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PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 4:34 pm
Elenore couldn't help smile before her eyes returned to the carving. She was sure the piece had more meaning and depth than just being simply stunning. She hadn't unlocked yet, and to be honest, she didn't think she would tonight. For now it would stay as it was. A forest scene. Putting a hand on Deserai's shoulder before she wrapped her arms around her, she couldn't help but be grateful that things were going rather well. Grace still needed convincing. Other than that though, things were fine. Then again Daniel insisted in sleeping in another bed. She still wasn't sure what that was all about.

Looking over at him briefly, she smiled once more as him and Nicholas talked. Letting Deserai, the girl wanted to figure out a place to put the carving, she then slowly stood up. "I'm going to finish up with the dishes and head to bed," she told them. "Let me know where you guys decided to put it," Elenore added before slipping in between the table and the couch, heading towards the kitchen.

Grace glanced at Daniel when she noticed that he was looking at all of them. It wasn't long before her mother got up. She had noticed that she looked a bit tired. Her dark eyes then looked back over at carving. She wanted to go up to it but currently too many people were surrounding it. Hearing that they would be keeping the furs, she smiled a little. They were comfortable. She remembered waking up in them. A small blush rose to her cheeks before she got up, lowering her head, and stalked away to the room. She planned on returning her math homework, but the image of Wolf was stuck in her head now.

Deserai walked around the room. "Where are we going to put it?" she asked after her mom had left the living room. Looking back at Daniel, she then hoped back onto the couch, sitting there with her feet hanging off the end of the cushion. Looking at the skins that Nicholas had now taken possession of, she didn't find them to be much of interest, though she would probably constantly steal them to sleep in later.

Looking at the dishes, she ran her fingers through her hair briefly before she got to work. It was a rather calming job and the warm water was nice since her hands were cold most of the time. Washing the silverware first, she let her thoughts wander. The child that was on the way still had no potential names. She wasn't sure how to start the conversation with Daniel. It wasn't really one she wanted to start with all the kid's around due to the fact that they would start coming up with their own ideas. It wouldn't be a bad idea, but she wanted to hear Daniel's opinion first on this. Setting the last fork aside, she picked up a plate. There were a couple things they still had to talk about...  
PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 9:50 am
Daniel looked up from where Nicholas was still fingering the deer skin when Elenore spoke. He nodded once. It was still quite early but, then, she had probably had a long day. Besides, the baby was probably taking it out of her as well. He knew next to nothing about pregnancy and babies but he did know a thing or two, from many years ago, when he was still working for Dolan. Dolan, who had saved him from a terrible, undeserved beating in jail. Dolan, who had become a friend to him, or as close to a friend as was possible for him at the time. Dolan, who couldn't keep it in his pants for more than two days and had had three illegitimate children by the time Daniel had left for the country with Micheal.

Daniel sat back as Elenore slipped past. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Grace looking at him. He turned to look at her but she had focused on the skins. A small smile had appeared on her face, softening her normally harsh appearance. He didn't have long to wonder why she was smiling because she quickly got up and retreated from the room. Daniel studied the doorway where she had vanished, as though it would cured his confusion if he simply looked at it long enough. However, after a few moments, he mentally shrugged it off as one of those teenage girl things that he would never understand.

Daniel watched as Deserai wandered around the room, wondering aloud where they were going to put it. "It will probably stay right where it is until I can put a shelf up," he told her. He looked to the carving and lifted it up again, testing its weight. "A strong shelf." It was solid wood. He would need a very strong shelf to keep it from crashing to the floor. He still thought it would look good above a fireplace. Perhaps, once their new house was built, it would have a fireplace.

He watched as Deserai hopped back onto the couch even as Nicholas gathered up the skins for himself and disappeared from the room. No doubt he had gone to the bedroom to lay the skins over his bed. They would certainly keep him warm. Deer skins kept Wolf and Screech warm throughout the cold winter days and nights.

