Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 8:20 pm
((Sorry Green. The under the bed monkeys aren't finished with their special training yet.)) Goldor sighed. He didn't see why Telaria had the need to run every-where. He was only walking, but she had to run to catch up. "If you are in a rush Telaria you are free to run off. I'm walking either way." Goldor told Telaria coldly as he could see Matheus, and Jarlin in the distance as they entered the woods. How-ever even then he didn't pick up his pace. ~*~
Brim shook his head. "No... No that would not have been better. That would have been worse... Much worse. You could be dead if you stayed with her. Perhaps your grandmother sensed this and that is why she wanted you to go, and for her to stay. She was protecting you in my eyes Eisti... And from what I can tell that's what she's been doing ever since she took you in." He told her, and set her down on her feet. "A-any-ways I'm sure you can walk from here. It's kind of awkward carrying some-one."
Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 8:28 pm
Telaria's eyes narrowed at Goldor. "You know very well that I run more than I walk," she said, but slowed down just the same. There was nowhere she needed to be right now. She had done her part so there was no need for her to run off. She could see Matheus and Jarlin up ahead. She could not hear what they were saying but from their mouths moving they seemed to be discussing something. Eisti said nothing. Instead when Brim set her down, she began walking surprisingly steady for a few moments ago her legs felt like two melted sticks of butter, but she was well balanced for someone who had just lost their only family. She looked at Brim her eyes filled with sadness before she looked ahead and began walking ahead of him picking up her pace slightly.
Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 7:21 am
((Aww.... crying No evil monkey for Green then to help her take over the world. Unless..... twisted You could always send him in a month when I move. I'll have a closet then. biggrin ))
Saying that Levi was surprised would be a major understatment. Shocked would be closer to the truth. He never would have expected such an admission from her. He never in all his years of knowing her suspected that she embraced the ways of witchcraft. And once she did a demonstration for him, there was no denying the blareingly obvious truth. He felt the initial shot of fear through him, and then felt the irony of the situation. Suddenly, he started to laugh. It took Levi several minutes to calm himself down, and he sent an apologetic expression in the direction of Jean. "I suppose that's to be expectedl. Who else but a witch would belive that there are more to witches then meet the eye. Your just the type of person I've so despretly wanted to see through all this. You're a witch yes, but I know your not evil. Though some may belive your craft is....but not I." Levi let out a heavy sigh, "I feel I must explain why I was just laughing like a madman. It's just, there is a certain irony I find....amusing if you will...in this situation we find ourselves in. If you will wait right there...there is somthing I would like to show you." Levi got up from his chair, and swiftly moved to retrive somthing from his bedroom. When he returned to Jean, he was holding a small leather bound book, and he handed it to her. "Take a look. In there, is every dream that I've had for the last few months. I have more journals as well...but that is my most recent one. You may notice that beside most of them, are an X. Those are the ones that have come true." he explained to her softly. "You are the first person I have shown that journal too Jean. You can understand, I supppose, why I've had to keep it secret. Like how you had to keep what you are a secret from the world. It is becasue of my prophetic dreams that I am able to belive that not all magic users are evil. Such as you."
"Thank you Jarlin. That means alot to me." Matheus said in a small broken voice, "And thank you again...for saving my life." She added. She couldn't remember if she had properly thanked him at the time or not. They were nearing Goldor's manner, and behind her Matheus could here other's approaching. She turned, and saw that it was Goldor, Telaria, Brim, and....Eisti. Matheus sighed, and dropped her gaze. At just looking towards Eisti, the guilt had returned with full force. Though she couldn't see the expressions of her face to well, she knew that she was distraut. Of course she would be. She had just lost her grandmother in the worst way possible.
Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 1:01 pm
The chirping of the morning birds broke the silence of a air, light glinting softly onto the floor of her meek cabin. The girl rubbed her temples lightly as she flung the covers from herself, laying there only for a few moments more. Sigh a sigh, she flung her legs over the bedside and slowly began her morning tasks. After her house work was completed, she dawn a long sleeved shirt as well as a pair of mens slacks. Victoria soon found herself leaving her old shack, located just in the forest, and began to make her trek toward the familiar town of Salem.
Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 2:17 pm
Jean looked at Levi at first in an akward manner when he began to laugh. When he said she was the type of person he wanted to see through his eyes, it made her feel...well...sort of special. When he was done explaining and showed her his journal, she looked through the pages. "this is an amazing gift you have Lehi...a lot of people confuse your gift with Deja Vu, but you have a sort of claravoyance I would like to say" she stated looking. After looking at the book she looked at him and smiled. "I know this confession won't change how Salem is overnight, but I feel that this is one step further than what we do have. I'm not the only one who is a witch, I belong to a Coven called The Blessed." she stated. "I cant reveal who all is in my coven for the fact everyone isn't so trusting of people knowing that we are witches, but do believe we fight the good fight" she said. She looked a way for a moment trying to get her thoughts together. "The people who claim to be bewitched are known as The Conflicted" she stated. "We're constantly trying to stop them before they put more innocent people under...we feel that this was just the beginning and that they won't be satisfied until they have all of us killed" she said in a distressful tone. "Right now I'm working on a truth potion, but it's taken me over 6 months to start to brew" she stated. "It's a complicated potion, but if things go well, then I should be able to be done within the next week or so and they can actually confess amongst the town and all of this madness can stop" she said.
Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 3:42 pm
Levi nodded, "I used to see it as Daja vu. But after a while it became too constant to just regard as deja vu." he told her. He listned more to what she was saying, and was genuinly surprised that there were enough witches in that town alone to make two seperate covens. "That man that was with you...is he a witch as well?" Levi asked her. He sighed, and began to lightly drum his fingers against the arm rest of his chair, a habit he did while thinking. "Appearently our town has found itself caught in the middle of some sort of witches war. I dearly wish we could tell this to the villagers, but I fear it would only make things worse, rather then better. The fear is too far set." Levi looked up to her, while his mind was still trying to process everything she was saying. "These conflicted....they are the ones that have been acusing the villagers? The same villagers who I condemmed...." Levi raked his hands through his hair in mild distress. It fell silent for a few minutes to try and compose himself again. "Jean....if it's possible I would like to meet your coven. I'll understand if they would rather not though...either for fear of thier own safty or if they hold a grudge against me for someone I forced to die." he told her softly.
Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 3:45 pm
uhm, mind if i join? im bored here in the gaia world.
Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 3:54 pm
Jean looked at him and nodded. "Yes, he's a wizard or warlock, depend which one they prefer" she stated looking at him. "Yes this town isn't too accepting of things that are different. And yes, The Conflicted cry wolf all the time and half of the things that happen to the villagers here, it's because it's their doing but if they can get a crowd to watch while one works behind the scenes then it all goes down hill from there" she stated. "I"d like for you to meet them as well, but I would have to take it up with them" she stated looking at her hands. She then reached into her cloak and gave him what looked like a crystalized rose. "Here I want you to take this, just think of me and I'll know that you want to meet with me" she said with a smile. Jean had kind of developed feelings for Levi, but she would never tell him. "Mose should come around and warm up to you...all except one maybe...but he's like that with everyone, even us" she stated. "The tea was delicious" she added in as she dusted herself off and stood up. As the villagers saw the Old Woman and the name she spat out, Tabitha smirked. "You hear that?!?!? Her own granddaughter would kill her...she's the devil...a witch and she needs to be put to death" she shouted as the crowd was in an uproar, she walked back into the shadows, falling into the darkness, waiting to hear from Abigal.
Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 4:14 pm
((Sorry Green. You were too late. When you said you didn't need evil closet monkey I sold him to a "Chris Griffin" His old one died, and he needed a new one. Oh, and rayne. I have one thing to say. LOL. "this is an amazing gift you have Lehi." I think you mean Levi. razz )) Brim let out a soft sigh as Eisti sped up her pace, and walked ahead of him. He didn't know what to say. he was a scholar, and there were no books on how to cheer people up when they lost their entire family, and those close to them. He just followed her, and the rest of the group, but he didn't speed up his pace. He stayed behind the group still feeling the odd one out. He didn't personally know any of the blessed. ~*~ Goldor nodded. "Yes, and that haste will one day become troublesome fire witch." Spat Goldor. Fire Witch was something he often used to insult Telaria when he felt the need to. Being a water user him-self naturally he didn't quite agree, or get along with any-one that uses fire. Especially one with Telaria's attitude.
Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 4:18 pm
Victoria sighed lightly, another commotion had taken to the streats. It seemed everyday that another villager was accused of witchcraft. It would only be a matter of time before she herself would be accused. But that would have to to unfold as it happened. With a ginger smile she quickly avoided the scene and soon found herself within the back streets, seemingly alone. Victoria glanced around the desolate street before lowering her cowl. She was very shy of her appearence since the accident.
Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 4:23 pm
Telaria's expression turned livid with rage, but she bit her tongue to keep from biting back a retort. Why Goldor always felt the need to insult her was beyond her. Telaria had never once insulted him in her life. She was always quite civil to him. Of course her temper did get the best of her from time to time, but it was just a part of her. Not wanting to start a heated argument with him, she remained silent trying to focus her mind on something else. Eisti barely heard Telaria's and Goldor's little spat. Instead her head was towards the ground as she followed Matheus and Jarlin towards the manor. Her eyes turned from a cerulean blue to a stone gray, which was the color of sadness. They seemed void of any other emotions that existed. A voice was screaming at Eisti from inside her telling her that her grandmother would not want her to become an empty shell, that she would want her to move on. But Eisti barely heard that voice as well.
Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:11 pm
As the small group of four walked through the forest Goldor glanced back at Eisti, and brim's silence. He rolled his eyes, and let out a disappointed sigh. "Children these days." He murmured before turning around. "Lead the way." he stated before he walked over to brim standing in his path forcing Brim to stop walking. "What is wrong with you?" He asked, but Brim couldn't find his words as he tried to get around Goldor, but Goldor wouldn't let him. "Obviously you cannot wrap your mind around a loss that isn't even yours. So you are going to let a stranger to you wallow in their own sorrow, and self pity? But in another instance you were ready to lay down your life for a woman whom you didn't even know. Not even by name." Scolded Goldor. "So get off your a**. What family do you have to speak of?" With that said Goldor stayed in the back of the group, and began to walk back towards his manor once again. ~*~ Brim let out a soft sigh. "My grand-parents... But I don't know where they live." he murmured before he shook his head, and walked up to Eisti once more, and placed a hand on her shoulder smiling. "Losing some-one that close to you cannot feel good, but you know moping about it doesn't help any-one. If your grandmother truly is dead I cannot imagine her spirit being at rest when the woman she raised was beginning her decent into depression. I'm not saying you shouldn't mourn, but you shouldn't doubt your-self, or think lesser of your-self just because she is gone. Do what you think she'd want you to do."
Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:30 pm
Victoria quickly made about her business in town, keeping a low profile as she did so. Soon she gathered her supplies for the week,a dn decided to make her way home. Slowly she pulled her cowl over her head and quickly made her way through the streets, toward the forest from which she came. After leaving the sight of the townsfolk she slowed her pace, lowering her hood once more. The breeze was lovely as it blew her hair about wrecklessly as she walked up the hill toward her cabin. Slowly she pushed the door open, and stepping inside, dropping off her baskets and taking bow in hand.
Slowly she stepped back out of little cabin, and quickly broke into a light run and she ventured into the forest. This was the one place she could enjoy herself, away from the happening of the town.
Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:43 pm
Telaria could not help but overhear what Goldor said. Even though she knew it was not polite to eavesdrop on another person's conversation when she wasn't involved, her curiosity got the better of her. As much as she hated to admit it, she knew that he was right. She remembered feeling the same way when she lost her own family. She remembered how she fell into depression like Eisti was doing right now and that depression almost caused her to lose herself. She hoped that Eisti would not allow this to eat at her for the rest of her life. Eisti felt a warm hand upon her shoulder and turned her saddened eyes towards Brim. At first, she did not say anything after he finished speaking. "But she was the only family I had. I just don't understand why The Conflicted would do such a thing to her. She never did them any wrong. How could they be so heartless?" She sighed knowing that Brim was right. "She would want me to move on and live a full life of happiness. But she was the one thing that made me truly happy," Eisti said honestly.
Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 7:12 pm
"Jean...knowing what I know now...I'll try everything I can to not let the next trial go the same way. There has to be a way around this I there there is....I just...havn't found it yet." Levi said, a new tone of determination entering his voice. He accepted the rose from Jean, and curled his fingers around it, holding it securly. "Thank you Jean. I hope that I'll get to see you again soon." he told her softly. Seeing that she was getting ready to leave, Levi got up to escort her to the door. "Please be careful. Take care Jean." Levi said, and gently took her hand to brush his lips against her knuckles before releasing it, and opening the door for her.