Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 2:52 pm
α в c ם/∂/δ є ғ ɢ н ι נ к ℓ м и σ ρ q я s т υ v ω x ץ/ч z
⒜ ⒝ ⒞ ⒟ ⒠ ⒡ ⒢ ⒣ ⒤ ⒥ ⒦ ⒧ ⒨ ⒩ ⒪ ⒫ ⒬ ⒭ ⒮ ⒯ ⒰ ⒱ ⒲ ⒳ ⒴ ⒵
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Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 6:15 pm
☁☁☁▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇☁☁☁ ✱✱✱ Jun Isao Tanaka xxxღ вυт ɪ ʟɪӄє тo вє cαʟʟє∂: Jun xxxღ ɪ'ϻ ɴoω Seventeen ʏєαʀs oʟ∂! xxxღ ɪт's ӄɪɴ∂ oʄ oвѵɪoυs вυт ɪ'ϻ α Male xxxღ тнє ʀoʟє ɪ ρʟαʏ ɪɴ тнɪs тαʟє: Host; The King Type. xxxღ ɪ'ϻ ӄɪɴ∂ oʄ... Handsome, Playful, Flirtatious. ɪт's נυsт ωнo ɪ αϻ!
✱✱✱ ll Vintage Nerd ll Quote: "Handsome is what I do best." ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇x▇▇x▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇x▇▇x▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇x ☁ тнɪɴɢs ʏoυ sнoυʟ∂ ӄɴoω αвoυт "ϻoɪ"! My name? It it's... Jun Isao Tanaka But I like to be called: King, Your Highness, Handsome, or just Jun if you like. I am Seventeen comes around! My height? It's... Six Feet, One Inch It's kind of obvious but I'm a Handsome Male I kinda have a thing for: Lovely Women It's kinda personal, but I kinda have feelings for: All the beautiful ladies that walk into my Host Club. I'm just your everyday Host; The King Type ☁ ϻє αɴ∂ ϻʏ ραsт αʀє тwo ∂ɪʄʄєʀєɴт тнɪɴɢs! I'm A Pretty Awesome Person If You Get To Know Me... Jun is very boisterous, as well as being very selfish, stubborn, and very immature. Jun can be rather childish and inconsiderate, qualities that he takes no real notice of. However, when he is in the Host Club, his personality takes on a different appearance. When in the presence of a woman, he will transform into a complete gentleman. He will be a very kind young man, and very flirtatious- qualities that make him an excellent Host. In this state, he is very considerate to women, making sure they are in the perfect state of comfort. All in all though, he is a very honest and loyal person. Jun tends to bring confidence to others around him. Though his conceitedness often irritates them afterward as he prefers to refer to himself as "the great me". My Life Has Been Pretty Crazy So Far... Jun was born to one of the wealthiest families in Japan. His father; owning a successful electronics company, and his mother being a highly skilled artist. With the birth of his younger sister, their family had been complete. For a while they lived happily. Jun and his sister received everything they could have ever asked for. They were living the life every normal kid would have wanted, being loved by everyone around them and brought up well with the best education and support. When Jun was 12 though, his mother was overcome with an unknown illness. His father did whatever possible to help her, but in the end it was useless. Jun's mother died, leaving his father heart-broken. He was unsure of what to do without his mother there and suddenly felt alone in the world. He was lost, and so was his father.
After his mother's death Jun's father became engulfed in his work and completely ignored him and his sister. He acted as if they had never existed and Jun could not accept the fact that his father didn't acknowledge them as his children. Jun couldn't understand why he would treat them as such when they used to be such a happy family. One day he approached his father and asked him why he no longer cared for them. In response he slapped him hard across the face and sent him flying to the floor. Looking at him in disgust, he simply responded, "Because I wish that you were never born." That's when Jun knew that he would never be the same again.
Soon after that event Jun went into a depression and locked himself within his room for weeks. Even if he wanted to leave, he feared that once he left the room everything would still be the same again, he would still be alone. One day he finally left his room, accepting the fact that his father would never love him. He instead decided to look to the beauty in life rather then the bitterness of it all. Jun began to spend more time with his sister and studied everyday. He even created a Host Club, in order to spend time with all the lovely beauties within his school. Currently, he is the King of the club and spends his days entertaining the lovely ladies of Ouran Academy.
