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Wanderlust (Marina Elemento x Kiyiya Sakura) Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 7 8 ... 38 39 40 41 [>] [>>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:30 am
Genevieve ValJean

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Gen loved this weather. The rain, the wind, the lightning! It made flying a challenge. Between contracts, she would often chase storms, just to fly through them. Unfortunately of late, her contract has been a bit more long term than she would like. She was to make sure this snooty little rich boy kept up with making the necessary parts for the queen's army. She had been called due to some disturbance in the house hold. Apparently their child had overheard some things better left forgotten, so Gen was here to scare the little princess into silence. She arrived at the manor, cloaked in a large rain trench coat. Her indigo eyes glanced up at the skied, lightning reflecting in them as her own heart and soul were a hurricane.

Gen grabbed the knocker and knocked three times, vary assertively.She was not one to be kept waiting.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 9:09 am
Estelle Dominique Lareau
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"I probably should change out of these clothes, shouldn't I," Estelle said aloud, taking another sip of coffee then rising to her feet. She rummaged through her bag. Most of its contents were soaking wet, except for a pale blue nightgown that was only a bit damp on the skirt. She pulled it out of the bag and set it on the floor next to her. She hadn't brought much, but as long as she could wash and dry her clothes somewhat, she'd be fine. She took out the rest of her clothes and hung them on the rack. It wasn't much, but Estelle was feeling perfectly content.

She looked over at him as he made the bed with fresh sheets and tossed the others on the floor. Raising an eyebrow, she got to her feet slowly. "I can sleep on the floor... I mean, I don't want to kick you out of your own bed," she said, her face growing warm. Whether it was from heat or general embarrassment, she didn't know, but as she waited for him to answer, she took another sip of her coffee.

Marina Elemento

Marina Elemento

PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 9:18 am
Back at the Lareau Manor, Thomas sat in his study, leaning over the desk as if he were about to vomit. The veins on his neck had practically popped from outrage and his body shook angrily. He'd never had to yell at his own daughter like that, not to say that he was ashamed of it, rather he was frustrated with the fact that he'd have to keep an extra eye on her now. It was rather unnerving, coming to the realization that his only daughter now knew one of his biggest secrets. He prayed she wouldn't get in his way. After all, nobody could now, or he'd be done for.

At the sound of a knock on the door, he hollered at one of the maids to go get it. He had been expecting this person to arrive soon, he just hadn't realized it would be now. The maid with curly black locks fled down the hallway and at the grand entrance, she pulled open the broad doors, being sprayed by a flick of rain in the process. Blinking away wind and water, she smiled at the newcomer. "Welcome to Lareau manor," the maid said, clumsily getting out of the way so the woman could walk in. She was surprised by the woman's attire; it reminded her of how Estelle sometimes would dress, showing far too much skin in the maid's opinion. However, she said nothing of it, shut the doors behind the woman and allowed her to follow her down the grand entrance, through the hallway towards Thomas' study.

As they reached the door, another maid offered the woman a fluffy white towel, with a fancy L sewn into it. From inside the room, Thomas sat in his big leather chair, as if awaiting the entrance of someone very important. And after all, she was rather important, wasn't she. "Come in!" he boomed.

[[sorry, I don't really have a picture for any of the other family members and whatnot. hope you don't mind.]]  
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:11 am
Kaine(Rust) Parker

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"No, it's fine. Soot-ball will love the company on the bed. He's gotten tired of me. And as landlord, Soot-ball gets what Soot-ball want." He yawned greatly, shaking his head at the end of it. He looked outside and saw the storm was in full torrent. Finishing his coffee, he took his mug to the sink and rinsed it out, setting it upside down on a towel next to the sink. He took out his own pair of sleep attire and wen into the bathroom. Before he closed the door, he looked at her, "Um, just knock when you're done dressing?" this was all rather weird, having a girl in his apartment.

It was cold in his bathroom, particularly the floor. He told himself to invest in a pair of slippers in the future, but then the thought of the future became scary. If this storm was going to be one of the natural disasters the radio man had talked about, his future may be a short one. He peeled the layers of wet cloths from his skinny body, dropping them to the floor with a slat, and put on his dry flannel pants and an old tank top. He looked in the mirror, the remnants of his finger drawing staining the face of the glass slightly, barely visible, but there. The top covered the bruises on his torso perfectly. He did not like seeing her worried over him, remembering her touching his face. It was sweet, but it made him feel bad. He hung up his wet clothes over the curtain rod for the shower and waited for Estelle to knock and tell him it was safe to come out.

