Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 11:18 pm
The man watched as she pleaded, nodding sympathetically. "You poor girl, well, I will make this right.." He whipped a vial from his sleeve and before Elyon could react, he brought the vial to her lips, bringing her mouth open with a jerk of his hand and making her swallow with another. "Soon now, just wait and see.." The man grinned from underneath the bandana, before bowing and then stepping away, lost to the forest.
The potion would grant her dragon form..but she would be stuck within that form. Too bad, she should have specificed she wanted to be human again too. Not that it would have mattered..he'd have given her the same potion anyway. And it would be working very soon..and very painfully..he seemed pleased by the thought.
Rollan felt his fur being stroked and whimpered again, licking her cheek a bit as she pressed a kiss to his snout. He moved his head and leaned against her a bit, nudging her. My neera, he thought quietly..
Karleym nodded at that, "Don't worry..eventually the wounds will heal and the feelings with be restored. When was another matter entirely.
Kolan was busy thinking and finally decided..that he would go out and find her. Knowing her, she'd probably gotten into mortal danger, he decided. Or at least, he gave himself that reason for leaving to help her..Kolan left the cave and followed the lingering scent, and to his surprise..he suddenly felt his body shift as he and his clothes grew. He grinned in surprise, he was him again! That aside, Kolan went to search to for Elyon, knowing he'd find her he with this trail.
Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 11:28 pm
Elyon stood frozen for a few seconds afterwards and then started to feel awful. She stumbled against a tree, breathing heavily as she leaned on it, trying to keep standing. "Oooo . . . I don't feel good . . ." she muttered. It felt like her insides were boiling and she dropped her staff, unable to retain the strength to hold it. The world spun around her and she stumbled backwards, blinking furiously and before she knew it she was falling, blackness covering her vision as she fainted.
Laura nuzzled her head against him. "Shhh . . . it's alright . . . I'm here . . ." she whispered, hoping that she could somehow make him feel better.
Coryn sighed. "All the same, I hope that they wounds heal sooner rather than later." he thought and nuzzled Karelym, gaining comfort just from her being there.
Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 11:47 pm
(Ugh..my stupid comp froze and I had to shut it off, it deleted my post and now the battery charger isn't working..T__T)
Kolan arrived in the area just in time to see Elyon fall backwards. Using his considerable speed, he caught her before she fully fell and set her down to the ground gently. She felt warm, feverish in his opinion as he put a hand to her to feel for a pulse. "Elyon?" He received no response and bit his lower lip, shaking her gently, "Elyon! Hey! Wake up!" Kolan's expression became worried as he brushed his hand across her cheek, "Elyon, come on..get up.."
Rollan felt Laura nuzzling him. It was rather hard to stay gloomy with his neera being so sweet. With a low growl, affectionate, he moved his tail and brushed it across her face softly.
Karelym agreed with that sentiment, "As do I my love, as do I.." She sighed, and then nuzzled him right back with a smile. "On the other hand, I am pleased we have no wounds to tend to."
Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 12:01 am
((Oh noes . . . I'm sorry . . . I know how that feels . . .))
Elyon's eyes suddenly shot wide open as her body contorted in pain. Purple scales grew painfully out of her flesh as she writhed, letting out a blood-curdling scream. Her body twisted in ways that no human body ever should. She rolled over from her contortions and as scaled covered her body, she begain growing, becoming larger, a tail growing, her hair turning yellow to contrast with her purple scales and turned into something very much like antennae. Her arms changed to legs and her legs shifting painfully into the hind legs of a dragon and then finally her scream changed to a terrible, painfilled roar as her transformation into a dragon was completed. She fell forwards, completely collapsing, her tail falling to the ground with a resounding thud and her head fell between her front paws as she fainted once again, only from the utter pain and exhaustion the transformation had caused. Her breaths coming in ragged gasps. The transformation had taken a horrible toll on her.