☁ нєʏ, ɪ ɴєvєʀ sαɪ∂ ɪ ωαs ρєʀʄєcт! Here Are Some Things About Me: Jun has a fear of insects, something that he does not admit openly. His hobbies include: painting, playing the piano, and reading, particularly poetry. He is a very smart young man, but is very dense as well so he is not very good at most relationships. The Songs On My Setlist: Somewhere Only We Know // Keane Blackbird // The Beatles ɪ ɭσѵє τнєsє ϻosτ... : ☺ Tea ☺ Sweets ☺ Rich Foods ☺ The Habits of Commoners☺ Females☺ Compliments☺ His younger sister☺ The Host Club ɪ нɑτє τнєsє ϻosτ... : ☹ Horrible Situations ☹ Insults ☹ A woman's tears☹ Spicy Food☹ Liars☹ Humidity☹ Things that crawl ☹ Being treated like a fool ღ ll Vintage Nerd ll
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:33 pm
My name? It it's... Manami Ai Sohma But I like to be called: Nami-chan I am Twenty years old! But I'll be older once February 14th comes around! My height? It's... Five Feet, Five Inches It's kind of obvious but I'm a female I kinda have a thing for: Charming Men It's kinda personal, but I kinda have feelings for: No one I'm just your everyday Tiger of the Zodiac I'm A Pretty Awesome Person If You Get To Know Me... (Your Personality. Must be at least a full paragraph.) My Life Has Been Pretty Crazy So Far... (Bio must be more than a FULL paragraph. This means it has to be five full sentences or more.)
Here Are Some Things About Me: (Other Stuff. Such as fears, hobbies, special abilities, etc.) (favorite songs; maximum of 3)
Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 4:37 pm
xxxxxxxxxxx▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ xx ❶ ❷ ❸xx» Ai Hasegawa ⊱ xxx.x ( GEEKY && FUNNY && STUBBORN )xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx☇xxxFEMALExxx☇xxxSeventeenxxx☇xxxSTRAIGHT xxxxxxx ♛ HERO x x waiting so long xxxll Vintage Nerd llxxxxxxxxxxxxx __where to: where do i go ?__♔ ♔ ♔ ████ ██ █████████████████ ██████████ _________________________I F__Y O U__N E V E R__T R Y ,__T H E N__Y O U ` L L__N E V E R__K N O W . _________________________________I F__Y O U__N E V E R__T R Y ,__T H E N__Y O U ` L L__N E V E R__K N O W . ▪▪ ♚don't let: ◞your dreams( ★crash down` ____ ) ( c ) the sweet far thing. ______________________________⇢ *a strange battle through life ! ____• __•__ • ` Ai Hasegawa “A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.” ♚ HERO
♚ characteristics ________Seventeen ________Straight ________Five Feet, Four Inches ________115 Pounds
♚ life's sound track ________Talk // Coldplay ________How to Save a Life // The Fray ________Lost my Pieces // Hashimoto Yukari ____• __•__ • `want to know some more? ♚ Personality ________Ai is a very laid back person, often finding it easy to doze of during class and having no problem with going to detention for it. She is also very absent-minded, often forgetting someones name or not quite remembering a specific event. Her nonchalant attitude tends to piss people off, especially her brother whom tends to worry about her future a bit too much. She is also very sarcastic and seems to be a very big fan of irony and karma, which is a reason why she's not one to hold grudges or look to revenge to solve her problems. She is very headstrong, and as such she is not one to sway from a decision so easily,
Ai is a family oriented person, her brother always coming first no matter what. Ai's stubbornness is a big factor of hers, as she is not one to change herself despite her brother's constant plea's and is never one to admit she is wrong. She is very clever and is a smart student, having an A to B average. Ai is not one to judge other's, believing that people can be what they choose to be no matter what. She is the typical "geek", her love for technology is often expressed wherever she goes, never being without a portable electronic where ever she goes. She also has a love for comic books that has existed since her early childhood. As such, she is an avid collector of graphic novels ranging from Japanese manga to American collector's editions.
♚ Biography ________bio here at least two full paragraphs
♚ Power ________Ai's a technopath and as such, she has the ability to communicate with and control technology with or without contact. __________________▪▪ ♚ ll Vintage Nerd llxxxxxxxxxxx▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ xx ❶ ❷ ❸xx» Samuel Hasegawa ⊱ xxx.x ( RUDE && OVER-PROTECTIVE && STRAIGHTFOWARD )xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx☇xxxMALExxx☇xxxTWENTY-FOURxxx☇xxxSTRAIGHT xxxxxxx ♛ HERO x x waiting so long xxxll Vintage Nerd llxxxxxxxxxxxxx __where to: where do i go ?__♔ ♔ ♔ ████ ██ █████████████████ ██████████ _________________________I F__Y O U__N E V E R__T R Y ,__T H E N__Y O U ` L L__N E V E R__K N O W . _________________________________I F__Y O U__N E V E R__T R Y ,__T H E N__Y O U ` L L__N E V E R__K N O W . ▪▪ ♚don't let: ◞your dreams( ★crash down` ____ ) ( c ) the sweet far thing. ______________________________⇢ *a strange battle through life ! ____• __•__ • ` Samuel Hasegawa “What we think, we become.” ♚ HERO
♚ characteristics ________Twenty- four ________Straight ________Six Feet, Two Inches ________150 Pounds