{{i don't mind. I just had this pic and wanted to use it for Gen. She's an old char of mine. }}  

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:24 am
Genevieve ValJean

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Gen entered the manor, s irking at the maid as she saw the slight look of astonishment. "Oh, be a dear and hang this up?" She took off her trench coat, revealing more of her skimpy attire, and dropped it on the maid, walking up the hall and to the elevator as if she owned the place. Up she went, drying herself off with the towel, "Ooh, soft!" Having been here on quite a few occasions, she knew exactly where she was going.

She came up to the door And as the voiced called come in, she entered. "Hello Thomas. I assume you know why I'm here. The boss told me there was a little bit of a disruption. Mind filling in the blanks here so I can get on with it?" She asked, but not really asking at all. "who overheard, where are they now, and how should you like me to deal with them?" Gen was looking forward to intimidating the poor sap.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:54 am
Estelle Dominique Lareau
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Estelle giggled and sipped more of her coffee till it was mostly finished. She set the mug on the table then picked up her nightgown, watching as he went into the bathroom. "Okay," she replied. When he shut the door, Estelle slipped out of her wet clothes. Her underwear was fairly dry, so she kept them on and hung her wet clothes on the rack next to the heater. Then, she slipped into the satiny nightgown, feeling suddenly very awkward changing in the middle of the room. She never thought she'd end up being where she was now, especially not with some guy she'd just met this morning. She looked herself over: her bare feet, satin nightgown and mess of blonde hair. She tried combing her fingers through it to make herself look less out of place, but it didn't really help any.

Estelle made her way to the bathroom door and knocked, biting her lip.


"Genevieve, my dear, welcome back." Thomas had been hoping to fit a little bit of small talk in, but this girl seemed to want to cut straight to the chase. She practically spoke at the speed of light, shooting questions at Thomas as if it were a game show. He raised his eyebrows and leaned back in his chair. "Well, of course you can start right away. I'm not sure what your boss told you, but the disruption was in fact my daughter." He paused, scratching his chin in a moment of thought. "I was going to ask you how you'd like to deal with the situation, as I'm sure you understand.... she, well, she heard something she shouldn't have, and I fear I can't let her leave the house until business is taken care of. It's all a bit of a mess, really, but what must be done will be done, eh?" Thomas tried to flash a smile, but he looked more exhausted than anything.

Marina Elemento

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 12:11 pm
Kaine(Rust) Parker

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Hearing the knock, Rust opened the door and stepped out. His face flushed, seeing her in her night gown. He hadn't known what to expect, but he couldn't help but feel this was a bit inappropriate. "Um, th-thats a very nice,er, night gown." he said, looking away and walking to his pile of blankets on the floor. He plopped down on them, then regretted doing so as his body scolded him. He winced and slowly lay down, stretching his arms above his head to try and pop the ache out of his back and ribs. It seemed to work, and he let out a sigh, relaxing his muscles. He rolled over onto his stomach and peered under the bed. "Soot, you gonna come out? We have a guest you know." The cat stayed put. Rust scowled at him, then reached in under the bed to pull the fluffy black blob out. He meowed in protest, but once Rust had him in his arms, the cat relaxed and let Rust scratch behind his ears. "This is Soot-ball" he introduced to Estelle from his kneeling position on the floor.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 12:42 pm
Genevieve ValJean

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"Yes, I understand. She won't be spilling any beans anytime soon. But as the situation calls for a certain level of delicacy, I suggest you come along." Gen put her hands on her rather shapely hips, contemplating just how to go about this. She really did not want to be put on babysitting duty, so she would have to make doubly sure that this little princess would not talk or try to escape. Be creative Gen. I wonder if she's afraid of ghosts. A mischievous smile spread on her face as she exited the door and waited to be led to the daughter's room.


