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Feral Nerd

PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 7:22 am
Tambrey sat in silence as the vehicle moved through the desert, choosing to watch the landscape pass by the window.
The labs were gone, the rec' rooms with the best memories, her room... Being forcefully torn from one life to enter another wasn't new; it was how her time at Team Rocket had started, even, but hard as it was, life at HQ had been 'happier' somehow than that time.

She was tougher though, then back then. So much had happened to make sure of that, so beyond her thoughtful silence, there wouldn't be much to show how much this change hurt.

The vehicle lurched and finally stopped, eliciting a sharp gasp from the Grunt, instinct leading one hand to gingerly touch at her leg. She'd felt a short burst of pain there, but it didn't seem like it was anything than protest from the healed injury.
Tambrey unbuckled, expecting for them to be ordered out to deal with the trainers, especially as she heard Harvard's assessment.  
PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 1:10 pm
Jerome had let out a laugh when he heard the reason that Zacharie had been given the Porygon, finding that obviously very amusing.
Faleen however nodded, glancing down at the Porygon with a polite smile Glad to hear that he was being useful.
anything she could have replied with though was cut off when the vehicle jerked forward and was suddenly stopped along with the sounds of crashing, creaking and crunching metal.

Faleen let out a gasp of surprise, her arms clutching her bag tightly.
once they stopped she frantically leaned forward to look at what had happened, her eyes widening when she saw the state of the cargo vehicle.
"Banette" She spoke, handing the bag to the ghost type as she busied herself with grabbing the van door, throwing it open and stepping out at the elite's lead.

Trainers, foolish stupid little children.
she had no idea what carco vehicle that was but whatever it was it was their job to protect it.
"Permission to engage Ma'am" Faleen asked, already reaching down to on of the dusk balls on her thigh.  


Supreme Roisterer


PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 1:10 pm
Harvard looked back to the van, and frowned. There was something about that look, though... Okay, so maybe it was more of a warning glare?

"Uh oh." The driver turned in his seat to look at everyone in the back. "You people may want to get on out there. The cargo truck lost some cargo in that jolt, and they're going to be scrambling to get it back and make sure that vehicle is still operating." Indeed, the driver and two passengers could be seen nearly tripping over themselves to get out and resecure the cargo. "Whole reason this van is here is to provide protection to the cargo, so best be getting out there and giving them some cover." He said it in the most helpful and companionable way possible, given the urgency of the situation.

The factor of not wanting to sit next to an extremely peeved Harvard for the remainder of the trip was also good motivation.

Harvard turned to Faleen, her scowl easing with approval. "Permission granted, Agent. Thank you." With the light of being released from a Pokeball, an Alakazam appeared next to Harvard, and she turned back to those still in the van. "Agents! Get out here. NOW."

With an anxious curse, the driver of their van himself was unbuckling and hurrying out through his door, quickly running ahead to assist those with the cargo.  
PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 1:30 pm
The firm order spurred Zacharie into motion. He stuffed his bag under the seat for protection, he always kept a few herbs in the little pouch attached to his belt, before scrambling to climb out of the van. He stumbled a bit upon exiting but quickly righted himself as he reached for Jabari's pokeball. "Porygon Pory-gon." Oh right, Virus. The Porygon was way too young to be battling and Zacharie knew that. "Sorry Virus, you'll be safer in your pokeball." He murmured as the stereotypical light surrounded the pokemon before it disappeared into it's pokeball. "Let's go, Jabari and Essex." He prayed that the two would behave themselves. While he had been training with Jerome it was still up a toss up if they'd actually listen. "Shuppet!" Came the annoyed shout as his two ghost pokemon appeared.  


Bashful Bunny


Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 1:31 pm

"ZOR!" "Sooool" "RAAAAR!"

A shiny Zoroark dropped heavily into the sand, the weight of her mane sprawling across her back,
Absol jerked his head up, slicking his horn through the air and widening his eyes on their pray.
And finally Charizard, wings flexing high and a full throaty roar escaping him, shaking the air.

"Make them regret that." Faleen told her team in a cool voice.

All three pokemon responded timidity, leaping forward from the sand, and charging the trainers and their pokemon.
Zoroark powering up her Night Daze for the human getting off his Rapidash, Charizard letting loose a Flame thrower and Absol leaping up high into an Arial Ace.  
PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 1:32 pm
Just as he'd thought things might calm down.