♚ life's sound track ________Attack // 30 Seconds To Mars ________Fade To Black_B13a // Shiro Sagisu ________Somewhere Only We Know // Keane ____• __•__ • `want to know some more? ♚ Personality ________personality here at least two full paragraphs including why you act that way
♚ Biography ________bio here at least two full paragraphs
♚ Power ________Samuel had the ability of Clairvoyance and is able to locate any person in the world within visions. However, he cannot locate the dead. __________________▪▪ ♚ ll Vintage Nerd ll
Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 7:04 pm
xxxxxxxxxxx▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ xx ❶ ❷ ❸xx» Manami Ai Sohma ⊱ xxx.x ( MATURE && KIND && FLIRTY )xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx☇xxxFEMALExxx☇xxxFIFTEENxxx☇xxxHETEROSEXUAL xxxxxxx ♛ RABBIT OF THE ZODIAC x x xxx ll Vintage Nerd ll xxxxxxxxxxxxx __where to: where do i go ?__♔ ♔ ♔ ████ ██ █████████████████ ██████████ _________________________I F__Y O U__N E V E R__T R Y ,__T H E N__Y O U ` L L__N E V E R__K N O W . _________________________________I F__Y O U__N E V E R__T R Y ,__T H E N__Y O U ` L L__N E V E R__K N O W . ▪▪ ♚don't let: ◞your dreams( ★crash down` ____ ) ( c ) Prannke.......... ______________________________⇢ *a strange battle through life ! ____• __•__ • ` Manami Ai Sohma "Look to the future, or you'll be left behind!" ♚ RABBIT OF THE ZODIAC
♚ characteristics ________Fifteen ________Heterosexual ________5 Feet Tall ________100 pounds.
♚ life's sound track ________Ringo Biyori // Rocky Chack ________Mitsu no Yoake // Akino Arai ________Time to Say Goodbye (Con Te Partiro) // Emile Pandolfi ____• __•__ • `want to know some more? ♚ Personality ________Kanami, though she only goes by the nickname Nami, is known to be a rather kind and outgoing girl, though she tends to trip over her own two feet. She tends to stare off into the clouds, often daydreaming about silly things or thinking about the fairy tale stories she reads so much due to he mother always reading them to her as a child. She can be rather dense and not get things straight away at first, often having to give it a second thought. She is rather absent-minded and tends to forget things like homework, though it's not the only thing that accounts for her bad grades. She has a strong dislike towards studying as well as class, the main cause for her terrible grades.
Nami is very optimistic, preferring to look to the joy in life rather than the past, a trait that she has always seemed to have since childhood. She is the typical "geek" always being seen with some form of technology and spending late nights on video games. As a child Nami never received such luxuries, and now that she does, she intends to enjoy it to the fullest. She has a love for food, especially her mother's baking. As such, she is a brilliant cook and will often get delighted when other's eat her culinary concoctions.Though it really is a wonder why she has yet to gain weight.
Nami is usually very low-tempered person and it is very hard to make her angry, though when she is angered she can really hold a grudge. She is seen as eccentric or weird, as her whole personality is strange in the sort, such as her abnormal liking for sunglasses and collecting bottle-caps. Despite her strangeness and her dislike for school, Nami is actually a very mature person, doing her vest to remain calm in any situation. Though she is still new to the Sohma Estate and has seen many of the God's "fits", she respects him above anyone else.
♚ Biography ________Mayami was born never truly knowing her father. Her mother, Mayame, had a one-night stand while she was still very young and unwed. Her parents, distant members of the Sohma Clan, had been against her wild behavior from the start, Mayame having always going out to wild parties and coming home late at night. But she had not listened and had winded up getting pregnant from an unknown benefactor. When they found out she was pregnant, they threatened that if she would not get rid of the baby, they would throw her out into the streets. She refused and was disowned from the family, pregnant and forced to raise her baby alone.
Mayame got a job at a local bakery, the owner being a grand old woman by the name of Margarite. She stayed with a close friend for a while, until she was able to afford a small apartment that wasn't the best atmosphere for a child. As the girl's belly became larger as the months went past, she grew closer to Margarite, the woman being the only mother that Mayame ever received whole-heartedly and the only one seemed to truly care for her. She was kind and motherly, having had four children in her past years. One day, when she was at work in the bakery, her water broke and she went into labor. At the hospital, with the guidance of Margarite whom had tagged along, she delivered a child with brown hair, big brown eyes, and two plump and red cheeks that resembled apples. She was a healthy and energetic baby, she was perfect in Mayame's eyes. The doctor put the beautiful baby girl in her arms, and Mayame found a new light in her dim future. She named the baby Kanami while Margarite gave her the middle name Ai, meaning "love".
