Grabs a beer and sits down beside him. Pops it and sips on the beer. Sighs happily* Man I needed this.
Manny: *thinking about it and then speaks slowly*

Kitomyx: Iza: *eyes widen as he's about to drink the juice, dashing to Adam's side before grabbing the beer can and running to the bathroom*
Kururi: ...*timidly looks at them both with uncertainty, but says nothing*

Sey: Adam: .... o__o .... Uh. Wha? *okay now he's confused. Running after Iza*
Manny: *nods* *rummages around, and finds it lying on Adam's bed. Taps it to enlarge and again to release the growlithe*
Maki: *blinks, looking around. Growls immediately, until he realizes there are no humans. Eyes them warily, still baring his fangs. Voice has a raspy quality*

Kitomyx: Iza: *dumping the beer down the sink, glancing back to see Adam, and wagging a finger at him with a look of grave concern*
Mairu: *looks at Maki*

Sey: Adam: *snorts* Dude, what the heck? I drink all the time. *but instead of walking towards Iza, walks down the stall's row to see if any are occupied*
Manny: *looks wearily at the two cats and then at the canine. Something said this wasn't going to go well* < U-uhm... Kururi means we're friends. I-I'm Manuel, or Manny. This is Kururi and Mairu.> *nods to them in turn*
Maki: *nods slowly, looking at the cats and then focusing on Mairu. Snarls softly*

Kitomyx: Iza: ...*watches him curiously and somewhat nervously as he continues to dump the rest of the alcohol*
Mairu: *flops on her sister*
Kururi: *stumbles but manages to keep her balance*
Mairu: *sneers snarkily at Maki*
Iza: *manages to finish dumping the beer, tosses the can, and grabs Adam's arm to tug him out of the otherwise empty bathroom*

Sey: Adam: *surprised that none of the stalls were filled. Frowns slightly, thinking. Snorts at being tugged* Okay, okay. I'm coming. Jeeze. *heads out of the bathroom again* I am going to drink a beer, okay? I mean that's why we're here, to drink.

Kitomyx: Iza: *pulls Adam back to the rec room determinedly before offering his glass of poured juice to him*

Sey: Manny: *feels embarrassed that he did that oops*
Maki: *growls at her, but knows that what she says is probably true*
Adam: *shakes his head* YOU'RE the sick one. You drink the orange juice. I want a beer.

Kitomyx: Iza: *narrows his eyes and shakes his head vigorously as he continues to push his juice at Adam*
Mairu: *tells Manny with a teasing smile before turning to Maki*
Kururi: <...Why?>

Sey: Adam: You're not going to let this go, are you? *sighs and takes the glass, drinking from it*
Maki: *huffs*

Kitomyx: Iza: *stubbornly shakes his head before looking relieved when Adam drinks it and pats Adam on the head*
Mairu: *flicks her tail casually*

Sey: Adam: *amused* Thanks, Koibito. Oh. *takes out hs dex and hands it to him* There, you must've forgotten yours. No more need to pantomime everything.

Kitomyx: Iza: ....*reddens at being given the 'Dex and looks at Adam blankly*

Sey: Maki: *Relaxing more, allowing himself to sit down*

Kitomyx: Mairu:
Kururi: *goes to sit by Manny*

Sey: Adam: What's wrong?

Kitomyx: Iza: *looks at Adam guiltily and shakes his head, handing the Dex back to him*

Sey: Maki:
Adam: All right. *takes it back and puts it into his pocket. Grabs another glass and pours him some orange juice* Guess we can indulge and drink the carton~

Kitomyx: Mairu:
Iza: *brightens and nods*

Sey: Maki:
Manny: *smiles a little at her and then looks back at Maki*
Maki: *snarls a little*

Kitomyx: Kururi:
Mairu: *laughs*

Sey: Maki:
Manny: *whispers to Kururi*

Kitomyx: Kururi: *smiles a little*
Mairu: *ear swerves* *looks back at Maki*

Sey: Manny: *sighs in relief* *flushing anyhow*

Kitomyx: Kururi: *smiles softly and rubs against Manny as best she can with a ghost*
Mairu: *shugs*

