Posted: Mon May 16, 2016 7:51 pm
Lily Grey "Everything is here for a purpose. Mine was to meet you." After laying in the grass and catching her breath, Lily slowly got up, dusting herself off and made her way to a little stand that sold drinks and icecream. Taking her head phones off she got herself a water before putting her head phone in and walking along the park path. Listening her music she could not hear anything that was going on around her, nor did she really take note of anything that was going around her. She just followed the path, drinking her water along the way as random things went threw her mind. Mostly what books she needed to read or drawing ideas that came to her. Soon enough she saw a bench right in front of a fountain that so happen to be the same one Erik was sitting on but because she was off in her own world she didn't even notice him even though he was in front of her. She mostly looked down at the ground at her runners, slightly digging them into the ground as her head slightly bobbed to the music that was playing. as she looked down at the ground she played with her ponytail, feeling her soft wavy hair. She seemed calm when all the sudden a bird flew right by her head making her jump, spilling her water over herself a little. Feeling her heart race she placed her hand on her heart and let out a sigh. Finally looking up she then saw Erik sitting right across from her. Was he sitting there the whole time!?
Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 6:39 pm
strike] Erik Leifton "Call me what you will, I'm still here to protect you." ☽ XXXX Erik chose to focus on the ground, rather than be bombarded by all the sights, smells, and sounds around him. This was usually why he kept away from crowded settings. Erik heard heels clicking on the ground as his customer came to meet him. She was an attractive woman, more of a fashion type than a natural beauty but definitely someone others drooled over. He took a moment to look at her heavily made up face. 'Hope that makeup is waterproof.' He thought to himself sardonically, as he handed her the envelope and as she handed him a similar envelope. He peered inside his as he counted his bill, thankfully paid in full. While she pulled out picture after picture of her husband with another man in some extra marital activities. He watched her take in a gasp and he hoped she wouldn't cry too much. To Erik's surprise she didn't let out any tears simply took her photos and left. XXXX Glad for her to be gone Erik took a chance to look about the park. His intent was to return to his...lesser known job. However in taking a brief scan of the park he noticed a familiar pair of grey blue eyes. Erik let loose a delighted smile as he saw Lily in her running outfit. He pushed himself from his previous position and came toward her. "Hey, good run?" He asked obviously putting the clues of her running attire, and sweaty appearance that she recently had a run through the park. He actually liked running, but he found out that running as fast as he could on certain days tended to draw more eyes than he liked. XXXX☾
Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 7:13 pm
Lily Grey "Everything is here for a purpose. Mine was to meet you." Hoping that Erik didn't notice her she grabbed her now empty water bottle and was about to leave when she notice a woman walk up to Erik. She stopped and watch the woman walk up to Erik, wondering who she was and why she was talking to Erik. He did say there was no one in his life at the moment so was he lying to her? Then she clued in when he handed her the envelope and she handed him one as well. It most likely had to do something with his work most likely. Letting out a light sigh she was about to make her way to leave the two but then the tall man started to walk her way, asking about her run. Turning to face him she gave him a soft nod. " Not a bad one. Well for me anyways." She stated as she played with her pony tail a little and glanced away. " Sorry, I didn't mean to watch." She said a bit quietly, still not looking at him. She was talking about his work just a moment ago. She stopped playing with her long wavy hair and finally looked back at him. " To tell you the truth I didn't think I would see you again, let alone the very next day." She thought last night was a one time things or maybe she would see him at the cafe a couple more times but she was wrong and she was happy she was wrong. Lily stretched her arms out and let out a sigh, feeling her muscles finally settle in again and ready.
Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 11:05 am
Erik Leifton "Call me what you will, I'm still here to protect you." ☽ XXXX The tall man watched the smaller woman play with her hair, and look everywhere but him for most of the time. Any person with any sort of social grace would probably take the hint and stop contact, thinking it to be a sign of 'stop talking to me' But Erik was not a person with any social grace, living with the pack some social skills were never learned. Not to mention he enjoyed being around her, this was the most relaxed he'd been around another person...let alone a human for quite some time. Erik just smiled at her and nodded briefly. "I didn't think I'd be so lucky to see you again, glad to know I was wrong." He said sincerely. XXXX Erik thought for a moment on her statement about her run. "Are you timing yourself?" He asked curiosity piqued. A dancer that ran against a stopwatch, that was something new to him. "Do you run often?" He followed up his first question with his second, before realizing that he was sort of bombarding her with questions. At that he made a conscious effort to slow down, mostly to not scare her away. XXXX☾
Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 3:34 pm
Lily Grey "Everything is here for a purpose. Mine was to meet you." Lily gave Erik a soft warm smile when he stated he was happy that he was wrong and she gave him a nod as if she was agreeing with him. " Yeah, just to give me something to do and see if I am improving I guess." She said, taking a look around the park before she looked back up at Erik and noticed how much taller he was then her. "Whenever I have the day off. Gives me something to do other then being cooped up in the apartment all day and reading." Which she didn't mind at all but she knew she had to get out once in a while other then just going to work. So the young woman ran and it was a good way to clear her head and think things over. " Do you come to the park often? This is the first time I have seen you here." She asked Erik as she ran in this park at least three times a week and had not seen him in it once. Then again Lily never really notice what was around her when she ran. " You are not stalking me are you?" She asked jokingly as she took a few steps away from him.
Posted: Sun May 22, 2016 6:59 pm
Erik Leifton "Call me what you will, I'm still here to protect you." ☽ XXXX Erik was rather astonished at her dedication to better herself. That wasn't something he saw in many humans, most focused on the small details that made up their lives. 'She looks for ways to improve. But she seems like she's caught in a bubble.' He thought on that for a moment.Turning his attention back to Lily He asked "What do you like to read?" rather curious, as to what types of stories piqued her interest. XXXXHe shook his head at her question and accusation. "Not stalking you, if anything I'd say you're stalking me. I'm here for work." He said with a jesting tone in his voice before continuing in all seriousness. "People seem to like meeting here for exchanges. Or their trysts.But I don't really come here for myself." He said with a shrug before taking a look around. It was nice. He took note of her step back, he respected the move by not following her. Humans like their personal bubbles, Erik had learned to respect that. After a few hard lessons. XXXX☾
Posted: Sun May 22, 2016 7:15 pm
Lily Grey "Everything is here for a purpose. Mine was to meet you." " What do I like to read? I think the real question is what don't I like to read." She said and smiled softly to herself. " I will read anything really, I am not picky. Once I start something I have to finish it even though it is a terrible book." The girl just loved to read, no matter what the book may be about. It was one of the ways she was just able to forget that she lived in this world even if it was for a short moment. " Though... I do really enjoy the old classic it seems the most." She must of read all of Jane Astons books at least three times. As Erik clarified that he was not stalking she let out a light laugh and shook her head. " I was just joking with you. Besides you wont find much about me if you stalk me as you already know where I live and work." The girl claimed and watched him look around the park. " People really do. It is a nice place to go during the day but its another story at night." There had been a couple of killings in the park in the past among other things but it was really a nice park during the day. This was normal in most cities though so it seemed.
Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 3:49 pm
Erik Leifton "Call me what you will, I'm still here to protect you." ☽ XXXX The young man chuckled at her jesting tone. 'Classics huh... hopefully she's not a horror fan.' He thought to himself before looking her over 'Nope, probably not a horror fan' He shook his head as his small joke. "Classics...like Romeo and Juliet?" He asked, thinking as to the only classic he really knew. As he was a person with almost no schooling and an 8th grade reading level XXXXAt her comment about the park changing at night he muttered lowly "You're telling me." He'd come to investigate many of those killings. Originally he thought most to be supernatural, and many were, but a large percentage was just humans killing humans. Then again he'd left his own share of bodies in the park. His mind briefly flashed to the succubus he had stalked and killed last night. But quickly he refocused his attention to Lily and her minimizing behavior. Erik shook his head and relaxed his posture. "Actually, I'm sure I'd learn quite a lot about you. One thing people forget is that just observing a person over the course of the day can tell you a lot about them." He said with a smirk, knowing this to be true of both humans and supernatural creatures. XXXX☾
Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 11:24 am
Lily Grey "Everything is here for a purpose. Mine was to meet you." When Erik asked she meant Romeo and Juliet she couldn't help but let out a laugh. " Well kinda. More so Jane Aston kind of books." The girl stated to him. Lily found herself looking into Eriks eyes once more, lost in his unique blue eyes that seem to glow in the moonlight. She didn't know why but she felt safe and calm with him and she didn't know why. Most people would of been a little scared of him after what happened last night but not her. If anything she felt more safe with him then before when he walked into the cafe. Erik then stated that he could learn a lot about her in just one day and his smirk made her blush a little. " Oh really? Well you spent almost a whole night with me so what can you tell me about myself Erik?" She wanted to know just how much he thought he knew about her. If he still liked hanging around with her he must not know all of her and she didn't want him to. She didn't want him to see her as the crazy one or broken. She didn't want him to see her the way everyone else did. Her grey blue eyes where still locked on his, waiting for his answer.