Finding himself suddenly alone with Elenore's youngest daughter, Daniel was unsure of himself, not knowing what to do or say. He had no experience at all with young girls and what experience he had with the female population as a whole was, for the most part, unseemly. He glanced through the doorway to the kitchen where Elenore was finishing the dishes, hoping she would return and spare him the awkwardness of the situation. But, no such escape came. With a quick, uneasy smile at Deserai, he pushed himself to his feet and slipped into the kitchen.

"The kids are really excited about the carving," he said, leaning against the counter beside Elenore. "I don't think I've ever seen Nicholas or Grace so happy." Deserai, on the other hand, was just as happy and excited as she ever was. "Grace was actually smiling. Nicholas has taken the deer skins for himself. I think he means to use them as a blanket."


Dedicated Seeker


PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 11:22 pm
Reaching her bed, she started her music up again and set to finishing what she had started. Hearing the door open, she looked up, seeing Nicholas come in with a bunch of furs. Well, at least he was happy about something. To be honest.. the one thing she was glad about leaving the city was the fact that he wouldn't be wandering the city streets at night. Here there were animals, but she still didn't think it was as bad. They couldn't kidnap him. Looking back down at her homework, she bit her lip before she started the solve the problem. Integrals.

Deserai didn't say too much after Daniel had given her an answer, but a yawn did leave her. He was gone the next moment, going to the kitchen. Giving the carving one last look, she ran her fingers over it before going back to the room. She hoped Max would be there, though he had been pretty good at escaping and avoiding her now.

Hearing Daniel's voice, she glanced over at him just as she finished washing one of the plates. "It's been a while since they've had good neighbors," she said quietly. The last time they actually communed with neighbors was back when she had been married. The apartment that they had lived in for so long changed neighbors often and Elenore had even up trying to find some kind of common ground. Even Deserai didn't ask them questions. Hearing that Nicholas and Grace were happy, she smiled.

Finishing up with the dishes, she then turned off the facet. Drying her hands on the towel that was near by, she turned to face Daniel as he finished explaining that Nicholas had taken the skins. "I'm glad that they have lightened up a bit," she said before resting her hip against the counter. Setting the towel down, she smiled at him. Grace smiling though struck her as slightly odd. She was interested in art so she guessed that was what had caused it. "It certainly was a beautiful gift." Elenore moved closer, letting her nose brush against his shoulder before she rested her cheek against it.

She wanted to talk about their child but she wasn't sure how to start the conversation. Besides, they hadn't had a whole lot of alone time.. Last time they had talked about marriage and that hadn't exactly gone over well. It was crazy. The idea of marriage for her. She did believe in commitment.. marriage was essentially a formality of it. Anyway, that wasn't what she wanted to be thinking of at the moment. There would be time for that later.
PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 10:30 pm
Daniel glanced over his shoulder at hearing small footsteps and watched as Deserai made her way from the living room to the kids' bedroom. The poor tyke looked tired. She wouldn't last much longer, he thought. She'd be asleep before too long. Elenore, too, by the looks of her, he realized as he turned back to the woman.

At Elenore's comment about good neighbors, he found himself wondering what their previous neighbors had been like. Certainly, there was no family in the world quite like Screech, Leaf and Wolf. And there was most definitely no one quite like Micheal. Good thing, too. The world wouldn't be able to handle more than one of him. However, he was not curious enough about her prior neighbors to ask and let the information slip to the back of his mind.

When he commented about Nicholas and Grace, a previously unnoticed tension eased out of him at her smile. It wasn't a half-hearted or mocking smile. It was a real, genuine smile. When was the last time he'd seen that kind of smile on a woman before Elenore? He couldn't even remember. The women he'd kept company with before moving out to the country had been hard-hearted, hiding behind masks. The women he'd met upon coming out there, they had not had much time for him once they'd realized how rough he was, emotionally, mentally, verbally and morally.

