Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 9:57 pm
Noel (Kingdom Key) Noel heard what Akira had to say, which was apologizing to her about getting her mixed up in the mess from before that frightened her, how the shadows brought to this village and how he let them roam around. The shadows had roamed about town and according to Akira, the shadows found her being cornered by two others. Two others? Did he mean Michael and Lukus? That wasn't how she recalled it...she remembered the shadows surrounding her...unless that was part of their ploy! Noel didn't have time to make a response as both Lukus and Michael rapidly approached them. Akira decided it was time for him to leave and told her that he would be waiting for her at the Imperial City should she decide to trust him. At this point, she has no idea who to trust because she doesn't know who is telling the truth. All three of them were strangers to her. Now she was left with Michael and Lukus, once again feeling as if she has no choice on who to trust or be with. Her right hand clenched where her heart would be and shut her eyes trying to see what her heart is telling her is right, yet that proved futile because she was just too scared to listen.
"Nothing...n-nothing feels right...I...I don't know anyone...I...I-I can't...I don't know the truth...w-what is the truth..."
Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 7:46 pm
☯Michael 'The Sleeping Lion'☯Michael saw how scared she was and quickly took hold of both of her shoulders and tried to look her in the eyes. "Hey listen to me for a moment ok? There's no need to be scared. It's ok not to understand anything right now. Just calm down a little ok?"
Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 9:43 pm
In the imperial city, two feminine figures in black cloaks with hoods that covered their faces exited out of a portal of darkness. They were in the middle of a conversation as they made their way up to the palace. ". . . supposed to train you in how to wield your keyblade. Now, let's go talk to the Emperor. I think it'd be best to get the law enforcement of this world on our side so we don't have to deal with fighting locals." the taller figure said, leading the way as the smaller figure spun around looking at all the foreign sights. "Yeah, yeah, fight heartless, release the hearts they've collected, open kingdom hearts. Got it. And then your Organization gets your hearts back, and I have the power to protect my sister." There was a pause as the smaller figure considered something. "Why aren't we looking for her again?" a younger girl's voice rang out as she jogged after the woman.The older woman sighed. "Because you aren't even close to having the power to protect her yet. At least, that's what the Superior says." the older one mentioned in a rather exasperated tone. "But, I don't see why you can't search for her, as long as you meet your quota." A smirk could be heard in her voice. "Awesome! Don't worry Noel! Big sis is on the way!""I thought you said you guys were twins?" ". . .""How many minutes?" "13 . . .""Huh . . . I'm not sure if that's ironic or some other term for a strange coincidence." "You're telling me."
Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 10:27 pm
gaia_nitemareleft Akira gaia_nitemareright gaia_nitemareleft ~The Wielder of Darkness~ gaia_nitemareright Location; The Land of Dragons With; Mood; Pleased Thoughts; ((OOC; I kinda wished I kept my character mysterious, then everyone came running to him... Now to create a mysterious atmosphere! Also, surprisingly I planned to have him go to the emperor so we'll see how well this works out XD.)) After he was out of sight of the wielders, Akira opened a corridor of darkness, which allowed him to head to the Imperial city where his Heartless found the first step to the world's heart. Upon leaving the corridor, Akira found himself in a large room, too large for an ordinary house. A door opened up, and Akira backed up against a column to prevent being seen. Two people entered, both clearly older from their looks. One wore a blue outfit and carried a tablet he wrote on while the other walked with an aura of authority, in a yellow robe and had a long white beard. He could tell by their dialogue that the yellow robed one was the emperor and the blue one was an adviser. The Heartless under Akira's command quickly revealed the emperor was the first step to finding the keyhole. While they were eager to attack him for his heart, Akira commanded them to hold back for the greater heart of the world. He sent away his heartless to prevent their urges from taking over their actions. As he hid behind the column, he listened in to the conversation between the two, pertaining reports of stolen hearts in the city. Akira knew exactly what they meant, even if they didn't. The Emperor was clearly furious, declaring to the adviser to find the foreign culprits immediately. They didn't even know it was the Heartless, but their conversation was stopped when the door opened again, and two females walked in, clearly not native to this world. From his point Akira was hidden from view from both parties, but he felt it best to reposition himself for a better view. So he opened another corridor and traveled to the beam high above the scene, covered in shadows.
Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 10:50 pm
Once the young ladies entered the palace, the elder identified the emperor by the way he was dressed and she could tell the man next to him was an adviser of sorts. She took a few steps forward before placing her hands together in front of her and bowing respectfully. After a moment, the younger let out a sound much like an "oh!" and mimicked her companion.They straightened and the elder took another step forward. "We couldn't help but overhear your problems. We can help. My companion here has the ability to release the hearts of your subjects from those that stole them away. We will also do our best to rid your world from the threat it faces." "This is quite convenient. How much will you be asking for your services?""Oh, we don't want your money." "We don't!?""No." the word was rather hissed at the younger. "It is payment enough to have the honor to serve the emperor." the older of the females once more bowed as she finished her sentence. "O-oh . . ." The younger one sounded rather put out, but she bowed as well."We'll start work right away. Please let your citizens know that we are on their side." the older of the cloaked figures straightened and then turned, grabbing the younger of the two and spinning her around so she could follow her. "Fighting time?" the question was asked excitedly as the younger female practically bounced after her companion."Fighting time." A glowing blue katana was summoned to the elder of the girls' hands. "Whoo hoo!" the shorter figure summoned her own weapon, a golden keyblade with a silver handle and ran out, passing up her companion."H-hey! Wait up! You don't know how to use that yet!" the taller female called after the other, forced to chase after the girl. ((OOC: Well, I don't want Nicole running into her twin too soon. You were the only one I could run into without just having my characters blather on to each other for forever. XD))
Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 11:27 pm
gaia_nitemareleft Akira gaia_nitemareright gaia_nitemareleft ~The Wielder of Darkness~ gaia_nitemareright Location; The Land of Dragons With; Emperor, Adviser Mood; Curious Thoughts; ((OOC; Will wait for others to post before wrapping up Akira's situation. )) The two new arrivals intervened in the conversation, offering their service of defeating the attackers. When the Emperor accepted their offer, Akira knew this was his chance to deal with the incoming wielders. Although he was risking his appearance with all of the people he was meeting. He would have to find some way to prevent it. The shadows however, had a solution. They formed a cloak over him, giving their hearts away at his command to create the coat that would hide his identity indefinitely. Moving to the floor by way of another corridor of darkness, Akira approached the emperor, kneeling at his presence, despite his distaste for it. The Emperor turned his attention to the newcomer who had no grand entrance, but walked in from behind a column. "Who are you?" he asked. Akira in his cloak had an advantage of keeping his true identity a secret. "I must first say I am honored to be in your presence great Emperor. You may simply call me Seeker, for I am currently on my quest and unfortunately, others with my abilities who have attacked your people." To provide 'evidence', he allowed two shadows to flank him in the room, but not to move towards the Emperor. If he was gone, Akira would be hunted down throughout the world. "These beings fit the description of the attackers; however, they are not the culprits. As I said, others with my abilities are here and I believe it is one of them who is committing these crimes." Akira finally stood, holding his hand out and summoning his keyblade to show the Emperor. "Those of similar abilities wield a tool such as this, but in different design." Akira sent his heartless away, before they caused trouble, as well as his keyblade. "And I know these incidents will cease if I find what I am seeking." Of course they'd be gone, the world wouldn't be the same after all...
Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 12:59 pm
Noel (Kingdom Key) Noel gasped when Michael took hold of her shoulders. Being used to the bullies on Destiny Island, she thought that he was going to push her to the ground or something along those lines, so she closed her eyes and braced for what is to come...only to realize that she was not pushed or harmed in anyway. When she opened her eyes, Michael was telling her to listen to him for a moment, that there is no need to be scared. She may not understand everything right now, but she has to calm down for the time being. She doesn't have much of a choice seeing that there wasn't a purpose to panic so she took a few deep breathes to calm herself down. Although calm, she was still nervous around the strangers she was with and looked down toward the ground as she said to both Michael and Lukus.
