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Solaris Beauty

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 10:49 am

Jean looked at Levi and smiled. "I'd like some tea, thank you" she said with a meek smile. "Well the reason we are here, we have some things that have came to our attention about this town and these witch alligations" she stated. "My friend Ayatane and I just feel that this is more of a conspiracy than anything else" she stated with good intentions.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 10:27 pm

((Some of you already know this, but Raz has decided to take a break from Gaia for a little while. He didn't give me a specific time when he would return.
So, for the sake of not having everyone held up, he gave me permission to puppet his character's a little so that they wouldn't be holding up any major plot lines. Though that will have to wait untill I post. 3nodding ))


Eloquent Pirate


Eloquent Pirate

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 11:56 am

Levi went into his kitchen, and with some water that had recently been boiled he poured up three cups of tea. Or at least...he had started to pour the thrid cup when Ayatane spoke up, saying that he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to stay long. Something....didn't feel right. And he felt that he should go see Telaria, imiditly. Ayatane apologized to Jean, and bid farwell to Levi before exusing himself from the house.
Afterwards, Levi brought the tea to his sitting room, and invited Jean to sit down. He listened as she explained why she was there, and for the longest time Levi didn't say a word. "In times such as these it's dangerous to say such things. I respect your courage to come to me and voice your concerns." Levi murmered softly. His voice sounded...heavy. As if the guilt of every person he condemmed to death was pressed down apon him. "What makes you think that it has all been a conspiracy, and not truth? The accusers....give very good evidence."

Once the townspeople had surrounded the house, Abigail slipped into the woods to watch what was happening with her mirror. She saw as Matheus and Jarlin were the last to escape, and once the smoke cleared, the townspeople would see the bewitched old woman writhing on the floor, covered in her own blood with her hands pressed against her own throat. When the townspeople tried to help her, and asked her who did this, the old woman croaked out only one name before her self strangulation and blood loss had taken her life. "...Eis...sti...."
PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:18 pm

Jean looked at Levi and took a drink of her tea as she sighed. "I know it seems that it's 'good evidence' sir, but it's just perculiar that everyone who shows a sign of awkwardness is accused of being a witch. Don't you think if they were really witches that they would use their powers to escape the horrible deaths you have given them. When I was a young girl they said that both of my parents were witches, just because my parents were doctors...does that make any sense at all?" she questioned with a sigh. "I think that there are a group of people who actually get a thrill from this...destroying people that they dont like, it's the only explanation. And it's always the same people who make the alligations" she said taking another drink of her tea.

Tabitha looked at the townspeople as she lifted the curse for them to see what was in front of them, Eisti's grandmother. "Oh no!!! Look what the witch did to her own grandmother" she shouted.

Solaris Beauty

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Distinct Lunatic

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:31 pm

((Ok. So what of the battle with Raziel's minions?))
PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:43 pm

((Super sorry Lehi and Luna for forgetting about you two and the fact that you were caught up with Raziel's minons. crying Feel free to send some dragonfly eating toads my way. crying ))

Terminous moved to dodge the water enhanced blow of Goldor's staff, and ended up receiving only half the damage it would have caused. As a continuation of that same movement, Terminous brought his hand up and caught her sword in mid swing, and thrusted the blade to the side in attempt to throw the girl off balance, making her vulnerable. The eearily whimsical sound of soft clicking bones during movement could be heard as Terminous rose himself up higher, and prepared another strike. But then he suddenly stopped in midmotion. Master was calling. Without continueing, or ending the fight, Terminous lowered himself again into a running position, and sprinted away from the group into the darkness of the trees towards where his Master summoned him from.