No long after Kanami's birth though, Margarite died in her sleep one night. Mayame was alone once again with no one to help her raise Kanami and a mother who had left her world so quickly. She was scared for the sake of her child. With Margarite dead there was no one to run the store, no job for her to pay the bills, and no way to support her child. But shortly after Margarite's death, Mayame learned that she had left behind a will and in it she had left everything she owned to Mayame and Kanami. She inherited the store and all it;s profits which were plenty and enough to help raise her daughter. With the bakery and it's new success, the money came in and Mayame was able to raise her rambunctious baby into a kindly child. As Kanami had spent most of her life around females, no one ever would have expected what was to come later in her life...
Kanami was more like Margarite then Mayame could ever hope. She attended an only girls private school, and though it was expensive, Margarite was more than happy to pay for it. It was a school with a great learning environment and Mayame was eager to widen her daughter's future. However, Kanami was faced with a problem that her mother could not help. At school, Kanami's father was the main topic of her bullying. They would tease her for not having a father or make fun of her name, often calling her names that were unrepeatable. They would shove her in hallways or pull her hair during recess. However, these were only light parts of the situation. The worst came soon after. One day after school, they surrounded her. They forced her onto the ground and took turns cutting off her long blonde hair. Afterwards they locked her in the school storage room, where a teacher found her later that night, sobbing her eyes out and having a panic attack. After that, Mayame transferred her daughter to a different school, properly cut her daughter's hair to where it looked almost normal, and helped Kanami to get over her bullying. She felt guilty, that she could not tell that her own daughter was being bullied and decided to be a more attentive mother from there on out.
After the event, Kanami grew up into a strong and loving teenager. Her hair had grown out and she had become a more cheerful person. She got over her sad memories and decided to look forward to the future. She started discovering boy's, a common thing for girls her age. As she was a rather cute girl, she was well-like by boys around school and as such, she was confessed to a lot. However, she turned down all of them, as there was only one guy she was interested in- Tamaki Hatsurashi. He was her Senior by two years and was a very charming guy. Because of their different in age, it made sense to her that he probably would not notice her nor even know who she was. However, this thought changed when he wrote her a note the next day, telling him to meet her after school. That day, he confessed to her, and in utter happiness, Kanami began crying and immediately accepted. Tamaki attempted to kiss her, but when he got too embraced her, Manami turned into a soft white rabbit with violet eyes. When he saw her, he immediately began screaming hysterically and ran away, calling her a "monster" several times.
When coming home, Manami, in uncontrollable tears, told her mother about the event and about how the boy she had loved ran away. Her mother understood, and so, told Minami about their family, the Sohma's. She believed that since her family was a very distant branch of the family, that the curse would not touch her daughter. But sadly, she was mistaken. They packed their bags that day, leaving Margarite only a letter explaining that Manami had finally earned enough to buy a home for the two and that she was thankful for all she had done. They went to the Sohma Estate, explaining the situation. The two were given a small home next to the main house, and Tamaki's memories were erased by the Dragon of the Zodiac before too much damage could be done. Manami was transferred to a different school. After the events of before, she became more responsible, as she was now place with a burdening curse. She became more outgoing and is very popular at school, though she is careful around all of them, even the girls. Manami still looks forward to the future however, even though such a thing seems impossible for her now.__________________▪▪ ♚ ll Vintage Nerd ll
Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 10:24 pm
l o a d i n g . . . blankblankf i l e x l o a d e d blankblankblank★ B A S I C S blank「 STUDENT ID 」 blankblankll Vintage Nerd ll blank「 NAME 」 blankblankMinori Hayame blank「 NICKNAMES 」 blankblankMinori or Mina blank「 AGE 」 blankblankEighteen blank「 BIRTHDAY 」 blankblankDecember 22 blank「 GENDER 」 blankblankFemale Would you like to continue ? y e s x n oblankblank
D E T A I L S ★blankblankblank blank「 EYE COLOR 」 blankblankEmerald Green blank「 HAIR COLOR 」 blankblankLight Blonde blank「 HEIGHT 」 blankblankFive Feet, Six Inches blank「 LIKES 」 blankblankEh?! No one yet! blank「 ROLE 」 blankblankHatsune Miku - Princess of Innocence Disc error occuring .... i g n o r e x r e s t a r t ★ E X T R A S ★ 「 PERSONALITY 」 Minori, often called Mina, is known to be a very outgoing girl, though she tends to trip over her own two feet. She tends to stare off into the clouds, often daydreaming about silly things or thinking about the fairy tale stories she reads so much due to he mother always reading them to her as a child. She tends to not get things straight away at first, often having to give it a second thought. She is rather absent-minded and tends to forget small things, but always seems to make up for it in the end.
