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Wolf McNugget

Destitute Lunatic

PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 6:20 pm

They each took turns greeting the young lady, then all left for the town. Thankfully, the damage and chaos caused by the Grignack was minimal, and almost negligible. As they approached the Inn, the desk clerk immediately recognized the group, and handed them each their keys. Once inside the largest of the rooms, Jack felt the need to begin cooking, if only to calm his nerves. Sam was busy setting out her tools, getting ready to work on Locke's arm, as it was a little beat up and damaged during the fight with the beast. And as for Locke, he was just thankful no one was hurt, but very curious as to what is going on. "So. Aya? Do you know how you got here? Or even why you are here?"
PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 6:41 pm

Aya went along with the group remaining silent. She didn't know them other then stories the Silver one told her at her bedtime as a child. She looked about the building as the Silver one lead her in and paused before entering a room hearing the one called Locke speak to her. She looked to the Silver one seeing her nod before answering. "Yes I know why I am here, but I do not know how I arrived. I can only imagine it was when the sky became brighter that I was in this world."

Andrea ushered the girl to her room as the others seemed to head to the bigger of the rooms. "I will return." She said closing the door behind them. She knew the others would give her space. She turned to Aya before going to a drawer of the dresser and gathering some medical supplies. She then went to the girl looking her over. "Well, you're not worse for the wear. We will talk more I promise, but for now please rest. I know when you haven't slept, and it appears to have been a good time since." She watched the girl nod and helped her with the small armor before tucking her into her bed. When she was sure the girl was asleep she would leave the room. she soon would knock on the door with the others. "I need to get some things, if she wakes, please let her know everything is fine and I will return shortly." With that she turned to leave the inn.

oO Lorelei Oo

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Wolf McNugget

Destitute Lunatic

PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 7:02 pm

Everyone nodded as Andrea came back and said she would leave for a moment. When she was gone, all the questions began to fly towards Drake. "Drake. I know you were in that world for a good bit of time. What exactly is going on? Why is that Grignack here, and who would be stupid enough to bring it here in the first place?"

"I don't care why it was here, only that it's now dead. Being that close to death... Not exactly what I would call being a hero, you know?" Jack nervously toiled over the meal he was preparing. Sam watched him, seeing that he was shaken up a bit."
PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 7:10 pm

Andrea went about the town a list in her mind of the things the princess would need, as well as herself. She wasn't sure about the others, but given the shape of her armor, she wasn't questioning if she had broken a rib or two. She soon would finish the shopping and started back towards inn.

He looked to the group raising his hands as if her were surrendering. "I have no idea how that thing got here. The portal was closed when we left. The only thing I can think of is that the Gricknack followed in with that girl. And anyone else feel a little odd the way Andrea seems to hide her away, then just take off?" He wasn't sure but saw a quiet side of Andrea he wasn't sure he liked.

oO Lorelei Oo

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Wolf McNugget

Destitute Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:37 pm

Locke nodded. "I noticed that. I wonder if the girl's presence is making Andy revert to her closed-in state? I have nothing against the girl, but I would like Andrea to come out of her shell now, not retreat back into it."

Sam was busy taking the arm apart, and was thinking with her medical side of her mind. She was sure that Andrea was probably injured from that beast stomping on her. Granted she was no mere being, but still, that would have had to have left a mark. "Does this mean that Andy's going to leave? I'm not sure why, but... I don't want her to go. She's like a sister to me, and I care about her despite how short a time I've really gotten to know her."
PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:53 pm

Andrea entered the inn finally going over the things she had gotten once more to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything. As she passed the room she would pause out of view catching the conversation. She felt bad but for now wanted the girl in a safer state. Hiding in the room was all she could think of for now. She sighed a bit though soon entering her room and closing the door behind her. She took note of Aya at the window looking down at the street. "Aya, is everything well?"

She turned nodding as she heard the Silver one return. "Yes, but it feels like the palace here." She looked to the Silver one seeing the things she carried and went to her. "What are these things? Where did you go?"

