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Elemental Genesis

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The world is full of darkness and light. Each trying to take the other over. How can you stop the conflict? Join Genesis! 

Tags: Light, Dark, Elemental, Genesis, Roleplay 

Reply Ethral (Neutral Territory)
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PostPosted: Wed May 26, 2010 11:23 pm
She was startled when he spoke to her... Though she did not dare move her healing touch away from him. When he collapsed she quickly caught him, but was soon trapped under his body. With a grunt she sighed and struggled from underneath him and placed his head upon her lap. She managed to finish the healing of his body, the rest was truely up to him and weither or not he wanted to keep going. " I can only heal the body... not the soul" She whispered regretfully.
When she began to hear the approaching of a horde of demons she frowned. She moved the man's head from her lap and placed her, always empty, arrow holder, under neath his head. It was made of thick leather, though of what was unsure. It was soft and perfect for a pillow. She then headed out onto the balcony and looked out upon the city. Frowning at what she saw. it looked like a moving black mist that brought her great fear... " This is bad" She whispered... She took her bow out and reached behind her for an arrow. She blushed at her stupidity. She then turned back and closed her eyes. " well, this will hopfully work... and not explode on me, again" She murmered and pulled back on the string of her bow, with nothing nooked there.
Much like the what Deiter had murmered with her Necromancy, Sila began chanting using Spirit. Her words were raspy, and dark which were surprising for her. The shadows on the wall began to rise up and the shrieks of the many lost souls in this castle began to moan and shift from the shadows on the wall. A breeze picked up, blowing her hair straight up, almost levitating her as she aimed. The energy of the dead rose to her and through her finger tips her bow began to glow with a searing light. It the began to concentrate into a small, thin line much like an arrow, which she then immediatly fire. the light shot forth, aiming down below and through the horde of demons until it reached the middle, where it exploded, sending much of the demon horde up into the air along with clumps of earth.
Sila fell after the light hit. She was in a bitter pain. Her body was uncontrolablly shaking and his vision faded every couple of minutes. Her stomach felt sick and her head was filled with the screams of an angery Spirit. ' You fool!! why did you use such a weapon!! It shortens your life span, It takes part of me to control it.' Sila winced. " im sorry.... there is just so many, we need to cripple them as best we can" She whispered out loud, holding her head.
PostPosted: Fri May 28, 2010 8:51 pm
After the explosion struck, several units of calvary converged upon the surviving demons, through the buildings they rode, not matter at all, but still they killed. All around the city scenes such as these played out, a struggle that threatened to last for days, weeks, perhaps even months. Behind Dieter and the cleric, came a single robed adept. He stared for a moment, before saying loudly "The master has fallen?" The acolyte of the Carrion God trembled, the face fearful and confused. Upon seeing the female doubled up on the floor, he moved slowly towards her, hoping to capture her off guard, to question her.  



PostPosted: Sat May 29, 2010 12:24 am

Sila Gripped her forehead and closed her eyes. She was still recovering from that attack. When she thought she heard something she looked up with blurry eyes. An image of a man? Maybe it was the wounded deiter. " wha-what are you doing awake?" she asked I'm a state of utter confuseion her vision was still blurry so she couldn't see or understand how he managed to wake so quickly. She also was partly unable to think clearly as she stared at the place he still lay for several moments trying to understand how it was possible. " you shouldn't be..." she stopped and coughed, her throat suddenly chalk dry.  
PostPosted: Sat May 29, 2010 9:49 pm
The cultist pulled out a knife and ran towards Sila, yelling "What has your king done to the god?" He waved the knife in the nearly unconscious female's face, tears exiting his eyes as he threatened, worried as he was about his savior. Dieter stirred at the commotion for a moment, mumbling about the waste of bureaucracy, which distracted the acolyte for a moment.  