Coryn smiled and then heard Elyon's scream that changed into a roar and his eyes widened as he stood up quickly, worried about what Elyon might have encountered. Kolan! I heard Elyon scream! What happened?! he thought to Kolan urgently.
Laura smiled as she felt his tail brush her face. She changed into a fox and playfully bit Rollan's ear, pulling on it playfully. "My Rollan . . ." she growled playfully, giggling a little. She hoped that she would be able to distract him this way.
Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 12:10 am
(X_X *dies*)
Kolan watched with wide eyes as Elyon began contorting, seeming in great pain. Scales of purple grew out of her as she began growing and he was forced to step back to avoid being hit by the growth. A tail erupted as the hair turned yellow and her scream, a scream that chilled him to his core became a roar. The end result was a dragon, obviously a bit smaller and more feminine than Kolan's and Coryn's dragon forms..but a dragon nonetheless, and towering over Kolan at the moment. He stared in dumbfounded shock, before moving forward cautiously, not knowing how she would be when she woke up.."Elyon?" His voice was betraying worry as well as he came forward, placing a hand against her scaly upper arm, "Elyon!"
At the thought, he responded with a stunned, She's..a dragon, Coryn. I don't know how..but she just became a dragon. It was so painful for her, it wasn't right..something did this to her..or someone. And meanwhile, he had no idea that Coryn had gone through similar pains when he'd transformed the first time.
Karelym heard the scream and roar as well, sitting upright with wide eyes as she looked to Coryn, "What is it?"
Rollan caught sight of his neera going fox and as his ear was bitten, he gave a rumbling chuckle from deep in his throat. "Yours? Mmm..my Laura." With a faint, wolfish grin, he tilted and moved so that he was having one front leg around Laura as he laid back down again, making sure not to really lay on her as he effectively held her. Rollan licked her furry cheek, "My wonderful Laura," he elaborated softly.
Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 12:26 am
Elyon stirred, moaning slightly as her head seemed to lift up a bit before falling back down, as if she could not find the strength to lift her head up. Her eyes fluttered open, revealing large dragonish ones . . . only one thing had not changed in her outward appearance. Her eyes were still as brown as they were when she was a human. Albeit, they were much bigger, but they retained the same color. She looked around, moving nothing but her eyes and saw Kolan by her foreleg. "Ko . . . Kolan?" she asked, barely being able to summon enough energy to form his name. Her breathing became a bit heavier from the energy she had just used up.
Coryn's eyes widened a bit more. "Elyon . . . changed into a dragon . . ." he uttered softly, a tone of disbelief in his voice.
Laura giggled and let out a little, "Yeep!" as he lay down on her, not hurting her, but more holding her. "My loving Rollan . . ." she responded, almost like it was a challenge.
Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 12:33 am
Kolan watched as Elyon moaned and moved her head a bit, seeming weak. And then the eyes opened, but they were the same wonderful brown they'd been while she was human. The eyes moved and then found Kolan, who looked back at them in something crossed between stunned disbelief and confusion. "It's me..vallynra.." Kolan couldn't help but be a bit softer, worried as he was..and he moved towards her front, this time setting a hand against her snout. "Elyon..you're a dragon..how did this happen?"
Karelym's eyes widened at that, "A dragon? But..how? Only a dragon is supposed to be able to shift..unless..someone gave her something to make her change.." As she'd been given that nasty potion earlier.
Rollan heard the giggle and yeep and gave another rumbling chuckle. At the words, he tilted his head before nuzzling into her with a light growl, "My Laurel..only mine..always.." He nuzzled against her, licking her once again.
Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 12:49 am
Elyon closed her eyes, her face contorting in remembered pain as tears fell from her eyes. "Y-you . . . don't care about me as a human . . . s-so . . . I thought . . . I thought you would care if I was a dragon . . . and . . ." she didn't continue, not wanting to say anything else, it was just causing her more pain. The way he was acting now proved it. He was being NICE to her now . . . and she was a dragon . . . not a human any more . . . and he was being nice to her . . .