Levi sighed heavily, and forced himself to remain composed under all his emotional strain. It was as if Jean was his concious, personified and had come to haunt him and remind him of what he should be doing.
"I can't say that I don't regret what I've done Jean. You trust me enough to tell me what you feel, so it would be very unfair to not show you the same curtisy. In truth... most of those who I have declaired guilty of witchcraft in court, in my heart I belived them to be innocent. But when I sit in that courtroom, I have to be unbiased, and take the evidence as it is presented. Please understand that." Levi picked up his tea, although seemed to contemplate it more then actually drink it. "I wish I could change the punishment they receive though. But once again...I am bound by the law. And the law given to me by England is that all witches are to be punished by death. I have tried in countless ways to get around the laws, but I find that there is no way around this. And without proof of what you are saying, I cannot use that in a court of law either. All I have is your word. I would love to belive that this is all just a conspiracy...but without proof I can't." Levi's tired eyes gazed over into the flames of the fire. "Though I feel...that this is all going to get much worse." he added, more to himself then anything. His dreams all pointed in the same direction. The darkness clouding this town was going to thicken yet before it would go away.


Eloquent Pirate

Solaris Beauty

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 2:19 pm

Jean was now worried. How was she ever to provide sufficient evidence? She looked at the desk and sighed. "if you do believe that some or even most you have put to death were innocent, then how about actually putting things to a real test, not like if they survive underwater then they are a witch, but display their 'powers'" she sugested. She then thought. "No...that wouldnt be practical, but dont you ever feel that everyone has something unique about themselves,whether if they have dreams that seem to come true or they can see the dead, but are clearly not witches" she told him. "Does that make everyone who's different practice witchcraft?" she asked him. "I'll just say this, keep a look out over the people who are making this allegations" she stated.
PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 2:26 pm

((No need. I'll send creepy evil monkeys that will bust out of your closet, point at you dramatically, and then disappear back into the closet instead. razz ))

When Raziel's minions had ran off Goldor straightened him-self, and looked back. "It'd be safe to put the girl down once we get into the forest. Jarlin should be waiting there for us with Matheus in tow."
he told the group. "Tell him he can't do something, or that he's useless, and he'll try to prove you wrong. I used this to my advantage to get him in here to help."
With that said Goldor began to walk away and towards the forest nearby


As Goldor began to walk away Brim decided to follow with Eisti still in tow. Brim let out a soft sigh, and looked at Eisti. "I am truly sorry Miss Eisti, but I cannot let what happened to me happen to you. I could not let you be caught in the middle of crazed vilagers. It would not be safe for any of us that way."
Brim told Eisti in an apologetic tone of voice.


Distinct Lunatic

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Eloquent Pirate

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 2:37 pm

"That is somthing we do in every trial Jean. Time after time again, those being tried are proven to have some sort of magical abilty. I truely do hate what I have to do, but I can't resign from my position either. I know for a fact that other judges would be much harder on the accused then I am."
Listening to Jean, Levi suddenly laughed. Though it sounded strange, in a pained sort of way. If only she knew how right she really was. he himself was plagued with dreams that often times would come true. But he couldn't admit that to her. Not with the fear of witches floating through the city as it was. "Coincidently enough I've met people with such abilties. But I myself have never turned them in. I belive that all people have some sort of power within them, but they are just held back, or just small things that normally wouldn't be noticed as magic. Unfortunatly, due to wide spread fear, not all people see things my way. But you....you seem to." Levi said, looking up at Jean. "You are different from the other villagers Jean."
Levi sighed, and nodded, "I already have been watching them. But try as I might I can't get any more informtation on them then what is already known by the rest of the village. It doens't help either that I can't just ask around anywhere. Simple doubt in the trials has often led to a new accusation."

((Awww! Yay! I get my own evil monkey!!! Only one problem with that idea though Lehi....I don't have a closet. crying Can I put him under my bed instead?))
PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 2:45 pm

(( xd Family Guy))

Telaria sheathed her katana and took off towards the forest after Goldor, but before she did, she briefly touched Eisti on the shoulder in a comforting manner before following Goldor. It seems that they were too late. The life of Eisti's grandmother could not be saved. I'm so sorry, Eisti, she thought to herself. She knew the pain of loss for she had lost her family as well as her sister. She bit her lip pushing the tears back that threatened to build up in her eyelids.