"What..whats going on? What...W-what are these black things...why are they so mean...and w-what is this thing? It took me away from home....a-and my sister...I...I want to go home...I-I'm scared..."
Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 1:49 pm
Xelona caught up to Nicole as the keyblade wielder was staring at a group of heartless attacking the citizens. "Now remember, your sword should be an extension of your arm. Smooth movements will serve you best. It is a good idea to watch your footing as well so you don't loose your balance . . ." "Oh come on! It's a weapon! I bonk the black things with it and they die! You'll get your hearts, no problem!" Nicole exclaimed with an impatient grin. She then rushed off towards the swarm, swinging her keyblade rather like it was a bludgeoning weapon than a real sword.Xelona's hand found itself stuck to her face. "I swear, that kid would give me a heart attack if I still had a heart!" She then sighed and her hand slid down off her face before she rushed forward as well. The Superior would be extrmely displeased if she got their keyblade wielder killed on her first mission. And Xelona really didn't want to be turned into a Dusk.
Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 6:18 pm
☯Michael 'The Sleeping Lion'☯Michael thought for a moment on how to explain these things to her. "Ok those black things are the heartless. They're after us because we can use the keyblades. They're also after the hearts of the worlds. But we have to stop them by using the Keyblades which is a powerful weapon against the heartless. I don't know why yours took you away from your home but it must have been for a good reason" He said then thought about how her world may have been consumed by darkness after she took the Keyblade. "but no matter the reason you have to be strong ok? Me and Lukus will help you get back home as soon as possible and I'll even help ya learn how to fight so you don't have to be scared anymore" He said with a small smile.
Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 3:19 pm
~Akira's Heartless~╔═════════════════════════════════════╗Location: The Land of Dragons; Imperial City Company; Land of Dragons citizens Actions; Collecting Hearts. ╚═════════════════════════════════════╝((OOC: I just realized... Did they explain the nobody part of organization to Nicole? Also might make a Nobody as we go on...)) After finding their first lead to the heart of the world, many of the Heartless disappeared for the wielder to find and unlock the heart. Some still remained, prowling for lone citizens to steal hearts and grow their strength. Occasionally there was an Imperial guard or soldier who attacked them, although they were relatively simple to deal with. When something not human approached however, the Heartless became extremely cautious. Nobodies, the leftovers of a person after losing their heart, and unfortunately more powerful than the Heartless. Where the Heartless were animals following their instincts, Nobodies were capable of thinking greatly in comparison. Only one approached, while another keyblade wielder walked beside her. The group of Heartless approached cautiously, knowing attacking a Nobody was difficult enough, but a Keyblade wielder was standing right beside her. Their hisses were threatening, but also their own screams. If the two attacked, the Heartless would most likely retreat once more.
Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 7:26 pm
Noel (Kingdom Key) It was kind thing for Michael to give her basic explanation on some things that are foreign to her. The shadows that were attacking her are known as Heartless and they are pursuing people like her because they possess weapons known as Keyblades. Granted they also wanted the hearts of the worlds, whatever that means, but it seems that they who can wield the Keyblades are capable of defeating the Heartless. So why choose someone like her? Well, its not the Keyblade chooses the wielder right? At least that's what she thinks since she was the one who picked it off the ground. Then he asked her to do something that is nearly impossible for her: be strong. Every fight she has been in, it was her twin sister who was the strong one and fought all her battles for her. How she is suppose to do that on her own? The truth is that she is not alone. It seems like Michael and Lukus want to help her get stronger so she doesn't have to be scared anymore. Maybe she if does this, she can reunite with her sister and get away from this madness if possible at all.
"U-Um...I...o-okay...b-but...I...I need to find...my...m-my sister...before I go home..."
Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 10:13 pm
☯Michael 'The Sleeping Lion'☯Michael smiled a bit hearing Noel's answer. "Of course. We'll find her no matter what it takes." He said then looked between both Noel and Lukus. "Now we better get on the move. No telling what that guys got in store."
Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 11:14 pm
gaia_nitemareleft Akira gaia_nitemareright gaia_nitemareleft ~The Wielder of Darkness~ gaia_nitemareright Location; The Land of Dragons With; Emperor, Adviser Mood; Curious Thoughts; Getting closer... ((OOC; Not gonna lie, kinda missing the sister XD Chance for Chibi's characters to interact.)) Whatever it takes to end this panic, do so. I will take all the help I may receive." the emperor accepted Akira's offer just like he ahd with the two from before. "I am looking for the heart of this world." "The heart?" The Emperor seemed skeptical, or at least cautious. Akira didn't know if he knew about separate worlds or hearts, as the heartless described how some knew of other worlds and other beings were completely unknowing. It was a chance with the most important figures in each world for sure. "I have no idea what you are speaking about." It appeared that the Emperor had no idea, but it could have been a ploy. "Emperor, I merely request some guidance to the greatest place in this world. Has there been any great feat accomplished recently?" "There has been none recently. The last great moment was when our lands were saved from the menace known as Shan-Yu. We were saved by Li Shang, Mulan and a few others, one with a similar weapon to yours." The emperor was talking about the legend's tale of the Land of Dragons, although that was years ago, how could that still be the only great feat? "Very well, I shall ask them more. Where might I find Li Shang or Mulan?" "They are together, performing their duties to the army in the mountains. I hope you can find your way to them." Akira gave a bow to the emperor before he spoke; "Thank you. I assure you these incidents will soon cease." He gave a final bow before walking out of the throne room, stopping to confirm the situation with his heartless.
Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 12:45 am
((OOC: Whoa! I missed all the action! XD So many posts! Ah well, this is what I get for logging off for hours on end without checking anything. XP And to answer your question Phoenix, ah . . . Kinda. They explained that they had lost their hearts. That they were beings without hearts, but they kinda left out the details of how they lost them in the first place. And Yay! Another Nobody!!! biggrin Nicole doesn't realize how much of a pawn she is being. XD Also, nuuuuuu . . . Noel and Nicole shouldn't meet up yet! I need character development down the dark side! XP Also, I know Xelona's profile doesn't say that she knows Areo, but it does say her element is wind. So I figure she'd know Areo pretty easily. XD)) Though the Heartless were cautious, the keyblade wielder was most definitely not. She rushed right though the group of heartless, dodging claws and other sharp pointy things as she swung her keyblade willy-nilly."Areo!" Xelona shouted, casting a protective barrier of wind around Nicole, the keyblade wielder rushing in almost caused her to feel something like worry. Almost. "Hey what's this?!" Nicole asked, looking at the wind barrier around her. This was . . . kinda cool! She used her keyblade like a baseball bat and knocked a Shadow away. The heartless flew backwards and disintegrated, the hearts it had collected flying up into the sky only to be collected to be added to the group forming Kingdom Hearts."It's called Areo. It's wind magic and it is defensive in nature." Xelona explained, dodging any attacking heartless as she made her way through the retreating group, fully intent on berating the young keyblade wielder for being so reckless. Was she so stupid when she still had a heart?! "Cool! What other magic spells are there?!" Nicole asked, eyes shining with curiosity as she proceeded to ignore the heartless except to distractedly wave her keyblade at any that came close.Xelona was a bit taken off guard. Well, it was nice to find a kindred spirit who longed to learn more. Surely it couldn't hurt to teach her a bit about magic. "Well, other than areo, which is only the first level of the defensive wind spell, there are also fire, blizzard, thunder, cure, and gravity spells. There is even a spell that allows you to stop time on your enemies." "And to cast them you just need to shout out their names?!""Well, while saying the name of the spell does indeed help with the casting, it is not only that which allows the spell to form and take place. You need to-" "Yeah, yeah, so what sort of spells can I learn then?! Fire! Blizzard!" Nicole was now waving her keyblade rather haphazardly, trying to summon a spell. This sent Xelona into a bit of a panic mode. Not real panic, that would imply she had a heart, but it would be beneficial to have Nicole cease her attempts to cast."Will you stop that?! An untrained spell caster will only cause trouble! You're going to hurt yourself or worse-" "THUNDER!"Nicole had stuck her