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Marina Elemento

PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:09 pm
Estelle Dominique Lareau
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Estelle's face grew incredibly warm again, and she folded her arms across her chest self-consciously. What was I thinking?! I couldn't have grabbed something a little less.. satin? "T-thanks," she stuttered, climbing awkwardly onto the bed and lying on her stomach. She peered under the bed at the creature and smiled. She giggled as she watched him struggle to calm the animal, who was soon purring contently again in his arms. Estelle smiled and scratched under the cat's chin softly. "Hiya, Soot-ball" she greeted the cat, then looked at Rust again. "I was wondering if it ever got lonely here, all by yourself." Her gaze fell to the cat again. "Pets were the one thing we never had, oddly enough." She tilted her head to the side, trying to remember any moment from her childhood when she'd ever even mentioned a pet. "He's really cute," she added, enjoying the little fluff's constant purrs.


Thomas raised his eyebrows, but rose to his feet and followed her out the door. Her straight-forwardness usually didn't surprise him, but it had been such a chaotic day; he was getting rather fed up with all these surprises. Nodding to himself, he led her down the hall to the elevator. During their journey to the second floor, Thomas found himself twiddling his thumbs in the awkward silence. It wasn't like him to be so out of it; his focus had dwindled now since the day's previous events.

The elevator stopped with a small ding! and Thomas strode out of it, wasting no time to get to his daughter's bedroom. The wooden door was prettily decorated, matching the ring of keys he kept latched on his belt for each fanciful door in the house. It took a moment, but he finally grasped the correct key, shoved it in the lock and pushed open the door without haste. The room was dark and rather cold. Why hadn't she turned on the damn heater? he wondered, stepping into the room. "Estelle?" He waited, but was met with utter silence.
Thomas turned to Gen for a moment, scratching his head in bemusement. He then flicked on the electric chandelier above them. The room was cast with an eerie yellow glow, soaking up the walls with the silence. "Estelle," he repeated his voice harsher now. "For God's sake, where is that damn girl!?" His patience was wearing thin, and for some reason it hadn't occurred to him that his daughter could have already escaped.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 2:00 pm
Kaine(Rust) Parker

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Rust held him a bit longer, letting him get uses to Estelle's smell, then let the cat jump from his arms onto the bed. There, Soot waddled around the blankets and pillows, looking for a spot, then curled up one the top right corner of the bed. "Soot found me one day, he was just a kitten. It had to have been about five years or so ago, I was twelve. I had to smuggle him into the bunkhouse, but we managed. He would sleep in my pillowcase and i would use my jacket as a pillow." Rust smiled as he remembered. "Till he got too big that is. he learned to go out at night and hunt for himself, and I got my pillow back. We've been together ever since." Rust was silent after that, quietly reminiscing. He couldn't remember what it was like not having Soot. He just seemed like a normal thing in his life. "So no pets huh,
must be lonely. What do you do for fun there?"

User ImageGenevieve ValJean

Gen followed after Thomas, preparing the chant in her head. She waited eerily silent as he unlocked the door. She stepped in after him and looked around. The girl was gone, that much was clear to Gen, but where. She looked at Thomas, seeing how slow he was on the uptake. "She's escaped." she spelled out for him. "No matter, fret not. I'll get her back." Gen moved to the middle of the room and made a circle with her boot, scuffing the wood. "Turn out the light, Tom. I need darkness." Once the lights were out, her eyes began to shimmer. In light, it was almost impossible to tell when she was calling upon her gifts, but in the darkness, her eyes seemed to glow faintly. Her eyes were clearly violet, but the way they shimmered gave the appearance that there were flecks of gold in them. She began to mutter,
"Andedion uediíumi diíiuion risun
Artiu mapon aruerriíatin, mapon aruerriíatin
Lopites sní eððdic sos brixtía anderon"

She windows began to shake, even more than what the wind made them do. The chandelier began swing in a small, circular motion as a wind, not from outside, started to funnel around Gen. Shadows danced across walls, evil looking shadows. Something was rising from the ground within the circle Gen had made in the wood. More shadows, but these ones had substance. They looked, not solid exactly, but more solid than the once dancing on the walls.

Gen stopped chanting, and it was as if the rest of the world outside of that circle was gone. She and the main shadow seemed to be communicating. This went on for a few minutes, until Gen uttered a word, inaudible. The shadow bowed and sank back into the ground, and the rest simply disappeared. Gen stepped out of the circle and smiled at Thomas. "We have a deal."


