Kitsune Ketz Kwineight Captain
Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 8:09 pm
@JK: Haha, the masturbation dreams actually aren't frustrating; quite nice, on the contrary... except half the time it seems like someone in dream world always walks in on me before I can finish. XD;;;;; Then it's frustrating.
@Hawk: I honestly can't remember a time where I dreamed about having sex with someone (besides me being in a character's body when they did), though I have dreamed of taking showers/baths with others or groping and such, with both male and female. What's weird though is usually it's with friends I do not consider myself at all attracted to. It's almost more like my subconscious telling me that these are the few people in my life I'm comfortable enough to do something so private with. XD;; All in all though, I've never been bothered by any sort of nudity. And this was confirmed for certain when I took life drawing.
@JK: Then every puppy in the world would be dead. Oooooh, snap.
Just out of curiosity, why did you only see one episode of Bleach? Was it just circumstances, or did you hate it? XD I've been considering getting into it.
I don't think I've ever died in a dream. I get in death situations a lot, but I always manage to get through them and persevere, or at least wake up before I can be killed. I'm definitely more of a fighter in my dreams than in real life. XD I remember one time there was a crazed gunman chasing my friends and me, and an officer came to save us, but the gunman incapacitated him and was gonna kill him, so I ran out and fought him with no weapons. I'm damn crazy in my dreams, but it always ends up working, and I survive.
I don't think I ever try to repress my subconscious; I encourage myself to remember as many dreams as possible and let them go crazy. I feel it's worth it, even with the occasional horrible nightmares, in exchange for all of the opportunities I get; to fly, to save the day, to find a bunch of awesome stuff for really cheap, to be in the life of an anime character... I've had entire roleplays and characters created from my dreams. I could never try to not remember them.
@Hawk: I don't get that many awesome abilities. XD And I always only have one or two per dream. But from what I can remember, I can fly (by flapping my arms like a retarded, wingless bird), float over the ground for a short amount of time (like Princess Peach), I can run really fast without getting tired (this is a big deal for me, as someone who has never been able to run at all due to asthma; it feels amazing), I'm good at fighting (not like super strong or acrobatic; just good at fighting in like, the sense that Jounouchi and Honda are), and can also (coincidentally) do Sailor Moon attacks, though I have to shout them in Japanese and they're invisible, and because they're invisible, some people don't believe they exist and don't get damaged by them. XD;; Also, if I find myself in the life of a video game or whatever character, I get their abilities.
@JK: I'm certain my dreams have a lot of dialogue. Entire scripts, really. I've even heard original poetry and songs in my dreams, and have made up things like a disease called "Blueginner's Drug." XD;;
Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 8:14 pm
OH! That reminds me of ANOTHER dream. ~head-desks~
I had a dream that sounded like me singing "Return to the Sea" from Mermaid Melody, and a robot was singing in my voice. It was an orange robot. Anyway, at the end of the dream Malik came in and kissed me. Then after that I dreamed that I was clinging to Marik's arm.
Yes, I suppose I dream about them more than I realize, but obviously it isn't enough.
EDIT: Oh, yes, I often dream these scenarios where I'm showering with multiple people in a shower room. It's normal for me to dream that, probably because I'm so paranoid I don't even feel comfortable showering alone sometimes. But yes, I do shower alone, what with *cultural expectations and all. XP
*=I went to Japan and it's normal in some circumstances to bathe in a room full of naked people, sometimes unisex rooms but mostly same sex. Despite this, I've had dreams of showering in rooms with other people years before I ever went to Japan. I consider these dreams, because they're fun. xD But a real dream has Malik or Marik in them.