Coryn shook his head. "According to Kolan . . . I don't think the change was voluntary . . . it hurt her . . . like my change hurt me . . ." he muttered, thinking out loud . . . not that it mattered, Karelym would have heard him anyways.
Laura giggled more. He was tickling her! "Someone's sure possessive . . ." she said teasingly, trying to lick him back, but being pinned under him, the most she did was stretch out her neck a little and stuck her little pink tounge out in a licking motion a few times.
Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 12:55 am
Kolan listened as Elyon's face became pained and tears fell. Was she still hurting? And then at the words, he grimaced and then scowled. "Is that why you did this? You became a dragon because you thought I didn't care about you?" With an irritated growl, he flicked her snout, "If I didn't care at all, then why would I have come out here after you? I don't exactly have a habit of chasing girls, thank you very much." He was miffed. Both by his own stupid words that had led her to run, and the ridiculous notion that becoming a dragon would make him like her..he already liked her, not that she seemed to understand that.
Karelym's expression became softer, pained a bit as well, "Cor.." She pressed a kiss to his snout and brushed her hand along it, "I'm sorry, Coryn..I wish..I could have helped you with it..been there.." But she'd been in her kingdom, waiting anxiously for any news of Coryn..news that never came..
Rollan heard Laura giggle and the grin widened a bit and as she tried to lick, he rolled off of her, lying partially on his back, partially on his side. "Of course, my little neera. You are my beloved, and I will let no other have you." Rollan licked her nose with a wolfish smile.
Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 1:08 am
Elyon's eyes snapped open in mild surprise. She then shifted her head a little so that she was looking away from Kolan. "You were being horrible to me before . . . I miss the little Kolan . . . he was much nicer . . . you just hate me . . . Coryn probably put you up to chasing me . . ." she muttered sullenly, glaring off at a tree in the distance. It was very hard for her to believe that Kolan cared about her. Sure he did . . . a few . . . spontaneous nice things, but . . . she doubted they were because he cared.
Coryn looked at her and saw her pained expression and then nuzzled her comfortingly. "No . . . Kar . . . don't be sorry . . . You had your own pain to deal with . . ." he said to her softly.
Laura giggled and then ran and tackled him. "MY Rollan . . . no one else's . . ." she said with a laugh as she cuddled into him, licking him softly. Her tounge was so much smaller than his so she wondered if he could even feel it.
Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 1:16 am
Kolan watched as Elyon's eyes snapped open and then she looked away. Hearing she'd rather have the little him..kind of hurt..and that he'd been honest and she was sullenly claiming Coryn had done it..He growled, "Fine then, if that's what you think. Go ahead and mope then since you think for some stupid reason that I hate you." He muttered something about human females as he turned, apparently fully intending to leave, though in actuality he was trying to get a reaction from Elyon.
Karelym felt herself being nuzzled and shook her head, "I wanted to help you deal with your pain..mine was nothing compared to yours.." How could it be? He'd had everything taken away from him, she'd simply had her heart and soul taken.
Rollan watched in amusement as she giggled before running to tackle him. "Is that so?" He loved the feeling of her warm little tongue against him..wondered how it would be to have her do those things while in human form.."I am yours, and you are mine, and we are each other's my furry love." Rollan placed his chin atop Laura, nuzzling her a bit.
Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 1:34 am
Elyon simply curled up, wrapping her long tail around herself, as yet more tears streamed from her eyes. Her self trained practice of silent crying did little good as a small sob escaped from her. She felt absolutely horrible. She had been through so much pain, both physically and emotionally. Kolan didn't even seem to be denying that he hated her, and his actions seemed to reflect that he hated her. H-he still thinks of me as a human . . . I'm never gonna be able to do ANYTHING right for him am I? she thought to herself, and only curled up tighter, trying to sheild herself from everything that was causing her so much pain.