PostPosted: Sat May 29, 2010 11:59 pm
wake up Sila! there is a guy threatening you with a freakin knife! Spirit exclaimed within Sila's nearly unconscious head. When she wouldnt respond Spirit decided it was time to take over. Her eyes seemed to change to a more golden color.
Sila's body suddenly stood up and kicked the knife from the man's hand. " Hey, want to try that again?" Spirit growled menicingly, she smirked with her knuckled placed in a dangerious way upon her hips. " How about thanking me, I just saved your little god's life after that other guy nearly slaughtered him." Spirit's voice was echoed as if hallowly through Sila's body. " I could just as well take YOUR soul as payment" She smirked and went to grab the man, as if to go through with her very threat.
PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2010 7:10 pm
The acolyte squeezed the kicked hand as he moved backwards from the oncoming... thing. This was no human, no, it had to be some sort of monster in the follower's mind, she whose eyes changed color, she whose voice echoed from the body as if speaking from the entrance of a cave. He cowered away, tripping upon the still body of his master. The acolyte screamed, and was torn asunder by vicious, invisible claws.. The bloody remains, still falling, turned to ash. The ash sprinkled softly upon the sleeping man, it came together, showing the true form of a god. Bird like head, four arms ending in claws, such a frail looking creature, and hungry too.. The Carrion God turned to stare at this specimen, eyes glowing like balefires, physical growing increasingly solid, before inexplicably disappearing. Dieter's eyes opened wide, mouth opened in a silent scream.
Standing up, the robed man, covered in his own dried blood looked around, inquisitive brown eyes studying this female before him. She seemed vaguely familiar to the necromancer, but these things were not as important survival, and at the moment, he was not strong enough to overpower this thing before him, nor was he aware of her intentions.  



PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2010 10:42 pm
Sila's body wanted chuckled as she watched the frightened man be shredded up claws of the God, she found it entertaining how quick it took the God to turn the flesh to ash. When he got up she was ready for him, he had nearly made a fool of her last time, and Spirit wanted her revenge!
When Deiter suddenly regained consciousness she scowled. " tch" She glared at him, he seemed lost, and Sila seemed to want to take control of her body again, but Spirit wouldnt allow it for the moment, not yet atleast. Just a little longer Sila, Im going to get you your answers. she growled into the girls head for her to hear. Crossig her arms to her chest and examined him. " Do you remember what happened before you fainted, little prince." She called him that as a mocking term for a man who harbored a god like figure. She walked slowly twords him to keep from scaring him. " We have traveled a long way, and waited two years to find you, We want answers" She growled, her voice echoed in and out of exsistance as she spoke, as if she were losing her ability to remain in control. She then suddenly dropped her head, and her body slowly slide to it's knees and Sila gasped for breath. She gulped it down as it she had been sufficating, and then blushed. " S-sorry, That tends to happen when i stay in there to long" She apologized nervously, afraid she scared him. " I-I promise im not here to kill you, or engage you in any sort of violence..." She stated quickly. Hoping he would not run from her, like a scared animal or something she hesitated to move.
PostPosted: Mon May 31, 2010 8:15 pm
He held the female's glare, wondering what had happened. When she began to talk,such a hollow voice, the his look hardened, eyes focused, a faint frown adorning his features. The thing before him seemed to grow more curious by the moment, suddenly changing personalities.. Meek, she started to apologize, and promise not to harm him. In response he said, pointedly ignoring all else that she had said "What answers do you seek?" He studied the female a few moments more, as if looking at an insect, remarking offhandedly "Do I know you?"  



PostPosted: Mon May 31, 2010 10:04 pm
His cold answer, made her stop talking. She looked up to him with a more serious dimenor, but it was in no way as sinister as Spirit's had been. She nodded slowly to answer his question. " In a way, we met before. Two years back, or about so" She shrugged not sure. " Who is the Carrion God, why is it in YOUR body?" She asked flat out to him. She sounded slightly concerned, but she was completely serious about her questions as well, she wanted an answer, not a lie.  
PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 5:14 pm
Dieter remembered her immediately, the holy one who had ruined his carriage, the one who had defended him, even after he had tried to kill her. Her willingness to seek him out both confused and terrified the necromancer. Confused him in that she would willingly someone out who could kill her with the slightest thought, terrified of who she might be working for. Her timing was perfect, right when he was weakest, easy to slay or capture; the pale male in fact wondered why he was not tied up, in some darkened room or another. The female's question amused the living god, mostly because it had never been asked before. "I am the Carrion God.. It is not in my body so to speak, it is my body, spirit, and everything about me. I am the Carrion God, simply because I made it so.." Dieter chuckled for a moment before saying, "A common misconception is that the divine is eternal.. No, the divine is created, killed. They are just quite good at hiding it."  



PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 8:33 pm
Sila listened to him, but her heart suddenly sunk, was he really the God itself?... When she last saw him, the god was the one trying to kill her, not him. She shook her head, not really believing it, but she had asked and she had no reason to distrust him. She sighed, her head still her after the energy of the unknown weapon she had used. She looked deep into hiss eyes this time, not leaving them for her next answer. " What do you hope to achieve by being the Carrion God then? If it is truely the destruction of the world," She bit her lip, her words restrained as if they were painful..." Then you realize, I'll have to stop you." She spoke low, remembering the pain he caused her, two years back... How he nearly killed her and how he was most likely still stronger then her.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 9:14 pm
He laughed in her face at her interpretation of what he was really trying to accomplish. "Quit being so melodramatic, you could not stop me by yourself, and even then, I am not trying to destroy the world," the last few words were spoken so as to mock the female before him. A sudden thought seized him, a memory of his past employment, "You are working with the Rebele.." This thought had explained so much to the mage, it explained the strong dislike of the king, it also explained why they would try to keep him alive. "Well, this is no good, I simply must get rid of this problem, this... infestation." The necromancer spoke as if to an audience, as if the female was not even worthy of human interaction. Dieter knew that he would have to end this quickly, he had no real power after such an attack upon himself, such a draining use of his own powers. He would have too end this quickly, else the magick overwhelm his already weakened body.

Glowing symbols danced around it, intangible patterns that could sicken one to the stomach. Whispery language coursed from the being. The Carrion God prepared to devour.  



PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 9:25 pm
She winced as he flat out laughed in her face. Though she specifically remembered that was what he said two years ago when he had tried to kill her. She glared at him, with a deep disappointment. She wanted to hate him, but she could only feel pity. She stood up and pulled the orb once more from her sleeve and allowed it to transform into her beloved staff. She couldnt allow this man to hurt the innocent people who she had lead to the rebellion. " You are wrong, I work with no one. If you dare lay a hand on those people I will kill you" She she deeply, her words forever rung as a promise and a threat. Though this time she would not let him have the first attack. " I would hate to have wasted all that energy on healing you, but you are a threat to yourself and others" She spoke as if she were reciting a statement in which gave her rights to kill him, then she slammed her staff down and the room was soon being torn apart by the fire. nothing would be left unscathed, IF things began to turn sour, she would allow Spirit to take control of her body again.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:40 am
A chill air protected the mage, a ward of frost. He was unscathed, even as the rest of the room burned. All who tried to help, devoured by greedy flames, leaving them alone. The sheer stress of maintaining the ward telling. The necromancer could not long survive this, he would have to go on the offensive, though the soul could not be detached for fear of disrupting the only thing between himself and a painful death. His whispery chanting became simultaneously more syllabant and louder. The very air was cold, even as it burned. Ghostly hands, beneath the female rose upwards, grasping at her legs. The ghostly creatures sought to drag her down, skeletal hands strong beyond possibility. Dieter fell to his knees, continuing to put more and more of himself into the spell.  



PostPosted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 5:22 pm
She quickly retracted her staff as she saw the man fall to his knees, she too was panting, a small sweat breaking out along her face. The heat was even a bit much for her, she was only human. When she finally noticed the dead gripping at her she winced. She pulled out her bow, drew back a light arrow and then released it right between her feet. The light energy exploded with enough force to purify everything within the room, but with Sila closest to it, it even hurt her as well. She was sent flying into an opposing wall, her suffered what looked to be severe burns on her hands and legs, and fall she collapsed to the ground her nose and mouth seemed to drip blood.
She grimaced and spit some of the blood from her mouth." well. T-that was u-unexpected. " She tried to laugh and then leaned on her bow to stand up, glaring at the nercomancer. " next time that arrow will be aimed at your heart" She stated weakly and reached behind her to pluck another arrow and aim it at him.  
Ethral (Neutral Territory)

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