Sey: Manny: *makes a happy chirping sound* (heart)
Maki: <... So then I'm an asset. Something that is going to be used?>

Kitomyx: Mairu: *sighs* *smirks*
Kururi: *purrs before looking at Maki*

Sey: Maki:*Starting to understand and even if he's weary, he's willing to listen* *decides that might be the best course of action. Nods*
Manny: *super curious now*

Kitomyx: Mairu: *nods*
Kururi: *looks at Manny* <...Friends.>

Sey: Maki:

Kitomyx: Mairu: *gestures toward Manny with her tail*
Mairu: *laughs*

Sey: Maki: *looks at Manny*
Adam: *finished the orange juice between them, burping softly* Well I feel like I might die of a vitamin c overdose, but it was refreshing.

Kitomyx: Mairu:
Iza: *snickers and sighs in satisfaction at the drink*

Sey: Adam: Okay, I want a beer and then I guess we should go and find where he went. *gets up and grabs one, popping it open and taking a swig as fast as he can so it wont be dumped down a sink*

Kitomyx: Iza: ...? *gives Adam a questioning look*
Iza: *realizes what Adam's doing and dives for the beer*

Sey: Adam: *moves back, laughing as he takes another gulp. Winces* A-ah! Man it hurts to chug just let me drink is peace damn!

Kitomyx: Iza: *eyes narrow as he locks on his target and moves with inhuman speed to tackle Adam to the floor*

Sey: Adam: *okay had NO expected that. Cries out in shock, beer lost and pouring out on the ground, running against him. Groans and shifts below Iza* A-ah s**t... Riv. Come on. You didn't have to tackle me, dude.

Kitomyx: Riviere: *flinches, confirming he's been found out, but drops his illusion and keeps a firm expression before giving a very distinctive shake of his head*

Sey: Adam: -pets Riv a gives him a pained smile- okay... Man you're worse than an abstinence coach. Your trainer is kinda a jerk, though. -sighs dramatically- gonna break my heart~

Kitomyx: Iza: Exactly! So why make friends with a jerk? *speaks up hoarsely with false cheerfulness as he peers into the rec room before reverting to an unamused demeanor* Your Growlithe is out in our room.

Sey: Adam: -surprised and looks... Happy? Laughs- cause I know that under that a*****e exterior is an equally a*****e, but adorable and fun, interior. -winks. Then sobers up- ********... They let him out? Did it sound like a fight?

Kitomyx: Iza: *rolls his eyes and whispers to try to conserve his raspy voice* Then obviously you know nothing. *raises a brow at Adam at the mention of 'they', surprised because most suspect Izaya of being the one up to mischief instead of his pokemon* ... *shakes his head* ...Probably plotting against us...

Sey: Adam: -grins weakly- well that's a bummer. Guess we should face the music, huh?

Kitomyx: Iza: *smiles slyly* I've got a better idea. *looks at Riviere, who, still pinning Adam down, suddenly looks nervous*

Sey: Adam: ? -looks at Riv- ..... Okay normally id say no but this is a good idea.

Kitomyx: Riv: *looks at Adam and wonders if this is Adam's way for getting back at him for tricking him*
... *enters the room a little later, appearing as Adam with a sigh*

Sey: Maki: -starts to snarl-
Maki: -calms down, but still alert-
Adam: -outside the room. Whispers to Iza- I'm not hearing anything...

Kitomyx: Iza: *frowns and types out on his dex* 'Thought I heard a snarl.'
Mairu: *jumps up to go greet Riviere-as-Adam*
Kururi: *tilts her head curiously at 'Adam's' sigh*
Riviere: *looks intimidated by Maki, but smiles and waves a little at Manny*

Sey: Manny: -floats around Adam-rivière-
Adam: -nods in agreement-
Maki: -not snarling, but instead turns his head away in indifference-

Kitomyx: Riviere: ...*smiles briefly at Manny before returning his attention to Maki, cautiously reaching for what he figures must be Maki's pokeball*
Kururi: *watches curiously*
Mairu: *runs over and snatches the ball*
Sey: Adam: -scoops up Mairu and grabs the ball, stepping into the room quickly-
Manny: -confused when a new Adam comes in holding Mairu-
Maki: -seeing Adam two and snarls, barking viciously-
Adam: -holds the ball out- Maki, retu--
Manny: -flicks it out of his hand with his tongue-

