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Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 8:09 am
Oh, duh; how could he forget? He had gone on boats since then, but those trips hadn't been as long as this one, so maybe that was why? Not that it really mattered all that much in the end.

"Nope!" Abel replied promptly, his grin widening a bit more if such a thing were even possible. "Not one bit! I dunno why you'd even think such a thing!" Excited? Him? No, never! It wasn't like he was bouncing on the balls of his feet in his eagerness to get off the boat, nor did he occasionally scan the people milling about on or near the docks to see if he could pinpoint his father or anything.

"Eon!" Isaac chimed in brightly, excitement clear in his tones as well.

As the line formed around and behind them, Abel took a minute to pull out his phone to send a couple of texts, one to his mother and one to his father. After a moment's thought he sent a third one off, this time to Zevran: //Just docked in Sunyshore//
PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 9:00 am
//¡Buenos días! How is the weather over there?// Came the response less than a minute later, it was accompanied by a picture taken out of Abel's bedroom window showing a snow-covered city an what looked like fat flakes still twirling down.

Taavi's innocent smile broadened to an excited grin of his own and he gave Abel's elbow a nudge. "Look! They're putting down the gangplank!" Any minute now they'd be able to go!


Predestined Inquisitor

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 1:20 pm
The excited grin softened into a warm smile as he read Zevran's prompt reply, and saw the picture. It was a view he had come to know quite well since moving to Kodo, in all seasons. Rather than tap out a reply, the blond paused a moment to lift his phone and take a picture of the harbor, the dock, the ships and people on and around them, and a portion of the city behind them all, all covered in a thin blanket of snow while more flakes floated down, and then lowered his phone to make sure the picture looked decent. It did, but he held off on sending it for the moment. Taavi's nudge drew his attention and he beamed at his friend again, pocketed his phone and readjusted the straps on his shoulder.

Indeed the gangplank emerged and once secured, the very few people ahead of them slowly descended. Abel eagerly followed after them, but not before shooting an excited grin back at Taavi and an eager "come on!"

Once their feet hit the dock, Abel turned and promptly headed for the shore to make room for everyone disembarking after them. He took the opportunity to text the picture to Zevran, and to check to see if his father had texted back; he had. "Alright, let's go find my dad," he said as he half turned to Taavi, "he should be around here somewhere, probably just off the dock."  
PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 1:37 pm
Now who could Abel possibly be taking pictures for?... Okay actually he might just be taking them for himself, this was his first trip home in years so he'd probably want to remember all the detail. ...Or maybe it was for both reasons.

Either way Taavi grinned and headed ashore beside Abel. "Right! Let's find him! Does he look anything like you?" Taavi shielded his eyes and looked upward, there was a small dark shape of a Braviary that he assumed was Valour but he couldn't make out more than the shape of it from here. " 'cause if he does Valour will probably make assumptions and head down to meet him."


Predestined Inquisitor

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 2:43 pm
"Yep," he supplied helpfully as he pocketed his phone again and set off towards the end of the dock. "And if he does try to find my dad first, I hope he finds the right blond middle-aged man because I'm sure mine isn't the only one." The blond chuckled a bit at the thought of Taavi surprising a complete stranger he'd thought was his dad, though the odds of that were probably slim.

An arm snaked out between two strangers and in the next moment one such blond, middle-aged man, scarcely an inch taller than the both of them with purple eyes shot through with a curved streak of bright blue around the pupils, stepped out between them, his hand on Abel's shoulder as he pulled the blond into a tight hug. "There you are! It's good to see you again finally."

Abel's curious, eager expression gave way to brief bewilderment and then again to eager excitement again as he returned the tight hug, disregarding the fact they'd both stopped in the middle of the dock and might be hindering other people. "Hey Dad, it's good to see you too."