Yes, because Marik being in a dream is obnoxiously a good thing. [/fail]
JuokasKurvas Vice Captain
Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 8:17 pm
Haha, I guess because I want the sex dreams to relieve some of the frustration in terms of being unable to have who I want in real life, so being further denied that in the dream world would probably sadden me. OH HORROR! I've just been reminded of a sex dream I wanted to repress when you talked about people who appear. Oh God, OH NO NO NO!! AHH, BRAIN BURNING, GO AWAY!! Ugh, I have no idea where that one dream came from, I'd really really like it to go be buried again now. I could not follow the episode at all, so I was bored, and it didn't make me want to watch more. I have lots of friends who like it, so I wouldn't take that as a reason not to get into it. Maybe it was just a really bad episode. However being unable to follow it at all, and finding nothing that drew me to any character particular, didn't really draw me in enough to go back. Like FMA which hooked me after one episode, and Inuyasha. Both of those are series I started in the middle, and neither left me anywhere near as lost as Bleach did. But again, I have only seen one episode, and maybe if you watch it from the beginning it won't be confusing (I think I'd only been giving it a chance because it played around FMA or something else I was watching on Adult Swim). The concept (from what I know) is no draw to me either, so yea, if I had endless free time maybe I'd give it another shot, but I don't, so I probably won't. I'm definitely more of a fighter as well, I think I only died the one time, every other time I woke up before I died. I like to hypothesize about all the things that could be wrong with me, all those theories on if you die in a dream you die in real life (obviously not - although maybe part of me did. sweatdrop ). I don't like to deal with feelings, and hey when I remember dreams I really try to remember them. But I don't think my subconscious easily wants to deal with what I don't even consciously want to deal with. Dialogue is always the first thing to go for me, after waking up from a dream, it's always the hardest part to recall (if I even can at all). Which is probably what makes my dreams so hard to reconstruct later. EDIT I'm pretty comfortable in real life with nudity. Swim team + assorted pool jobs will do that to you. razz
Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 8:28 pm
@JK: Try being raped by a dog in a dream. Do you realize how scarring that is? emo My subconscious believes in bestiality. I don't think it's a very nice subconscious. It also believes in incest and I'm fairly certain it believes in necrophilia too. Oh, it also believes in *****. burning_eyes
My subconscious lives and feeds on my torment, which is probably a reason for me going to Hell so much lately.
But seriously, I'm unable to have who I want in real life, because he's a drawing, so my subconscious definitely wants me to be miserable. At the same time, it also thinks I'm a lesbian.
I actually remembered earlier that one of my OCs had sex with Jounouchi. That OC is a lesbian and Jounouchi isn't her type. XP
I have no problem with my subconscious accusing me of being a lesbian, but...I really want some Malik goodness too ;____;
JuokasKurvas Vice Captain
Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 9:07 pm
I would not enjoy any of the above no. Although generally dreams are stand in, so your subconscious probably doesn't really believe in bestiality, more like it believes in something so horrible it could only convey it through dog rape. Which I suppose is not a cheery thought at all. *is shot*
Maybe it's not telling you you are a lesbian, maybe it's just saying you have uncomfortable and problematic relationships with men, and only feel safe with women. I don't know, dream interpretation isn't my forte, but I'd never take a dream at face value.
I don't know if it would be worse to want a drawing, I mean part of why I won't move on is because there is a part of me that knows that there is some possibility of getting what I want, just because it is physically possible, and it makes me cling. For me realizing the impossible makes it easier to let go, there's gotta be hope for obsession to bred with me.
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:57 pm
@Hawk: The bathing with others is one of the things that scares me most about going to Japan, but I figure it won't happen anyway since I'll be on a college campus with a bunch of other US students. XD;; I don't mind it in dreams, but in real life, no. I'm one of those stupid people who's all, "Oh! Nothing wrong with nudity! I don't care how you look or any of that, because all bodies are beautiful! Oh, wait, you want me to show you my body? Um... no, that's okay. Mine doesn't count."
I think I tend to separate sex and romance too much in my own head. Sex is more about pleasure for me, and romance about a loving bond. I want both, and I think they should go together because I could only trust someone I'm in a romantic relationship with to do something so private with, but since masturbation is already private, it doesn't seem like it's missing out to me. It's just the pleasure part that I'm looking for in that case; the romance I miss more when I'm thinking of certain people rather than sexual scenarios. XD;;
Ghh, don't you hate those horrid dreams you just wanna forget? I once dreamt that I was an Avatar (Last Airbender) character, and I was spying on another character and he was being banged by an ostrich... and then the character I was in the body of, her brother came over and started spying with me. We just kind of stared in horror and confusion, it was so weird. XD
Ah, got it. I thought you had actually tried to just start the series with the first episode, but if you start in the middle of Bleach, pft, yeah, good luck. I have friends who are into it, and they talk about new stuff all the time and I cannot follow it at all, even though I could with other series just by hearing about them.
The most difficult things I have to recall in dreams are transitions. Like how we got from one part of the dream to the next, they always just seem to be a blank, yet the two 'dreams' I'm thinking of have the same feel to them so... I know they continued off each other somehow...
@Hawk: Somehow... Jounouchi having sex with a lesbian... I don't even know what to think of that. XD It just cracks me up for some reason, like it would be the most awkward sex ever.
@JK: Yeah, I generally try to figure out what means what in dreams based on generalizations on what common dreams usually mean. It's almost always something that you wouldn't think of right away, but makes sense once you do think of it. Like if you dream about changing or using the restroom and people keep trying to walk in, it's not so much you think you're being followed by a bunch of creepers, but rather you feel people are barging into your private life too much. And like people who dream about losing teeth, it's because they're worried about their looks. The lesbian thing showing a greater trust in women would make sense to me.