Posted: Sat May 28, 2016 7:55 am
Erik Leifton "Call me what you will, I'm still here to protect you." ☽ XXXX Erik felt rather proud to help elicit the sound of her laughter. He rather enjoyed the sound and was trying to find ways to elicit the same sound again. Noticing her blushed cheeks before she issued the challenge helped to keep Erik's smirk in place.The young man leaned back for a moment and cracked his neck nonchalantly before keeping his gaze steady on her grey blue eyes. Truth be told he had just been enjoying their time together, but that hadn't stopped him from noticing things. "Of course, there is still more to learn and I can always be wrong. But alright I accept your challenge." He knew no one was really paying any mind to them but he took a step forward as so he could lower his voice. "Well first off I would gather that you have a child like grace many people forget as they age, but at the same time you are careful with everything you do that might be due to your training in ballet. I know you have a forgiving heart, but I wonder if that is true forgiveness, time will tell." XXXX He shrugged before continuing and removing his sunglasses to get a clearer image of her eyes, all vestige of a smirk or playfulness gone. "You don't mind when others pass you by, you aren't entitled. Definitely you are a private person and keep to yourself however I think this is due to a general mistrust of others. Erik took a moment to carefully watch her eyes before continuing to let her in on his thoughts about her. "Something hurt you deeply in the past, events occurred and they obviously left their scars on you. You radiate sadness but little fear, almost a quiet resolute acceptance of horrible things. Which I'll admit causes my anger to flare more than it should. It's impossible to protect you from that pain and it's difficult for someone like me to accept that I can't do something." He kept his serious and piercing gaze on her and narrowed his eyes slightly. "You are hiding something...an illness perhaps. Or maybe just your past." Truth be told he had heard some tinkling in her purse associated with pills but for all he knew it could be mints. Erik softened his gaze for a moment "It seems like you are still just trying to wait out a storm, to just survive. You aren't thriving or really living now just existing. But at the same time that hasn't stopped you from challenging yourself or being curious about the world around you. You're just more tentative about it than others which is smart." Erik knew he should stop at this point, or several points before but he decided to reveal some of himself in his analysis "You remind me of comfort, I'm not someone who feels comfortable with others very often so that tells me that you are honest, kind, caring, and without a single judgmental bone in your body." Erik smiled finally not shy at all for his admission, it wouldn't do to have a wolf be sheepish after all. "So what can you tell about me?" He asked as he took a step back allowing her the personal space she previously enjoyed.XXXX☾
Posted: Sat May 28, 2016 5:24 pm
Lily Grey "Everything is here for a purpose. Mine was to meet you." It seemed that the man was going to take her challenge but she was in for a real surprised from how much he managed to know about her in just one night. As Erik stepped closer she felt her heart beat a little faster as it was normal if people got close to her. Most of the time though she would flinch away and step away but this time she managed not to move. As she listened to what Erik had to say she laughed a little at his comment about having a child like grace. Then things started to turn and he started to tell her without even knowing her who she was. It was if he read her like a book but at the same time here didn't have to at all. He didn't know the little details about when and how, he just knew that they happened and that made her who she was. Lily did not know how to react to it at all. All she could think was how could a guy she only met last night know so much and yet so little about her at the same time? Along with if he knew that something was not right with her why was he still talking to her? Something that she couldn't get over also was when he said that it flared him up when he couldn't protect her. Why would he want to protect her? The girl was flushed, unable to say anything to Erik after telling her what she knew about her in less then 24 hours. The girl finally broke glance with him, looking at her feet trying to put together what all just happened. " You sure you have not been stalking me?" She asked with a nervous laugh, rubbing the back of her neck which showed her wrist were still bruised from last nights even. Could he have been watching her from before? Could maybe her last foster father she ran away from hired someone to find her as she did run off with all what he called "his" money. No Erik could not be as it had been years now and her foster father would not spend such money for someone to find her. Finally being able to look back up at Erik and took a moment before answering his own question. " A stalker..." She said with a blank and serious face for a moment before she gave him a soft smile. " I am kidding. From what I can tell you like food and the dark dose not bother you. In fact... You seem more alive in the night with the moon the day." She thought about last night how his eyes seem to glow last night. " I know not to get into a fight with you as I will lose and that it dose not take much to break a table for you."
Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 6:44 am
Erik Leifton "Call me what you will, I'm still here to protect you." ☽ XXXX Erik smiled at her small joke about him stalking her, he was a professional stalker if you thought about it. And frankly he had an advantage in this realm he could rely on his senses to tell him the truth, whereas she could not. Noticing her bruises on her wrist his eyes narrowed slightly at them for a moment before turning his attention back to her. XXXX Erik listened dutifully at her deductions. "I won't fight you Lily. You'd have too much of an advantage over me, because I don't want to hurt you. Then again I don't think you'd want to hurt me either." He said with a shrug before nodding "Yes, I feel more comfortable at night." At that he squinted in the day light and placed his sunglasses back on. With heightened senses came headaches from the sun. "You are correct, I am a glutton." Erik said with a smirk and mentally added 'But that will go down as we get closer to a new moon.' knowing the true reason his appetite grew and shrunk at times. Turning his head slightly Erik wondered something for a moment. "I'm pretty sure I know the answer but I'll ask anyway. Do I frighten you?" He asked sincerely wondering if she could tell the dangerous creature standing in front of her.XXXX☾
Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 11:05 am
Lily Grey "Everything is here for a purpose. Mine was to meet you." " Erik you make it sound like you only want to protect me... I mean don't get me wrong I am glad you don't want to hurt me but you said earlier that you get flared up that you can't protect me." She didn't understand why he wanted to protect a girl he just met. " Why?" She couldn't wrap her head around why he would even want to. His next question surprised her a little, if she was frighten of him. She looked up at him, looking at his eyes threw his sunglasses to answer his question. " No...You don't." She said before shifting her body a little. " If anything it is the opposite. After what happened last night I am sure any other girl would of just ran out of the cafe and that be the end of it." She glanced to the side for a moment, thinking over what she was going to say next before looking back at Erik. " You make me feel safe but at the same time scared. Not scared but scared of myself because you seem to know more about me then anyone has in my whole life..." Lily explained to Erik.
Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 5:59 pm
Erik Leifton "Call me what you will, I'm still here to protect you." ☽ XXXX Erik diverted his attention from her as she questioned his motive. He looked away from her inquisitive eyes and instead looked around the park. Frankly he didn't have an answer at least not one he understood. "Instinct I guess." He said before grimacing at his flippant answer and continued with a true answer. "I don't know Lily, I just want to keep you safe." he admitted and turned to look back at her grey blue eyes. XXXX The young man let a half smile grace his features as she confirmed his thoughts. He was expecting more fear but he was pleasantly surprised. Looking back at her for a moment he ruffled his hair. "Sorry about that. Told you I'm observant." He said with a shrug. Thinking for a moment he shifted lightly and noted the change in the sun's position. Erik shrugged "I'm sure you want to get home and change. But would you like to meet up tonight? Say around 6? I'd like to get to know you the right way, not the creepy stalker way. Not to mention gives you a chance to know me right? Seeing as I might be stalking you from now on." He said trying to lighten the conversation with a slight joke. Normally he didn't care about his poor social skills, but he would try for her. XXXX☾
Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 8:07 pm
Lily Grey "Everything is here for a purpose. Mine was to meet you." He didn't know why he wanted to protect her? " Its not like people are after me or anything Erik." At least she hoped not as she did not want to be found. It was weird hearing someone say that they wanted to keep her safe. She never heard anyone say those words to her and she didn't know how to feel about it. Another thing to wonder was if he really meant it. From all she had been threw she knew people lie over and over again. Lily gave Erik a shrug as he said he was observant. " It's fine." She said with a smile before blinking a little confused as he asked if she wanted to meet up here at six. After telling what he knew about her already he still wanted to see her and get to know her. " You know that I am what some would say is damage and you still want to get to know me?" She asked softly, looking at the ground. She did want to know more about him but she didn't want him to know more about her. She knew how this would go, just like anyone else. They find out she is labeled as "crazy" and leave. This is why she didn't bother didn't getting close because the same thing happened all the time. Though, it was better to ge it over and done with right? " Here at six right? I will be here." Lily gave Erik a weak smile before putting on her head phones once more and took off running.