Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 12:02 am
Karelym watched Elyon take the hunters down, and hearing the sigh, patted Elyon, "We'll fix this, Ely, never fear."
Rollan watched his neera burst into tears as she wrapped her arms around him. He blinked and hearing her sobs and seeing her eyes going to the side of his face, he tilted his head to her, his tail flicking out to brush against her. My beloved neera, worry not..I will ask Karelym to heal me if you like.
Kolan slid the dagger back and looked up at Coryn with a faint smirk, "Well that's alright, they hate you too." His tone wasn't mean, it was teasing if anything, albeit with rather wry humor.
Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 12:26 am
Laura sniffled, "But . . . it has to hurt . . . so badly . . ." she muttered, her hand running tentatively alongside the cut, trying not to hurt Rollan further.
Elyon sighed. "I hope so . . . I don't want to be a dragon that can't change into a human form for the rest of my life . . ." she said softly, her head going to rest between her forepaws.
Coryn sighed and calmed down a bit. He looked over at Karelym and Elyon. "Are you girls alright?" he asked, and then for the first time, took a good look at Elyon's dragon form. It was . . . rather nice . . . for a dragon. "Elyon? How'd you get to be like this?" he asked.
Elyon looked over at Kolan as if asking him to please explain for her . . . she didn't really want to go into another telling of what had happened. It was still too fresh in her mind.
Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 12:42 am
Rollan didn't flinch as her hand run along the cut, he merely licked her hand. How can I be pain, when I am with you, my neera? He rubbed his face against her hand gently.
Karelym nodded even as Kolan glanced to Elyon. Looking back to Coryn, he spoke somewhat wearily, "There was a man apparently, if I would to venture a guess, I'd say it was the same one who gave Karelym the contrary potion..meanwhile, he apparently heard that Elyon wanted to be a dragon, slipped her some potion and then went away, leaving her like this."
Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 12:52 am
Elyon sighed and added, "And . . . I can't change back . . ." She felt horrible that she had allowed the man, who Kolan thought was the one who gave Karelym the contrary potion, to catch her in a moment of weakness and now she was stuck like this . . . and she didn't like it.
A small smile broke over Laura's face. "I am glad . . ." she said softly and hugged Rollan with relief. "I'd still feel better though . . . if you got that healed . . ." she said softly.
Coryn growled. Just who was that man who looked to make other people miserable? He swore to himself that he would find him, figure out the answer to that question . . . and then kill the man.
Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 1:06 am
(*dyiiiiing* o_O I'ma take a shower and then I'll proly go to bed. Nighty!)
Kolan frowned at Elyon's words, moving to stand beside her as he set his hand against her and patted her comfortingly.
Rollan noted the smile, nudging against Laura before nodding with a sigh. Alright then.." Even if it meant walking into that group. Making sure Laura was with him, he trudged along an towards Karelym, who after some mindspeak, began healing him.
Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 1:21 am
Elyon closed her eyes and sighed again. It really did feel comforting to have him patting her. "Thank you Kolan . . ." she muttered in a rather tired voice.
Coryn notice the bit of affection that Kolan was giving Elyon and a small smile appeared. If you want . . . you can change into a dragon . . . he thought to Kolan and then noticed Rollan getting healed by Karelym. "Wow Rollan . . . you got one sucker of a cut there." he said with a bit of a joking tone.
Laura stayed by Rollan at all times, keeping one hand on him, running it through his fur at times. She watched with slight anxiousness as Coryn approached, apparantly, the fight with the hunters, putting the fight between Rollan and Kolan out of the black dragon's mind.
Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 1:30 am
(*sneakynezz abounds*)
Kolan watched as she closed her eyes, muttering tiredly. And then at the thought to him from Coryn, he blinked in surprise before grinning wildly even as his human form melted away as he became his fire dragon self once more. Kolan gave a little growl of contentment, stretching his muscles out and flexing his wings a bit before he looked to Elyon, nudging the now smaller female with his snout to hers, Come on lazy wench. I will teach you how to fly. Kolan grinned dragonishly.
Rollan was fully healed in a moment, staying close to his neera. As Coryn spoke to him, he didn't even look at the other for a moment before he glanced to him and grumbled in quiet, wolfish tones, "Better my face than your heart."
Kolan caught that, since dragons could speak with animals and his ear twitched a bit though he made no comment. The two brothers hadn't made up yet apparently, was that slight joke an attempt on Coryn's part..or had he forgotten?
Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 11:32 am
((I'm gonna be working around the house today. crying ))
Elyon looked up in a bit of surprise. She got up and looked at him. "Fine. But I'm only doing this because I don't want you to call me a coward later on." she said stubbornly. She acted like she didn't want to do it, but in reality, she was actually very happy that Kolan wanted to teach her how to fly. But she wouldn't tell him that.
Coryn sighed, remembering the earlier fight. "Rollan . . ." he growled out in a bit of a sad tone. He looked up at the sky and noticed that it was night. Well . . . maybe going human would help to mend things between them. Rollan . . . I was worried about you . . . I don't like it when people hurt my brother, and it hurts when you get hurt from something I did. Back at the cave . . . I was only trying to prevent any future fights between you and Kolan . . . he thought to his brother.
Laura watched as the red-haired man turned into a dragon and her eyes widened in mild surprise, but she turned her attention back to Rollan, and pet his fur, glad that he was fully healed, but sensing that he wasn't . . . exactly . . . happy. She wanted to help make him happy.
Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 11:46 am
(T__T NOOOOO! *hides your house* ^__^ There now, nothing to work on!)