Daniel nodded in agreement. He was glad, too, that they had lightened up. Grace and Nicholas were always so serious, it seemed. They didn't act like real children. Then again, when had he? But it's not the same situation, he reminded himself. And, anyway, it wasn't about him. It was about Grace and Nicholas.

"That it was," he said. "Screech is a master artist, for sure. Wolf, too. Leaf's good but not extraordinary. If they were white, the whole family would be considered artsy. As it is, Wolf would probably shoot someone who dared to call him artsy to his face." That boy was another instance of not-normal children. Wolf had never been normal, even for an Indian. He was born with the prickly mentality of a teenager. Now that he was a teenager, he had the prickly mentality of an adult but Daniel thought his current prickliness had more to do with the pain of loss than his real personality.

Daniel blinked in surprise when he suddenly found Elenore right in front of him, her nose touching his shoulder, then her cheek. Even though they had been together in the most intimate way possible, he was still unsure of where the boundaries lay between them. He told himself that if she didn't want him touching her, she would be on the other side of the kitchen, or at least a few steps away. Hesitantly, he slid one arm around the back of her shoulders. The other hand settled on the small of her back and he rested his cheek against the top of her head. It felt odd to be holding someone that way but he told himself that it was only because he was so unused to it. In time, he told himself, it would become as natural as breathing. At least, he hoped so.

Feeling the need to fill the silence, he said, "You look like you have something on your mind." And she did, but normally he would have waited for her to broach the subject on her own time.


Dedicated Seeker


PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 11:16 pm
After she had smiled, it seemed as if he relaxed. His shoulders didn't look as tense. To be honest she still was worried about his health. It would be a good two weeks or even a month before he would be back to his full health. She still found it hard to believe that he had gone back to fighting after losing the job at.. A chill ran down her spine. She didn't want to remember that day. It had caused her enough pain as it was.. but it could have ended worse..

Pushing all those thoughts away, she focused them on the children. She was glad that at least Deserai was excited as always. Without her things would have been even more tense. Hearing Daniel explain that their neighbors were artsy, she smirked. Well it was certainly not a bad thing. She missed that type of crowd sometimes. For Screech and Wolf it seemed to be more ingrained with their culture, but they were still artists.

"I'm sure he'll come to accept it eventually," she said softly, letting her eyes close for a few moments. Realizing that Daniel was a bit hesitant about touching her, she let her gaze go up to his face. Elenore let her hands rest on his sides afterward. They really hadn't had... the normal progress relationships usually go through so she guessed boundaries hadn't really been established. Then again, she was living here now, so this was alright... right? He'd hopefully say something if it wasn't.

Letting her eyes close once more, she let her head level so it wasn't tilted up. "Mm.." Nodding her head since there was no point in saying that she didn't, she then opened her eyes, looking at the kitchen wall that was to the right of them. "I know it might be a bit early to be bringing this up.." she started softly, "but I was wondering if you had any names in mind." Biting her lip, she waited for an answer. Of course they didn't know if the child was a boy or girl.. but she couldn't help but ask.

((Sorry it's short >< ))  
PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 11:29 am
Daniel snorted. Wolf had never come to accept anything in his life. If he didn't like something that kept coming at him, he dug in and didn't give in until that thing changed. He'd seen it happen that many times before. It was a good thing Wolf hadn't been born a few centuries ago. He would have made a great warrior except for the fact that he couldn't follow an order to save his life. He was stubborn, hard-headed and single-minded. If the enemy hadn't killed him, his own tribe would have out of pure exasperation.

The warmth of her hands on his sides caused a short, sharp inhale. And, really, how long did he think that supposed abstination would last? He'd managed for over ten years but that was because he hadn't been in close contact with a female during that whole time. Before that... He couldn't have been abstinate if his life depended on it. Why would he think that now would be different? They were alone for the first time since the baby had been concieved -an act he still didn't quite remember- and, to be frank, she was gorgeous. And willing. He swallowed thickly. And all of this was in reaction to her hands on his sides. He was hopeless.