"I got some clothes and such for you to change into. In that armor people will take notice. It's not common for children to be armed as adults." She put the things on the bed laying them out for the princess to see. "Now, go clean up a bit please and I will discuss more with you then." She watched the girl nod and head to the other room. She smiled lightly looking towards the door for the bathroom as it closed behind her. Once she heard the water run she began taking off her armor wincing as she moved the chest plate off. She held the area of ribs she knew were broken but knew she would deal with it later. For now she couldn't let anyone know, especially with the princess here.

"I'm not sure about the girl. Seems nice enough, but Andrea's a bit too protective. She looks a bit old, but there is a time difference in that world. And Andrea did make a comment once she had a life there. Makes me wonder just how connected she is to her." He stood coughing a bit but shrugged it off. A good night's sleep was all he would need to heal, unlike Andrea or possibly Locke. "And hopefully she won't leave. Best guess for now is we return this little girl to that world, get that portal sealed and go back to our somewhat norms. And Jack that food you're cooking smells really good."

oO Lorelei Oo

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Wolf McNugget

Destitute Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:40 pm

Sam nodded as Drake commented about how close the two were. "Well, I for one see no harm in her being here. In fact, it might just be the thing that helps to brighten Andy's mood and let us in."

Jack was busy making food almost as if he was possessed until he had made enough stew, fresh bread, and even a whole batch of bacon and eggs. "Oh... Sorry. Guess I got a little carried away. Oh well. A good hardy meal is just what we need anyways."
PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:50 pm

She looked to the doorway as she could smell the food and smiled a bit knowing that Jack had been cooking again. She turned seeing Aya returning with a towel wrapped around her and nodded. She moved about helping to dress the girl, then sat her in a chair to do her hair for her.

Aya finished cleaning and did as she was told, though there were no orders given. She smiled as the Silver one did her hair once dressed. "You haven't done this for me in a few years. I have missed you. The handmaidens are nice, but none are anything like you were. They simply do as their told despite how they may feel, like little drones, or dolls." When done she stood and saw the belt the Silver one put on her. A small knife with little jewels and silver accents sat nicely in a hilt. "It's beautiful Silver one. I will treasure it." She turned as she was presented in the mirror unsure of the clothes, while they weren't peasant rags, they were not extravagant either. She liked them all the same. "Thank you."

Andrea smiled at the reflection and words of the princess. "You are very welcome Aya. And I have missed serving you as well. But, we will talk more soon I promise. First, my friend has made a meal, and I wouldn't be a very good host if you did not try Jack's cooking at least once while you are in my world. Once you're well fed, we can discuss what you're doing outside of the castle and with no guards." She watched her nod then lead her out to the others. "I can smell Jack's cooking down the hall. Is is possible for Aya to have some? I'm sure it's been some time since she's had a meal?" She would wait for the answer before she would go back to her own room. Her main focus and concern was for the girl, but wasn't sure the others would understand that.

oO Lorelei Oo

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Wolf McNugget

Destitute Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:22 pm

Locke helped Jack to serve the food, as Sam was busy working on his arm. There was way more than enough, but his appetite right now was fierce, and he felt he could devour the entire meal in seconds.

As Andrea returned and asked for food, Jack nodded simply, and handed her a large plate and a large bowl of food. "Here ya go. Should help to regain your strength. Also, Andy. Once you are done with eating, could I see you for a moment? Nothing major, we just want to make sure you are alright, and get a good grip of what is going on exactly."
PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:33 pm

Aya took the food as it was handed nodding slightly and thanking the one that had given it to her. She looked about finding a spot to sit and eat, hearing the questions the others were asking her. She didn't hear an answer and hoped she hadn't gotten her in trouble by being there. She started eating tasting it over a bit in her mouth a bit before she decided she had really liked it and started eating more.

Andrea watched as Aya took the food and thanked them. She watched her a bit not really giving an answer to Jack's questions and comments. She thanked him for the food but brought it to Aya. "I will eat in a bit. I wanted to clean up a bit first." She said. She wasn't sure what to tell them, but knew she needed to feel a little better after the fight and figured a warm bath may help. "Can you look after Aya for me? I won't be long."