Kitomyx: Riviere:
Mairu: *tries to scramble onto Adam's shirt*
Kururi: *alert, unsure of what to do*

Sey: Manny: -feels bad, though. A little ashamed he attacked his master-
Maki: -still snarling, eyeing between Riv and the real Adam-
Adam: -not moving, just waiting for Maki to decide. Winces and lets Mairu clamber up his shirt-
Maki: -realizing that they're right about this, but still hates it. Hungry, though. calms down, but on edge-

Kitomyx: Mairu: *looks back and forth between Adam and Maki before hearing someone come in* *meowls at Iza, who glares at her*
Riviere: *panics and reverts back to his original form before dashing to try to hide behind one of the beds*
Iza: *freezes as soon as he realizes Maki is still out*

Sey: Adam: -smiles grimly when Iza freezes beside him- Welcome to o-s**t theater. I'm your host, Adam.
Maki: -follows riv with his gaze, still sitting in the same spot-

Kitomyx: Riviere: *swallows nervously at Maki* *points to the trainers*
Iza: *types on his 'dex* Well...he's not growling at us. But that might just be to lull us into a sense of false security.

Sey: Maki: *flicks his eyes over at Riv* *remains silent, tail slowly swishing against the ground as he waits*
Adam: Can never be too sure. *Noticing that he's focusing on Riv. Looks at riv now too*

Kitomyx: Riv: *turns pale*
Iza: *types* 'Did you do or say anything to it?'

Sey: Adam: I said I was going to save it, when I got it... It seemed angry then. I figured... I don't know. I figured maybe it would be okay with that? *sighs* Maybe it's calming down?

Kitomyx: Iza: 'After this morning? I don't think so.' *sighs and frowns at Riviere's terror*
Riviere: *seems to calm down a bit before scrambling to get the remains of his pokemon food he'd been hoarding under Iza's bed and pushes it toward Maki*

Sey: Maki: !!! Adam: .... He was hungry?

Kitomyx: Iza: '...Looks like it.'
Riviere: *looks immensely relieved*

Sey: Adam: *sighs and rubs his face. Then pulls Iza in for a hug* We live another day, Koibito.

Kitomyx: Iza: *jolts and jumps away, startled* 'I thought I told you no touching me without my permission!'
Mairu: *paws at Adam's hair playfully*

Sey: Adam: Eh? Oh... I think you might have. Sorry, a rush of relief made me want to hug you. *releases Iza* Can I hug you more? *reaches up and pets Mairu gently*

Kitomyx: Iza: *groans* 'Why don't you stick to hugging them? They seem to like you enough.' *gestures to his purrloin before going to lie on his bed*
Kururi: *watches Maki before looking up at Iza and Adam curiously*
Riviere: *looks around uncertainly before retreating into his ball, having had enough excitement for one day*

Sey: Adam: *shakes his head and gently takes Mairu from his shoulder, holding her carefully and petting her* Your owner is kinda silly, isn't he? *smiles* Did you talk to Maki? Thanks. I'm glad.
Maki: *snorts* *Has a good deal to think about, going back to his own pokeball*

Kitomyx: Mairu: *purrs loudly and rubs against Adam*
Kururi: *watches Maki leave as she stands by Manny*
Iza: *tosses a pillow at Adam's head*

Sey: Manny: *looks at Kurui. Thinking that maybe he could lick her! Because that would be friendly. No. Wait that would just paralyze her. Feels frustrated* <..Kururi you're very nice.>
Adam: *laughs at the rubbing, and then laughs harder when the pillow is thrown at him* OOF! What the. *grins, setting Mairu down and grabbing the pillow. Whacks Iza with it gently* HA!

Kitomyx: Iza: *makes a small noise as he's caught off-guard and hit, falling back on his bed*
Kururi: *smiles softly*
Iza: ... *types out* 'You're not allowed to hug me until you tell me what you drink to forget.'