keyblade straight up into the air. Several bolts of lightning crashed down from out of the sky. Most of them rather harmlessly hit the ground, but one of them hit . . . " . . . me." Xelona stood there, hood smoking, bits of electrified red hair sticking out from underneath the cloak. Not only was her hood smoking at the top where the lightning had hit her, but her sword was now glowing red hot. Her Organization cloak was also rather fried from the strike. She was just glad that it was a low level spell that hit her and that the cloak had SOME elemental resistance. Still . . . "See! If you go around waving your keyblade so irresponsibly and trying to do spells you can't control yet, people are going to get hurt! You're lucky that didn't do more than singe me! You're lucky my cloak took most of the damage! And what were you thinking running into the heartless like that?! You can't control them! They will take your heart if they can! Do you want to end up like me?! Like the rest of the Organization?! A heartless husk?! You need to learn to look before you leap! You want to protect your sister don't you?! THINK! Running in without knowing what you're doing will only get those you care about hurt in the end!" Nicole's posture shrank about five inches. She really did feel bad. She hadn't been scolded like this since she was ten . . . And Xelona had a point. What if that had been her sister beside her? "I'm sorry. I just . . . I wanna help. And I wanna know all that I can to try and help. I need to prove that I can do it, you know? When we find Noel, I don't want her getting dragged into all this. She never was a fighter. And if I can't do it . . . well I'm just worried that your boss is gonna make her go out and collect hearts instead. There's just so much I don't know. I'm sorry. I'll . . . I'll try and think before I act."Xelona sighed. "Good. Fine. Now, those heartless ran off before you could fill your quota. There should be more hanging around the villages, since there are people there that they can steal hearts from." she said, back on track with the mission. She looked around. "I think I see some buildings or something near the mountains. Let's go that way. And on the way, I can teach you a thing or two about how and how not to use your keyblade. Rule one, it's not a bludgeoning object! And you don't use it as a baseball bat! See the key part at the end? That's sharp, and can easily cut through an unarmored heartless in one swing." The Nobody continued to monologue about the finer points of swordplay as they continued towards the mountains.
Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 10:26 am
((Ooc: Hope this is ok, it was the only thing I could think that would make Diana go to Land of Dragons)) Diana FotieniWe're a thousand miles from comfort, we have traveled land and sea But as long as you are with me, there's no place I'd rather be I would wait forever, exalted in the scene As long as I am with you, my heart continues to beat...Location: Hollow Bastion - Land of the Dragons Company: None at the momentA young girl with long blonde hair was restlessly trying to sleep in an abandoned old house in a dark world. In her dreams was a younger her with her older brother who suddenly grabbed a strange key covered in darkness and disappeared. "Brother, brother where are you going? Don't go!" she shouted in her sleep and shook awake. Looking around panting from her nightmare she looked to her side to see her own key, one with angelic wings and a yellow star keychain. Today had to be the day, she had to go off and find him no matter how scared she was. Grabbing her keyblade she closed her eyes in concentration. Sometimes she could feel the keyblade her brother had acting like a beacon, as if her keyblade and his were a pair. The signal however always felt far away and this time was no different. But if only she could pinpoint where exactly he was... She concentrated harder and suddenly she could see it, a strange new world, one with foreign looking buildings and mountains. But she didn't see her brother. Still a clue was better than nothing. The blonde girl felt dizzy afterwards but shook it off and quickly ran to a gummi ship she had obtained some time ago. 'Please, take me to the world I saw.' she thought and took off before finding a place called the Land of Dragons. When she arrived she gasped as her clothes suddenly changed into a light blue decorative robe and she had wooden sandals on her feet and her hair was tied to a loose bun. She was in front of a village near some mountains and decided to wander there and ask and look around for her brother. She may not have known exactly where he was in this world, but he had to be somewhere. If you gave me a chance I would take it It's a shot in the dark but I'll make it Know with all of your heart, you can't shame me When I am with you, there's no place I'd rather be...