Hoping for a distraction, he pointed out that she must have something on her mind. A slight hum and the nod of her head told him it was true. He hoped she hurried up and started talking because he didn't know how much longer he could stand her touching him without something to distract him from the obvious.

The topic she chose was not something he would have thought of. He blinked, staring blankly at the wall. "Baby names," he said dumbly. He let out a low chuckle. "I don't know why but that was not what I thought you'd say. To be honest I haven't really thought about it." He paused, thinking about it then. He knew plenty of names, but a large portion of them he associated with someone from his past. There were, however, some names that really stuck out that he didn't want. "I'm good for just about anything, I guess, so long as it's not Robert, Karli, Ginger or Dolan." Dolan would never let him live it down if he found out that Daniel's only known child was named after him.


Dedicated Seeker


PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 2:25 pm
Hearing the short inhale, she bit her lower lip once more, not having expected that reaction. They had only been together once.. and after that they barely ever even touched each other. The closest thing had been him carrying her. It had been a while. She still wasn't sure if that was what he wanted. After all he was determined to sleep in a separate bed. Noticing him swallow, a small mischievous smile started to make its way to her lips.

One of her hands started to move to his back before hearing his voice. Ah. Baby names. Looking up at him as he spoke, she then nuzzled his shoulder, unsure what he thought. She smiled a little, hearing the name Ginger in there. It would be interesting if their child was a red head. "Alright, I'll be sure to keep that in mind," she told him, deciding not to ask why he specifically didn't want those names. They could have that conversation another time.

Elenore didn't want to fall asleep alone but at the same time, she didn't know if Daniel would sleep next to her, if he wanted to. They really hadn't gotten the chance to talk about anything. Michael had been the one to get them to move in together and with all the moving, they just went with it. She wanted him to stay with her tonight but she was afraid his answer to that would be no. Letting her hand move to his back now, she let one of her hands run up along his spine.

"Do you want to find out if it's a girl or a boy before..?" she asked, she had wanted to ask something else but instead that ending up slipping past her lips. Well, she still wanted to know the answer to that question as well, so it was worth asking anyway. She was fine with finding out before or after. Buying clothes or toys wouldn't be too hard as long as they weren't blatantly feminine or masculine.

Hearing the door open down the hall, she pulled her head away slightly to see who it was. Grace. She looked a little pale. "Something wrong?" It almost seemed like Grace had jumped, not expecting anyone to be out there. Elenore frowned. Something wasn't right.

Grace had left the bedroom to make the tea. It wasn't something that she'd admit to Wolf, but the pain did flare. Considering all the activity that she had been doing, it wasn't doing her any good. Hearing her mother's voice though, she swallowed. There was nothing bad in making tea, right? So why was she worried. Seeing Daniel and her mother together, she narrowed her eyes briefly, but not out of hostility, she just wasn't used to it. The way she saw it, her mother could be with anyone she wanted, she just didn't want the person to take the place in their family as a father.

"No," she answered as she moved to the kitchen and looked around at the closed selves. She had no idea where the kettle was but she certainly hoped it wouldn't be hard to find. Deciding to open one of the random cabinets, she looked around but didn't find what she needed. Going to the next one, she then heard her mother's voice again. She was doing her best to ignore the two and yet her mother wasn't going to let her. Grace hoped that they would just leave.

"What are you looking for?" she figured that she could tell her since Grace hadn't spent a lot of time in the new kitchen and had no idea where anything was besides the silverware. She moved her hand to Daniel's arm and pulled away slightly, watching her daughter for the moment.

"The kettle," she answer was simple. She guessed it would be easier for her to just tell her where it was.

"Top shelf to the right of the stove," Elenore told her before Grace got it out. It was completely un-ordinary to see the girl doing something in the kitchen back home.. so it was a good sign that she was doing something here. Looking back at Daniel after she got a small thanks from Grace, she gave him a weak smile.