Sey: Adam: *about to hit him with the pillow again, grinning brightly. Then he reads that and his smile drains away* .... *lowers the pillow and remains quiet* Low blow, dude. *right hand instinctively goes up and he begins to nibble on his right thumb. Smirks after a moment and then flops down beside Iza, grabbing him and snuggling* Not a hug. It's a snuggle. Not the same! Ha!

Kitomyx: Iza: *sticks out his tongue, sitting up*
Iza: -!! *attempts to shove Adam off him by pushing away his face and hoping to pry his body along with him*
Kururi: *swishes her tail thoughtfully*
Mairu: *hops away from the two men before they're all over each other* *grins and looks at the others*

Sey: Adam: *laughs hard, nipping at the fingers near his mouth. Attempts to wrap a leg around Iza to keep him pinned down* OH NO YOU DON'T!
Manny: *nods relluctantly, actually pretty worried about Riv. Calming down when Mairu explains what is happening*

Kitomyx: Iza: *eyes widen as he jerks his hand away, pinned down as he does so* ... *glares daggers at him, powerless to do much more than weakly struggle*
Mairu: *looks at Kururi and exchanges a grin with her*
Mairu: *pounces Kururi playfully, who tumbles backward*

Sey: Adam: *snorts softly* Did you like, never wrestle as a kid? *wondering if he should let Iza go, especially with that glare. Decides for once to not back down immediately*
Manny: *watches the two, brightening*

Kitomyx: Iza: *makes a face and shakes his head stiffly*
Mairu: *laughs*

Sey: Manny:
Adam: *considers a thought before speaking tentatively* Want me to teach you a little?

Kitomyx: Kururi:
Iza: ...*purses his lips*

Sey: Adam: Is that a no?
Manny: *thinking* *turns his attention to Kururi*

Kitomyx: Iza: *mouths* 'Fine.'
Mairu & Kururi: *both looking curiously at Manny*
Kururi: <...When?>

Sey: Adam: *grins brightly* Okay, even though I'm bigger, you can still wiggle around and get out of this hold. *starts to explain this to him and I really dont know wrestling SOOOO. XD*
Manny: *nods*

Kitomyx: Iza: *manages to obey Adam's instructions enough to manuver his way out of the hold*

Sey: Adam: *pleased with Izaya's effort and how well he followed the instuction. Nods* Nice! You're a quick learner.

Kitomyx: Iza: *gives him a crooked smirk, as if unsure whether or not he wants to join in Adam's cheerfulness, before typing out another message* 'I have to be to have survived this long. I didn't learn parkour just for fun, you know.' *moves to grip Adam in a Bridging Cobra Clutch he was just taught*

Sey: Adam: Guess that's true. You've been learning to survive this whole ti-- *had really not expected that. Gasps sharply, pretty much stuck since he hadn't expected Iza to immediately pounce him with a move. He did feel the arm slinking under him and grabbed at it, keeping him from being koed too quickly. Squeezes Iza's arm, trying to keep it at bay* Fu-uck... *voice faint and airy* Q-quickl learner, all right.
Manny: *nods*
Kitomyx: Mairu: *ears perk as her tail sways with interest*
Kururi: *looks at her sister before looking back at Manny*
Iza: *smirks before suddenly collapsing and falling limp, closing his eyes*

Sey: Manny: *sighs*
Adam: *groans, muscles aching from holding off Iza. And then... Nothing? *blinks, feeling the dead weight of his friend on his back* Koibito? *laughs ruefully* Are you playing possum? It won't work! *moves quickly so Iza can fall on his bed. Turns Iza around and puts one leg on either side to straddle him* Or is the princess fallen under an evil curse and needs another kiss from the handsome prince to awaken~ *grinning devilishly. But something... Seemed off* ... Koibito? *leans closer and presses their foreheads together to check for a fever*

Kitomyx: Mairu: *raises a brow*
Kururi: *frowns, looking distraught*
Mairu: *looks at Kururi with wide eyes*
Kururi: *stares at her sister, impossible to read*
Izaya: *rolls off him, eyes still closed, and types on his dex without looking* 'I'm tired. Go away. If you kiss me, I'll cut off those lips.' *opens his eyes to stare into Adam's* *temperature is slightly warm*