KO huffed and clambered out of the van, taking his pokeballs from his belt as he moved. A few moments later all six of his pokemon were out and ready for action. "Baaad move," he purred, scanning the group of kids for a first target.



Aulus followed KO out of the van and released his own team before taking his staff from his belt and extending it. "So exactly how bad do you want them effed up?" he asked with a glance at Harvard. Not too badly he hoped, he didn't want to have to seriously hurt some stupid kids who were out here trying to play at heroes. Maybe they'd just run away... wishful thinking probably. Crap.  


Predestined Inquisitor


Feral Nerd

PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 2:04 pm
Tambrey had been ready for that order and was up even as Harvard was barking it. Her mind rattled through the team on her belt, choosing who she felt would be best for the situation as she landed in the sand.

A moment later, a pink Golbat and a normal coloured Pidgeot were soaring into the air.
"The trainers; Lasi use Confuse Ray on one of them, Pygi, help us out with a Sand Attack!"  
PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 2:31 pm
The trainer dismounting the Rapidash gave a shout as the horse reared up from the Night Daze, sending the trainer to the ground. Rapidash launched Fire Blast back at Zoroark in retalliation.

Absol's attack sent a Growlithe yelping and rolling backwards several feet. Quickly righting itself, it followed orders to strike back with Take Down.

A Jolteon attempted to hit Charizard first with a Pin Missile attack before the Flame Thrower could connect. It was a poor attempt, seeing as how it was sent flying by the fire attack, but it quickly continued the Pin Missile attempt.


Harvard looked at Aulus. "I want our only crime here today to be avoiding arrest." She gave a hint of a devious smirk. "Although a reasonable lesson in who they're messing with wouldn't be out of the question."


The trainers were quickly releasing more of their Pokemon. The lineup was joined by a Serperior, Samurott, and Lampent. A Dusclops drifted into view near the ice wall.

A girl and the Sceptile next to her swayed dizzily at being hit by Lasi's Confuse Ray. Her Sceptile tried what may have been an attack, but it tripped and fell over in the sand in its confusion.

The Sand Attack from Pygi provided cover from any of the other Trainers actively attacking just yet.  



Bashful Bunny

PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 2:53 pm
This was going to be his first battle against a trained pokemon and he was nervous as HELL!

Part of him wished he had kept Virus out as the pokemon had a way of keeping him calm and level headed, but he knew the Porygon would be safest in its pokeball. "Both of you, the Lampent." Zacharie said, drawing himself to his full height and drawing his pokemons' attention. "Jabari, use Night Shade and Essex, use Lick." He ordered, going first to a pokemon that he had battled once before. It may have been a wild one, but a Lampent was a Lampent. Both pokemon nodded their understanding before rushing towards the Lampent. The Gastly moved around the enemy pokemon, off to its side, tongue out and LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK.

Zacharie still thought that move was disgusting.

"Shuppet, Shup-pet!" The Gastly quickly moved out of the way as Jabari used his Night Shade.  
PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 2:57 pm
KO wasn't fussed one way or the other about hurting the kids but hearing Harvard's instruction he made a note not to have his pokemon attack the enemy trainers. "Duke, go! Regent, help him! Cojiro give us cover! Viceroy, the Sceptile! Countess, Kaiser, the Rapidash!"

Regent was first to act, gleaming blue for a moment before projecting the light over at Duke in a Helping Hand. Now powered up the Raichu launched himself at the Samurott in a Volt Tackle. While Cojiro stirred up more sand with Sand Attack Viceroy bounded towards the Sceptile and unleashed Fire Fang on the grass type. Kaiser, currently in Wash Form, rumbled forward a little to get a better shot before aiming Hydro Pump at the enemy Rapidash.

Last of all was Countess, drifting serenely towards the fire horse pokemon with her eerie lantern raised. Once she was within range the line of stitching pulled up into what might have been a smile and she thrust her hand into the flame of her lamp, taking the pain to lay a Curse on the Rapidash.


Aulus nodded to Harvard. "Right." That he could cope with. "Alright team, go!"

There was no need for further cues. Phaethon thundered towards the Serperior in a Flame Charge, and as he went Char spat a Flamethrower at his comrade's back, powering the Rapidash up thanks to his Flash Fire ability.