Kolan's grin widened, "Sure, sure." He went to move by her side, "Open your wings, practice flapping a few times, just long strokes with your wings." He demonstrated.
Rollan heard the somewhat sad growl and ignored it. At the mindspeak words, he rose and avoided looking at Coryn, Prevent them by threatening not to speak to me again? Stopping a fight with Kolan was worth threatening that? ...not very brotherly. Rollan's ears were folded back against his head, his tail curled slightly, the best physical indicators at the moment that he was hurt.
Karelym watched the proceedings and from Rollan's movements as well as Coryn, guessed that the making up process wasn't going exactly smoothly. Coryn, perhaps get him to walk alone with you..then you may both speak freely.. She knew Coryn was sad as well and she hated to see her vyallah saddened.
Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 12:03 pm
Coryn gave a slightly frustrated sigh. "Rollan . . . can we talk? . . . alone?" he asked, trying to follow Karelym's advice, not wanting Rollan to hurt so badly any more.
Laura's face fell as she saw Rollan's ears fold against his head and curl his tail slightly. She started scratching his ears, hoping that it would make him feel better.
Elyon hesitated but opened her wings and started trying to copy Kolan's movements. So . . . many limbs . . . she thought to herself. It was a weird feeling. Going from four limbs to seven. From two arms and two legs, to four legs, two wings and a tail. It was a little disorienting for her. ((I is ninja ninja ))
Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 12:17 pm
(Huzzah! *givez you a cookie for your awesomenezz ninjetic skills*)
Rollan heard the sigh and the words, looking up at Coryn finally. His ears perked just slightly and after a moment he nodded. Turning to Laura, he nuzzled her before licking her cheek, I love you, my neera. He moved away and towards the forest, if Coryn wanted to talk, then he would come as well.
Kolan brought a clawed paw up to open Elyon's wings a bit more, "Almost, try to snap them a bit more..thinking of it like clenching and unclencing a fist."
Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 1:03 pm
Laura smiled lightly hearing Rollan and enjoying his actions. "Love you too . . ." she muttered as she saw him move away.
Coryn walked beside Rollan and waited until they were out of earshot of the others. "Rollan . . . I . . . I'm sorry I threatened you like that . . . the only reason I don't want you fighting with Kolan is because I don't want you to get hurt when there shouldn't even be a chance of you being hurt . . . and when I said that I would cut off all comunications with you . . . I only meant for a limited amount of time . . . like . . . the first time would merit one day . . . while the second time would merit two days . . . and it would keep doubling from there . . . Cause I can't go without talking to my brother forever . . . you're too much fun to pick on." he said, a rather lame attempt at a joke coming out at the end, as Coryn smiled a bit awkwardly.
Elyon sighed and tried it like Kolan suggested. He knew more about it than she did so . . . she would listen to him . . . what could it hurt?
Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 1:24 pm
Rollan listened, his eyes on the ground though his ears were no longer flattened against his head. And as the other continued speaking, his tail started to swing back and forth a bit. The lame joke made his tail pause, before he looked up at Coryn. His wolf form melted away into his young, human form and for a moment he still just looked at the other..and then his lips curved into a warm smile as he came forward and wrapped his arms around Coryn's waist tightly, pressing his head against Coryn's chest, "Yeah, well you get into too much trouble without me," he retorted playfully, before saying softly, "I love you, big brother."
Karelym sat beside Laura, "He really loves you," she said with a smile.
Kolan watched her trying and was excited depsite himself..he'd never taught someone to fly before, and for it to be his vallynra..er..Elyon, it was..nice. "Come on slowpoke," he bared his fangs in a grin. And then he pushed off with his forearms, wings beating to lift him into the air where he hovered as he looked to Elyon, "Like that, just..lift.'
Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 1:41 pm
Coryn chuckled a bit, athough he was sighing with relief on the inside and hugged his brother back . . . before twisting and playfully getting Rollan into a headlock while giving him a light noogie. "I love ya too ya little squirt!" he said through laughter as he picked on his brother.
Laura smiled. "I know he does . . ." she said looking off at where Rollan and Coryn had walked off, she couldn't see him, but somehow she just knew that Rollan was feeling better . . . and that made her happy. "Just as Coryn loves you . . ." she added looking at Karelym with a smile.
Elyon tried to copy what Kolan did, but at the last second, balked, her fear of hights causing her to want to keep her feet on the ground and she fell forwards, tumbling slightly. "That . . . wasn't right . . ." she mumbled, a bit dazed from her tumble.
Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 2:25 pm
Rollan heard the chuckle and felt himselfb eing hugged, only to be twisted as he was caught in a headlock and given a noogie. "Ahh," he was laughing, "No fair! I'll bite you!" Rollan laughed more, poking Coryn in the stomache.
Karelym watched as Laura looked off to where Rollan had gone. At the words she smiled widely, "I should hope so. I'd hate to have a husband who didn't." When he was fully elven again she planned to have the marriage soon if not immediately after..but if he was going to be a dragon for longer..then she would simply marry him anyway, whenever Coryn thought was best.
Kolan snickered at her attempts, his grin becoming something of a smirk and a smile. He went to the ground beside her and held out his talons, lacing them with hers, "Alright, I'll help you then. Just flap like I showed you and I'll hold your hands until you think you can do it on your own, alright? ..And don't worry about falling, you won't get hurt from the height we'll be starting at..and even if you did," he gave a cocky grin,"I would catch you."
He moved his wings, lifting into the air while holding her hands, "Alright then, try to fly, vallynra." Kolan watched, feeling a twinge of excitement and..hope? Pleasure? Happiness? Was he enjoying himself..teaching his..er..teaching her to fly?