When the pair finally stepped back, Abel's father cast around for a brief moment until his bright eyes alighted on Taavi, and he stuck out his hand towards him for a greeting handshake. "You must be Taavi," he said in the deliberate tones of someone who had practiced pronouncing something as much as possible beforehand, but the way his gaze flicked between the pair betrayed his uncertainty of if he'd said it correctly or not.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 3:02 pm
"Yeah, that could be embarrassing," Taavi agreed, embarrassing for him that was because Valour was practically never embarrassed. It was so good to have him around again, so good. Part of him was afraid that this was just some kind of calm before things went wrong again but maybe it wasn't, maybe things really were going to be okay. Taavi reached up to touch his chest briefly, where the symbol of Arceus rested again his skin. They deserved things to be okay, they were good people.

In his moment of happy if faintly concerned distraction Taavi didn't notice when Abel's dad appeared but he certainly did when the two men hugged. Okay, right, greeting time! If he could not mess this up, that'd be great.

When Abel's father held out a hand to him Taavi took it and shook it firmly with a broad smile. "Um, yes sir that's me! I'm really pleased to meet you!" He'd got his name right and everything! Should he tell him he'd got it right or was that patronizing? He could see that he was wondering but maybe the friendly response would tell him he had? Or would he still be wondering? Argh!


Predestined Inquisitor

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 3:54 pm
The older blond's large, strong hand gripped Taavi's for a firm handshake; his hands matched his muscular frame, both developed over years spent working on his ranch. A warm smile that started in his eyes swiftly moved down to curve his lips, and he nodded his head once, seeming both relieved and pleased. "Pleasure's all mine; Abel's told us plenty about you. Oh, my name's Daniel -- Daniel Gray. So, are you boys ready to head home?"

"Yep," Abel said readily, a grin spreading across his face again. As he took a step forward to join his dad in heading towards the end of the dock - he'd been a little surprised to find him all the way out here - he turned to glance back at Taavi. "The drive will take a little while, hopefully that's cool?" It wasn't ever really difficult to see that his friend preferred traveling by pokemon and not vehicles, but he didn't really know what to do about an alternative if he didn't want to drive for that long.

Thankfully he didn't mind, and so after a short walk the trio arrived at a dusty red pickup truck. After depositing their things in the back of it and piling inside the cab - Abel opted to squeeze himself in the middle and couldn't help but ask why his dad had opted to drive his more cramped vehicle, but was assured his mother had required the smaller one for errands - Abel's father began the long trip back to the ranch. Snow-laden trees whisked by as they passed over both paved and dirt roads and took them straight through Veilstone City. With the last of the sidewalks and brick-faced buildings behind them they passed onto another lengthy road that finally turned into the more rustic Solaceon Town. A few side streets took them towards a residential street with long driveways that were spaced quite some distance apart; it was down one of these that Daniel turned, at the end of which sat a wide, two-floor white house with a layer of snow covering the roof, the garage and the front porch. On either side of the driveway were sturdy fences to keep in a variety of pokemon already visible from the truck; Tauros and Miltank pawed through the snow to try and dig up anything to eat, while a handful of Growlithe darted back and forth, racing and jumping in the snow. A herd of Mareep trotted towards the fence so they could trot alongside the truck, and on the other side an orange and cream Arcanine bounded over to do the same. Visible in the distance stood a large faded red barn, and large trees, some barren and some evergreen, dotted the fields.

"Joanna'll have lunch ready by the time we get inside," Daniel said, keeping his gaze focused on the mostly straight driveway despite the distracting pokemon flanking the truck on the other side of the fence, as if such behavior was a common occurrence, "so I hope you two are hungry."
PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 4:06 pm
Was he supposed to call him sir, or Daniel? He thought probably Daniel, he didn't seem like somebody would insist on sir, buuut maybe he'd just avoid needing to use either for now. "You bet! And thanks for the ride!" He didn't like travelling in cars or buses but sometimes it was just more practical.

Luckily there wasn't too much conversation in the truck so Taavi was able to look out of the window the whole way and avoid car-sickness. The snow made everything look kind of magical but what was really magical, when they got there, was the ranch and - more to the point - the fields of pokemon around it. Taavi grinned as they passed them by, especially as the Mareep followed the car and then soon after an Arcanine joined them but on the other side of the track.

"I can already tell I'm going to like it here, and, yeah I'm starving!" Taavi replied eagerly. He then doubted his tone however and added; "So um, lunch would be great thank you!"


