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PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 9:42 am
(OOC - nothing to bad yet, I can still work with this)

~After what seemed like an eternity, the ships were finally close enough to board - so the captain, stopping his tnt sky bombing, pulled out a small cone and shouted into it... ~

Board them!
Board the enemy ship!
Now's our chance!

~with that, the tnt stopped and the captain slid down the rope, that he had tied to the enemy mast, and started using his sword on one particularly large enemy pirate - now this close, he could see that they not only had glowing eyes but also fangs like dogs - nothing he did to that enemy seemed to even phase it, so with one swift kick, he knocked the guy of his balance and took his chance - reaching in closer, the captain made a quick slash with his sword, cutting off the guys head in one clean slice~

~it stood there for a second and then collapsed to the floor, emmediately turning to dust and blowing away - the captain then shouted... ~

PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 8:31 pm
(OOC: Well I'm glad, but I didn't really mess with anything in that last post I became too sweet to do any fiddling. ^_^)

Demon's crimson eyes never wavered from the water below the ship even when the enemy ship came close enough to be boarded and to board them. His eyes never wavered though from that water below them.

Moonracer heard the order from her Captain, "Ye heard 'em boys! Let's show them what we can do up close and personal like!" Her team cheered and rushed over to the enemy ship but it was no easy battle. She was about to rush over and give her captain a hand when she noticed one of the enemy crew was on their ship and about to attack Demon. She grabs a rope pulls and swings with everything she's got slamming into the enemy and sending him over. She lands next to Demon, "Oye Demon wake up! Ye nearly got yerself killed!"

She noticed even like that Demon never really reacted to her. She blinks and looks over the side into the water, "What ye be lookin’ at Demon?" She looks into the water but she doesn't see anything and he didn't answer she lifts her gaze and looks at the young man, but before she could say anything she heard her Captain again and her attention turned to the Captain. She blinks and raises an eyebrow, "They can handle gettin’ blown up but a little cut ter their throats and they be killin' over?" She shrugs, "Why not..."

Moonracer looks back at Demon and thought about it for a bit but figured the lad knew what he was doing after all he's lived this long with his weird ways. She took off and jumped to the other ship with a flip and drawing her two short swords she landed in a crouch with a smirk, "Let's dance." She began to make her way closer to her Captain slicing off as many heads that came into view that were enemy as humanly possible and enjoying it a little to much.

Demon's eyes never wavered from the sea then he felt it the faintest of vibrations. Then he heard it the faintest of faint thumps. Everyone else was on deck and too focused on the battle to hear such faint thumps and to feel such faint vibrations, and even if they were on the ship and it was dead calm even then some may miss it.

The mess on the decks was crazy a few enemies got onto their ship but most were quickly met with resistance though one once again went for Demon. Demon didn't even seem to notice it but at the last possible moment he side steps out of the way of being cleaved in half. His eyes never wavering from the water, but his right hand comes up grabs the back of the enemy guy's head and a dark and rather sinister grin crept across Demon's lips his lips part for a moment as if to mutter something and a faint black mist curled from the corner of his lips and then he ripped the enemies head clean off taking the spine and all. The enemy dropped to the deck then turned to dust and blew away he tossed the head and spine over his shoulder the grin gone.

He steps away from the railing finally his eyes finally leaving the water. He turns and walks towards the mast and among all that craziness he finds the rope he wants ties it around his waist then walks to the railing and ties it off. He steps up onto the railing and grips the sword at his side, but doesn't draw it. He looks down at the water with a rather dark playful look then dives in. Once the bubbles cleared he notices all the enemy crew that Maskus had knocked into the sea very much alive and attacking their boat from below. Demon smiled playfully and swam into the group and began to have some fun, without even pulling his sword just yet.  

Vice Captain

Demonic Gatekeeper

50,640 Points
  • Friend of the Goat 100
  • Frozen Sleuth 100
  • Shady Hands Squad 250