Filling the kettle with water from the sink, she put it on the stove. It took her a second to figure out the knobs, but once she did, she left the kitchen, going to the bathroom to check on her would and get away from the two.  
PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:36 pm
Daniel felt a trickle of cold sweat slide down the back of his neck at the sight of the smile that appear on her lips. He didn't like the way she was looking at him, as if she had just discovered she had some sort of power over him. In all honesty, that was true, but it was no more power than any woman had over the man who was attracted to her. Even still, that was a lot of power. He didn't think that she would take advantage of that but he watched her warily all the same.

When one of her hands slid from his side to his back, he was aware of every inch it moved. He swallowed again when she nuzzled his shoulder. Was she trying to tempt him? For once in his life, he wanted to do right by someone. What was so wrong with that? Besides, he'd spent the majority of his early adulthood sleeping around. Now, he had a woman -he still didn't think that 'girlfriend-boyfriend' encompassed their relationship in the slightest- that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with and she wouldn't commit to him. When they finally slept together again, he wanted it to be as husband and wife. He wanted it to mean something.

"Alright, I'll be sure to keep that in mind." Daniel frowned, distracted, when she spoke. She looked like she found something he'd said funny. However, any thought quickly vanished from his mind as her hand on his back slid its way along his spine. That was just... not fair. It wasn't fair that she could get him so distracted, so completely under her control with hardly any effort at all. He was trying to do the right thing and she was not helping in the slighest.

Even though he really did want to do the right thing, he was lost and he knew it. He had spent so much of his time sleeping around that, now, he found he had very little strength to resist sex. He hoped beyond hope that she wouldn't take advantage of him... like she had last time. He was so thoroughly distracted that he almost missed her question. And, really, how did she expect him to think with her touching him like that?

"Before? Before what?" Actually, he did think it would be better to find out the gender of the baby early so that they could prepare, get gender-specific clothing and toys and such. Not that he really knew anything at all about what they needed. He guessed it was lucky, then, that Elenore had gone through this three times before already.

But, Elenore didn't get the chance to answer. There was someone there. Daniel lifted his eyes to the doorway to see a very pale Grace. He frowned, his thoughts beginning to return to him. Something was wrong. Grace was never the most tanned girl in the world but she was exceptionally pale now. Elenore even asked her if something was wrong but Grace said there wasn't, even though she was obviously not quite right.

Grace started moving aorund the kitchen, searching in a cupboard, then the one over. Before he could ask what she was looking for, Elenore beat him to the punch. Luckily, she moved away from her, her hands leaving his side and back and one moving to his arm. That was a relief. The last thing he wanted to do was get... distracted in front of Elenore's fifteen-year-old daughter who already seemed like she hated his guts.

A kettle? Grace was looking for a kettle? He wasn't even sure he owned a kettle. Elenore must have, though, because there was one in a cabinet by the stove. In any event, he found himself curious why she was looking for a kettle. Did it have anything to do with the fact that she was so pale? He watched as Grace filled it with water then set it on the stovetop to heat up before disappearing from the room.

He slid his arm from Elenore's grip, walking to the doorway to watch Grace disappear into the bathroom. He frowned again and turned back to the girl's mother. "Does she seem alright to you? She's looking awfully pale." Maybe she was just one of those girls that got pale when they were overly tired. It had been an emotionally trying day. Their first day in their new home. Tomorrow would be their first real day, waking up in it only to come back and actually live in it.


Dedicated Seeker


PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 10:02 pm
She didn't get a chance to answer his question, Grace walked in. Elenore couldn't let the feeling go that Grace wasn't well. She knew the girl would never tell her if she was sick either. She'd eventually find out though and give her medicine. Grace was stubborn and that wasn't always the best thing. Watching her find the kettle and fill it with water, she couldn't help but wonder if it was all the stress of moving. It had been quiet the news.. and then her being pregnant. It was a lot to take in.