Tortie snarled and launched a Night Slash over at the Dusclops while Red shout up high into the sky in the first stage of a Fly attack. Discord used Mega Drain on the Samurott and Paul, who really didn't want to be there, hid behind the long grass type and tried to Disable one of the Samurott's moves.  


Predestined Inquisitor


PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 3:39 pm
"Laaaaampeeeent..." The poor Lampent shivered at the Lick, and made a face that showed just how much it agreed with Zacharie's thought on the attack. Jabari's attack forced it to push such annoying thoughts aside, though. It responded in kind with its own Night Shade.

With a cry, the Samurott buckled down to withstand Duke's Volt Tackle. Weakened but still conscious, it countered with a vicious Revenge.

The Sceptile was too quick for Viceroy, and narrowly dodged the fire attack. Very narrowly, that is. It struck back at close range with Slam.

The Rapidash was also quick, but it was still distracted by Zoroark. The Hydro Pump hit it in the side, knocking it away from sending any extra attacks at Zoroark or Kaiser as it got itself reoriented. Especially given Countess' attack and adjusting to the change.

The Serperior gave the attackers a condescending look. It couldn't dodge, but it sure had Wring Out ready to go! It took advantage of the close proximity to wrap around Phaethon and start using the move.

The Dusclops didn't seem to think it had to do anymore work, so it was surprised to actually be drawn into the fight! It recovered as quickly as it could from Tortie's attack to counter with Ice Beam, explaining just how the now melting wall of ice had gotten there to start with.

The Samurott definitely wasn't getting the most out of the battle, aside from the most in being beaten. Still hanging in there (but not by much more), it again used Reven- Wait, no. Paul had actually disabled that! It sent an Aqua Jet back at Discord instead.  
PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 3:42 pm
"Oh come on, you started without meee?" Came a long whine directly next to but slightly behind Harvard. Becca's arms were crossed and her mouth in a pout, brows furrowed, which would have looked fine were she on the ground. Instead, she hung upside-down from her Drifblim, his arms wrapped around her ankles to keep her afloat as her face remained about eye-level with Harvard, her poofy red hair hanging further below her. Suddenly she loosed her arms and let them dangle, her expression morphing into a broad grin as she stuck her studded tongue out. "Thought you'd start the party without me, huh?"  

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

Shawn Darrow

PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 3:45 pm
"Lindsay, out! Jack, Tatl, you too!"

Shadow's voice called out over the din of pokemon already fighting as he threw his pokeballs into the air to join the others. An aggressive Jolteon, jolly Chandelure, and irritable Gastly popped out, ready and willing to fight. He pointed in the general direction of the trainers, unsure of where to start, but knowing he couldn't just do nothing.

"Lindsay, Thundershock them! Chandelure, use Confuse Ray on whatever enemy you find, human or pokemon. Tatl, give 'em your best Mean Look."

The yellow and orange pokemon eagerly rushed forward to oblige.
PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 4:16 pm
Jabari reeled back at the returned attack but didn't back down. "Essex, use Hypnosis on the Lampent!" Zacharie called, flinching as he watched Jabari take a hit. "Jabari use Screech on the Samurott." Hopefully Essex would be able to put the Lampent to sleep so they could move on without receiving much more damage.  


Bashful Bunny


PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 4:18 pm
Oh. Joy. Harvard schooled her expression into perfect indifference. Well, aside from the undertone of, "The things I put up with."

"I assure you, you have not missed much."

One of the trainers was spooked by a close attack and stumbled away from the troop of people and Pokemon. Happening to look around, he did a double-take at the pair of Elites. A look of confusion dawned on his face. "Hey... Haven't I seen you...?"

Harvard tilted her head to the Alakazam still standing at her side. "Cornell, if you'd please." The psychic type stepped forward with an obedient "hut!" In the next second of glowing spoons and Telekinesis, the boy was sent flying back to the group and into the side of one of his friends. "Elite Agent Becca, I trust everything was taken care of?"

Lindsay's Thundershock was intercepted by the Trainer's Jolteon. Another Pin Missile was sent from a distance back at her.

The poor Trainer girl that had been confused earlier just wasn't having any luck with confusion! Just as she was starting to shake off the effect, she was hit by Chandelure's Confuse Ray, and once again too confused to actually strategize with her team.

Tatl's attack, meanwhile, did a good job at confusing a newly released Poliwrath. And not confused as in a status effect. The Poliwrath stared back with a raised brow, before shrugging it off and attacking with Water Gun  

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