Predestined Inquisitor

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 4:31 pm
Both Abel and his father chuckled, smiling very similar smiles. "See, I told you you'd like it here," the younger blond said as he patted Taavi's shoulder and peered around him at the pokemon following after the vehicle. That was how it always was here, ever since he was a kid, so it was a familiar and welcome sight; one he'd known immediately that his pokemon-loving friend would appreciate and thoroughly enjoy whole-heartedly.

"Abel tells me you really love pokemon," Daniel said as he finally guided the truck to a garage attached to the side of the house; it looked newer than the house itself by quite a few years. He parked outside of it and shut off the ignition. "And that you used to be a ranger back where you're from, is that right?"
PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 4:39 pm
"Haha, I'm pretty transparent I guess!" Taavi said as they rolled to a halt, though he hadn't exactly been trying to hide his excitement! He was also pretty excited to get out of the truck, which he did without delay. "And yes that's right - in Hoenn - but I grew up among rangers in Unova and my dad was one so it's always been um, been part of my background? Character? Err, life I guess. I work for the KSO now and I'm enjoying that! But I do think Kodo needs rangers, I mean everywhere that has wild pokemon and or a lot of trainers needs rangers!" Oh crap, he was rambling. "Um, I knew some breeders back in Unova but that was ages ago now and their set up was a lot smaller than this, I'd be really excited to- I mean I'd love to have a tour at some point if that wouldn't be a bother. I could come around and help with chores!" Stop! Talking!

As Taavi finally managed to close his mouth Valour gave a greeting call from above - this was for the benefit of pokemon that might feel like they were being hunted if they were snuck up on as much as for the humans' - and started to spiral down towards them.


Predestined Inquisitor

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 5:32 pm
Once Taavi hopped out of the truck, Abel slid himself out right behind him and stretched. A moment or two later he retrieved a couple pokeballs from his coat pocket and released Caleb and Tabitha on the other side of the fence. Both pokemon look around for a brief moment before making gleeful noises, and both immediately bounded off into the depths of the pasture. Next came Sonia, who made a pleased noise and padded over to greet Abel's father. Isaac squirmed out of Abel's jacket, and the blond refrained from loosing Vanessa just yet.

Daniel chuckled as he gave the Zoroark an affectionate pat. "Sounds like you've grown up around pokemon, so it's no wonder you two're such good friends. Ah," his demeanor brightened, "I'd love to give you a tour! If you come this way we can start at the--"

"Dad." Abel's voice, affectionate and firm, interrupted his father's suggestion, and the older blond stopped and chuckled. Abel smiled and shook his head fondly as he hauled himself up into the bed of the pickup truck to retrieve Taavi's things first to pass to him, and then his own to pass to Sonia.

"You're right, your mother'll wanna see you boys first. But I can give you a tour after lunch if you'd like," he added as he patted Taavi's shoulder, "or later sometime. You'll be here for two weeks, so there's plenty of time. Oh, right -- that your bird?" As he spoke, he gestured and looked skyward at the slowly growing shape of the Braviary. "I think Abel mentioned him before but I'm afraid I forget his name."
PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 5:57 pm
Seemed like he was going to get on with Daniel just fine! Taavi beamed and nodded enthusiastically. "After lunch would be great if that's okay!" Taavi glanced both at Daniel and at Abel as he said this, he didn't want to upset or annoy either of them but Abel would have loads of catching up to do with his mom probably sooooooo?

A flurry of wings beside him quickly distracted Taavi from his train of thought however and a huge grin spread across his face. "Yeah this is him!" he said, looping an arm around the Braviary's neck as the avian draped a wing around him. "Um, Daniel this is Valour; Valour this is Daniel, Abel's dad. Valour and I have been partners since I was ten and he was a few months old."

Valour squawked agreement and reached over to preen at Taavi's hair.

"Eep!" Taavi laughed and fended him off. "C'mon let me let the others out!" When Valour relented Taavi released his partners one by one and introduced them as they appeared. "Okay so this is Swift, Aurelia, Strikes the Sky, Nebula, and Dawn! Um, Nebula has been with me for a couple of months and Dawn just a few weeks so it'll be a nice chance for us to get to know one another better too! I mean being here, on vacation."