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Marina Elemento

PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 7:48 pm
Estelle Dominique Lareau
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Estelle smiled and listened intently as Rust spoke. She thought it was nice that he didn't have much, yet what he did have he loved so much. She wouldn't tell him that of course, because she didn't want to sound like an idiot. "It must be nice to have a companion with you, who leaves but always returns," she said, swinging her legs and back and forth in the air subconsciously. At his question, she merely shrugged. "At the manor? Nothing. I mean, I usually draw, or write. Don't have anyone to talk to though, other than those blasted robots." Estelle paused and shook her head. "Actually, I had a lot more fun with my parents when I was little. Before my father's business became enormously popular, we lived in a tiny farmhouse in the countryside of France. That was when I was really young, when things were much simpler. I would take walks with Mom, and we'd go visit friends' houses, and..." She stopped herself, smiling at the memories that came flooding back to her. It was strange; she hadn't realized she missed her old house this much. "Everything changed when we moved to the states, I guess. But that was about ten years ago, so there isn't much I can do about it now."


Thomas nodded and flicked off the lights, the night light casting a strange glow over everything. He saw her eyes glow as well, and he stepped back a bit when the room began to quake. He had only seen her use her "gifts" a couple times before, but each time it made him more and more wary. The fact that his daughter had escaped and could be anywhere by now didn't help his anxiety. The man clutched the door's frame, his brown eyes watching each shadow dance across the bedroom walls. The first time he had witnessed something like this, he was struck with amazement, but this time it only brought him reluctance and a bit of terror. If it weren't for the fact that this woman was a huge help to him and his partners, he wouldn't want anything to do with her "damn hocus pocus."

When it was finally over, Thomas stepped back into the room a bit and swallowed a lump in his throat. "Really? Well, that's... that's good." He scratched the back of his neck, not sure what else to say. Needless to say, what he had just witness did make him rather speechless. "What, I mean, er, how do you plan on f-finding her?"
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 8:25 pm
Kaine(Rust) Parker

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"You came here from France? Wow, I moved her with my family from England. Well we have that in common, we're both foreigners." He smiled. He fell back onto his blankets and looked up at the ceiling, remembering his childhood dream. "I thought, when we came here, that I would be able to become a pilot, and adventure around the world." he said, not meaning it to be aloud. He sighed, staring up at the rafters as if it were a clear night sky.

User ImageGenevieve ValJean

Gen smiled the smile she got when she knew things would get fun, a dark smile. "Well, the spirits have agreed to aid me in locating her, but all dealings with the underworld costs. They want blood." She paused still smiling. "But they won't ask for it until the contract is complete. That is, when I have retrieved your little darling and brought her back here. I'll leave it to you to figure out whose blood will be spent." She walked past him, heading for the stairs, "Gotta run Tommy boy, but I'l be back with your daughter, one way or another." She laughed and trotted down the stairs. At the door, she walked past the maid with her coat, grabbing it without missing a step. She pulled it on and exited the manor. Time for the search to begin.


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Marina Elemento

PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 8:37 pm
Estelle Dominique Lareau
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Estelle smiled softly and propped her chin on her crossed arms. Her smile half-disappeared at the mention of his dream. It was very admirable, to say the least, but she hated seeing him like this. He could be so much more, and do so much more than sitting around without any way of reaching his endeavors. She sighed, looking at the outline of his face. "You still can, can't you? I mean, you're not going to die any time soon, you have plenty of time." She tried to smile, but the way she had said it made things sound so morbid.


Thomas watched her leave, still speechless. Part of him was pleased that she was so confident; another part of him was screaming at himself for even trusting this woman. He pushed all thoughts away and focused on the present task. Figure out whose blood will be spent? That was an awfully high price. But, if it meant the safe return of his biggest secret, and his only daughter, he would pay anything. The question was, who would be the poor soul who'd have to give himself to the devil? Thomas heaved a great sigh and made his way slowly back to his office.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 9:25 pm
Kaine(Rust) Parker

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Rust smiled up at her. "Yeah, true. But building a ship is expensive!" he raised his arms to illustrate his point. "I got it all planned out, ever since before we came here I dreamed of exploring the planet. I even drew up blueprints for a sea and air ship combination." he looked over at his desk. His face fell however, "But this mass evacuation just shoved that dream back further. Now I have to pay for getting me and my stuff out west." He stopped realizing he had started to complain. "But I won't give up. I'll just have to start over." he got up to turn out the lights, returning to his blankets and laying down. "You got any dreams?" He asked, sleep making his voice soft.

((Gonna leave Gen out for a bit till we time skip for sleep))  

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