L337 M4573R N!NJ4

PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 10:42 pm
Maskus watched as Moonracer made her daring leap to the other ship and fight on the maddening fray escilating it to her liking. He waited for the men to quit firing, "All right lads, follow after me and do as I say or I'll keel haul you ma' self!" Maskus examined the best opening to take and he motioned them to follow suit, as soon as they landed they all drew their swords. Quickly Maskus examined the entry-ways to the deck and quickly ran to the galley entry way, drank a swig of water from his canteen and spit covering several feet from the doorway outward. "Come out you cowards!, Or are your going to run home with your tails beneath your legs!" Immediately the enemy crew leaped out towards Maskus's team only to find that they were stuck!, the trouble was the enemy crew didn't see what had happened until it was to late and had already started to pile out through the others only to get stuck themselves as well. Now with twenty enemy pirates as sitting no, standing ducks Maskus left some of his men to it, "Have at em' lads". He repeated this process until his men and himself had covered all the entry ways except the captain's quarters. Throwing knives at the occasional crew members throats, Maskus made his way to their mast. Examining the hole his TNT had made before he took a large bundle of TNT and lit it before tossing it carefully to the decks below. "Fire in the Hole! Brace Yourselves!" The ship gave a shake as you could feel the deep rumble beneath you and hear the screams below carry onward for all to hear. A large cracking noise was suddenly heard by all as a large line splintered up the mast, starting to sway as it got bigger. "One more stick I figure would do it." Maskus fumbled in his coat for more found three left and began to attach them as quickly as he could...  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 1:54 pm
~the captain saw the chaos that his crew was creating on the enemy ship and noticed that demon had dived into the water as maskus was sticky-blocking entry paths with enemy bodies~

~just as he had finished slicing a few more heads, suddenly the ship shook with a tremendously powerful scream that seemed to be in another language - all of the enemy pirates retreated from the battle and went to the other side of the ship so quickly it was like they had vanished and just appeared there - then the captains quarters door opened and a dark mist came forth as a lone man walked out and started to speak... ~

I AM THE CAPTAIN OF THIS VESSAL, Sir Francis Varney Rymer, and I am by all who have heard my name, called Rymer the Red Fang.
This battle is now over, and it will end with ME !!!

~suddenly the entire enemy ships crew vaninshed - the whole ship empty as if it had been long ago abandoned and set adrift - the only ones left onboard were from the other pirate ship~ (that's my ships crew if anyone didn't catch on)

Now, rush me all at once, if you think you can.

~Suddenly Rymer's red glowing eyes glowed even brighter as he sprouted demon bat wings, spread them towards the sky, and let out a loud shreak that could have shattered glass~

~as all my crew looked on in astonishment, I started to speak... ~

This will NOT be between "us" and you!

~with that the captain turned around a shouted to the crew... ~

Moonracer, Maskus, Demon, Shadowcat, and myself will stay here.

~with that the captain turned back to the Demon Rymer and said... ~

We will be the ones to fight you.
So prepare yourself!

~as the captain said that, he handed one more potion vial to demon, brought out his and said... ~

Does everyone have their drinks?

~with that shadowcat also brought out one and nodded yes~
(OOC - assuming MR, and Maskus brings out theirs)


~with that, the captain drank his drink, and drew his sword~

~as both sides prepared to battle, both ships were just comming into range of the cape, and into site of the trap that lay in wait~
(they can see us but we can't see them yet)

(OOC - Well, what does everyone think? - also, let's not kill this guy too quickly - he is the first main boss, after all - I only hope that gryph comes back in time to join the fight, sence he's still wandering about - and if anyone sees miller, tell him that we're going to just float by with his crew in shock if he doesn't come back) twisted



Vice Captain

Demonic Gatekeeper

50,640 Points
  • Friend of the Goat 100
  • Frozen Sleuth 100
  • Shady Hands Squad 250
PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 7:52 pm
Moonracer stumbled slightly as she felt the enemy ship heave and cry out like an wounded best. She catches her balance quickly enough, which was a good thing other wise she would have lost to a mere minion. Moonracer had just made it to her captain when the enemy captain made himself known and she wrinkles her nose slightly and mutters, "Not much in the looks department is he."

She noticed quickly as the enemy crew seemed to practically vanish leaving just their crew and this captain. She watched as he sprouted wings and took to the sky and then winced from the shriek. Once the shriek stopped she stuck a finger in one ear and wiggled slightly then pulls her finger out and shakes her head, "Nah, it's alright I gots another one." She lowers her hand and looks up at the creature, "Yer, ego gets any bigger you won't be needin' them wings ter fly." She watches as her captain orders their crew and wonders if she could keep this guy's wings for a souvenir.

The rest of the Captain's crew were a bit hesitant about leaving all their leaders behind but they listened to their captain and quickly headed back over to their ship. Once back on their ship they guarded the railings to make sure none of the enemy crew tried to sneak on board or to give their captain a hand should he need it.