Eisti looked away, tears building up in her eyelids. "Don't bother apologizing to me," she said in a broken tone. "There's nothing for you to be sorry about. I should have stayed with my grandmother. It's my fault that she's dead." She sighed a lump built up so large in her throat that it was hard to swallow. "Let's get back to the manor," she said her voice cracking.

Luna Kosane

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Eloquent Pirate

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 4:23 pm

Matheus ran through the forest with Jarlin still in her arms untill she was well over half way to Goldor's manner. It was only then that she began to slow down, and set Jarlin back on his feet. Matheus walked in complete silence feeling completly horible for more reasons then one. The guilt she felt was unlike any other, that she hadn't been able to save Eisti's grandmother. Matheus couldn't stop the self loathing tears from skreaking down her cheeks, as she drew in ragged breaths. She didn't know how she was going to be able to face Eisti now. She didn't know if she would even be able to. Or if Eisti would even want to see her. No...Eisti wouldn't hold this against her Matheus knew. Eisti wasn't like that. But it didn't ease her guilt in the slightest, becasue she knew that Eisti was somewhere broken hearted and in pain greiving for her grandmother.
PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 4:34 pm

Jarlin dusted himself off and straightened out his clothing as he looked at Matheus. He felt bad. "I'm sorry you feel the way you do" he told Matheus with a sigh. "It's not your fault, that old lady was crazy, you couldn't have stopped that" he told her rubbing her back.

Jean knew what he had said was right. She looked over, wanting to shout out to him that she was a witch as well and that they were good and the people who cried witch were bad. She looked out the window and made up her mind. "Listen, I won't take up too much of your time anymore..." she stated. "...but if witches do exist...do you think all of them are evil or bad?" she asked. Depending on his answer would govern her next action.

Solaris Beauty

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Eloquent Pirate

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 6:48 pm

"You do not need to feel the need to leave so soon if you wish. I'm enjoying talking to you Jean. It's refreshing to hear someone else speak the things that I have so longed to hear." Levi told her. He took another sip of his tea, and thought for a long moment before answering her next question. Levi lowered his cup, and looked Jean in the eyes. "No...I don't belive that. If someone like Alice, godbless her soul, was really a witch, then I am convinced that not all witches are beings of evil. Like non magical beings, I want to belive that witches too vary from the purest of innocents to the deepest of evils." he told her with complete honesty. It was strange how comfortable he was speaking of this with her, but he felt that she wouldn't use this against him. She was a good and trustworthy person in his expirience.

Matheus attempted to stop crying, at least for Jarlin's sake, but she couldn't seem to manage it. "I wonder if I....if I did somthing different...I might have been able to save her." Matheus whispered. There had to have been somthing...anything that she could have done.
"Jarlin....I hate to ask you this....but could you....could you see what happened to Eisti's grandmother's soul for me later? I just want to know....if she's in the soul cage with Alice...or if she managed to get free somehow." Matheus said softly. "Not untill we get back to the manner though. I don't want you to fall down and hurt yourself when you leave your body."
PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 8:00 pm

Jean smiled at Levi. "Okay then, I shall stay" she told him as she took a drink of tea once again. After hearing his response, she sat her hands on the table and looked at him. "Levi...I have something to tell you..." she stated looking at him, hoping that what he just said applied to her. She looked at him. "Levi...I'm a witch" she simply said. She looked at him awaiting for a response but thought that it would be better with a demonstration. She looked at the plant that was on the table. She pointed at the plant as her hand glew, the plant flourished and flowers bloomed. "I can control nature" she stated. "As well as summon and make potions" she stated. "MY parents were killed because of me" she said looking down, hoping that he wouldn't sentence her to death.

Jarlin looked at Matheus as he continued to walk with him. He looked and nodded. "Of course Mr. Matheus, I dont mind" he stated looking down, fearing that she was in the same state that Alice was in.

Solaris Beauty

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