"It wasn't something we could control. Niether of us knew that this was what the future had in store . . . so we should just try to let it go . . . we couldn't do anything about it . . . even if we tried . . ." he muttered, trying to make her feel better. Her pain had to have been awful! She thought he was dead after all . . . he at least knew that she was safe . . . and that gave him at least a little bit of hope during his five years away from her . . .
Laura giggled and then lay next to him, cuddling up to him. "My Rollan . . ." she muttered lazily, drawing out the 'my' in a bit of a yawn . . . she was in no hurry to get back to the cave. She was sure going back there right now would only bring the pain back.
Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 1:47 am
Kolan saw that Elyon curled up and wrapped the tail around herself..He couldn't believe she'd turned herself into a dragon for him..And then the sob that escaped from her..damn it..With a growl, he turned back and went straight to Elyon. He walked to her snout, gave it the best hug he could, and then pressed a kiss to it, soft but lasting for a moment or so. Kolan pulled away but kept a hand on the snout as he looked to Elyon, "I don't hate you, Elyon. You..are.."
Kolan seemed to be struggling for words and then he sighed, so determined to just get it out he couldn't even blush. "You're my vallynra. Alright? I don't hate you. You take what I do so personally..it's not like that though..alright? I don't hate you, Elyon." With a sigh, he glanced as saw something on the ground, picking it up as he walked by to Elyon: her mother's staff. Kolan held it firmly in his hand, "See? I got your stick. I'll take your stick home for you." This time he did blush a bit, especially considering he just reminded himself of a dog.
Karelym listened to this and nodded, "I know..I'm sorry..I shouldn't be dwelling on such things.." She pressed a kiss to his snout, "I love you, my vyallah." Karelym smiled softly at Coryn.
Rollan heard another delicious giggle as Laura cuddled up beside him. "That's right, little flower." He nuzzled her, hearing the yawn. "Are you sleepy, neera?"
Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 2:00 am
Laura yawned again. "Kinda . . ." she confessed. "I WAS up rather late last night . . ." she said and grinned at Rollan. "But I was with you so I don't regret it at all . . ." she said happily and cuddled up to him more.
Elyon sighed, her tears had stopped, although she was still feeling a little hurt. Mostly she was surprised by the other's actions and words. A small smile formed on her dragonish lips. "Thank you Kolan . . ." she muttered and then closed her eyes, trying to shift back to human . . . like she had seen Kolan do . . . it didn't work. She tried again, her brow furrowing in concentration. She couldn't do it . . . her eyes snapped open in worry. "I can't change back . . ." she said in a small worried voice, tears threatening to spill over once again.
Coryn smiled back, licking her cheek. "I love you too Kar . . ." he said softly. He was glad that she seemed to be getting her head out of the painful memories and back into the present.
Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 2:09 am
Rollan smiled, nuzzling into her, "I'm glad, my neera." He cuddled back to her, "Do you want me to take you home, Laurel?" Rollan would if that was what Laura wanted.
Kolan was relieved to see that the tears had stop and even a small smile had come to Elyon's lips. "Yeah.." And then the other closed her eyes and he watched, only to see her eyes come open agian, this time worried. At the words, his eyes widened before narrowing, "Elyon, how did this change happen?" And then as tears threatened to come forth again, he cringed as he began stroking her snout, "Alright, shhh..Calm down, vallynra. Maybe it's just this first time..or it will wear off..or something.."
He was hoping..because he knew Elyon was going to be crying a lot more if she was permanently stuck..and he would mis her lovely little face..er..the..company..of her..yeah..Kolan continued to stroke and he began humming, starting quietly and then gaining as he opened his mouth to sing a bit like he'd done for her as a child. When finished, he'd only sung a few verses, but hopefully it was enough. Kolan looked to her with unguarded concern, "Better?"
Karelym smiled warmly as her cheek was licked, giggling a bit. "As long as you love me, I will always be happy, and have happy memories to make."