Suddenly there was an eruption of water between the two ships nearly parting them if it wasn't for the fact they were hooked together. The Captain's crew looked down and when the bubbles cleared Demon's head broke the surface with a rather amused and playful grin, it was creepy.

Moonracer caught her balance quickly and wondered what the hell that was, but eventually her answer was given when she watched her crew haul Demon up and then tell him he was to join the others. Demon quickly untied himself and leaps over to the enemy ship he shakes slightly to rid himself of some of the water and looks at the captain like, "You wanted me?"

Demon blinks and looks at the vial that his Captain handed him he sniffs at it and wrinkles his nose at the smell of it, and looks at his captain like, "What do you want me to do with this?"

Moonracer raised an eyebrow that he wanted her to use her vial on this guy, but then maybe they could move fast enough that they could still use the effects of this vial against that guard. She flicks the cork off and holds up her vial with a smirk, "To a good fight!" She bottoms up her vial and sticks her tongue out, "Yuck! Tastes like the cook's cake."

The cook yells over, "Hey, my cakes are wonderful!"

Moonracer mutters, "Yeah, if you're trying to kill someone by poison." She tossed the vial over her shoulder and drew her short swords again crouching ready to fight but she hung back. She remembered what the captain said this potion works best on females her and Shadowcat would have a better chance of seeing how this guy moved and then going for its weakness then the boys. She just prayed this stuff didn't send her up to meet the gods, she was sure she wasn't on their visitation list.

(OOC: I think it's interesting at the least and very action packed. *chuckles* Hope I'm doing alright and you guy's are having fun and I'm not ruining any plans going so far. You can't blame me for killing the bag guy too quickly I didn't even touch him with any of my characters! *laughs*)  
PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 9:37 pm
Sometimes, if the god's were paying attention and favored certain mortals they would do them favors, and the gods owed a lot to Quincy Martin (changed my character name, I like it better). He whisteled as he walked through the carnage slashing men down. His ship was completely invisible and was pulled up next to both of the ships.

All of a sudden half of the men on deck disappeared, to be replaced by a man in a tattered red greatcoat with a necklace of black fangs. The man had screamed somehting in the old language. He was a little rusty on it it sound like "TO ME SOULS OF SEVEN NATIONS!!", roughly translated of course. Only one immortal he knew would invoke the seven nations...

Quincy threw off his Gift of Invisibility and screeched an answer in the ancient language. Imediately the man's bat wings popped off and he fell cursing straight through the deck into the cargo hold. Quincy strided forward and called into the the hole in the deck "Damnit Red, what are you doing? Have you no regard for the reglations?"

Pulling out his longsword he adressed the assembled fighters, "He'll be up in a minute, and I could use some help." He settled into a comfortable fighting stance as scrambling and clawing came from the new hole in the deck.

((Can we please cut down on paragraph length? It makes it a KILLER to catch up on the storyline))  


Vice Captain

Demonic Gatekeeper

50,640 Points
  • Friend of the Goat 100
  • Frozen Sleuth 100
  • Shady Hands Squad 250
PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 10:07 pm
(OOC: *blinks* HOLY CRAP Miller you live!? *Is shocked* By the way babe...I don't get your whole post at all. Maybe I'm the only one but uh...WTF mate? I mean seriously okay I got the invisible ship I'll buy that, but what the heck? Suddenly you pop up out of no where and what are you doing? Who's doing what? You confused me and maybe only me but I kind of need to know what's going on. Another thing, it SEEMS like you're trying to God Mode to me and you really don't want to do that with me. Finally, please don't ask to have paragraphs shorted because I know people that will shorten their posts down to like once sentence. Do you know how hard it is to post to that? Not to mention to people like you that don't put in enough detail so I know what's going on? Okay I'll admit maybe I go over detailed if so, you guy's just tell me and I'll cut back, but seriously you don't like the lengths of peoples post then kill off your character and leave or just leave we'll have fun slaughtering them.)  
PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 4:25 pm
(OOC - ok, ok folks, settle down - from what I can gather, millers ship came up to the other 2 just recently - no one noticed it, or him because of his invisibility cloak, and he climbed on board and started killing things...

miller: you should at least say who you're killing, the vampirates or my crew, and what happened to your crew, are they staying onboard your ship or what - interesting back story you added with the whole "seven nations" bit, that I'd like to explore, but it wasn't my intent for it to be a transformation spell, he was just telling his minions to get back, and his transformation was simply part of his normal physical abilities...
{also, sorry, I hate reading long posts too, but this IS a ROLEPLAY thread, so you have to be a little more wordy, or most won't know what you're saying}

MR: as for the apparent "god moding" it merely appears that it was a spell he was using to counter the main villains "assumed spell" so that we could fight him on ground level...