After she left, she let Daniel move away, leaning against the counter now, her arms crossing. Winter break was coming soon and she knew that the kids would have plenty of homework and tests to take, besides Deserai. On top of that, Grace had gotten into a fight not too long ago. Brushing her hair away from her face, she looked back at Daniel, almost missing his question.

Shaking her head, she then let out a soft sigh. "This hasn't been particularly easy on her.. but I didn't realize that it had taken that much out of her," she told him. Looking back at the kettle, she frowned once more. She wanted things to work but not at the cost of her children.

Returning to his previous question though, she tilted her head. "Before the child is born," she answered him. People had lots of different reasons for finding out the sex of the child before or waiting, she didn't really mind either option.

Grace slowly pulled off her jacket once she was in the bathroom. Her upper arm was a bit swollen, her fingers felt cold against the skin there. She hoped that it wasn't infected. It could be torn though, considering the fact that she had gotten into that dumb fight. Jumping the fence hadn't been the best idea either but it was the only option she had.

Gently untying the bandages, she bit her lip in anticipation. Pulling back the blood soaked gauze, she looked at the sewn wound. The stitches had torn her skin at the upper part. No wonder she had been in so much pain lately. Sitting down on the closed toilet, she took in a deep breath. She wasn't sure what to do now.. Drinking the tea was the only option she had right now. She was grateful that it wasn't infected.

Going to Screech was really the only thing she could do. He'd be able to fix it. When was she going to be able to do that? She doubted she'd be able to get back there on her own. Lowering her head, she realized that she had already been in here for a few minutes. Bandaging her wound once more as best as she could, she slowly pulled her jacket back on, swallowing back a groan that was threatening to escape her lips. Flushing the toilet just so her mother wouldn't suspect anything, she then washed her hands, making sure that none of the blood was on them.

Walking out, she went back to the kitchen just as the kettle began to give out a low whistle. Moving it to a cold part of the stove, she turned off the burner before searching for a cup.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 1:58 pm
Worried was too big of a word for what Daniel felt because, really, that's all it was. A feeling that something was wrong. He had no proof that anything was wrong with Grace. Concerned was a better word. However, Elenore's answer didn't make him feel any better. He frowned, glancing back to the doorway. He didn't think it was all the moving. Grace was a tough young woman. He highly doubted she would be so affected by such a thing as moving. Unless, of course, the moving was just the final straw. From what he understood, things had been pretty tough before he'd shown up. Maybe Grace was just overwhelmed. He doubted it, but it was possible. "I suppose," he said, unconvinced.

When Elenore spoke again, he looked to her, confused until he remembered what they'd previously been discussing. "I think it would be a good idea," he said. "Just so we can get prepared ahead of time." He'd gone into the country town several times -more and more often as he started to buy his groceries there instead of in the city- and how many times had he had seen mothers with their expecting daughters, cooing over frilly little dresses with pink bows? Or 'aw'ing over tiny overalls and camouflage shirts? Somehow, he couldn't imagine Elenore doing that but, then, she was on her forth kid.

Before more could be said, Grace returned from the bathroom. She still looked far too pale for Daniel's liking. The kettle whistled. Grace took it off the head before turning off the stovetop and began searching the cupboards again. Assuming, he opened the nearest cupboard to him and pulled out a dark red mug. He set it on the counter near Grace but didn't immediately let go of it. "Grace, are you feeling alright?" he asked. "You're looking awfully pale." Even though she probably wouldn't tell him -she was far too much like his younger self (and his current self, if he was being honest) than he cared to think about- he felt he had to ask.


Dedicated Seeker


PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 5:40 pm
Elenore rubbed her arm slightly before hearing his response. It didn't sound like he agreed. Well there really wasn't much that they could argue about, not that she wanted to argue, since Grace was the only one that knew that answer. They could only guess. It was still hard for her to deal with the secrecy that had grown with Grace. She remembered the days when the girl had a constant smile, always laughing. She had so much energy when she had been Deserai's age. She didn't know if she was going to be that way ever again.. Elenore would do her best to return her.

