
The music of Final Fantasy II was released along with the music of Final Fantasy I in a set called "All Sounds of Final Fantasy I-II". It was released February 28, 1989 and was re-released March 25, 1994. It is 62 hours and 32 minutes long.

The following list is comprised of all the Final Fantasy II songs in the set.

"Battle Scene 1"
"Time of Revival"
"Rebel Army Theme"
"Main Theme"
"Pandemonium Castle"
"Imperial Army Theme"
"Chocobo's Theme"
"Tower of Mages"
"Ancient Castle"
"Emperor's Revival"
"Battle Scene 2"
"Temptation of the Princess"
"Dead Music"
"Joining the Group"
"Battle Scene 3"

Final Fantasy II had three unused themes composed by Nobuo Uematsu:

- an Airship Theme, removed due to being too "happy" for this rather dark game
- "Dungeon", removed from the game and later used for Final Fantasy VI
- a "shop theme", ultimately removed for being too similar to the shop theme from the original Final Fantasy