NOW, if I have everything correct, let's streamline this story a bit... )

All 3 ships floating along, one invisible...
Pirate Crew and Vampirate Crew {with invisible Quincy Martin} fighting onboard the Vampirate Ship {who knows where gryphs character is by now}...
Red Fang orders his crew back, transforms, and casts a spell for strenth...
I order my crew {all accept MR, shadowcat, maskus and demon} back to our ship...
Quincy Martin appears {removing invisibility cloak} and casts counter spell to slice away Red Fangs power-up {and wings in the process} causing his to come crashing down through the floor of his ship...

NOW - Me, MR, Maskus, Demon, and Shadowcat all stand there staring at the suddenly revealed new ally and are shaken awake by his request for assistance as he, Quincy, prepares his battle stance and awaits for Red Fang to climb back to the deck again...

(OOC - This is actually a very convient way to get Quency to join the crew - I was wondering how I would do that - guess I didn't have to lift a finger - LOL)  



PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 4:49 pm
Red Fang: Damn you Quincy!!!
What are you doing here?

~said as he climbs out of the new hole~
No matter, your counter spell may have broken my connection with my crew, but I still can make this spot, your grave!!!
~with that, suddenly cannon shots could be heard, and both of the other ships exploded and sank below the waves as both crew swam out and scrambled onboard the now, only nearby ship at the far end~
Now I shall kill you all !!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!
~with that he regrew his demon wings and crouched there waiting for the enemies attack~

~Captain Edward Hellsmere watched as both of the other ships were destroyed causing all to have to climb aboard the armored vampirate vessal~
Don't destroy this ship anymore, it's the only one that any of us have left !!!
~Hellsmere carefully walked over to quincy, keeping his eyes on red fang the whole time~
I don't know who you are, but it appears as though we need to fight together to beat him.
So let's do that, and send this blaggard to hades.

(yay, I finally picked a name - too many captains to just continue calling myself captain anymore)

~with that Hellsmere dashed forward slashing with his sword - red fang threw his wings back blocking Hellsmere's sword with his bare arm, not leaving a mark, and then knocked him back with tremenous strenth - as Hellsmere went flying, he drew his gun and fired - red fang quickly jumped back shielding his body with his wings causing the bullet to bounce harmlessly off him~

Red Fang: Is that all you've got? HA !!!

~Red fang stood once more preparing for the next attack as captain Hellsmere picked himself up and began wispering to the others... ~

Did you see how he moved? Blocking sword with his arms, and bullets with his wings?
Perhaps he is more vulnerable the other way around.
There are six of us. Maybe we can trick him.
Let's rush him all at once, and try to over power him.
PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 5:22 pm
OOC - pause the RP for a second !!!
I have an awesome idea !!!

Everyone please use tektek to create your RP character,
and then add it into your last post.

I need the images, and only you guys know what your characters look like.
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Captain Edward Hellsmere
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If anyone thinks that they can make a better...
"Sir Francis Varney Rymer the Red Fang"
-then please try.  



PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 8:52 pm
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Quincy watched as the puny man was thrown around by Francis. Sighing Quincy threw his coat off, uttering prayers in several languages. The gods answered, huge black wings grew off of his back, long, black, leathery wings like a bat's. Perfect. He would have to see about the other prayer though...

Flapping hard he flew towards Francis, flying was easy when you got used to it, and he'd had centuries of practice. Reaching deep into his vest he pulled out a long black feather.

"You fool!"Varney bellowed as he slashed at Quincy's vest. This brought him into range of Martin who, with a flick of his hand, transformed the feather into a long barbed spear and sent in flying into Varney's wing. As Red tumbled Quincy breathed a sigh of relief, the god's had answered.

Swooping back to the deck Quincy proceded to draw from his bag of feathers an assortment of weapons that would never have fit into the bag, stabbing all of them into Varney, pinning him to the deck. He then withdrew his green chalk and drew a circle with a huge emerald eye in it around Francis.