I think I become too attached to characters as forms of entertainment and art... like something I feel attachment to through overdone emotions and analysis that I would never go that deep on for a real person, so because I become attached to them in such a deep, I'm totally invading their life way, I see them more as beloved pets than potential romantic partners. I think I Sued over Brock because my friend was into James and I wanted to be into a character too when I was little, but I don't think I've ever actually felt real attraction (eye candy and sexiness doesn't count) to animated characters. It just doesn't seem as real as actual people I've felt attracted to.
And well, yes, real people also give you hope of possibility, but that hope can also just end up dragging you along forever... like I guess it makes the obsession seem more justified, which can make it more dangerous. I should learn not to focus on hope so much. >_<
Kitsune Ketz Kwineight Captain
JuokasKurvas Vice Captain
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 11:23 pm
Hahaha, I totally understand the "nothing is wrong with nudity but don't look at me!" It's not exactly where I'm at, but hey, as long as you are on the nothing is wrong, regardless of where you feel you want to display your own then I think that's cool. I just don't think people should be so uptight and repressed and judgmental of people for their nudity, but that doesn't mean I feel all or even most should go bare all.
I also think of them as separate entities, I mean yes I know that they can be important to each other, and that unless one is asexual it would be ludicrous to deny sexuality as a contributing factor to a romantic relationship, but I definitely don't bind them so tightly, permanently together that I confuse them for one. Again back to the judgment issue. I'm all about happiness, and as long as you are honest and not hurting anyone else, pretty much anything goes as far as I'm concerned. Just whatever works on a personal (and if it needs to be considered couple) level.
Yea I feel that way too, and that's what kind of turns me off from Bleach. I mean complexity is nice, but it's just, if a series is going to be a lot of work the complex plot better be to my tastes, and that really isn't my taste. Especially with a long series that I probably won't have time for in any one go, I need it to be easier to jump in and out of then Bleach would be.
Have you seen Inception? Hehe, just made me think of that, they have all these segments on, "do you want to test if this is a dream, ok, do you remember how you got here?" It's in knowing they have no idea how they got there, how they transitioned, that they realize it's a dream. So yea, that's not exclusive to you, that's exclusive to dreams. But it's always something I think about, wondering which of my dreams are connected, and why I'm sure some are and also certain some aren't, even though transitions don't exist and I can't really know. I wonder if transitions even exist at all, it's not like they are a necessity to dream logic.
I don't think I've felt physical attraction either. Mental yes, physical no. But yea, I don't know if pet is the right analogy I have, but they aren't connected to real life for me.
Hear hear! Haha, oh man how I hear that. The wonderment and hope makes it so hard to want to let go and move on, been stuck in that for awhile now. I'm choosing to not even try to fight it a bit longer though, I will eventually be trying to make efforts to move on though. It's just for now I don't want to move anywhere anyhow, I don't have time, so I suppose the cling at least keeps me from going somewhere that on an intellectual scale I don't want to be right now (and for me, it's always about the mental not the emotional if I can help it).
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:05 am
@Both: I thought it was normal to go in there naked since everyone was doing it, but as an American, I did have to stare a little. I mean, it's a cultural thing. Americans just don't do that. Perhaps I was willing to do it because it seemed like such a trivial thing to freak out over when I needed a shower. My argument was turned against me by my group considering I didn't try most of Japan's food. x_x
But I think that pales in comparison to the fact I could choose my food, but not when I shower. The hotel had a thing about showers only being up at night, plus there was a curfew. Everyone complained about the beds too like it was such a big deal. They said the sheets were all dirty. Yes, I had my share of complaints, but I think they were quite justified (I was later put on crutches).
I barely got to the hospital in Shinjuku. I was limping and it got worse when I was there at the hospital. Then my group complained that I wasn't using the crutches right, so therefore I couldn't have been injured. Bullshit. They constantly complained about me like I was the worst thing to ever happen to them.
JuokasKurvas Vice Captain
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:40 pm
I'd probably stare too, but I kinda do that in general. I watch people, and the more unusual the experience the more I watch. But yea it's not necessarily done in America, but it is necessarily done in sports - bathing together. I mean it's showers not baths, but yes I have had communal bathing experiences. I guess my dorm freshmen year didn't believe in curtains that covered the entire shower, so that was slightly communal as well, if someone wanted to glance to the side, hehe.
