Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 3:38 pm
(^__^ Why thank you! o-o they should! Birthdays are important! -_-. Mom won't let me miss school. I have school and work on my birthday. LOSERTARDEDNESS!)
Elryn felt himself being grabbed up by the body he'd inhabited for so many years. He yelped as he was given noogies before letting out a barking laugh. "Never, cousin!" Elryn squirmed in Dimitri's grasp, still laughing as he attempted to lick Dimitri's hand with his slobber-covered tongue playfully.
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 3:51 pm
((NO FAIR, I declare!!!!))
"Say uncle or I'll take you to the pool!" Dimitri threatened playfully. He knew if he tossed Elryn in, his canine instincts would kick in and he'd be fine. But the threat was still fun.
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:33 pm
(Haha! That rhymes! It reminded me of Dr. Seuss stuff!)
Elryn whined, squirming in Dimitri's grasp. "Don't be mean! It's not fair picking on me cause I'm small and adorable and you're gigantic and..you-..able!" he couldn't remember the last time he'd had so much fun. Not since before the damned Switcheroo had been made, that was for sure. Elryn adored his cousin, and anytime spent with him made Elryn burst with love and happiness.
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 10:34 pm
((haha! That's kinda what I was going for cool And WOOT after midnight here, so officially ~HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!~))
Dimitri laughed and let him go. "Fine...but I know someone who isn't so...small," he said, though he completely thought they were adorable. A sneaky grin crossed his face before he lunged at Derrick and tackled him to the bed. "Double team!" he called, so Elryn would lick the other's face, while he began to tickle Derrick.
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 10:59 pm
(YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Tacklez/Hugglez* Thankiez Lace! ^___^ *happy dancez*)
Derrick blinked in surprise as Dimitri lunged at him and then tackled him to the bed. He burst out laughing, squirming under Dimitri's hands. "Ahh! Cheater!" he said through his laughter and wide grin.
Elryn barked triumphantly and began giving doggy kisses all over the squirming, laughing Derrick.
Giamonde watched, wishing he could join in. But even if he had a human form, he would only spoil Derrick's fun by being present. So he kept silent and smiled turtleishly as he watched.
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 11:03 pm
((I think my new status is the best I've ever had xd *huggles**huggles**huggles**huggles**huggles**huggles*))
"Cheater?" Dimitri said with a sly grin. He placed himself on top of Derrick, stradling him, so he could tickle him harder. "Give in!!!!" he demanded playfully. "I can go for hours if you don't give!!!!" he teased, laughing hard.
Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 3:34 pm
(YAY! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! *BEAR HUGGLEZ* YOU ARE SOOOOO AWESOME! *loves my gift too* It's exactly like something I would wear in non-gaia life too! YOU ROCK!!!!!!!! <33333333333)
Derrick laughed harder as he was straddled and tickled harder. "I will never give in!" he announced triumphantly through his laughter.
Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 3:43 pm
((Yay! I kinda thought that, too! I got one of my best friends a gwee plushie for Christmas, both on Gaia and for real...lol))
Dimitri laughed almost as hard as Derrick was as he tickled the other. "Oh, yes you will!" he said determinately ((?)) as he tickled his stomach with one hand, and behind his knee with the other. "El, go for the neck, right by the ear!" he said, knowing that was one of Derrick's extremely ticklish spots when it came to doggie kisses.
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 10:18 am
(O-o that is..copy snarkism!)
Derrick continued laughing, and at telling Elryn to tickle there, he wailed playfully, "Noooo!"
Elryn grinned and went to the spot, licking it and nuzzling it as Derrick laughed on.
Derrick continued squirming, "I'll never surrender, kibble-breath!" he said through his laughter.
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 10:29 am
((hehe...she about when crazy when she opened the box, too. I just wish I coulda been there sad ))
"It isn't nice to talk about yourself like that!" Dimitri teased back. He continued tickling relelntlessly. "You will surrender!!!" he continued to tease.
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 3:29 pm
(o-O how do you know she went crazy?)
Derrick was laughing and finally he moved his arms to catch the other, pulling Dimitri down into a tight hug. "Muwaha! I've got you now, furball!" he said as he gave the other a playful noogie while Elryn barked excitedly, made happy by all the play.
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 4:59 pm
((She called me when the box got to her apartment))
Dimitri liked the feeling of being held tight like that, but when the noogies started, he squirmed. "Augh!" he cried out, chuckling. "I'm gonna get you now!" he said, trying to get free.
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 8:57 pm
(Awwwwwwww ^___^ That's so cute! You brightened her day with fluffy hearts and polka spots galore!)
Derrick grinned, "Yeah. You and what army, mutt?" he said affectionately as he hugged the other again, tilting so that they were both on their sides as he hugged the other and pressed his forehead against Dimitri's as he grinned at the other. "We're going to have to do this more often. I don't remember that last time I laughed so hard." he said with a chuckle.
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 9:52 pm
(( rofl @ your siggy!!!))
Dimitri eskimo kissed Derrick without thinking, as they were so close. "I agree," he said warmly. "And now that I'm back to my old self, there's nothing stopping us."
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 10:33 pm
(^__^ Why thank you! I was searching funny quotes on photobucket..and whhoop! I struck gold! Muwahah! O-o it makes me wonder what Inuyasha would actually do if he met Barney..especially if Barney was singing..o-o)
Derrick smiled at the eskimo kiss, feeling his heart warm a little at the gesture. Other than little doggy eskimo kisses, which he'd always adored, he'd never been eskimo kissed before. "Uh oh..Rowdy off his leash..whatever will I do?" he asked playfully, knowing he'd rarely ever if ever made the other wear a leash. Only when the drat-ratted cops were being jerks about it.