Exhausted he collapsed against a bilge pump. "That should hold him for a little while, but before he gets free there are a few things you should know about him..."  
PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 9:56 am
~Hellsmere dashed up to Quincy in the blink of an eye, slitely surprized at his own speed but decided it was due to the potion, as Red Fang proceeded to remove all of the blades that had been jabed into him~

Captain Edward Hellsmere: That was quite a display my friend. But your containment spell won't last very long once he's pulled everything out, so I recommend that if you have some thing to tell us, you tell us quickly.

ShadowCat, eyeing Rymer very closely as he began to pull at the vine-whip spear holding his wing down, began to dig through the bag she was carrying around her waist.

(OOC - That's 4 seemingly very powerful spells in a row, miller, if you include the whip trip - and judging by your sudden collapse to the deck, I'd say your out of magic, or near to it - I know your character is centuries old, but could you not do anymore really powerful spells - it's speeding up the first bosses defeat and I'd like to let MR, Demon, and Maskus have a go at him, sence they're already standing right there - unless you just want to have him die in a specific way, but if that's the case please say so, and hold off a bit)

(OOC - Alright MR, L337 - you guys should be doing something right about now - please? )


User Image---------------User Image
Captain Edward Hellsmere----------ShadowCat
User Image
If anyone thinks that they can make a better...
"Sir Francis Varney Rymer the Red Fang"
-then please try.


Gryph Korval

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 10:20 am
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Meshii stood at the top of the mast swaying in time to the rocking of the ship. "Well this was very interesting but... no one likes me I guess there all paying attention to the feller down there, oooohhhhhhh that shyster potion won't end well. Well it will end, but they won't be well. And as interesting as that may be I don't think my boss would like it. Soooooo gotta help somehow." He loses his balance and tips into the mast. "Oh thats a great idea your woody wisdom is indeed great." He sits where the mast and the spar meet and pulls two scrolls two pots of ink and two pens out of his robes. setting aside one of each he uses the other and begins rapidly marking the second one humming tunlessly as he did so. Once hes done he rolles it up and seals it before useing the other set of utensils to ink the other... this time his tune is darker and slightly creepy where his previous one was happy and lively. After sealing the second he leans back. " Sigh that seal wont hold.... should of anchored him spiritually rather then in the physical ah well, should be interesting."  
PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 9:47 pm
(OOC: *bows to the Captain* As you you say captain. I shall stand down.)

Moonracer raises an eyebrow to this apparent alley, she never called anyone an alley unless the captain made it so, and even then sometimes it took time for her to like someone. Maybe it was the life she lived that made her harden this way, but it was how she was and it served her and her Captain well.

She watched as the stranger stepped in and basically whooped Red Fang's butt in a few moves. She humphed slightly and mutters to herself, "Why'd I drink the potion again? Oh to stand back and watch mister hero do all the work, glad that was so useful." Someone had taken away her fun after all the fight was practically won. She was half tempted to ask why the 'hero' couldn't just get his gods to do all the work, after all it appeared he had them in his front pocket, but she bit her tongue, quit literally.

She watched as her captain ran to the down 'hero' and rolled her good eye as she looks over at Red Fang working on getting free and thinks, 'Oh no, dear creatures of the dark our savior can't be dead...what ever shall we do? Do you really need this one captain? Oh goodie he has something important to say...' She walks over and puts herself between her captain and the creature in case it got free before the stranger was able to tell Captain Hellsmere whatever this information was. She decided to keep her mouth shut before her sharp tongue ran away with her and cost them the prize that her captain was after.

Demon tucked the vial away in an inner shirt pocket he didn't care much for the smell of the liquid that was held with in. Demon actually took a step back he wasn't attacking the enemy while he was captured in that spell who knew what that spell would do to him.

He blinks as he heard something faintly and lifts his gaze to the mast and watches the being up there.

(OOC: *waves hand* No, no, go ahead and let Miller kill him off after all he's got god's in his front pocket why should I dirty my hands when he can snap his fingers and slaughter my enemy.)

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Vice Captain

Demonic Gatekeeper

50,640 Points
  • Friend of the Goat 100
  • Frozen Sleuth 100
  • Shady Hands Squad 250


PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 10:58 am
OOC - that's it, I'm rewriting this story back to before millers entrance post.
And please, don't let your personal opinions color your characters actions or thoughts.


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Quincy Martins ship pulled up silently to the other two ships not being seen due to the heavy mist and current battle that everyone was preoccupied with. Quincy saw the battle and decided that it would get to much more complicated if his crew joined in. So quincy told his crew to remain on his ship. Then he put on his invisibility cloak, and crossed over to the vampirate ship. He began carefully weaving in and around the battle severing vampirate heads as he went.