He wanted to know. It would be a few months before they could actually go. "Alright," she nodded her head. To be honest she wondered how Daniel would react when he found out. She hoped he'd be happy with a boy or a girl. Then again, he didn't seem like the type that would be disappointed about either. Now that she thought about it, they really didn't know too much about each others habits.

Seeing Grace walk in, she lowered her head for a moment. There was always the possibility of her getting sick. She wasn't coughing, but it could be a fever. Watching her search for a cup before Daniel pulled out one, she glanced at the two.

Grace noticied Daniel pull out a cup out of the cabinet that was next to him. She let her good arm fall to her side before turning to face him. Her eyes went to the cup, realizing that he wasn't letting it go right away. Her dark brown eyes looked up when she heard his voice. "I'm fine," she said, "Just tired." She figured she might as well add something else otherwise they would continue to pester her with questions. Reaching for the cup after he let it go, she took it and set it down on the counter-top that was next to the stove. Raising the kettle with her good arm she poured the boiling water into the mug. She'd make the tea in the room. Putting the kettle down, she picked up the cup and left the kitchen before her mother could question her. She hoped that Daniel wouldn't follow.  
PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:48 pm
Daniel's thoughts quickly left the baby once Elenore agreed to find out its gender before the birth. It wasn't that he didn't care about the child but the fact was that the child was not yet here while Grace most certainly was and was obviously not feeling well. There was nothing he could do in regard to the baby but he could help Grace, even if he had to force that help on her. He wouldn't unless it was absolutely necessary, though. He actually wanted her to like him and forcing help on her wasn't the way to get to that.

After he'd pulled the mug down, Daniel questioned her. She denied anything was wrong, of course. Then again, she could very well be only tired. He doubted it, but it was possible. He had no doubt that she would lie to his face because she hated showing any weakness. He had been the same but that had been an entirely different set of circumstances.

He didn't want to leave it at that but he knew pushing it any further would only make things worse. If Grace was really feeling unwell, surely she would ask for help? If she was still pale tomorrow morning, he would bring it up again. "If you're sure," he said slowly, releasing the mug to her. He watched as she filled the mug with hot water before leaving the kitchen. He wondered what she planned on doing with it but couldn't find enough curiosity to pursue her.

Turning his attention back to Elenore, he asked, "Is she normally so... so secretive?" He wasn't sure 'secretive' was the right word but it was close enough. He also knew the answer without asking but felt the need to ask it anyway. Perhaps it was just him. He wouldn't have blamed her if it was. A new man in the family after so long without one. It must have been very strange. But, then again, Deserai and Nicholas were coping well. He had to remind himself that the three children were separate people and would cope with things differently. He truly hoped Grace would settle in before too much longer. He really did want her to be happy there.


Dedicated Seeker


PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 6:49 pm
He didn't seem to be too happy with her answer, but he wasn't going to press any further. Why did he even care anyway? Of course she knew he cared for her mother, but there was no way she was going to let him take on a father figure for her. She didn't want him in her life and it would be best if he didn't try to be a part of it. Grace would have thought he understood that by now. They weren't going to be one big happy family.

Elenore watched the to converse briefly before Grace left. She hoped that girl would be alright. The others hadn't taken this as hard. Grace was being stubborn. It was her nature. This and so many other things had built up lately. Hearing Daniel's question, she couldn't help but smirk a little. Grace certainly kept to herself. "Not to this extent," she told him, "but for the majority, yeah, she is." She wished things were different between them. Then again, there was no way there would ever be a 'normal' mother-daughter relationship. She wasn't the type, and neither was Grace. They got along for the most part.. thing were just tense now.

"I'm going to go to bed," she said after a moment. She was tired after waking up early and working for most of the day. Biting her lip, she knew that he probably wouldn't join her. He wanted to wait. But what was the harm in just sleeping? Sighing, she decided that she wouldn't argue with him. "Good night." Kissing his cheek, she smiled briefly. She didn't want to leave him but he wouldn't want to come with her.