Japan is somewhere I would definitely want to go to food, unlike the countries I have been to (England, Ireland, Scotland and France). In France I ate a lot of Greek and Italian food, also countries I'd want to go to to eat. I have a lot of friends who dislike Japanese food though. I also have my brother who "dislikes" sushi, yet eats it anyhow when it's what I pick for my birthday or something, and does not seem to be tortured. Silly boy.
Curfew would bother me (was it because of your age or just general for all?) greatly, as would dirty beds I have to say. However I shower at night because I don't like to go to bed dirty (hence having a problem with the sheets) so that one wouldn't make my list of complaints.
That sucks, how did you end up getting hurt?
Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 5:31 pm
I over-burdened my muscles. It wasn't broken, but it was greatly overworked, therefore making me unable to walk. My group was very uncooperative whenever I wanted to go back. We had been out all day and it was about 7, so I'd beg to go back to the hotel and they'd b***h at me about how early it was.
JuokasKurvas Vice Captain
Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 12:03 am
It sucks, being injured or whatnot on a trip. Haven't been in your situation, but went to Disney World with a group including a girl who was hearing impaired once, so she had a really hard time with places that had loud noises (because it'd just be uncomfortable decibels that she couldn't decipher anyhow). It's generally just not fun on all sides, people wanting to make a most out of a trip, but someone physically is not able and it's just painful to them. On my trip we just broke the group in parts and rotated who did what so that everyone could be pretty happy, but if you weren't allowed to break the group or nobody wanted to make the compromise I imagine that would be very strained. How early was that curfew? At least they couldn't keep you out too late I hope.
Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 11:24 pm
@JK: Yeah, I don't necessarily think people should be walking around naked, but I wish it wasn't seen as so horrible and needing to be censored as it is... like horrible violence or disgusting bodily secretions aren't censored, yet nudity always is.
Yeah, I think that's why I haven't really gotten into Bleach either.
And yes I've seen Inception. XD I wasn't really thinking about that back in my last post, but yeah, those totally are similar. I knew dream transitions were often foggy, but I guess I'm just saying that is the most foggy thing to me in my dreams.
Yeah, I'm in a similar situation... though I did try twice to move on, and one just kind of ended up not happening, and the other ended with me in tears. Twice. I'm not someone who cries very often, so I just decided it wasn't worth it to keep trying. Maybe one day it will come easier.
@Hawk: I don't think I'd be able to stare... I'd be afraid people would notice, and then stare at me in return. Not like I haven't seen nudity before anyway.
@JK: I like Japanese style food, like the way they prepare food and such... I just don't like seafood. So that automatically crosses a large portion of what they eat off my list.
Aaaanyway, on topic! I had a Yuugiou dream last night. Wasn't too great of one, but I figured it had a place in this thread. It was like there was this evil cat who was after Jounouchi, and it was planning a way to kill him or something. It ended up disguising itself as a student at Domino High, and Jounouchi and Anzu were the only ones who suspected it. Because of this, the cat convinced them to buy these poisoned drinks in the cafeteria, and they ended up getting all sick and out of it. I think there was also a point where the cat had possessed Yuugi, and Jounouchi was trying to save him. It was pretty random. XD
Kitsune Ketz Kwineight Captain
JuokasKurvas Vice Captain
Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 5:41 pm
Seriously. Genitals should not have a higher censor rating than decapitation.
Well it would be the most foggy thing, but it is interesting, especially with repeated dreams or dreams you fall in and out of.
Japanese is one of the main ways I can eat a lot of seafood, because most of what I dislike about fish is the flavor and they have a lot of great sauces and spices and such and such. I really like shellfish and salmon and calamari (and canned tuna), but other than salmon I don't like most fish fish. But I'm cool with almost anything in a lot of Japanese dishes, especially sushi, although I do prefer maki to most nigiri (though there is some I just really love, when I have it, I should do a better job of remembering them rather than stumbling on them).
Oh right this is a dream thread, a YGO dream thread, haha. Aww, I love cats, though poor poisoned main characters. Sounds to me like the cat was winning. I had a long convoluted dream last night that had nothing to do with YGO, the only part I really remember my friend and his brother were in my kitchen making about 30 ears of corn in boiling vats of bacon broth. Smelled delicious (also, one of the few times I really recall smelling in a dream - I realize I remember one other instance, but yea, it's a rare sense for me in the dream world).
Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 5:46 pm
In my dream last night, some dude was stuffing Easter eggs into my mouth. You know those crunchy chocolate Easter eggs? Those. Also, something about live action Sailor Moon and Barney. I was horribly scarred. >.<