Mina has a gentle and strong personality despite her past. She is very sweet, loving and on occasions very stubborn. She is a warm person and has an innocent personality, often getting embarrassed or flustered easily. She can be gracious, kind, and sensitive though she can be very dense to what is currently going on. Mina is known to ask questions that seem meaningless and not related to the current subject, though in truth they have more meaning than they seem. She is moody and a bit self-indulgent. Despite this, she is a very good friend and quite soft-spoken. She is very trusting and despite her denseness, she is very clever when it comes to the feelings of others. She is a very low-tempered person and it is difficult to get her angry, but when you do, she tends to hold a grudge, 「 HISTORY 」 Mina was born never truly knowing her father. Her mother, Mayame, had a one-night stand while she was still very young and unwed. Her parents had been against her wild behavior from the start, Mayame having always going out to wild parties and coming home late at night. But she had not listened and had winded up getting pregnant from an unknown benefactor. When they found out she was pregnant, they threatened that if she would not get rid of the baby, they would throw her out into the streets. She refused and was disowned from the family, pregnant and forced to raise her baby alone.
Mayame got a job at a local bakery, the owner being a grand old woman by the name of Margarite. She stayed with a close friend for a while, until she was able to afford a small apartment that wasn't the best atmosphere for a child. As the girl's belly became larger as the months went past, she grew closer to Margarite, the woman being the only mother that Mayame ever received whole-heartedly and the only one seemed to truly care for her. She was kind and motherly, having had four children in her past years. One day, when she was at work in the bakery, her water broke and she went into labor. At the hospital, with the guidance of Margarite whom had tagged along, she delivered a child with brown hair, big brown eyes, and two plump and red cheeks that resembled apples. She was a healthy and energetic baby, she was perfect in Mayame's eyes. The doctor put the beautiful baby girl in her arms, and Mayame found a new light in her dim future. She named the baby Mina while Margarite gave her the middle name Mai.
No long after Mina's birth though, Margarite died in her sleep one night. Mayame was alone once again with no one to help her raise Mina and a mother who had left her world so quickly. She was scared for the sake of her child. With Margarite dead there was no one to run the store, no job for her to pay the bills, and no way to support her child. But shortly after Margarite's death, Mayame learned that she had left behind a will and in it she had left everything she owned to Mayame and Mina. She inherited the store and all it;s profits which were plenty and enough to help raise her daughter. With the bakery and it's new success, the money came in and Mayame was able to raise her rambunctious baby into a kindly child.
Mina was more like Margarite then Mayame could ever hope. However, Mina was faced with a problem that her mother could not help. At school, Mina's father was the main topic of her bullying. They would tease her for not having a father or make fun of her name, often calling her awful names. They would shove her in hallways or pull her hair during recess. However, these were only light parts of the situation. The worst came soon after. One day after school, they surrounded her. They forced her onto the ground and took turns cutting off her long blonde hair. Afterwards they locked her in the school storage room, where a teacher found her later that night, sobbing her eyes out and having a panic attack. After that, Mayame transferred her daughter out of a different school, properly cut her daughter's hair to where it looked almost normal, and helped Mina to get over her bullying. She then moved to a different city with the savings she had made over the years and home schooled her, leaving Margarite and all their family and friends behind. She felt guilty, that she could not tell that her own daughter was being bullied and decided to be a more attentive mother from there on out.
Mornings were for Mina's lessons while afternoon's was the time Mayame spent working. While her mother was away at work, she would learn to cook her own meals and clean the house, so that when her mother returned from work, they could spend more time together. Everyday before bedtime, Mayame would read the child a story. Normally, they were fairy tales or stories about brave knights rescuing their princesses. Stories like that were always Mina's favorite and she was almost always reading them. She began dreaming of getting rescued by a Prince whom would take her to a far away land.
One day, for Mina's birthday, her mother bought her a book that she had found in the back of a bookstore shelf. It had costs her a pretty penny, but she believed that it was worth it in the end. When she read the story to the young girl, Mina had begun crying uncontrollably. When asked why, she would claim it was because she felt sorry for the characters, for they all deserved a happy ending. Mayame would pat the innocent child's head and comfort her, for not everyones life consisted of happy endings and nor would her's for shortly after Mina's birthday, her mother had gotten hit by a drunk driver. The child, having no family left and no one to run to, had been left to live in the streets, with nothing more than a few storybooks and clothes, including the Story of Evil.
Soon enough, she met an orphan like her, Asato. Whom had known many stories and was fun to play with. Soon enough they had become friends, and hat was when Mina met the Earl. He was a strange, plump old man, but the innocent girl thought nothing of it and enjoyed his presence. That was, until she was sucked into the story along with all the others. She had been given the role of "The Princess of Innocence". When entering the story, she lost track of her friends, as unsure of their whereabouts. She is scared for her future though, as she is unsure of how to face it alone. 「 COLLECTION 」 Ringo Biyori // Rocky Chack Return to Innocence // Enigma Time to Say Goodbye (Con Te Partiro) // Emile Pandolfi 「 EXTRA 」 Mina has a fear of bugs, thunder, disgusting foods, and anything that has a weird smell. She's very good at art and will often paint by herself. Mina loves reading and writing and hopes to be a children's book writer someday, though now it seems impossible. Unable to load. s h u t t i n g x d o w n . . .
Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:38 pm
omnom★nomIDENTITY ▕ BIRTH NAME ▏Jacob Gregory Sanders ▕ CELESTIAL NAME ▏-Blank- ▕ AGE ▏Seventeen ▕ GENDER ▏Male. ▕ HEIGHT ▏6'1" ▕ WEIGHT ▏145 lbs DETAILSnom★omnom
▕ SKILLS ▏ Not being one very much into athletics, Jacob is more of a hobby guy. One thing he loves most of all is photography, his own way of "capturing time". At home he has a whole dark room dedicated to his hobby, though he lets no one in. He is also very good at art, being a wonderful painter though not very much acknowledging this skill. He is what you would call a "hidden artist". He can somewhat speak French as he still a beginner and does not admire the language very much as he finds it difficult to learn. Obviously he is fluent in the English language though likes to think he has mastered the language of Sarcasm as well.
▕ EXTRA ▏ He has a birthmark on his front right shoulder blade that is shaped like a crescent. He has an piercings on the upper lobes of both of his ears but he hardly wears any studs to show off. omnom★nomBASICS ▕ PERSONALITY ▏Jacob is a very laid back person, often finding it easy to doze of during class and having no problem with going to detention for it. His artistic nature and outgoing attitude lands him a lot of friends, and his nonchalant attitude seems to be a part of his many charms. He is also very sarcastic and seems to be a very big fan of irony and karma, which is a reason why he's not one to hold grudges or look to revenge to solve his problems. He is very headstrong, and as such he is not one to sway from a decision so easily. Jacob can be a bit of a flirt and combined with his natural charms, he is a hit with the ladies. Despite this though, he does not have many girlfriends as they were never quite... good for him.
Jacob is a very loyal person, his friends and close relatives always coming first no matter what. Jacob's stubbornness is a big factor of his, as he is not one to change himself despite his sister's constant plea's to get a life and is never one to admit he is wrong. He is very clever and is a smart student, having an A to B average. Jacob is not one to judge other's, believing that people can be what they choose to be no matter what. He is the typical "art freak", his love for the arts is always quite present in mostly everything he does, never being without his signature Olympus OM-1 camera or his sketchbook. ▕ BIOGRAPHY ▏Jacob had always had a relatively normal childhood living in Aspen Park, Colorado . He has a close-knit family, made up of his parents and his elder sister. Friday nights consisted of family nights and dinners were always full of comfortable conversations and laughter. When he was only thirteen though, his parents died in a car accident, leaving him and his sister all alone. Since his sister, Elizabeth, was Nineteen at the time and with a job so she had been legally able to raise him, Damian wasn't forced into the foster system like so many other children his age, but that doesn't mean he didn't go through difficult times.
After the death of their parents, Elizabeth was overprotective of her brother, getting a small home closer to his school so he could be home quickly and be in a safe condition. She tried her best to encourage a bright future for him, but it only made Jacob feel smothered. that's when he transformed one of the spare bedrooms into a "darkroom" for his new hobby- photography. When he was in that room, the troubles of home and school seemed far away. He was no longer that kid who's parents died or the kid who slept in class- he was just him. He also discovered art, when he found that doodles in class were much more than that, as they went from being not-so-admirable pictures of teachers to sketches of the view from outside the window.
With his new found hobbies, Jacob became more confident in his surrounding. He became a better student, paying more attentiveness in class until he had the freedom that lunch periods and art class gave him. He began to become more popular around school, turning into an outgoing and all around nice guy to hang out with. He became interested in girls and they became interested in him. He was the normal guy with the normal life now. He has graduated from high school and has enrolled in an art's college with a very comfortable class schedule. ll Vintage Nerd ll
Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:24 pm
Post Post Post PostxxxxxxxxxxxxxXXXXXXxx★ ★ ▬▬ OH, GOT NO REASON, GOT NO SHAMEPost Post Post PostxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxGOT NO FAMILY I CAN BLAMExxxxxxxx❝ Just don't let me disappear ❞Post Post Post Postxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx( I'ma tell you everything )xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSo tell me what you want to hear xxxxx Something that will light those earsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSick of all the insincere xxxxxxxxxxxx So I'm gonna give all my secrets awayxxxxxxxx●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●xxxx Words, words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words.
Words, words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words.