Drake watched the group and Andrea's distancing. He got the impression she wasn't ready, or wanted to answer questions about the girl. As she made her request though and nodded. "Sure, we can look after her. Can't imagine she could get into much trouble." He would smile seeing her nod before she would leave for her room.

oO Lorelei Oo

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Wolf McNugget

Destitute Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 1:02 pm

Locke and the others nodded as Aya was left in the room, and watched Andrea leave for her own room. Locke gazed at the young girl, and for some strange reason, saw Andrea as a mother. It was such a strange thought, that Locke had started to laugh and blush at the same time.

Jack looked at Locke having a laughing fit, but let him go. He was glad to see such a stern man laugh for once. "So, Aya? How do you like my cooking? It's probably not what you are used to in your own world..."
PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 1:19 pm

Aya watched the others then Silver one as she had left. She knew well she had to have been hurt from how she was avoiding the others, and herself. She knew the Silver one always avoided and hid away when hurt so not to worry her as a child. She would eat some more until one of them asked her about the food and she gave a pleasant smile. "I have never had food like this before. Thank you, Jack was it?" She looked to them pausing in her eating, reading their expressions. "Let the Silver one be for now, She does this whenever she's not feeling well or hurt. She'll be back soon enough I'm sure." She looked to the food the Silver one gave her but would let her eat it once she returned. "She's gotten worse over the years. She wasn't always so distant and cold. She became that way to deal with everything. She didn't think I knew what was going on when she came to us, but I knew before she came the ways of the castle."

Drake listened to the girl and sighed a bit. they had known most of what she had said already, though wasn't sure the exact reasons. "Maybe we should check on her then." He watched the girl shake her head and would take the silent advice.

oO Lorelei Oo

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Wolf McNugget

Destitute Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 1:34 pm

"I figured she was hurt. That beast nearly broke her in two. Anyone else, it would have." Jack prepared some of the healing herbs and poultices he had carried for a while. If she was as bad as all that, then he would also need some of the blood he was able to keep stored away from Demona.

Locke wanted to go and check up on Andrea, but knew that if he tried, it would end up badly, despite how close the two of them were. "Aya? Can you tell us anything about what life was like for Andrea in your world? I'm worried about her, and you seem to know her better than the rest of us used to...
PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 1:58 pm

Aya looked to them as they spoke about the Silver one. "It was rough. I was little when I had met her. She became my nurse maid and guard when I was about two annuals. She was a bit broken when I met her, and very silent." She looked to the food setting it aside. "She still won't talk about it no matter how much I've asked her. My father takes things that are unique or rare and claims them as his own. I don't know how long she was there before she was given to me. Father said he saw fire in her despite how broken she could get. One night, some soldiers attacked the castle from another kingdom. I was probably about three annuals by then. Silver one was amazing. When they came in, she hid me and saved me from them. She nearly gave her life for me, something I still don't understand. I heard my father as they found her on the floor, and me under the bed. He asked her why she protected me when all the others ran and left me. She simply replied that no matter how much she hated him, she couldn't let a child die." She looked to them all remembering her guard. "After that the men took her for healing, and father began to have her trained to be a body guard for the royal family. I know the only reason she stayed and did as father asked was because of me. She used to tell me stories of your group. I thought that was just a world she created to explain why she was different, and to escape the reality of our home."

oO Lorelei Oo

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Wolf McNugget

Destitute Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 2:15 pm

Locke put down his food. He was suddenly depressed at what had apparently happened to her in that world. So much happened, because he wasn't quick enough. Because he wasn't strong enough...

Jack looked on Locke and noticed that he was too quiet. He realized suddenly that Locke might to start blame himself, even though it was in no part his fault. However, he knew no matter what happened, he could not be the one to convince him of that. Only one person could, and she was just as stubborn as he was.
Crazy Character Convos! [[The Roleplaying Forum]]

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