The two Vulpix and the Eevee were quick to trot over to Daniel and sniff at him in greeting - Nebula stood up on his back legs and looked hopeful of a scratch - while the two steel types stood back and gave more reserved but still friendly-seeming gestures of greeting.


Predestined Inquisitor

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 6:32 pm
Daniel nodded approvingly, demeanor brightening at the prospect of giving a tour. "After lunch sounds good!"

As Abel was busy passing things to Sonia, he didn't catch Taavi's uncertain glance; to him it sounded as though Taavi and his father were figuring their own itinerary out, which was perfectly fine to him. Actually it was really good, and he was glad his friend was already planning to spend time with his father. It had been such a good idea to invite him...

...too bad he didn't invite Zev when he had the chance, but he just hadn't thought to. If he had, then he would've for sure, but now...

...wasn't the time to think about that. They were here now, and he could always invite him next year - he would invite him next year - and so he pushed the matter aside for now.

When Taavi's various pokemon appeared and were introduced, Daniel beamed at the lot of them. "Welcome! You're a fine looking group, aren't you?" As he stooped down to greet the three smaller pokemon that ventured closer for attention, he extended both hands towards them to give whatever petting or scratching they desired, his expression softening a bit. "You three especially, hm? Such beautiful coats you have. Where'd you come across them all -- breeders, wild?"

Behind him Abel finished passing things to Sonia and dropped back down from the bed of the truck with the decision to take it easy for a bit after the exertion; while his external wounds had long since healed up from being stabbed, his lung was still recovering. It was better than it had been, of course, thanks to the immense reduction in stress as well as Zevran ensuring he ate well and rested enough, but it still had a ways to go. For the moment though he smiled fondly at his father and Taavi, took his duffel bag from Sonia and slung it over his shoulder while she shouldered his guitar case, and he took a few steps to place himself in a better position so he could take a picture of the warm, inviting house. Once he did so, he opened his messages to send the picture to Zevran so he'd know they arrived home safe and sound -- and so he could see the house itself, of course.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 6:42 pm
That was okay then? It sounded like it, Abel hadn't made any negative noises or anything! Taavi swung his own bag up onto his shoulders and beamed at the compliment to his pokemon. "Let's see! Um! Swift was feral in Camphoreon but we've figured out that his father was from a breeder, but Aurelia was wild and we don't know about her background. Nebula was created by Team Rocket; the KSO interrupted a shipment of eggs and I ended up socialising him and his two siblings. We got attached and, well, here he is now!"

The young eevee yipped happily and rubbed his cheek against the friendly fingers.

Shortly after Abel sent the picture his phone would buzz with a message. //You made it! I shall stop shopping for black clothes. Your home is lovely.//


Predestined Inquisitor

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 7:03 pm
"Created by Team Rocket?" Daniel echoed with a frown, his brows furrowed. "I think I've heard a little about them but not much, they've never been here in Sinnoh. Either way though, you're all handsome, aren't you? The twins'll love you three especially."

//But you look so good in black! And thanks. How's everything there so far?//

With his rather more verbose than normal text sent, Abel pocketed his phone and shot a wry smile to the pair. "Alright, let's get inside before Mom comes out to get us for taking too long, yeah?"

"Ah, good point," his father agreed promptly. Giving the three smaller pokemon a final pat, he stood back up and gestured to the house, "come on in before your mother gets upset at me for keeping you out in the cold -- you know she will."

"Oh I know," the younger blond said with a chuckle.

Isaac had already bounded to the front door and begun pawing at it eagerly. Sonia padded ahead of the trio of humans, and by the time she reached the bottom step - Abel was still a few feet behind her - the front door opened a little and Isaac darted in with a gleeful noise. A moment later the door opened more fully and a rather plump woman, a few inches shorter than the three and with lighter blonde hair than her husband and bright, clear blue eyes stood holding the excited Espeon in her arms. She aimed a broad grin at the three men as they got closer. "I thought you'd never stop standing there talking -- come here, come in!"

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