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Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 8:03 pm
ϻɑʏɑϻɪ ɑɪ soʜϻɑ ⇉ [[ R A B B I T O F T H E Z O D I A C ]] XXXXXI HEARD SOME IMPORTANT WORDS, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXCARRIED BY THE WIND, THE PROMISE OF THE SKY.XXXXXxx ↺ if it happens that time steals you away,xxxxxxXXXXX☇ let's stay this way now, just the two of us.XXXXX▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄XXXXXxxxx↻ JUST THE TWO OF US...XXXXXxx YOUR SMILE IS SOMETHING TO BE PROTECTED XXXXXLet us test our heart's strengthtext text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
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Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 8:21 pm
xxxxxxxxxxx▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ xx ❶ ❷ ❸xx» Asame Sohma ⊱ xxx.x ( HOT-TEMPERED && STUDIOUS && HONEST )xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx☇xxxFEMALExxx☇xxxEIGHTEENxxx☇xxxFEMALE xxxxxxx ♛ BOAR OF THE ZODIAC x x tears and rain xxxll Vintage Nerd llxxxxxxxxxxxxx __where to: where do i go ?__♔ ♔ ♔ ████ ██ █████████████████ ██████████ _________________________I F__Y O U__N E V E R__T R Y ,__T H E N__Y O U ` L L__N E V E R__K N O W . _________________________________I F__Y O U__N E V E R__T R Y ,__T H E N__Y O U ` L L__N E V E R__K N O W . ▪▪ ♚don't let: ◞your dreams( ★crash down` ____ ) ( c ) Prannke.......... ______________________________⇢ *a strange battle through life ! ____• __•__ • ` Asame Sohma "If you think about it, books are just like people, only they're not as annoying." ♚ THE BOAR
♚ characteristics ________ Nineteen ________ Straight ________ 6' 0" ________ Approximately 145 lbs
♚ life's sound track ________Young Blood // The Naked And Famous ________Punching In A Dram // preformer ________How To Save A Life // The Fray ____• __•__ • `want to know some more? ♚ Personality ________Asame is seen at first, to be a rather rude person. Often studying by herself or spending her time alone, though it not because she does not prefer company but would rather spend her time in the company of novels. Her prime language is sarcasm, so it's better if you don't expect any kind words from her. When a person would ask her a question that sounded rather stupid or insignificant, she would ignore them and walk away, finding she had either no answer or it was too personal to be answered in the first place. She has a rather cold exterior and a tough as nails attitude that often makes people pissed. On the occasion she does open up, it is to her close friends and family, like Manami Sohma.
Asame, in truth, is kind and loyal to her friends and is often protective of them. She is in truth loving, especially towards animals, and can be very admiring of close friends. She is very honest, though it may be blunt, and always considers others feelings before her own. On occasion, she has a kinder attitude, not having to be considerably stronger than she normally is.
♚ Biography ________Asame was born when both her parents were very young. Their parents had been against their being together from the start, but they had not heeded their warnings and they instead ran away together. They married and lived happily, anxious for Asame to be born so the could have a real family. They were joyous at first when Asame was born. Her parents had accepted her for being a zodiac member but kept the secret hidden so that she would not be taken to live in the Sohma Estate. Her family's life was a peaceful and happy one until one day her mother died in a car accident when Asame was only five. Asame's father lost himself in heartbreak, the loss of his wife had made him something inside him break.
After the accident Asame's father had become indulged in his work and drinking. He never found the time for Asame and made sure of it. On rare occasions when he did see her it was when she was cooking him a meal or he had just come home drunk on a rampage. On some nights it had gone so far as to when he began to beat Asame, repeatedly calling her a "monster" and convincing her she was the cause of her mothers death. Asame was emotionally scarred. Her eyes had lost any trace of life and she became quiet and never spoke a word, not even when teacher's began to ask about her bruises.
After a while her father ignored her completely, even leaving Asame home alone at the age of eight to go on "trips" that would last days. This meant Asame was forced to make herself a decent meal from whatever scraps she had managed to get at the supermarket with the little money she had. The worst came when Asame's father went on an angry rampage because an investigator had come to ask him questions earlier that morning. Without thinking, her father grabbed a knife and drove it through her side. A neighbor had heard the ruckus and called the cops, knowing that the father was right in the head. Thankfully, the ambulance made it on time and Asame was in safe condition. The knife had not hit any vital organs and she survived. Her father was taken to jail and Asame was sent off to live at the Sohma Estate, where she rightfully belonged. When coming to the Sohma Estate, Asame was an emotionless child and kept to herself. Asame was so scarred that there were times when she would purposely hurt herself and had even been hospitalized before, though this is kept a secret from the others.
Eventually though, her hard shell began to soften and she began to confide more in her relatives, such as Manami Sohma. She poured all her anger and sadness into making herself stronger and a smarter person. She took pride in making herself a better person, making herself someone that would help others despite her imperfections, although she would never admit. She has graduated from high school, and wants to go to college, though she is afraid her God will never let her leave the Estate. With his violent nature and possessiveness, much like her father's own, she fears him the most. __________________▪▪ ♚ ll Vintage Nerd ll
Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 4:33 pm
"Everyday should be a happy day." My Avatar. Cute, neh? {Personal Greeting} My name is...... Misaki Ai Akane But you can call me... Misa-chan I am obviously a... Female And I was born Sixteen years ago. I attend Class... F And my best subject is.... World History. I can be pretty... Misaki, though she only goes by the nickname Misa, is known to be a rather kind and outgoing girl, though she tends to trip over her own two feet. She tends to stare off into the clouds, often daydreaming about silly things or thinking about the fairy tale stories she reads so much due to he mother always reading them to her as a child. She can be rather dense and not get things straight away at first, often having to give it a second thought. She is very intelligent and has very good grades, good enough to get her into the A-Class even, but due to her insomnia, she failed the class division examinations and ended up in the F-Class. Misa is very optimistic, preferring to look to the joy in life rather than the past, a trait that she has always seemed to have since childhood.