Suddenly, quincy heared a voice speaking the old language and all of the vampirates vanished and reappeared at the far side of the ship. Quincy looked and saw a man in a tattered red greatcoat with a necklace of black fangs. Then the man grew large wings and began to hover into the sky as he shrieked and began to emite a very strong aura.

Quincy was a little rusty on his old language knowledge, but it sounded like he had invoked the powers of the seven nations. And he knew only one person that would do that. So he desided that that was that, and he flung off his cloak, summoning a great amount of his power, and shouted in the old language a spell to cut through the demons power and return him to his original energy level.

The sudden loss of power caused rymer to crash to the deck, so quincy took his chance and drew out a piece of green chalk and used it to draw a circle with an eye in it around rymer. Then he summened the last of his strenth, and using the circle, created a field around rymer to contain him for the time being.

Quincy: Have you no regard for the regulations, rymer?

Exhausted he collapsed against a bilge pump, and pulling out his longsword he adressed the assembled fighters...

Quincy: That should hold him for a little while, but before he gets free there are a few things you should know about him.

~Hellsmere dashed up to Quincy in the blink of an eye, slitely surprized at his own speed but decided it was due to the potion~

Captain Edward Hellsmere: That was quite a display. But if you have some thing to tell us, tell us quickly, for it will indeed not hold him for long.

Red Fang: You may have momentarily traped me, but I can still make this spot, your grave.
~with that, suddenly cannon shots could be heard, and both of the other ships exploded and sank below the waves as both crew swam out and scrambled onboard the now, only nearby ship at the far end~

~Captain Edward Hellsmere watched as both of the other ships were destroyed causing all to have to climb aboard the armored vampirate vessal~
Hellsmere shouts to everyone onboard: Don't destroy this ship anymore, it's the only one that any of us have left !!!

Hellsmere looks back to quincy: Let us join as allies, and quickly, tell me this thing about him that I should know.

ShadowCat, eyeing Rymer very closely as he began to rip through the spell, began to dig through the bag she was carrying around her waist.

User Image---------------User Image
Captain Edward Hellsmere----------ShadowCat
User Image
If anyone thinks that they can make a better...
"Sir Francis Varney Rymer the Red Fang"
-then please try.

Gryph Korval
User Image

Meshii stood at the top of the mast swaying in time to the rocking of the ship. "Well this was very interesting but... no one likes me I guess there all paying attention to the feller down there, oooohhhhhhh that shyster potion won't end well. Well it will end, but they won't be well. And as interesting as that may be I don't think my boss would like it. Soooooo gotta help somehow." He loses his balance and tips into the mast. "Oh thats a great idea your woody wisdom is indeed great." He sits where the mast and the spar meet and pulls two scrolls two pots of ink and two pens out of his robes. setting aside one of each he uses the other and begins rapidly marking the second one humming tunlessly as he did so. Once he's done he rolles it up and seals it before useing the other set of utensils to ink the other... this time his tune is darker and slightly creepy where his previous one was happy and lively. After sealing the second he leans back. " Sigh that seal wont hold.... should of anchored him spiritually rather then in the physical ah well, should be interesting."

Moonracer raises an eyebrow to this apparent alley, she never called anyone an alley unless the captain made it so, and even then sometimes it took time for her to like someone. Maybe it was the life she lived that made her harden this way, but it was how she was and it served her and her Captain well.

She watched as her captain ran to this new unexpected 'alley' and then looked over at Red Fang, as he struggled to get free. She walks over and puts herself between her captain and the creature in case it got free before the stranger was able to tell Captain Hellsmere whatever this information was.

Demon tucked the vial away in an inner shirt pocket he didn't care much for the smell of the liquid that was held with in. Demon actually took a step back he wasn't attacking the enemy while he was captured in that spell who knew what that spell would do to him.

He blinks as he heard something faintly and lifts his gaze to the mast and watches the being up there.

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From this point on...
No extremely powerful multiple spells.
(one or two, but then you MUST be too tired to do anymore for a while)
(and by "a while" I mean, for the rest of that battle)
And please, keep the sarcasm to a minimum.
(that includes the actions and thoughts of your chacaters)

And please keep in mind... I have a bit of "obsessive compulsive disorder", which means that if this continues anymore, I'm more likely to have purple delete the whole thread then try to fix it.

Sorry, it's not meant to be a threat, I like this RP too, but all of this, was out of hand.
Again, sorry.  
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