Walking away, she went to the bedroom. It was warm in there. Going to the dresser she pulled out her felt pajamas. After a minute she was dressed them with her other clothes put away. Looking at the empty bed, she frowned before leaving the room to go brush her teeth.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 9:17 pm
Daniel wasn't overly surprised to learn that Grace, while secretive as a matter of course, was not usually this secretive. It was him. It had to be. Chances were, Grace was never going to fully trust him. After what her father had done, he couldn't really blame her but he hated the idea of not being trusted because of what someone else had done. If he was to be punished for something he did, fine. But he would not be punished for something someone else had done. He huffed in annoyance. There wasn't a whole lot he could do about it either way. Besides, it was starting to get late.

Then, Elenore said she was going to bed. "Good night," he said, surprised by the kiss she planted on his cheek but not to the point of being stunned. It had been so long since anyone had shown him such affection that it was going to take a bit of getting used to. Despite that, it was pleasant, strange and unfamiliar but pleasant.

Daniel watched as she left the room before turning off the light and padding after her only to turn into the living room. The door to the kids' bedroom was closed. Deserai was probably asleep by now. Nicholas wouldn't be far behind. Neither would Grace, if her color was any indication. He truly hoped she was feeling better by tomorrow. Even though the girl confused and annoyed him in equal measures, he did care about her, if not for her own sake then for her mother's.

Daniel pulled back the sheet that covered the pair of mattresses in the corner of the living room. He sat down, pulling off his work boots and setting them by the wall. Pushing himself up, he walked over to the standing lamp and turned it off, so that the only light to be had came from the bedroom, bathroom and moon. Enough for him to return to his makeshift bed and climb in without hurting himself. A moment later, a light weight hopped up onto the bed and Daniel pushed himself up enough to recognize his cat. "Hey Max," he murmured, stroking the feline's back. "Where've you been hiding?" The cat just purred in response and curled up in the crook of Daniel's arm. Max was quick to fall asleep and, exhausted both physically and emotionally from the day, Daniel was quick to follow suit.


Dedicated Seeker


PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 1:23 pm
After brushing her teeth, she returned to the bedroom and turned off the light. Staring at the ceiling as she lay there, she couldn't help but wonder about what he had said earlier... about marriage. She wasn't sure what marriage meant to her anymore. Of course she had her expectations but those had been broken. Sebastian had been a good father.. but not a good husband. Rolling over so that she was laying on her side, she let out a soft sigh. Daniel wanted to make things right. She did too, but how?

Pushing those thoughts out of her mind, she closed her eyes. Grace's image came up. Elenore frowned. It would be a while before Grace and her got along again. Deciding that it was enough thinking for the night, she rolled over onto the other side and pulled the blankets tighter. She needed to sleep otherwise waking up tomorrow morning would be more of a pain than it already was.

Her dreams turned into nightmares of the past. She woke up with a start. Looking around the room, she shook her head. Calming her breathing, she slowly pushed herself up to a sitting position and looked over at the clock that was on the nightstand beside the bed. Five-thirty. It was still considerably dark and half an hour before she had to wake up. There was no way she was going back to sleep after what she had seen though. Pushing her hair back, she moved out of the bed, her feet finding a pair of slippers. Making the bed so she wouldn't be tempted to crawl back under the covers, she then opened the dresser, pulling out some of the clothes that she would need for the day. Going to the closet, she grabbed a striped dark blue and white, cotton dress.

Opening the door as quietly as possible so that she wouldn't wake anyone up, she made her way to the bathroom. Reaching it, she closed the door behind her before turning on the light. She closed her eyes immediately, not expecting it to be so bright. Putting the clothes beside the sink, she rubbed her eyes before opening them. Frowning as she looked at herself in the mirror, she looked like a big red mess. Or rather her hair did. Running her fingers through it briefly, she turned on the water in the shower.
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