Misa has a love for food, especially her mother's baking. As such, she is a brilliant cook and will often get delighted when other's eat her culinary concoctions. Though it really is a wonder why she has yet to gain weight. Misa is usually very low-tempered person and it is very hard to make her angry, though when she is angered she can really hold a grudge. She is seen as eccentric or weird, as her whole personality is strange in the sort, such as her abnormal liking for sunglasses and collecting bottle-caps. Despite her strangeness and her dislike for school, Misa is actually a very mature person, doing her vest to remain calm in any situation. Hitting Rewind... Misaki was born never truly knowing her father. Her mother, Mayame, had a one-night stand while she was still very young and unwed. Her parents had been against her wild behavior from the start, Mayame having always going out to wild parties and coming home late at night. But she had not listened and had winded up getting pregnant from an unknown benefactor. When they found out she was pregnant, they threatened that if she would not get rid of the baby, they would throw her out into the streets. She refused and was disowned from the family, pregnant and forced to raise her baby alone.
Mayame got a job at a local bakery, the owner being a grand old woman by the name of Margarite. She stayed with a close friend for a while, until she was able to afford a small apartment that wasn't the best atmosphere for a child. As the girl's belly became larger as the months went past, she grew closer to Margarite, the woman being the only mother that Mayame ever received whole-heartedly and the only one seemed to truly care for her. She was kind and motherly, having had four children in her past years. One day, when she was at work in the bakery, her water broke and she went into labor. At the hospital, with the guidance of Margarite whom had tagged along, she delivered a child with brown hair, big brown eyes, and two plump and red cheeks that resembled apples. She was a healthy and energetic baby, she was perfect in Mayame's eyes. The doctor put the beautiful baby girl in her arms, and Mayame found a new light in her dim future. She named the baby Misaki while Margarite gave her the middle name Ai, meaning "love".
Not long after Misaki's birth though, Margarite died in her sleep one night. Mayame was alone once again with no one to help her raise Misaki and a mother who had left her world so quickly. She was scared for the sake of her child. With Margarite dead there was no one to run the store, no job for her to pay the bills, and no way to support her child. But shortly after Margarite's death, Mayame learned that she had left behind a will and in it she had left everything she owned to Mayame and Misaki. She inherited the store and all it;s profits which were plenty and enough to help raise her daughter. With the bakery and it's new success, the money came in and Mayame was able to raise her rambunctious baby into a kindly child.
Misaki was more like Margarite then Mayame could ever hope. She attended an only girls private school, and though it was expensive, Margarite was more than happy to pay for it. It was a school with a great learning environment and Mayame was eager to widen her daughter's future. However, Misaki was faced with a problem that her mother could not help. At school, Misaki's father was the main topic of her bullying. They would tease her for not having a father or make fun of her name, often calling her names that were unrepeatable. They would shove her in hallways or pull her hair during recess. However, these were only light parts of the situation. The worst came soon after. One day after school, they surrounded her. They forced her onto the ground and took turns cutting off her long blonde hair. Afterwards they locked her in the school storage room, where a teacher found her later that night, sobbing her eyes out and having a panic attack. After that, Mayame transferred her daughter to a different school, properly cut her daughter's hair to where it looked almost normal, and helped Misakito get over her bullying. She felt guilty, that she could not tell that her own daughter was being bullied and decided to be a more attentive mother from there on out.
Over the years Misaki was enrolled in a private middle school where she turned into a charming beauty. She was very popular and her excellent grades were the talk of the school. However, she had a case of insomnia, something she had been burdened with since her incident in Elementary School. As such, when she took the class division examinations for Fumizuki Academy, she fell asleep during the Exam and ended up with a very low score. Though she is not used to the lack of supplies in F-Class, she feels very welcomed there and thinks of everyone there as family. Tools of the Trade... A special silver heart locket, given to her by Margarite for her second birthday. I really enjoy... Cooking, Sports, and Reading. Love it! Sunglasses, Her Mother, Her Friends, Food. Eew, Nasty! Bitter Food, Insects, Weird Smelling Things Turn it up! Secrets // One Republic Sssh, don't tell! Secretly, Misaki has never told anyone of her bullying in High School with the Exception of her mother. She has an extreme fear of insects as well. Due to the incident in elementary school, she has claustrophobia as well as a fear of the dark.] I'll deny it! T-that kind of thing... I don't like anyone yet... Am I forgetting something...? Not really. My lord, god and master is ll Vintage Nerd ll