Sey: Manny: *has a feeling, from Kurui's look, that whatever Mairu just said is so wildly off the mark it isn't funny.*
Adam: *reads the dex and sighs, realizing now that the cold that was bothering Iza was a lot stronger than they had originally though. Or well, here he had bought into the idea of Iza just losing his voice. It made more sense for him to e sick* All right, I won't kiss you. You do need rest... You've got a fever starting. *climbs off of Iza and shuffles in his box of stuff, finding some aspirin, offers him that and grabs him some water* Take two. It'll help. Why don't you get under the covers? Oh wait. Have you eaten? You need food for fevers. *nods*

Kitomyx: Mairu: *gets a wicked look as she laughs aloud at Manny*
Kururi: *sighs softly and glances over at their trainers*
Iza: *types another message and glares at Adam as he turns on his side to curl up* 'Like I said, you make a terrible mother, so cut it out. I don't need anything other than rest, especially not you, so go play with your pocket monsters.' *shoves the dex at Adam to ward off his offer of aspirin and water*

Sey: Adam: *rolls his eyes* Dude, just take the meds. I swear, you're a big baby over everything. *ruffles Iza's hair gently*
Sey: Manny: ....

Kitomyx: Iza: *casts Adam a look of the utmost resentment, flicking Adam's forehead before accepting the meds*
Kururi: *looks at Manny and blushes deeply*

Sey: Manny: *flushing now. WELL if Kurui's playing then....* *nods*
Adam: *winces and rubs his forehead, waiting for him to finish before taking the bottle back* Rest up, Koibito.

Kitomyx: Iza: ... *types one more thing* 'I hope you get sick from my germs soon so I can put you through the same hell you put me through today, Addi-chii.'
Kururi: *blushes EVEN MORE*
Celty: *drifts into view behind the two purrloin* <...I hope you're not serious.> *looks at Manny pityingly*

Sey: Adam: *blinks and then laughs at that* If you let me sleep with you, I know for sure I'll get sick. Whatcha think~? Sweet revenge.
Manny: *kind of excited this will be so fu* *chirps happily, floating around her happily in a circle*

Kitomyx: Iza: ....... *stares hard at Adam with another incredulous look before shaking his head and pushing his face away* 'You're insane.'
Mairu: *grins guiltily*
Kururi: *hides behind Mairu and curls her tail around herself*
Celty: *eyes the twins skeptically before turning back to Manny* everything
they say, no matter which twin it comes from.>
Celty: fact
that you like him that has me worried. You're not allowed to just play with him like a toy because he's trusting and new, okay?>
Mairu: *looks up and sighs*
Kururi: *looks down at her paws and nods*

Sey: Manny: <.. I don't think they....> *Oh... They agreed to not do that. Does that mean... They were doing that? Treating him like a toy and something to play with? Looks sad, drooping a little bit*
Adam: *chuckles and grins, winking at him and finally noticing that there's a pokemon party on his freaking bed*

Kitomyx: Celty: *looks at Manny with concern*
Iza: *half-heartedly makes a face at Adam before drifting off*
Mairu & Kururi: *smile sheepishly at Manny*

Sey: Manny: ... *nods, trying to squash his fears. Still feels a tiny bit of the sting. Floats down and nuzzles the two sisters to the best he can as a sentient orb of gas*
Adam: *snorts and pets the kitties* Hey guys. Nice to see you Celty. I'm thinking about sleeping for now. Today's been fun, but kinda intense.

Kitomyx: Purrloins: *rub up against Manny as best they can in an apologetic way before turning their attention to the human suddenly petting them*
Mairu: Purr? Purrrloin Purr!
Kururi: *curls up in a ball next to Adam, ready to sleep too*
Celty: *nuzzles Manny a bit herself in her attempt at a hug before sighing at the question asked of her* *looks at Adam and Izaya*

Sey: Manny: *innocent ghost makes everything sound slightly suggestive*
Adam: *curled up on the bed, petting Kurui gently and then Mairu*

Kitomyx: Celty: *tilts her head* *blinks at the news* *glances at Mairu*
Mairu: *looks at both ghosts, grinning* *goes to climb up to wrap herself about the warmth of Adam's neck*


Magician Arcana

Eco-friendly Shapeshifter

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